Here is a picture of the new wall at the Southern Border!!!

Also 24/7 manned machine gun guard towers would be excellent.

unlike your racist ass , thank to the decent people of Austria for helping the refugees and families seeking shelter in help in times of need

That was MARCH 2016 we have now a Patriotic Government and things have changed in this nation, we have deported that crowd in record numbers and also now in this nation our MINORITY of Leftists know to keep their filthy mouths SHUT or else.

Most were heading to better countries with better people. You are a known racist shithole.

Are you saying that these Muzzie savage "refugees" weren't trying to get into Austria before they built their fence? Who did they deport then?

Kids and women running from death and you call them names...shows what kind of POS you are.

Those women and kids will become breeders of future rapists and murderers. They are enemies of White Christians and Western society. They want White Genocide.
It makes any ex-cons living near to it feel right at home.

Nogales City Council calls on feds to remove all border razor wire in the Arizona city
Trump could not put up a solid concrete wall. It would be too embarrassing for it to be found the next day with Latino graffiti sprayed all over the top of it.
Sure he would. However, Piglosi refused to fund it. There won't be any graffiti sprayed on the top, moron. The graffiti will all be along the bottom on the Mexican side:

It is funny how the racists of this country want to follow the footsteps of the only apartheid state in todays modern days.
"Apartheid state?" What a joke. It's the only state in the Middle East that treats women as equals and doesn't persecute homosexuals.
Lol but it kills non Zionists. Seize their lands and bury entire families under their homes.
unlike your racist ass , thank to the decent people of Austria for helping the refugees and families seeking shelter in help in times of need

That was MARCH 2016 we have now a Patriotic Government and things have changed in this nation, we have deported that crowd in record numbers and also now in this nation our MINORITY of Leftists know to keep their filthy mouths SHUT or else.

Most were heading to better countries with better people. You are a known racist shithole.

Are you saying that these Muzzie savage "refugees" weren't trying to get into Austria before they built their fence? Who did they deport then?

Kids and women running from death and you call them names...shows what kind of POS you are.

Those women and kids will become breeders of future rapists and murderers. They are enemies of White Christians and Western society. They want White Genocide.

Lol white genocide ? Muslims ?
World war 1 and 2? American civil war ? Slavery? Vietnam war? Iraq invasion ? Lybia ? Afghanistan?
Let's speak about rape , does the US rape culture and pity grabbing got worse with the importation of muslims ? Pr the 15 000 deaths every year is a result of the islamic invasion ?
That was MARCH 2016 we have now a Patriotic Government and things have changed in this nation, we have deported that crowd in record numbers and also now in this nation our MINORITY of Leftists know to keep their filthy mouths SHUT or else.
Most were heading to better countries with better people. You are a known racist shithole.
Are you saying that these Muzzie savage "refugees" weren't trying to get into Austria before they built their fence? Who did they deport then?
Kids and women running from death and you call them names...shows what kind of POS you are.
Those women and kids will become breeders of future rapists and murderers. They are enemies of White Christians and Western society. They want White Genocide.
Lol white genocide ? Muslims ?
World war 1 and 2? American civil war ? Slavery? Vietnam war? Iraq invasion ? Lybia ? Afghanistan?
Let's speak about rape , does the US rape culture and pity grabbing got worse with the importation of muslims ? Pr the 15 000 deaths every year is a result of the islamic invasion ?

no ---more like the murder of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS and rape and enslavement of hundreds of millions has been the result of ISLAMIC INVASION-----try to learn some REAL HISTORY.
The weekly Khutbaa Jumaat is no learning device
here is a picture of the new wall -

beautiful ain't it ?

Trump could not put up a solid concrete wall. It would be too embarrassing for it to be found the next day with Latino graffiti sprayed all over the top of it.
Sure he would. However, Piglosi refused to fund it. There won't be any graffiti sprayed on the top, moron. The graffiti will all be along the bottom on the Mexican side:

It is funny how the racists of this country want to follow the footsteps of the only apartheid state in todays modern days.
"Apartheid state?" What a joke. It's the only state in the Middle East that treats women as equals and doesn't persecute homosexuals.
Lol but it kills non Zionists. Seize their lands and bury entire families under their homes.
You mean it kills thugs making war on it. If they don't want to die, then I suggest they stop firing rockets into Israel. It's as simple as that.

