Here is a picture of the new wall at the Southern Border!!!

Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Also 24/7 manned machine gun guard towers would be excellent.

unlike your racist ass , thank to the decent people of Austria for helping the refugees and families seeking shelter in help in times of need

The refugees only want to repay Austrian men by raping and killing their White women and daughters. Middle Easterners are bad for White countries of European heritage. Look at Sweden. With that said, Mexican illegals and central American illegals should be not allowed in this country that our founders didn't create for them. They're animals!
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Also 24/7 manned machine gun guard towers would be excellent.

unlike your racist ass , thank to the decent people of Austria for helping the refugees and families seeking shelter in help in times of need

Issa, have you volunteered to take in a refugee family? House them and sponsor them? I didn't think STFU.

Why didn't you think so? :)....prove it.
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Now if we could just have it electrified? Do you know how much money that would cost per year?

I thought solar and wind was free?

You think that Trump would use either of those to electrify the border? He thinks that windmills cause cancer, and he hates solar energy and says it's a waste.

And, if the border wall WAS electrified, it would cost a massive amount of money every year to keep the juice flowing.

Sheit..some Mexican would find a way to power their house with it.
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Also 24/7 manned machine gun guard towers would be excellent.

unlike your racist ass , thank to the decent people of Austria for helping the refugees and families seeking shelter in help in times of need

The refugees only want to repay Austrian men by raping and killing their White women and daughters. Middle Easterners are bad for White countries of European heritage. Look at Sweden. With that said, Mexican illegals and central American illegals should be not allowed in this country that our founders didn't create for them. They're animals!

I can tell you either never left your trailer trash park or you are in one of those poor fly over towns in the middle of nowhere. Rape rate in america is one of the worst in the world, fuck you even elected a pussy grabber who bragged about it...and you afraid from brown people to fuck your wife? lol GTFOH.
Oh and you better get used to it, brownies will be the majority soon....if i were you i would back to Europe.....even Europe is a melting pot, so nice place for your racist ass to thrive I guess, sorry.
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Also 24/7 manned machine gun guard towers would be excellent.

unlike your racist ass , thank to the decent people of Austria for helping the refugees and families seeking shelter in help in times of need

Issa, have you volunteered to take in a refugee family? House them and sponsor them? I didn't think STFU.

Why didn't you think so? :)....prove it.

So you HAVE taken in a family of illegals and provided them safe haven on your on dime? Prove it......(snicker)
Has ANYONE actually been to the wall and seen NEW, SIGNIFICANT construction?

Or is it all smoke and mirrors where old fencing is being updated and short streches of wall are being photo chopped to look like miles and miles of wall?

Seriously. Does ANYONE really know?

I started a "GO PROVE THE WALL IS BEING BUILT", Go Fund me page.
I'll need about 10,000 for the entire journey.

I'll post the proof (or lack of) when I get back.

so far last month I raised $5.00....but coming on strong with $2 so far this month!.... almost there.
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Also 24/7 manned machine gun guard towers would be excellent.

unlike your racist ass , thank to the decent people of Austria for helping the refugees and families seeking shelter in help in times of need

The refugees only want to repay Austrian men by raping and killing their White women and daughters. Middle Easterners are bad for White countries of European heritage. Look at Sweden. With that said, Mexican illegals and central American illegals should be not allowed in this country that our founders didn't create for them. They're animals!

I can tell you either never left your trailer trash park or you are in one of those poor fly over towns in the middle of nowhere. Rape rate in america is one of the worst in the world, fuck you even elected a pussy grabber who bragged about it...and you afraid from brown people to fuck your wife? lol GTFOH.
Oh and you better get used to it, brownies will be the majority soon....if i were you i would back to Europe.....even Europe is a melting pot, so nice place for your racist ass to thrive I guess, sorry.

