Here I Am, Like It Or Not

i really think we should consider a more apporiate group to be the damned welcome wagon....i swear...yall are like a bunch of ...*thinking* well yall just know what you are....this guy could be teh one who turns it all around...he really could have the solutions to all our problems...(my main problem being that manie posted a granny clampett pic and said it was me, long story) now where was i....o yea he could be the answer....we all know his narrow minded ass is a conservative ring winger...what more can be said


Would you put that into English, dear? It's the only language that I speak.

you'll have to give bones a break
and just wait till you get to know her style


Roger that; will do; thanks for the tip.


I don't use a verticle scale, per se; but, rather, a diagonal ascention based on the merits of the individual as directly related to that person's ability to represent his, or her, race, as determined by the qualifications of that race to produce an individual who is best qualified to represent that race in competition socially and politically with the remainder of humanity. It really is pretty much a black-and-white issue based on that determination.


wow all that time spent in institutionalized environments really did a number on you didn't it ...Mr reallycornery


I never found anything about the US Army or the Calif. Dept. of Corrections institutionalizing; indeed, I spent most of my time lampooning both every chance I got, which was often.


Yes, I see that whole "welfare thing you spoke of.. just you, the unwed mothers and would be criminals yuking it up...sweet
Hi, Y'all ~

ReallyOrnery is my nickname and I try to live up to it . Having spent ten years in the US Army, eight years as staff with the Calif. Dept. of Corrections and a couple of years working private security, I tend to view life issues as either right or wrong -- with very few shades of gray in between.

Politically, I am a serious conservative -- but never confuse me with a Republican; those boys and girls are too wishywashy for me. I hold the US Constitution as the Law of The Land as it was written and intended by the Founding Fathers of this great nation. If the congress passes any so-called law that violates that document, it is considered null and void and I do my best to violate it at every opportunity.

On social matters, I have been called a racist because I don't buy into alll the nonsense about equality of race and gender. For instance, if a Black man refuses to work, I say let him starve; the same goes for a Red, Yellow, Brown and, in a few cases, a White man. A woman's place is in the home taking care of her husband and children. Illegal aliens should be branded and repatrioted the first time they are caught; shot and buried the second time.

It is my hope that we can be friends and discuss relevant issues as adults. I will do my best to respect your opinions -- no matter how childish or asinine they may be. However, if there should arise any disagreement between what you think and what I know to be right and proper, God is on my side, which makes you wrong from the git-go.

Lastly, and this is important, so pay attention: I can throw male bovine feces father than anyone I have ever known -- which includes this message. :lol:


welcome! you sound so familiar to other ornery folk I know! :)
Hi, Y'all ~

ReallyOrnery is my nickname and I try to live up to it . Having spent ten years in the US Army, eight years as staff with the Calif. Dept. of Corrections and a couple of years working private security, I tend to view life issues as either right or wrong -- with very few shades of gray in between.

Politically, I am a serious conservative -- but never confuse me with a Republican; those boys and girls are too wishywashy for me. I hold the US Constitution as the Law of The Land as it was written and intended by the Founding Fathers of this great nation. If the congress passes any so-called law that violates that document, it is considered null and void and I do my best to violate it at every opportunity.

On social matters, I have been called a racist because I don't buy into alll the nonsense about equality of race and gender. For instance, if a Black man refuses to work, I say let him starve; the same goes for a Red, Yellow, Brown and, in a few cases, a White man. A woman's place is in the home taking care of her husband and children. Illegal aliens should be branded and repatrioted the first time they are caught; shot and buried the second time.

It is my hope that we can be friends and discuss relevant issues as adults. I will do my best to respect your opinions -- no matter how childish or asinine they may be. However, if there should arise any disagreement between what you think and what I know to be right and proper, God is on my side, which makes you wrong from the git-go.

Lastly, and this is important, so pay attention: I can throw male bovine feces father than anyone I have ever known -- which includes this message. :lol:


You talk the talk ....
Yah... but do you have a sense of humor..

You must spend a lot of time violating null and void so-called laws that Congress passes..

Well.. we do need some more whoop ass around here.. So.. welcome..

