Here is a picture of the new wall at the Southern Border!!!

What location? Surely you know since you claim you where exactly is that section of fence, Camp? Ignoring my question proves you have no idea and are a liar.
A Google image search leads to news reports featuring the image and reporting it as the 2 1/2 mile section of repaired fencing visited by President Trump in Calexico. Do you have a report of Trump visiting the fence with some other photo's being displayed showing a different section of fencing?
Post the URL. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
FU, just Google Trump visits the Calexico fence. Even the White House has a posting of the image.
In other words, you lied.
Did you do a search for Trump visits Calexico fence? I just did and it led me to over a dozen articles with images of the fence.

I posted a link, and some of the article about the visit Trump just did in the post above yours.
Actually, it's not new wall, but rather just replacing existing barrier.

President Trump visited the US–Mexico border Friday, taking credit for a long-planned replacement fence that was installed last year and claiming it was part of his much-promised wall.

"Will soon be landing in Calexico, California to look at a portion of the new WALL being built on our Southern Border," Trump tweeted. "Within two years we will have close to 400 miles built or under construction."

Standing near the barrier in Calexico, California, Trump said, "We already built a lot of it. It looks great, it's better and more effective than the previous wall and we actually can do it faster and it is less expensive."

Trump told you he built new wall when he didn't and you guys believed him.
Wall, fence, same thing. TDS loser.
A loser is a person who does not know or refuse to admit the difference between a fence and a wall. Actually, it is very cowardly to refuse to admit a wall is not a fence, but we have gotten accustomed to Trump and his supporters being cowardly. He and they have no integrity or shame. Lying is Trump's everything.
There is no effective difference, TDS loser.


Sure was according to Trump....

But when you lose you end up saying instead of building a new international space station like you promised, a bus depot in Omaha is the same thing lol.

And that this con works on some people is the most hilarious bit of that.
Fence or a wall will wok just as well, tds loser.

"Fence or a wall will wok just as well." How quickly mikey settles for just a fence instead of a Mexican paid Wall.
No doubt you will be the first person in line to paint the Fantastic Trump Fence, mikey. Once painted by you, it will be known as the Fantastic Purple Trump Fence. Can't wait to see that. I prefer Lavender, but hey mikey, Purple will do just fine. All those fine young brown, south of the border studs will find their way to your front door. Or should I say back door...
Did you do a search for Trump visits Calexico fence? I just did and it led me to over a dozen articles with images of the fence.

Did you use your I-phone for the Google search, liar?
No doubt you will be the first person in line to paint the Fantastic Trump Fence, mikey. Once painted by you, it will be known as the Fantastic Purple Trump Fence. Can't wait to see that. I prefer Lavender, but hey mikey, Purple will do just fine. All those fine young brown, south of the border studs will find their way to your front door. Or should I say back door...

So you're one of those diversity, accepting progressives, eh? How come ya'll claim to welcome gays yet on an anonymous message board show how bigoted you really are? You hate blacks and wetbacks too....your kind all does....ya phony little bitch.
Are you learning disabled?

Nope....are you a fucking liar, boy? Yep...You can't use Googe image search with an I-Phone. Next time I suggest you avoid me like the plague if you don't like getting caught in your little stories.
Trump could not put up a solid concrete wall. It would be too embarrassing for it to be found the next day with Latino graffiti sprayed all over the top of it.
Sure he would. However, Piglosi refused to fund it. There won't be any graffiti sprayed on the top, moron. The graffiti will all be along the bottom on the Mexican side:

It is funny how the racists of this country want to follow the footsteps of the only apartheid state in todays modern days.
"Apartheid state?" What a joke. It's the only state in the Middle East that treats women as equals and doesn't persecute homosexuals.
Lol but it kills non Zionists. Seize their lands and bury entire families under their homes.
You mean it kills thugs making war on it. If they don't want to die, then I suggest they stop firing rockets into Israel. It's as simple as that.

Do you also feel pity for Nazis who we killed during WW II?
As if the problem started with ti y little rockets that kill no one.
Settlers and Zionists have been slaughtering and removing palestianians since 1948, few rockets here and there are a drop in a huge sea...Israel's war machine killed thousands of civilians but I know you won't care because you go but fox tells you.
Just le me know how many UN resolutions did israhell violated....and dont start with the bull crap of how the UN is illegitimate because the US and the west created it.

And you and evangelicals dont give a rat's ass about Israel or the Jews, or you just want the prophecy to happen and for the messiah to come back so can you can slaughter those very same Jews like you did on multiple occasions before.
No doubt you will be the first person in line to paint the Fantastic Trump Fence, mikey. Once painted by you, it will be known as the Fantastic Purple Trump Fence. Can't wait to see that. I prefer Lavender, but hey mikey, Purple will do just fine. All those fine young brown, south of the border studs will find their way to your front door. Or should I say back door...

So you're one of those diversity, accepting progressives, eh? How come ya'll claim to welcome gays yet on an anonymous message board show how bigoted you really are? You hate blacks and wetbacks too....your kind all does....ya phony little bitch.
Assume all the garbage you want to about me, it is all wrong. However, mikey deserves everything that is coming his way.
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Now if we could just have it electrified? Do you know how much money that would cost per year?

I thought solar and wind was free?

You think that Trump would use either of those to electrify the border? He thinks that windmills cause cancer, and he hates solar energy and says it's a waste.

And, if the border wall WAS electrified, it would cost a massive amount of money every year to keep the juice flowing.