Do you also feel pity for Nazis who we killed during WW II?
Trump could not put up a solid concrete wall. It would be too embarrassing for it to be found the next day with Latino graffiti sprayed all over the top of it.
Sure he would. However, Piglosi refused to fund it. There won't be any graffiti sprayed on the top, moron. The graffiti will all be along the bottom on the Mexican side:

It is funny how the racists of this country want to follow the footsteps of the only apartheid state in todays modern days.
"Apartheid state?" What a joke. It's the only state in the Middle East that treats women as equals and doesn't persecute homosexuals.
Lol but it kills non Zionists. Seize their lands and bury entire families under their homes.
You mean it kills thugs making war on it. If they don't want to die, then I suggest they stop firing rockets into Israel. It's as simple as that.

Do you also feel pity for Nazis who we killed during WW II?

a new term "non-Zionists" I asked Issa to
define "apartheid" as he used it-----and INSTEAD he introduced the term "non-Zionists" The term KAFFIR actually means anyone who does not kiss the ass of
muhummad. "kaffir" is formed from the semitic root----kh f r the root letters for the
infinitive "to cover"----in this case more on the
side of "to deny" Kaffirin (kaffirs) who have been killed for BEING "deniers" in the
Jews, Christians, Hindus, Zoroastrians, Sikhs---and even muslim (non deniers) of the wrong
flavor. Most interestingly----those mass murders are deemed, UNDER SHARIAH law---not only legal but LAUDATORY----any resistance to those laudatory murders is----
SHIRK on the part of the 'kaffir'-----ie--an eternal sin. There is a logical explanation----
Looks like an update to the old fence that has been at that location for over a decade. Where is the wall?

What location? Surely you know since you claim you where exactly is that section of fence, Camp? Ignoring my question proves you have no idea and are a liar.
Looks like an update to the old fence that has been at that location for over a decade. Where is the wall?

What location? Surely you know since you claim you where exactly is that section of fence, Camp? Ignoring my question proves you have no idea and are a liar.
A Google image search leads to news reports featuring the image and reporting it as the 2 1/2 mile section of repaired fencing visited by President Trump in Calexico. Do you have a report of Trump visiting the fence with some other photo's being displayed showing a different section of fencing?
A Google image search leads to news reports featuring the image and reporting it as the 2 1/2 mile section of repaired fencing visited by President Trump in Calexico. Do you have a report of Trump visiting the fence with some other photo's being displayed showing a different section of fencing?

Where is the link to your claim? That fence could be anywhere between San Diego and the Gulf of where is it, Camp?
Looks like an update to the old fence that has been at that location for over a decade. Where is the wall?

What location? Surely you know since you claim you where exactly is that section of fence, Camp? Ignoring my question proves you have no idea and are a liar.
A Google image search leads to news reports featuring the image and reporting it as the 2 1/2 mile section of repaired fencing visited by President Trump in Calexico. Do you have a report of Trump visiting the fence with some other photo's being displayed showing a different section of fencing?
Post the URL. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Also 24/7 manned machine gun guard towers would be excellent.
Will you pay the cost of medical attention and suicides of guards/soldiers who man the machine guns and mow down innocents, including children.

You could make it voluntary and you'd have a two year waiting list.

If The Donald gave the order NOW then you would have EVERY Militia and a MAJORITY of retired Army Personnel ALL fully armed and on that border NOW to protect their nation from the Illegal Third Worlders.
Well then you and all POTUS Orange Cult followers need to immediately send tweets to him to make POTUS make that order. Have the fat fuck secure the border that he has you so riled up about. If you decide to use the US mail, send little stick figure drawings, he will understand that. But if you do tweet him, remember the tweet limit.
here is a picture of the new wall -
beautiful ain't it ?