Lumpy 1:

Thanks for the welcome.

I have a wonderful sense of humor. Unfortunately, most nicks don't appreciate it.

Actually, disobeying unConstitutional laws take no time at all.

"Whoop ass" was my second choice for an Internet nickname.


I liked the response .. I'm thinking doubly welcome...:clap2:

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i really think we should consider a more apporiate group to be the damned welcome wagon....i swear...yall are like a bunch of ...*thinking* well yall just know what you are....this guy could be teh one who turns it all around...he really could have the solutions to all our problems...(my main problem being that manie posted a granny clampett pic and said it was me, long story) now where was i....o yea he could be the answer....we all know his narrow minded ass is a conservative ring winger...what more can be said


Would you put that into English, dear? It's the only language that I speak.


Translation: Know your role and shut your mouth, noob. You got a twim named Mal or what?
Hi, Y'all ~

ReallyOrnery is my nickname and I try to live up to it . Having spent ten years in the US Army, eight years as staff with the Calif. Dept. of Corrections and a couple of years working private security, I tend to view life issues as either right or wrong -- with very few shades of gray in between.

Politically, I am a serious conservative -- but never confuse me with a Republican; those boys and girls are too wishywashy for me. I hold the US Constitution as the Law of The Land as it was written and intended by the Founding Fathers of this great nation. If the congress passes any so-called law that violates that document, it is considered null and void and I do my best to violate it at every opportunity.

On social matters, I have been called a racist because I don't buy into alll the nonsense about equality of race and gender. For instance, if a Black man refuses to work, I say let him starve; the same goes for a Red, Yellow, Brown and, in a few cases, a White man. A woman's place is in the home taking care of her husband and children. Illegal aliens should be branded and repatrioted the first time they are caught; shot and buried the second time.

It is my hope that we can be friends and discuss relevant issues as adults. I will do my best to respect your opinions -- no matter how childish or asinine they may be. However, if there should arise any disagreement between what you think and what I know to be right and proper, God is on my side, which makes you wrong from the git-go.

Lastly, and this is important, so pay attention: I can throw male bovine feces father than anyone I have ever known -- which includes this message. :lol:


:salute::salute: :booze: lol


  • $welcome.png
    22.1 KB · Views: 54
staying in the army for ten years implies an early intention to retire on 20. Is there an interesting reason for the about face?

Only eight years with california correction? Anything interesting to tell about that?


There isn't anything interesting (exciting?) about either event.

I got tired of seeing the us army become an extension of the welfare system for unwed & pregnant women, as well as for males who should have otherwise spent their entire lives
occupying prison cells.

The calif. Dept. Of corrections retired me because of a serious physical injury i sustained to my neck while responding to an alarm at the facility where i worked in california.

As i said, there is nothing interesting about either event.


I thought servicemen and woman were all brave and true, sacrificing for their country.. Interesting..


I was pure mercenary in the army and the Calif. Dept. of Corrections (CDC). Yeah, if I was killed, the insurance would take care of my family. But as long as I lived, my pay cheque would do the same thing.

Brave and true? Yes, most definitely. But sacrificing for my nation or state --> ROTFLMRO! I'm a realist. I put my life on the line for money. I had to feed myself and my familty; it was as simple as that.

I lost my idealism when I first enlisted in the army in 1967. As a pad chief for battle field tactical nuclear missiles (Pershings), I quickly learned that the "for God and Country" nonsense was just that --> Male Bovine Feces (MBF)! Everybody was in it for the money.

Was I willing to die for principle? Sure, as long as my wife and child got the benefits of my insurance premiums; otherwise, I would have been a prison guard (oops, I was).

I am 62 years of age and I have never met man or woman who were not mercenaries, irrespective of their rationalizations for risking their lives. They, we -- I, did it for the money.

Does that shock you? Welcome to reality.

wow all that time spent in institutionalized environments really did a number on you didn't it ...Mr reallycornery


I never found anything about the US Army or the Calif. Dept. of Corrections institutionalizing; indeed, I spent most of my time lampooning both every chance I got, which was often.


