Here is the question atheists can't answer...

oh you poor thing that didnt make a lick of sense...

lick some more------it is all in the book of Genesis--------the THEME (your remember the
word "theme"---from 9th grade literature class) of the book is CHOICE. -----choose life---
choose to leave-----choose your heir-------CHOOSE
to who and what are you talking about?

to WHOM......... I am describing the theme of the biblical creation account----sublime
literature. ----to anyone interested.
Was Lilith subtle reference to feminism?

yes-------but Lilith is midrashic-------sorta fairy tales that are supposed to have
some sort of ???? instructive value ??????
if you are speaking to daisiesrwild then i have no idea where this convo took a turn I have no idea what you are trying to refer to sorry
well isnt that a very christian thing to do and who are youtalking to any how... lol

i am not of this world love --- lol find a mind of your own please stop being brainwashed by the propaganda meant to keep you dumbed down

You're sorta all over the map....its annoying.

Learn quote function until you do you're garbled and lost
a re you speaking to me i have no idea?>
The bible creation myth is demonstrably false. Evolution is fact. Just find a way to reconcile your beliefs with scientific knowledge of evolution, just as you have with other acientific knowledge. Else you are going to walk around sayong crazy things.
The Bible seems to be a golden reference for history and locations of places long gone that are being discovered.
well isnt that a very christian thing to do and who are youtalking to any how... lol

i am not of this world love --- lol find a mind of your own please stop being brainwashed by the propaganda meant to keep you dumbed down

You're sorta all over the map....its annoying.

Learn quote function until you do you're garbled and lost
a re you speaking to me i have no idea?>
The bible creation myth is demonstrably false. Evolution is fact. Just find a way to reconcile your beliefs with scientific knowledge of evolution, just as you have with other acientific knowledge. Else you are going to walk around sayong crazy things.
nothing can be fact until we die and find out the truth doll don't forget there is an evil sort - satan messing with you so you serve him and not God
well isnt that a very christian thing to do and who are youtalking to any how... lol

i am not of this world love --- lol find a mind of your own please stop being brainwashed by the propaganda meant to keep you dumbed down

You're sorta all over the map....its annoying.

Learn quote function until you do you're garbled and lost
a re you speaking to me i have no idea?>
The bible creation myth is demonstrably false. Evolution is fact. Just find a way to reconcile your beliefs with scientific knowledge of evolution, just as you have with other acientific knowledge. Else you are going to walk around sayong crazy things.
You mean the allegorical account of creation? Like how it had a beginning and was created in steps?

That's actually correct.

Maybe your problem is that you have arbitrarily limited evolution to biological life. The universe has been evolving since day one and will continue to do so.

Evolution is when anything moves from a less advanced or complex state to a more advanced or complex state.
lick some more------it is all in the book of Genesis--------the THEME (your remember the
word "theme"---from 9th grade literature class) of the book is CHOICE. -----choose life---
choose to leave-----choose your heir-------CHOOSE
to who and what are you talking about?

to WHOM......... I am describing the theme of the biblical creation account----sublime
literature. ----to anyone interested.
Was Lilith subtle reference to feminism?

yes-------but Lilith is midrashic-------sorta fairy tales that are supposed to have
some sort of ???? instructive value ??????
if you are speaking to daisiesrwild then i have no idea where this convo took a turn I have no idea what you are trying to refer to sorry
Lilith was Adam's first wife, so to speak..
to who and what are you talking about?

to WHOM......... I am describing the theme of the biblical creation account----sublime
literature. ----to anyone interested.
Was Lilith subtle reference to feminism?

yes-------but Lilith is midrashic-------sorta fairy tales that are supposed to have
some sort of ???? instructive value ??????
if you are speaking to daisiesrwild then i have no idea where this convo took a turn I have no idea what you are trying to refer to sorry
Lilith was Adam's first wife, so to speak..
i agree... i have done loads of research on it and it makes sense
to who and what are you talking about?

to WHOM......... I am describing the theme of the biblical creation account----sublime
literature. ----to anyone interested.
Was Lilith subtle reference to feminism?

yes-------but Lilith is midrashic-------sorta fairy tales that are supposed to have
some sort of ???? instructive value ??????
if you are speaking to daisiesrwild then i have no idea where this convo took a turn I have no idea what you are trying to refer to sorry
Lilith was Adam's first wife, so to speak..

it didn't work out--------
i am not of this world love --- lol find a mind of your own please stop being brainwashed by the propaganda meant to keep you dumbed down

You're sorta all over the map....its annoying.