What's beautiful is you never buying another firearm after threatening to shoot the President. Oh, and plan on taking one of AOC's trains on your next trip because you're on the no-fly list.
unlike your racist ass , thank to the decent people of Austria for helping the refugees and families seeking shelter in help in times of need

That was MARCH 2016 we have now a Patriotic Government and things have changed in this nation, we have deported that crowd in record numbers and also now in this nation our MINORITY of Leftists know to keep their filthy mouths SHUT or else.

Most were heading to better countries with better people. You are a known racist shithole.

Are you saying that these Muzzie savage "refugees" weren't trying to get into Austria before they built their fence? Who did they deport then?

Kids and women running from death and you call them names...shows what kind of POS you are.

Those women and kids will become breeders of future rapists and murderers. They are enemies of White Christians and Western society. They want White Genocide.

That you Alex Jones?
Looks like an update to the old fence that has been at that location for over a decade. Where is the wall?

What location? Surely you know since you claim you where exactly is that section of fence, Camp? Ignoring my question proves you have no idea and are a liar.
A Google image search leads to news reports featuring the image and reporting it as the 2 1/2 mile section of repaired fencing visited by President Trump in Calexico. Do you have a report of Trump visiting the fence with some other photo's being displayed showing a different section of fencing?
Post the URL. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
FU, just Google Trump visits the Calexico fence. Even the White House has a posting of the image.
FU, just Google Trump visits the Calexico fence. Even the White House has a posting of the image.

That's what I thought......liar. BTW did you use your I-phone to track that pic?
Looks like an update to the old fence that has been at that location for over a decade. Where is the wall?

What location? Surely you know since you claim you where exactly is that section of fence, Camp? Ignoring my question proves you have no idea and are a liar.
A Google image search leads to news reports featuring the image and reporting it as the 2 1/2 mile section of repaired fencing visited by President Trump in Calexico. Do you have a report of Trump visiting the fence with some other photo's being displayed showing a different section of fencing?
Post the URL. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
FU, just Google Trump visits the Calexico fence. Even the White House has a posting of the image.
In other words, you lied.
Well, here is a story that talks about the section of fence Trump visited in Calexico.

Standing near the barrier in Calexico, California, Trump said, "We already built a lot of it. It looks great, it's better and more effective than the previous wall and we actually can do it faster and it is less expensive."

The 30-foot, 2.25-mile-long barrier, however, is not actually part of Trump's much-hyped border wall that became his signature campaign promise during the 2016 election. Instead, the metal slats along this section of the border will replace an old fencing that was made of landing mats from the Vietnam War.


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Just checked out the new Wall on the Border - GREAT! Leaving now for L.A.

10:16 PM - 05 Apr 2019
Reply Retweet Favorite


Katie Waldman, a former spokesperson for the Department of Homeland Security, previously acknowledged that the Border Patrol first requested the project in 2009, but it languished for the entirety of the Obama administration. Trump should be given credit for making it happen now, she said.

The replacement bollard fence was funded by Congress through the fiscal year 2017 DHS Appropriations Act.

David Kim, the assistant chief patrol agent for Border Patrol’s El Centro sector, where the barrier is located, told the Desert Sun last year, when construction began, that the project shouldn’t be linked to the debate about Trump's controversial wall.

“This is a local tactical infrastructure project that was planned for quite some time,” Kim was quoted as telling the Desert Sun.

Last October, when construction on the replacement border fence was completed, construction crews welded a plaque that declared it the “first section of President Trump’s border wall.”
Looks like an update to the old fence that has been at that location for over a decade. Where is the wall?

What location? Surely you know since you claim you where exactly is that section of fence, Camp? Ignoring my question proves you have no idea and are a liar.
A Google image search leads to news reports featuring the image and reporting it as the 2 1/2 mile section of repaired fencing visited by President Trump in Calexico. Do you have a report of Trump visiting the fence with some other photo's being displayed showing a different section of fencing?
Post the URL. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
FU, just Google Trump visits the Calexico fence. Even the White House has a posting of the image.
In other words, you lied.
Did you do a search for Trump visits Calexico fence? I just did and it led me to over a dozen articles with images of the fence.

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