Here is a picture of the new wall at the Southern Border!!!

with no illegals in our country

How fucking stupid are you?

The wall...were it 100% effective (and it will not be anything close to that) will do nothing about 11 million illegals already here...nor would Big Business allow anything TO be done about them. They WANT that cheap labor.

Not that your numbers have any basis in reality but logic isn't on your side even IF your numbers were correct
The WALL isn't intended to effect the illegals already in the country you dolt!
'E-Verify' is coming fast to every employer in the country.
Then we will see what the illegals do for money.
with no illegals in our country

How fucking stupid are you?

The wall...were it 100% effective (and it will not be anything close to that) will do nothing about 11 million illegals already here...nor would Big Business allow anything TO be done about them. They WANT that cheap labor.

Not that your numbers have any basis in reality but logic isn't on your side even IF your numbers were correct

There's more than 11, it's more like 20 million. There's going to be a whole lot of deporting going on.
How'd that work when Hitler tried "deporting" only 6 million?

I know for an absolute fact that there are more than 85 million illegal aliens out there, and they all voted for Hillary!
And our tariffs with China have taken us to an all time high in trade disparity with them. Now we want to do that with Mexico as well?

Wasn't his original plan he ran on supposed to start 100 days into his time in office. Then once elected he dropped that idea and immediately decided Americans would play...

Seems legit .hahahaha
I bet you approve of inter-generational welfare.

what the hell is inter-generational welfare?
The Illegals who come here and give birth to the next generation of lawn mowers.
I see them all over Nassau County.
They don't do any better here than their parents.

And the same goes for the families collecting welfare for 50 years.

That is clearly a bad thing and a major problem with our system that was meant to be a safety net, not a way of life.
Who are those who have been collecting welfare for years/generations going to vote for? Bernie or Trump?
Almost 100% of these welfare takers are making cash money on the side in the 'grey economy'. They don't pay a fucking penny in federal taxes.

Yes but you are combining two groups there. Not sure if you are intentionally lying, or not educated on the topic. Only those with lawful permanent resident (LPR) status can receive federal benefits, but not until they have resided as a legal resident for five years.
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with no illegals in our country

How fucking stupid are you?

The wall...were it 100% effective (and it will not be anything close to that) will do nothing about 11 million illegals already here...nor would Big Business allow anything TO be done about them. They WANT that cheap labor.

Not that your numbers have any basis in reality but logic isn't on your side even IF your numbers were correct

There's more than 11, it's more like 20 million. There's going to be a whole lot of deporting going on.
How'd that work when Hitler tried "deporting" only 6 million?

Germany is a smaller country than the US. ;)
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Also 24/7 manned machine gun guard towers would be excellent.

unlike your racist ass , thank to the decent people of Austria for helping the refugees and families seeking shelter in help in times of need

That was MARCH 2016 we have now a Patriotic Government and things have changed in this nation, we have deported that crowd in record numbers and also now in this nation our MINORITY of Leftists know to keep their filthy mouths SHUT or else.

Most were heading to better countries with better people. You are a known racist shithole.
with no illegals in our country

How fucking stupid are you?

The wall...were it 100% effective (and it will not be anything close to that) will do nothing about 11 million illegals already here...nor would Big Business allow anything TO be done about them. They WANT that cheap labor.

Not that your numbers have any basis in reality but logic isn't on your side even IF your numbers were correct
So you're saying we shouldn't plug the leak in the boat because there is already water in the boat? Why should anyone give a damn if big business wants illegals? Are you a servant of big business?

Talk about logic not being on our side. You post nothing but pure idiocy.
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Also 24/7 manned machine gun guard towers would be excellent.

unlike your racist ass , thank to the decent people of Austria for helping the refugees and families seeking shelter in help in times of need

That was MARCH 2016 we have now a Patriotic Government and things have changed in this nation, we have deported that crowd in record numbers and also now in this nation our MINORITY of Leftists know to keep their filthy mouths SHUT or else.

Most were heading to better countries with better people. You are a known racist shithole.

Are you saying that these Muzzie savage "refugees" weren't trying to get into Austria before they built their fence? Who did they deport then?
with no illegals in our country

How fucking stupid are you?

The wall...were it 100% effective (and it will not be anything close to that) will do nothing about 11 million illegals already here...nor would Big Business allow anything TO be done about them. They WANT that cheap labor.

