Here is a picture of the new wall at the Southern Border!!!

Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Also 24/7 manned machine gun guard towers would be excellent.

unlike your racist ass , thank to the decent people of Austria for helping the refugees and families seeking shelter in help in times of need

The refugees only want to repay Austrian men by raping and killing their White women and daughters. Middle Easterners are bad for White countries of European heritage. Look at Sweden. With that said, Mexican illegals and central American illegals should be not allowed in this country that our founders didn't create for them. They're animals!

We are NOT SWEDEN you non-educated low IQ Muppet Boi, you are as STUPID and NON INFORMED as Kebab Boi Issa.
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Also 24/7 manned machine gun guard towers would be excellent.

unlike your racist ass , thank to the decent people of Austria for helping the refugees and families seeking shelter in help in times of need

The refugees only want to repay Austrian men by raping and killing their White women and daughters. Middle Easterners are bad for White countries of European heritage. Look at Sweden. With that said, Mexican illegals and central American illegals should be not allowed in this country that our founders didn't create for them. They're animals!

I can tell you either never left your trailer trash park or you are in one of those poor fly over towns in the middle of nowhere. Rape rate in america is one of the worst in the world, fuck you even elected a pussy grabber who bragged about it...and you afraid from brown people to fuck your wife? lol GTFOH.
Oh and you better get used to it, brownies will be the majority soon....if i were you i would back to Europe.....even Europe is a melting pot, so nice place for your racist ass to thrive I guess, sorry.

HOLY shit! You are the quintessential example of our failed educational system. I doubt that you could benefit from a course in "English As A Second Language" at your local community if you could afford it unless they took EBT cards in exchange.

Mr. Dale Kebab Boi is Moroccan he is squatting in America a nation he obviously HATES and wants to reduce to a Third World Shit Hole.
The racists in this forum just gave me an idea, of walking out right now and going to the best taco stand in my super accepting community....i'm so glad we don't have any racist trump supporters in of the highest incomes of the nations, most educated, most green, illegals work hard and have a good living and we support them by eating their best food your hearts *****, no tacos for you lol

"The racists in this forum"

Is everyone at this forum a racist who disagrees with Open Borders for Third World Shit Holers? EXCELLENT, brothers and sisters we are called RACIST by low IQ Far Leftist Muppet Trolls like Issa, so WEAR that BADGE with HONOUR.
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Now if we could just have it electrified? Do you know how much money that would cost per year?

I thought solar and wind was free?

You think that Trump would use either of those to electrify the border? He thinks that windmills cause cancer, and he hates solar energy and says it's a waste.

And, if the border wall WAS electrified, it would cost a massive amount of money every year to keep the juice flowing.

Donald Trump Says Noise from Windmills 'Causes Cancer' — 'Idiotic,' GOP Senator Says

Although Grassley did criticize Trump, he went on to say he believed the president’s comments, which did elicit laughter from the crowd, were “tongue in cheek.”
In other words, it was a joke, dumbass.
If the MAGA crowd are kept happy and docile with smoke and mirrors...that's a good thing, isn't it?
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

I like it. They even have razor wire at the top slanted towards Mexico. Good luck getting over that fence. If they try they will get cut to ribbons.

Nice looking fence and I hope the same fence is used for the entire Southern border.

Go Trump.
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Now if we could just have it electrified? Do you know how much money that would cost per year?
Alot less than paying the annual costs they are causing that amount to $152,000,000,000.00
Wonder what the cost would be per year to go to war with the countries sending their people out for reasons of them running governmental systems that cause us and their citizens severe troubles like they do ???? If the war on Central America (if started as an option), was over quick, and the problematic government's were changed out, then everyone wins right ??
I don't believe in starting wars over terrible leadership. I figure if they can't get rid of their leaders then it's not our problem. Not to mention that Dems want to bring their refugees here after we start shooting.
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

I like it. They even have razor wire at the top slanted towards Mexico. Good luck getting over that fence. If they try they will get cut to ribbons.

Nice looking fence and I hope the same fence is used for the entire Southern border.

Go Trump.
A. That is again repair to existing wall. Pointing out the fact that maintenance will be an expense as long as you want the stupid wall to be there
You've been lied to again.

B. Wire snips. Want a pair? Got three in my garage
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

I like it. They even have razor wire at the top slanted towards Mexico. Good luck getting over that fence. If they try they will get cut to ribbons.

Nice looking fence and I hope the same fence is used for the entire Southern border.

Go Trump.
A. That is again repair to existing wall. Pointing out the fact that maintenance will be an expense as long as you want the stupid wall to be there
You've been lied to again.

B. Wire snips. Want a pair? Got three in my garage

Oh I'm sure the billions we save every year with no illegals in our country will pay for the wall and its upkeep.

You sure are a whinny little shit.
with no illegals in our country

How fucking stupid are you?

The wall...were it 100% effective (and it will not be anything close to that) will do nothing about 11 million illegals already here...nor would Big Business allow anything TO be done about them. They WANT that cheap labor.

