Here is a picture of the new wall at the Southern Border!!!

Even the Israeli military says that they cannot stop all the threats with a border wall, even if it has improvements to prevent tunnels.

Israel's barrier will not totally neutralize Gaza tunnel threat, Israeli army official says

The underground barrier that Israel is building along the Gaza border to thwart tunnels that infiltrate Israel will not fully remove the tunnel threat, a senior officer in the army’s ground forces told Haaretz.

“The barrier very significantly blocks the Hamas tunnels that penetrate into Israeli territory...but we can’t delude ourselves. It is understood today that there is no barrier that can’t be breached. We will continue to look for tunnels after the construction of the barrier in Gaza,” added the Israel Defense Forces officer, whose comments contradict the claims heard in the last few months from other senior IDF officials.
Yeah! If a wall isn't 100% effective then we should do nothing at all. More wisdom from the Demonrat Party.
Sure he would. However, Piglosi refused to fund it. There won't be any graffiti sprayed on the top, moron. The graffiti will all be along the bottom on the Mexican side:

It is funny how the racists of this country want to follow the footsteps of the only apartheid state in todays modern days.
"Apartheid state?" What a joke. It's the only state in the Middle East that treats women as equals and doesn't persecute homosexuals.
Lol but it kills non Zionists. Seize their lands and bury entire families under their homes.
You mean it kills thugs making war on it. If they don't want to die, then I suggest they stop firing rockets into Israel. It's as simple as that.

Do you also feel pity for Nazis who we killed during WW II?
As if the problem started with ti y little rockets that kill no one.
Settlers and Zionists have been slaughtering and removing palestianians since 1948, few rockets here and there are a drop in a huge sea...Israel's war machine killed thousands of civilians but I know you won't care because you go but fox tells you.
Just le me know how many UN resolutions did israhell violated....and dont start with the bull crap of how the UN is illegitimate because the US and the west created it.

And you and evangelicals dont give a rat's ass about Israel or the Jews, or you just want the prophecy to happen and for the messiah to come back so can you can slaughter those very same Jews like you did on multiple occasions before.

from last Friday's feces fling Khutbah, issa, dear?
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Also 24/7 manned machine gun guard towers would be excellent.

unlike your racist ass , thank to the decent people of Austria for helping the refugees and families seeking shelter in help in times of need

The refugees only want to repay Austrian men by raping and killing their White women and daughters. Middle Easterners are bad for White countries of European heritage. Look at Sweden. With that said, Mexican illegals and central American illegals should be not allowed in this country that our founders didn't create for them. They're animals!

I can tell you either never left your trailer trash park or you are in one of those poor fly over towns in the middle of nowhere. Rape rate in america is one of the worst in the world, fuck you even elected a pussy grabber who bragged about it...and you afraid from brown people to fuck your wife? lol GTFOH.
Oh and you better get used to it, brownies will be the majority soon....if i were you i would back to Europe.....even Europe is a melting pot, so nice place for your racist ass to thrive I guess, sorry.

And there it is again, the threat that soon whitey will be a weak poor has been in this country. So the agenda to take down whitey continues in this country eh ??

That's just to scare those who see people as shades of color and not it ?
Assume all the garbage you want to about me, it is all wrong. However, mikey deserves everything that is coming his way.

Call Mike a homo in person and you'd be in intensive-care dining through a straw.....
Not even remotely possible. I can handle myself just fine, thank you very much. However, I wasn't implying physical harm in any way. Interesting that you POTUS apologists do indeed resort to threats and physical harm. mikey is a big boy, if he dishes it out he can take it.
Not even remotely possible. I can handle myself just fine, thank you very much. However, I wasn't implying physical harm in any way. Interesting that you POTUS apologists do indeed resort to threats and physical harm. mikey is a big boy, if he dishes it out he can take it.

I bet you "handle yourself" quite a bit when your boyfriend ain't around. I don't need to "apologize" for my President....he's the best POTUS since Reagan and digging us out of the Kenyan's messes. BTW, the investigation of the plot against him has now entered Obama's WH....he may well have not only signed off on it but directed it. As for Mike, what I said goes....your graphic description of sex homo sex wouldn't end well in his presence...he wrenches on heavy equipment....forearms like Popeye....he'd squash you like a bug.
Not even remotely possible. I can handle myself just fine, thank you very much. However, I wasn't implying physical harm in any way. Interesting that you POTUS apologists do indeed resort to threats and physical harm. mikey is a big boy, if he dishes it out he can take it.

I bet you "handle yourself" quite a bit when your boyfriend ain't around. I don't need to "apologize" for my President....he's the best POTUS since Reagan and digging us out of the Kenyan's messes. BTW, the investigation of the plot against him has now entered Obama's WH....he may well have not only signed off on it but directed it. As for Mike, what I said goes....your graphic description of sex homo sex wouldn't end well in his presence...he wrenches on heavy equipment....forearms like Popeye....he'd squash you like a bug.
"I can handle myself just fine" is what I posted. No homosexuality implied in that comment. But the last of your comment is about a bully and physical harm. "he'd squash you like a bug." mikey can defend himself. He is a big boy, after all.
"I can handle myself just fine" is what I posted. No homosexuality implied in that comment. But the last of your comment is about a bully and physical harm. "he'd squash you like a bug." mikey can defend himself. He is a big boy, after all.

So you taunt him behind the safety of your keyboard. Like I said in the first place, look him up and call him a faggot to his face and see what happens. I haven't threatened you but I bet you've reported me claiming I're a know it, I know it, Mike knows it.
Also 24/7 manned machine gun guard towers would be excellent.

unlike your racist ass , thank to the decent people of Austria for helping the refugees and families seeking shelter in help in times of need

The refugees only want to repay Austrian men by raping and killing their White women and daughters. Middle Easterners are bad for White countries of European heritage. Look at Sweden. With that said, Mexican illegals and central American illegals should be not allowed in this country that our founders didn't create for them. They're animals!

I can tell you either never left your trailer trash park or you are in one of those poor fly over towns in the middle of nowhere. Rape rate in america is one of the worst in the world, fuck you even elected a pussy grabber who bragged about it...and you afraid from brown people to fuck your wife? lol GTFOH.
Oh and you better get used to it, brownies will be the majority soon....if i were you i would back to Europe.....even Europe is a melting pot, so nice place for your racist ass to thrive I guess, sorry.

And there it is again, the threat that soon whitey will be a weak poor has been in this country. So the agenda to take down whitey continues in this country eh ??

That's just to scare those who see people as shades of color and not it ?

Oh ok, so you slipped...LOL.

Excuses, excuses.
"I can handle myself just fine" is what I posted. No homosexuality implied in that comment. But the last of your comment is about a bully and physical harm. "he'd squash you like a bug." mikey can defend himself. He is a big boy, after all.

So you taunt him behind the safety of your keyboard. Like I said in the first place, look him up and call him a faggot to his face and see what happens. I haven't threatened you but I bet you've reported me claiming I're a know it, I know it, Mike knows it.

"but I bet you've reported me claiming I're a know it, I know it, Mike knows it. " I have not reported a single sole on this forum. No need to.

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