Learn quote function until you do you're garbled and lost
a re you speaking to me i have no idea?>
The bible creation myth is demonstrably false. Evolution is fact. Just find a way to reconcile your beliefs with scientific knowledge of evolution, just as you have with other acientific knowledge. Else you are going to walk around sayong crazy things.
You mean the allegorical account of creation? Like how it had a beginning and was created in steps?

That's actually correct.

Maybe your problem is that you have arbitrarily limited evolution to biological life. The universe has been evolving since day one and will continue to do so.

Evolution is when anything moves from a less advanced or complex state to a more advanced or complex state.
Well why didn't the physics knowledge aspect of humans increase when they we given litterateur guidance to write the acceptable books of the New Testament?
well isnt that a very christian thing to do and who are youtalking to any how... lol

i am not of this world love --- lol find a mind of your own please stop being brainwashed by the propaganda meant to keep you dumbed down

You're sorta all over the map....its annoying.

Learn quote function until you do you're garbled and lost
a re you speaking to me i have no idea?>
The bible creation myth is demonstrably false. Evolution is fact. Just find a way to reconcile your beliefs with scientific knowledge of evolution, just as you have with other acientific knowledge. Else you are going to walk around saying crazy things.
my money is on Jesus since he has revealed himself to me
to WHOM......... I am describing the theme of the biblical creation account----sublime
literature. ----to anyone interested.
Was Lilith subtle reference to feminism?

yes-------but Lilith is midrashic-------sorta fairy tales that are supposed to have
some sort of ???? instructive value ??????
if you are speaking to daisiesrwild then i have no idea where this convo took a turn I have no idea what you are trying to refer to sorry
Lilith was Adam's first wife, so to speak..

it didn't work out--------
Probably not LGBT tolerant...
i am not of this world love --- lol find a mind of your own please stop being brainwashed by the propaganda meant to keep you dumbed down

You're sorta all over the map....its annoying.

Learn quote function until you do you're garbled and lost
a re you speaking to me i have no idea?>
The bible creation myth is demonstrably false. Evolution is fact. Just find a way to reconcile your beliefs with scientific knowledge of evolution, just as you have with other acientific knowledge. Else you are going to walk around saying crazy things.
my money is on Jesus since he has revealed himself to me
Was it a big?
i am not of this world love --- lol find a mind of your own please stop being brainwashed by the propaganda meant to keep you dumbed down

You're sorta all over the map....its annoying.

Learn quote function until you do you're garbled and lost
a re you speaking to me i have no idea?>
The bible creation myth is demonstrably false. Evolution is fact. Just find a way to reconcile your beliefs with scientific knowledge of evolution, just as you have with other acientific knowledge. Else you are going to walk around sayong crazy things.
You mean the allegorical account of creation? Like how it had a beginning and was created in steps?

That's actually correct.

Maybe your problem is that you have arbitrarily limited evolution to biological life. The universe has been evolving since day one and will continue to do so.

Evolution is when anything moves from a less advanced or complex state to a more advanced or complex state.
Well why didn't the physics aspect of humans increase when they we given litterateur guidance to write the acceptable books of the New Testament?
Because that would have been in the realm of moral laws not physical laws.
You're sorta all over the map....its annoying.

Learn quote function until you do you're garbled and lost
a re you speaking to me i have no idea?>
The bible creation myth is demonstrably false. Evolution is fact. Just find a way to reconcile your beliefs with scientific knowledge of evolution, just as you have with other acientific knowledge. Else you are going to walk around sayong crazy things.
You mean the allegorical account of creation? Like how it had a beginning and was created in steps?

That's actually correct.

Maybe your problem is that you have arbitrarily limited evolution to biological life. The universe has been evolving since day one and will continue to do so.

Evolution is when anything moves from a less advanced or complex state to a more advanced or complex state.
Well why didn't the physics aspect of humans increase when they we given litterateur guidance to write the acceptable books of the New Testament?
Because that would have been in the realm of moral laws not physical laws.
Which the Bible contains both...But in an observational amateur manner..We know from history that astronomy was well known in the societies before the time of the Israelites and their kingdom..
easier to prove he is real than go to eternal torment - what if this is the truth and you never tried???
Look...if God turns out to be a petty, selfish asshole who demands people worship him

That would be your eternal torment
God is love pure and simple and satan is hate pure and simple which eternity do you wish to have its as simple as that... God created you and he wants you as family satan wants you to worship him you got it backwards...