Not that your numbers have any basis in reality but logic isn't on your side even IF your numbers were correct
The wall does need to be concrete with rebar. You could get through metal like that with a cutting wheel on a battery-powered circular saw.
Trump could not put up a solid concrete wall. It would be too embarrassing for it to be found the next day with Latino graffiti sprayed all over the top of it.
with no illegals in our country

How fucking stupid are you?

The wall...were it 100% effective (and it will not be anything close to that) will do nothing about 11 million illegals already here...nor would Big Business allow anything TO be done about them. They WANT that cheap labor.

Not that your numbers have any basis in reality but logic isn't on your side even IF your numbers were correct

There's more than 11, it's more like 20 million. There's going to be a whole lot of deporting going on.
refurbishing 43's fence - there is no "new wall"

Goldilocks could crap on the living room carpet, call it a WALL and his idiot drones would believe it ...

Replacing a barbwire fence with a 30 ft barrier is building the wall.

No it isn't... It's renaming the design of fence Obama put up (steel slat bollard style).

Then putting up hundreds of miles less of that fence than Obama.

Then conning people that's something new.

This is too funny.

Fence= able to see through.

Hold up I need to open the gate in my chain link wall to let my dog out.

"Fence= able to see through."

What does being able to see through the fence have to do with anything? It's a 30 ft fence, so you can see through it BUT can you climb over it? No.

Lol. I wasn't the one saying "Jeb Bush just talked about my border proposal to build a "fence." It's not a fence, Jeb, it's a WALL, and there's a BIG difference!"

Lol but fuck . Let's just pretend that Trump never wanted a wall, just to build less fencing than Bush or Obama... Lol

Congrats. The 3rd best in border security fencebuilding president since 2000.

How sad is that Obama didn't even make border barriers a major deal and was able at this time to put up hundreds of miles more than Trump...

This is hilarious.
I wouldn't call four foot high plastic wind drift fencing much of a barrier.
The hilarious thing is when you go to the Mexican side of the border you'll see hundreds of homes using this 'fencing' to keep in the chickens.
refurbishing 43's fence - there is no "new wall"

Goldilocks could crap on the living room carpet, call it a WALL and his idiot drones would believe it ...

Replacing a barbwire fence with a 30 ft barrier is building the wall.

No it isn't... It's renaming the design of fence Obama put up (steel slat bollard style).

Then putting up hundreds of miles less of that fence than Obama.

Then conning people that's something new.

This is too funny.

Fence= able to see through.

Hold up I need to open the gate in my chain link wall to let my dog out.

"Fence= able to see through."

What does being able to see through the fence have to do with anything? It's a 30 ft fence, so you can see through it BUT can you climb over it? No.

Lol. I wasn't the one saying "Jeb Bush just talked about my border proposal to build a "fence." It's not a fence, Jeb, it's a WALL, and there's a BIG difference!"

Lol but fuck . Let's just pretend that Trump never wanted a wall, just to build less fencing than Bush or Obama... Lol

Congrats. The 3rd best in border security fencebuilding president since 2000.

How sad is that Obama didn't even make border barriers a major deal and was able at this time to put up hundreds of miles more than Trump...

This is hilarious.
I wouldn't call four foot high plastic wind drift fencing much of a barrier.
The hilarious thing is when you go to the Mexican side of the border you'll see hundreds of homes using this 'fencing' to keep in the chickens.

Agree. Which makes it even more funny that "Obama's steel slat concrete bollard fence" . Is now "Trump's wall" with absolutely zero changes to it.

The con of the century. Literally do the same thing, but less of it and convince them it's something new and what you originally said.
big F'n deal -

he's giving mexico 1 year to clean up their act or he hits them with a tariff.


And our tariffs with China have taken us to an all time high in trade disparity with them. Now we want to do that with Mexico as well?

Wasn't his original plan he ran on supposed to start 100 days into his time in office. Then once elected he dropped that idea and immediately decided Americans would play...

Seems legit .hahahaha
I bet you approve of inter-generational welfare.

what the hell is inter-generational welfare?
The Illegals who come here and give birth to the next generation of lawn mowers.
I see them all over Nassau County.
They don't do any better here than their parents.

And the same goes for the families collecting welfare for 50 years.

That is clearly a bad thing and a major problem with our system that was meant to be a safety net, not a way of life.
Who are those who have been collecting welfare for years/generations going to vote for? Bernie or Trump?
Almost 100% of these welfare takers are making cash money on the side in the 'grey economy'. They don't pay a fucking penny in federal taxes.
with no illegals in our country

How fucking stupid are you?

The wall...were it 100% effective (and it will not be anything close to that) will do nothing about 11 million illegals already here...nor would Big Business allow anything TO be done about them. They WANT that cheap labor.

Not that your numbers have any basis in reality but logic isn't on your side even IF your numbers were correct

There's more than 11, it's more like 20 million. There's going to be a whole lot of deporting going on.
How'd that work when Hitler tried "deporting" only 6 million?

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