Yes, I see that whole "welfare thing you spoke of.. just you, the unwed mothers and would be criminals yuking it up...sweet


I've never been on wefare, and sluts and criminals don't deserve it.

i really think we should consider a more apporiate group to be the damned welcome wagon....i swear...yall are like a bunch of ...*thinking* well yall just know what you are....this guy could be teh one who turns it all around...he really could have the solutions to all our problems...(my main problem being that manie posted a granny clampett pic and said it was me, long story) now where was i....o yea he could be the answer....we all know his narrow minded ass is a conservative ring winger...what more can be said


Would you put that into English, dear? It's the only language that I speak.


Translation: Know your role and shut your mouth, noob. You got a twim named Mal or what?


Role, as in function, part, character, title role, cameo, bit part, impersonation, performance, presentation, acting, lines, characterization, guise, capacity, position, office, task, use, purpose? Please, try to be a wee bit more percise with the language; okay?.

One need not speak when one is typing.

What is a Mal; indeed, what is a noob?


Would you put that into English, dear? It's the only language that I speak.


Translation: Know your role and shut your mouth, noob. You got a twim named Mal or what?


Role, as in function, part, character, title role, cameo, bit part, impersonation, performance, presentation, acting, lines, characterization, guise, capacity, position, office, task, use, purpose? Please, try to be a wee bit more percise with the language; okay?.

One need not speak when one is typing.

What is a Mal; indeed, what is a noob?

being here, like it or not, I just have to ask...

how many languages would you understand 'go fuck yourself' in?
Hi, Y'all ~

ReallyOrnery is my nickname and I try to live up to it . Having spent ten years in the US Army, eight years as staff with the Calif. Dept. of Corrections and a couple of years working private security, I tend to view life issues as either right or wrong -- with very few shades of gray in between.

Politically, I am a serious conservative -- but never confuse me with a Republican; those boys and girls are too wishywashy for me. I hold the US Constitution as the Law of The Land as it was written and intended by the Founding Fathers of this great nation. If the congress passes any so-called law that violates that document, it is considered null and void and I do my best to violate it at every opportunity.

On social matters, I have been called a racist because I don't buy into alll the nonsense about equality of race and gender. For instance, if a Black man refuses to work, I say let him starve; the same goes for a Red, Yellow, Brown and, in a few cases, a White man. A woman's place is in the home taking care of her husband and children. Illegal aliens should be branded and repatrioted the first time they are caught; shot and buried the second time.

It is my hope that we can be friends and discuss relevant issues as adults. I will do my best to respect your opinions -- no matter how childish or asinine they may be. However, if there should arise any disagreement between what you think and what I know to be right and proper, God is on my side, which makes you wrong from the git-go.

Lastly, and this is important, so pay attention: I can throw male bovine feces father than anyone I have ever known -- which includes this message. :lol:


You talk the talk ....


Because I have walked the walk.


I never found anything about the US Army or the Calif. Dept. of Corrections institutionalizing; indeed, I spent most of my time lampooning both every chance I got, which was often.


Yes, I see that whole "welfare thing you spoke of.. just you, the unwed mothers and would be criminals yuking it up...sweet


I've never been on wefare, and sluts and criminals don't deserve it.


I got tired of seeing the us army become an extension of the welfare system for unwed & pregnant women, as well as for males who should have otherwise spent their entire lives occupying prison cells.

I never found anything about the US Army or the Calif. Dept. of Corrections institutionalizing; indeed, I spent most of my time lampooning both every chance I got, which was often.

It seems to me someone who gets his pay from tax dollars and is lampooning
most of the time might be one of those extensions of the welfare system ..thats did you receive welfare...I mean compensation or disability for this work injury ?
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Translation: Know your role and shut your mouth, noob. You got a twim named Mal or what?


Role, as in function, part, character, title role, cameo, bit part, impersonation, performance, presentation, acting, lines, characterization, guise, capacity, position, office, task, use, purpose? Please, try to be a wee bit more percise with the language; okay?.

One need not speak when one is typing.

What is a Mal; indeed, what is a noob?

being here, like it or not, I just have to ask...

how many languages would you understand 'go fuck yourself' in?


Just one, which translates into 'eat shit and like it, fool.'


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