Not that your numbers have any basis in reality but logic isn't on your side even IF your numbers were correct

There's more than 11, it's more like 20 million. There's going to be a whole lot of deporting going on.
How'd that work when Hitler tried "deporting" only 6 million?
He didn't try deporting them, you stupid shit-for-brains moron. Deporting people is not equivalent to Auschwitz. Absurd analogies like that are the reason people have so much contempt for the left
Trump could not put up a solid concrete wall. It would be too embarrassing for it to be found the next day with Latino graffiti sprayed all over the top of it.
Sure he would. However, Piglosi refused to fund it. There won't be any graffiti sprayed on the top, moron. The graffiti will all be along the bottom on the Mexican side:

Also 24/7 manned machine gun guard towers would be excellent.

unlike your racist ass , thank to the decent people of Austria for helping the refugees and families seeking shelter in help in times of need

The refugees only want to repay Austrian men by raping and killing their White women and daughters. Middle Easterners are bad for White countries of European heritage. Look at Sweden. With that said, Mexican illegals and central American illegals should be not allowed in this country that our founders didn't create for them. They're animals!

I can tell you either never left your trailer trash park or you are in one of those poor fly over towns in the middle of nowhere. Rape rate in america is one of the worst in the world, fuck you even elected a pussy grabber who bragged about it...and you afraid from brown people to fuck your wife? lol GTFOH.
Oh and you better get used to it, brownies will be the majority soon....if i were you i would back to Europe.....even Europe is a melting pot, so nice place for your racist ass to thrive I guess, sorry.

Thanks to Trump the brown people will never be the majority. And yes, I've been all over the place in Europe. Violent Middle Easterners have taken over. Like the wetbacks here, they rape, rob, murder, and pilliage, the filthy sand ni**ers

"And yes, I've been all over the place in Europe. Violent Middle Easterners have taken over."

Sorry you are INCORRECT I am European and NO violent Middle Easterners have NOT taken over, if you think the British and French represent 80% of this Continent what you see occur there, we do NOT get, we have been Deporting in RECORD amounts they who are Not Wanted and our Borders are SHUT ALREADY.

Mr racist here are the facts you will hate:
Bulgaria 15% of the population are muslims
.italy 5%
Almost 10% in Austria and growing.
Spain, Belgium and holland is almost like being in north Africa.
Keep on being racist.
Trump could not put up a solid concrete wall. It would be too embarrassing for it to be found the next day with Latino graffiti sprayed all over the top of it.
Sure he would. However, Piglosi refused to fund it. There won't be any graffiti sprayed on the top, moron. The graffiti will all be along the bottom on the Mexican side:

It is funny how the racists of this country want to follow the footsteps of the only apartheid state in todays modern days.
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Also 24/7 manned machine gun guard towers would be excellent.

unlike your racist ass , thank to the decent people of Austria for helping the refugees and families seeking shelter in help in times of need

That was MARCH 2016 we have now a Patriotic Government and things have changed in this nation, we have deported that crowd in record numbers and also now in this nation our MINORITY of Leftists know to keep their filthy mouths SHUT or else.

Most were heading to better countries with better people. You are a known racist shithole.

Are you saying that these Muzzie savage "refugees" weren't trying to get into Austria before they built their fence? Who did they deport then?

Kids and women running from death and you call them names...shows what kind of POS you are.
Also 24/7 manned machine gun guard towers would be excellent.

unlike your racist ass , thank to the decent people of Austria for helping the refugees and families seeking shelter in help in times of need

That was MARCH 2016 we have now a Patriotic Government and things have changed in this nation, we have deported that crowd in record numbers and also now in this nation our MINORITY of Leftists know to keep their filthy mouths SHUT or else.

Most were heading to better countries with better people. You are a known racist shithole.

Are you saying that these Muzzie savage "refugees" weren't trying to get into Austria before they built their fence? Who did they deport then?

Kids and women running from death and you call them names...shows what kind of POS you are.

They're mostly young men of military age, and they're running to get on the welfare gravy train in Europe.


Trump could not put up a solid concrete wall. It would be too embarrassing for it to be found the next day with Latino graffiti sprayed all over the top of it.
Sure he would. However, Piglosi refused to fund it. There won't be any graffiti sprayed on the top, moron. The graffiti will all be along the bottom on the Mexican side:

It is funny how the racists of this country want to follow the footsteps of the only apartheid state in todays modern days.
"Apartheid state?" What a joke. It's the only state in the Middle East that treats women as equals and doesn't persecute homosexuals.
unlike your racist ass , thank to the decent people of Austria for helping the refugees and families seeking shelter in help in times of need

That was MARCH 2016 we have now a Patriotic Government and things have changed in this nation, we have deported that crowd in record numbers and also now in this nation our MINORITY of Leftists know to keep their filthy mouths SHUT or else.

Most were heading to better countries with better people. You are a known racist shithole.

Are you saying that these Muzzie savage "refugees" weren't trying to get into Austria before they built their fence? Who did they deport then?