That is good to hear
If God is pure love, he would not be irate and sentence people to eternal torment just because they failed to worship him sufficiently
see ;you are backwards - if you serve God he is love and his afterlife is located in heaven.. if you serve satan as you obviously are then your afterlife consists of evil and eternal torment lack of love and lack of god just like you chose with your free will...
What if you serve neither God nor Satan but only serve your fellow man
Look...if God turns out to be a petty, selfish asshole who demands people worship him

That would be your eternal torment

God doesn't demand anyone worship him

Your ignorance is duly noted

Seems he does....or off to hell with you
you have free will and two choices love or hate God or satan whenyou die you go to whomever you are servings afterlife is God=heaven +love Satan=hell=hate lack of god like you have wanted and have said

Trying to explain free will to them is futile

free-will is the CURSE dropped down on human beans in the garden of eden.
Human beans were TRICKED into it. ( "hey kids-----don't eat that apple ")
How could free will be a curse?

Being a mindless zombie unable to make decisions is a curse
a re you speaking to me i have no idea?>
The bible creation myth is demonstrably false. Evolution is fact. Just find a way to reconcile your beliefs with scientific knowledge of evolution, just as you have with other acientific knowledge. Else you are going to walk around sayong crazy things.
You mean the allegorical account of creation? Like how it had a beginning and was created in steps?

That's actually correct.

Maybe your problem is that you have arbitrarily limited evolution to biological life. The universe has been evolving since day one and will continue to do so.

Evolution is when anything moves from a less advanced or complex state to a more advanced or complex state.
Well why didn't the physics aspect of humans increase when they we given litterateur guidance to write the acceptable books of the New Testament?
Because that would have been in the realm of moral laws not physical laws.
Which the Bible contains both...But in an observational amateur manner..We know from history that astronomy was well known in the societies before the time of the Israelites and their kingdom..
The Bible contains both? Can you show me why you believe that?
How? An alien could “prove it” by messing with your mind.

Ok, what do I have to do?
EARNESTLY andhonestly seek jesus wwith an open mind and heart... it is too cool when he reveals himself
I tried. I didn’t get it. What did I do wrong? You can’t fault me if I tried and it didn’t work. Don’t tell me 30 plus years wasn’t enough.

Why doesn’t god just reveal himself to all of us when we are kids? Give us all a chance like he did you
I believe I knew him when I was a kid cos nothing else could have gotten me thru the horror i went thru... Iam no one special Jesus reads our hearts it must be open and truly seeking him them be aware of you surroundings...
There is no other way it could be in my life now i am facing hardship to the tenth degree and somehow i am being taken care of. i have no money no family and was homeless now i have an apartment and some how am being cared for money comes from the strangest places when ineed it i am waiting on ssi
What happens to people who don’t believe a god exists?
there are only two choices if you are not serving Jesus then you are serving Satan and Satans afterlife is located in hell where there is eternal torment - watch some videos on people dreaming or dying and going to hell they all have the same story and it is scary if jesus can be revealed to you then why would you even tempt eternal torment?
It’s one or the other? Wow
But you claim for a fact to have met Jesus. Can you show us?

And how do you know it was god? It could have been an alien fucking with your mind
he proves it...
How? An alien could “prove it” by messing with your mind.

Ok, what do I have to do?
EARNESTLY andhonestly seek jesus wwith an open mind and heart... it is too cool when he reveals himself
I tried. I didn’t get it. What did I do wrong? You can’t fault me if I tried and it didn’t work. Don’t tell me 30 plus years wasn’t enough.

Why doesn’t god just reveal himself to all of us when we are kids? Give us all a chance like he did you
I believe I knew him when I was a kid cos nothing else could have gotten me thru the horror i went thru... Iam no one special Jesus reads our hearts it must be open and truly seeking him them be aware of you surroundings...
There is no other way it could be in my life now i am facing hardship to the tenth degree and somehow i am being taken care of. i have no money no family and was homeless now i have an apartment and some how am being cared for money comes from the strangest places when ineed it i am waiting on ssi
I am also homeless. And you know what? I may not always get what I want, but I always get what I need. I have a warm, dry place to sleep, and I never go hungry. Well, I do go hungry sometimes, but not for long. and I have never been starving. What I need to do now, is get off my lazy ass, get a new photo ID, and apply for section 8 housing. Don't know why I haven't done it already.

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