HOLY shit! You are the quintessential example of our failed educational system. I doubt that you could benefit from a course in "English As A Second Language" at your local community if you could afford it unless they took EBT cards in exchange.
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Also 24/7 manned machine gun guard towers would be excellent.

unlike your racist ass , thank to the decent people of Austria for helping the refugees and families seeking shelter in help in times of need

The refugees only want to repay Austrian men by raping and killing their White women and daughters. Middle Easterners are bad for White countries of European heritage. Look at Sweden. With that said, Mexican illegals and central American illegals should be not allowed in this country that our founders didn't create for them. They're animals!

I can tell you either never left your trailer trash park or you are in one of those poor fly over towns in the middle of nowhere. Rape rate in america is one of the worst in the world, fuck you even elected a pussy grabber who bragged about it...and you afraid from brown people to fuck your wife? lol GTFOH.
Oh and you better get used to it, brownies will be the majority soon....if i were you i would back to Europe.....even Europe is a melting pot, so nice place for your racist ass to thrive I guess, sorry.

Thanks to Trump the brown people will never be the majority. And yes, I've been all over the place in Europe. Violent Middle Easterners have taken over. Like the wetbacks here, they rape, rob, murder, and pilliage, the filthy sand ni**ers
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!


It looks like a joke. A portable plasma torch would make quick work of that joke of a 'wall'.

And it is not a definition.


It's a fence...DUH.

Below is a proper border wall for keeping people out. And THAT is what Trump promised. Not the multi-billion dollar joke of a fence you Trumpbots are salivating over.


If you are going to waste taxpayers money building the damn thing - at least build it right for fuck's sake.

For years, Trump PROMISED the wall would be build of concrete.

For years, Trump promised to build a wall from concrete. Now he says it will be built from steel.

Now he is chickened out on even that.

Obese, lying stack of shit.
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Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!


It looks like a joke. A portable plasma torch would make quick work of that joke of a 'wall'.

And it is not a definition.


It's a fence...DUH.

Below is a proper border wall for keeping people out. And THAT is what Trump promised. Not the multi-billion dollar joke of a fence you Trumpbots are salivating over.


If you are going to waste taxpayers money building the damn thing - at least build it right for fuck's sake.

For years, Trump PROMISED the wall would be build of concrete.

For years, Trump promised to build a wall from concrete. Now he says it will be built from steel.

Now he is chickened out on even that.

Obese, lying stack of shit.

You seem so bitter, which commie fuck will you throw your puny support behind in 2020?
I bet ya get a "thank you" form letter, lil fella!!!! Rage against the machine, Mcfuckit! As you change hearts and minds with one fool-fueled rant at a time! You go, girl!!!

Actually, it's not new wall, but rather just replacing existing barrier.

President Trump visited the US–Mexico border Friday, taking credit for a long-planned replacement fence that was installed last year and claiming it was part of his much-promised wall.

"Will soon be landing in Calexico, California to look at a portion of the new WALL being built on our Southern Border," Trump tweeted. "Within two years we will have close to 400 miles built or under construction."

Standing near the barrier in Calexico, California, Trump said, "We already built a lot of it. It looks great, it's better and more effective than the previous wall and we actually can do it faster and it is less expensive."

Trump told you he built new wall when he didn't and you guys believed him.

Trumpbots believe ANYTHING Trump tells them. ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING.

They are pathetic, weak sheep...a disgrace to all brave American's.

You want to support him? Fine.

But don't be so fucking pathetic and weak so as to blindly believe EVERYTHING he says. Grow a fucking spine you weak cowards. Question and examine what he says closely before you support it.

Where have a seen this kind of unwavering devotion before...hmmm?

Oh yeah...

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Actually, it's not new wall, but rather just replacing existing barrier.

President Trump visited the US–Mexico border Friday, taking credit for a long-planned replacement fence that was installed last year and claiming it was part of his much-promised wall.

"Will soon be landing in Calexico, California to look at a portion of the new WALL being built on our Southern Border," Trump tweeted. "Within two years we will have close to 400 miles built or under construction."

Standing near the barrier in Calexico, California, Trump said, "We already built a lot of it. It looks great, it's better and more effective than the previous wall and we actually can do it faster and it is less expensive."

Trump told you he built new wall when he didn't and you guys believed him.