Kids and women running from death and you call them names...shows what kind of POS you are.

They're mostly young men of military age, and they're running to get on the welfare gravy train in Europe.



I showed you a video of women and children in Austria and you went off topic.
What makes you afraid of muslims ? Have you ever cam in contact with us ? Did we rape your relative or killed your family member? Do you even live in a diverse community ? Cause most racists usually are in remote areas and are paranoid and afraid of the unknown. .
Trump could not put up a solid concrete wall. It would be too embarrassing for it to be found the next day with Latino graffiti sprayed all over the top of it.
Sure he would. However, Piglosi refused to fund it. There won't be any graffiti sprayed on the top, moron. The graffiti will all be along the bottom on the Mexican side:

It is funny how the racists of this country want to follow the footsteps of the only apartheid state in todays modern days.

there are many apartheid states in the modern world.
How are YOU defining "apartheid"
That was MARCH 2016 we have now a Patriotic Government and things have changed in this nation, we have deported that crowd in record numbers and also now in this nation our MINORITY of Leftists know to keep their filthy mouths SHUT or else.
Most were heading to better countries with better people. You are a known racist shithole.
Are you saying that these Muzzie savage "refugees" weren't trying to get into Austria before they built their fence? Who did they deport then?
Kids and women running from death and you call them names...shows what kind of POS you are.
They're mostly young men of military age, and they're running to get on the welfare gravy train in Europe.


I showed you a video of women and children in Austria and you went off topic.
What makes you afraid of muslims ? Have you ever cam in contact with us ? Did we rape your relative or killed your family member? Do you even live in a diverse community ? Cause most racists usually are in remote areas and are paranoid and afraid of the unknown. .

You claimed they were all women and children. The fact is they are mostly men of military age.

The thousands of people Muslims kill every year is alone sufficient cause to be afraid of them. Why should we admit them into our country? What do we have to gain by doing that? Absolutely nothing, as far as I can see.
with no illegals in our country

How fucking stupid are you?

The wall...were it 100% effective (and it will not be anything close to that) will do nothing about 11 million illegals already here...nor would Big Business allow anything TO be done about them. They WANT that cheap labor.

Not that your numbers have any basis in reality but logic isn't on your side even IF your numbers were correct

There's more than 11, it's more like 20 million. There's going to be a whole lot of deporting going on.
How'd that work when Hitler tried "deporting" only 6 million?
He didn't try deporting them, you stupid shit-for-brains moron. Deporting people is not equivalent to Auschwitz. Absurd analogies like that are the reason people have so much contempt for the left

Read some history idiot. He absolutely deported the camps when they found out they couldn't remove enough of them fast enough any other way
with no illegals in our country

How fucking stupid are you?

The wall...were it 100% effective (and it will not be anything close to that) will do nothing about 11 million illegals already here...nor would Big Business allow anything TO be done about them. They WANT that cheap labor.

Not that your numbers have any basis in reality but logic isn't on your side even IF your numbers were correct

There's more than 11, it's more like 20 million. There's going to be a whole lot of deporting going on.
How'd that work when Hitler tried "deporting" only 6 million?
He didn't try deporting them, you stupid shit-for-brains moron. Deporting people is not equivalent to Auschwitz. Absurd analogies like that are the reason people have so much contempt for the left

Read some history idiot. He absolutely deported the camps when they found out they couldn't remove enough of them fast enough any other way

That makes nonsense of the term "deported." Many of those camps were in Germany.
I bet you approve of inter-generational welfare.

what the hell is inter-generational welfare?
The Illegals who come here and give birth to the next generation of lawn mowers.
I see them all over Nassau County.
They don't do any better here than their parents.

And the same goes for the families collecting welfare for 50 years.

That is clearly a bad thing and a major problem with our system that was meant to be a safety net, not a way of life.
Who are those who have been collecting welfare for years/generations going to vote for? Bernie or Trump?
Almost 100% of these welfare takers are making cash money on the side in the 'grey economy'. They don't pay a fucking penny in federal taxes.

Yes but you are combining two groups there. Not sure if you are intentionally lying, or not educated on the topic. Only those with lawful permanent resident (LPR) status can receive federal benefits, but not until they have resided as a legal resident for five years.
So now you'll explain what 11-20 million illegals are doing for money?
Are they ALL working for half the hourly rate that legals are being paid?
Somehow someway they are living somewhere, eating something, buying clothes and smokes and booze.
When a 'family' of illegals is released and fades into the country how are they surviving?
Somehow they are getting 'free shit' from some local/State/Federal agencies.
I KNOW the RC church has their noses stuck in. The RC church NEEDS the poor illiterates money to help keep the Vatican elites living in luxury.

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