Sheit..some Mexican would find a way to power their house with it.
Or an entire community with it. LOL.
By the way...................for all you conservatives that point to the Israel border wall as something that "works", remember that Hamas has dug an extensive tunnel system under them that they use. Matter of fact, if it weren't for those tunnels, Hamas would have a hard time getting rockets to fire at them.
Assume all the garbage you want to about me, it is all wrong. However, mikey deserves everything that is coming his way.

Call Mike a homo in person and you'd be in intensive-care dining through a straw.....
Where have a seen this kind of unwavering devotion before...hmmm?
Oh yeah...


If "Fact" mattered to you, a reality check on historical facts would have revealed to you that this would more closely resemble the DNC and AOC.
You know, those who want to stifle free speech, silence the opposition compleely and do away with Constitutional rights.
But hey, don't let trivia like FACTS get in your way.
Now if we could just have it electrified.


Looking good!

Also 24/7 manned machine gun guard towers would be excellent.

unlike your racist ass , thank to the decent people of Austria for helping the refugees and families seeking shelter in help in times of need

The refugees only want to repay Austrian men by raping and killing their White women and daughters. Middle Easterners are bad for White countries of European heritage. Look at Sweden. With that said, Mexican illegals and central American illegals should be not allowed in this country that our founders didn't create for them. They're animals!

I can tell you either never left your trailer trash park or you are in one of those poor fly over towns in the middle of nowhere. Rape rate in america is one of the worst in the world, fuck you even elected a pussy grabber who bragged about it...and you afraid from brown people to fuck your wife? lol GTFOH.
Oh and you better get used to it, brownies will be the majority soon....if i were you i would back to Europe.....even Europe is a melting pot, so nice place for your racist ass to thrive I guess, sorry.

And there it is again, the threat that soon whitey will be a weak poor has been in this country. So the agenda to take down whitey continues in this country eh ??
Where have a seen this kind of unwavering devotion before...hmmm?
Oh yeah...


If "Fact" mattered to you, a reality check on historical facts would have revealed to you that this would more closely resemble the DNC and AOC.
You know, those who want to stifle free speech, silence the opposition compleely and do away with Constitutional rights.
But hey, don't let trivia like FACTS get in your way.

AOC represents what all Democrats think now? Who knew?
By the way...................for all you conservatives that point to the Israel border wall as something that "works", remember that Hamas has dug an extensive tunnel system under them that they use. Matter of fact, if it weren't for those tunnels, Hamas would have a hard time getting rockets to fire at them.
Even the Israeli military says that they cannot stop all the threats with a border wall, even if it has improvements to prevent tunnels.

Israel's barrier will not totally neutralize Gaza tunnel threat, Israeli army official says

The underground barrier that Israel is building along the Gaza border to thwart tunnels that infiltrate Israel will not fully remove the tunnel threat, a senior officer in the army’s ground forces told Haaretz.

“The barrier very significantly blocks the Hamas tunnels that penetrate into Israeli territory...but we can’t delude ourselves. It is understood today that there is no barrier that can’t be breached. We will continue to look for tunnels after the construction of the barrier in Gaza,” added the Israel Defense Forces officer, whose comments contradict the claims heard in the last few months from other senior IDF officials.
Actually, it's not new wall, but rather just replacing existing barrier.

President Trump visited the US–Mexico border Friday, taking credit for a long-planned replacement fence that was installed last year and claiming it was part of his much-promised wall.

"Will soon be landing in Calexico, California to look at a portion of the new WALL being built on our Southern Border," Trump tweeted. "Within two years we will have close to 400 miles built or under construction."

Standing near the barrier in Calexico, California, Trump said, "We already built a lot of it. It looks great, it's better and more effective than the previous wall and we actually can do it faster and it is less expensive."

Trump told you he built new wall when he didn't and you guys believed him.

Trumpbots believe ANYTHING Trump tells them. ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING.

They are pathetic, weak sheep...a disgrace to all brave American's.

You want to support him? Fine.

But don't be so fucking pathetic and weak so as to blindly believe EVERYTHING he says. Grow a fucking spine you weak cowards. Question and examine what he says closely before you support it.

Where have a seen this kind of unwavering devotion before...hmmm?

Oh yeah...

Impressive rally... To bad Hitler was a murdering self serving evil fool.
Even the Israeli military says that they cannot stop all the threats with a border wall, even if it has improvements to prevent tunnels.

Israel's barrier will not totally neutralize Gaza tunnel threat, Israeli army official says

The underground barrier that Israel is building along the Gaza border to thwart tunnels that infiltrate Israel will not fully remove the tunnel threat, a senior officer in the army’s ground forces told Haaretz.

“The barrier very significantly blocks the Hamas tunnels that penetrate into Israeli territory...but we can’t delude ourselves. It is understood today that there is no barrier that can’t be breached. We will continue to look for tunnels after the construction of the barrier in Gaza,” added the Israel Defense Forces officer, whose comments contradict the claims heard in the last few months from other senior IDF officials.
The best way to eradicate a threat is to kick it's ace before it can kick your ace. If can't live in peace with your neighbor, then it's time to kick the neighbors ace (regime change). Enough is enough of the bullcrap. This nation has lost it's will to fight, and it won't stand up for what's right anymore, and that is not only a shame, but it's very dangerous to those who hold on to the good in which is hated so badly now by others whether it's here or in the world.
By the way...................for all you conservatives that point to the Israel border wall as something that "works", remember that Hamas has dug an extensive tunnel system under them that they use. Matter of fact, if it weren't for those tunnels, Hamas would have a hard time getting rockets to fire at them.

I like how the Israelis blow the tunnels with the invaders still in em.
Good times!
Hope to see the same here!

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