Trumpbots believe ANYTHING Trump tells them.


They are pathetic, weak sheep...a disgrace to all brave American's.

Decent, honorable people NEVER blindly follow ANYONE. NEVER.

Tell us the truth, Mcfuckit!!!!! (snicker)

All I have ever derived from your rants of nothingness is derision. What do YOU propose? It's easy to sit behind a keyboard while cloaked in anonymity. I have answers and solutions that come from THOUSANDS of hours of due diligence and dogged research. This far, Trump has come MUCH closer to getting us on the right track than ANY president since JFK. You talk big but perform "tiny": I am still waiting on you to portray any trait that resembles bravery and I have seen nothing from your lame musings that shows me that you have even the slightest clue. I have knocked you on your ass every time you have dared to debate me...and this time wouldn't be any different.
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Problem with electric is you wouldn't want it to kill any wild life. Either way, they need a provision for removing people off a wall when they try to scale it. Perhaps high pressure water.

This is a wonderful idea! In fact, all of us who live down here in the Sonoran desert are all in favor of high pressure water! In fact, we would be in favor of any water at all!
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Also 24/7 manned machine gun guard towers would be excellent.

unlike your racist ass , thank to the decent people of Austria for helping the refugees and families seeking shelter in help in times of need

That was MARCH 2016 we have now a Patriotic Government and things have changed in this nation, we have deported that crowd in record numbers and also now in this nation our MINORITY of Leftists know to keep their filthy mouths SHUT or else.
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Actually, it's not new wall, but rather just replacing existing barrier.

President Trump visited the US–Mexico border Friday, taking credit for a long-planned replacement fence that was installed last year and claiming it was part of his much-promised wall.

"Will soon be landing in Calexico, California to look at a portion of the new WALL being built on our Southern Border," Trump tweeted. "Within two years we will have close to 400 miles built or under construction."

Standing near the barrier in Calexico, California, Trump said, "We already built a lot of it. It looks great, it's better and more effective than the previous wall and we actually can do it faster and it is less expensive."

Trump told you he built new wall when he didn't and you guys believed him.

Trumpbots believe ANYTHING Trump tells them. ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING.

They are pathetic, weak sheep...a disgrace to all brave American's.

You want to support him? Fine.

But don't be so fucking pathetic and weak so as to blindly believe EVERYTHING he says. Grow a fucking spine you weak cowards. Question and examine what he says closely before you support it.

Where have a seen this kind of unwavering devotion before...hmmm?

Oh yeah...


^^^^ That picture makes you go all warm and fuzzy, it's okay, we already know it does.
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Also 24/7 manned machine gun guard towers would be excellent.

unlike your racist ass , thank to the decent people of Austria for helping the refugees and families seeking shelter in help in times of need

The refugees only want to repay Austrian men by raping and killing their White women and daughters. Middle Easterners are bad for White countries of European heritage. Look at Sweden. With that said, Mexican illegals and central American illegals should be not allowed in this country that our founders didn't create for them. They're animals!

I can tell you either never left your trailer trash park or you are in one of those poor fly over towns in the middle of nowhere. Rape rate in america is one of the worst in the world, fuck you even elected a pussy grabber who bragged about it...and you afraid from brown people to fuck your wife? lol GTFOH.
Oh and you better get used to it, brownies will be the majority soon....if i were you i would back to Europe.....even Europe is a melting pot, so nice place for your racist ass to thrive I guess, sorry.

Thanks to Trump the brown people will never be the majority. And yes, I've been all over the place in Europe. Violent Middle Easterners have taken over. Like the wetbacks here, they rape, rob, murder, and pilliage, the filthy sand ni**ers

"And yes, I've been all over the place in Europe. Violent Middle Easterners have taken over."

Sorry you are INCORRECT I am European and NO violent Middle Easterners have NOT taken over, if you think the British and French represent 80% of this Continent what you see occur there, we do NOT get, we have been Deporting in RECORD amounts they who are Not Wanted and our Borders are SHUT ALREADY.

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