Here is the question atheists can't answer...

Do ants believe in God or gods?

Does God demand that ants believe in him- or worship him? LOL

And which 'god'? The god of Abraham? The gods of Mount Olympus? Coyote? Thor? Some bizarre triumverite that includes Jesus?
Do you demand that your children listen and respect you? Or do you let them do whatever they please from the time they are born? Do you set boundaries for your children, or is it a free-for-all whatever goes thing from the time they are born?

Giving respect to somebody merely on the basis of their age is rather arbitrary and, well, idiotic. Remember, even fools grow old. Age means quite little to me when it comes to judging the respectability of individuals (look at Congress, which consists of all adults). Think about this: Where do kids learn most of their bad habits? Their elders. Who exposes kids to violence the most? Their elders. Who decides to place an unsurmountable debt on the youth in America? Their elders. I could go on forever, but the point should be clear: Many -- if not most -- adults are not exactly the best role models and therefore young people should be skeptical about immediately granting them authority and/or respect.
That's like asking how was God created?

How do you create god, Jesus Christ and the holy spirit?

Ya don't he always was.
You make up the story and tell it

I didn't make up the story, even Eisenstein knew their was a God, just not a personal one..

You should read Einstein's personal biography this long 3 day's like 600 pages long..

A fascinating book read it around 2009
A lot of smart theists that doesn't prove anything, just like the fact athiests are very intelligent.

Einstein believed there was a God but he didn't prove it.

I understand the logic behind the idea there must be a creator but there really doesn't have to be one.

And Einstein isn't celebrated for his religious beliefs
If there is no creator, how did the universe get here?
Again, this fails as an appeal to ignorance fallacy.

That science has yet to determine the origin of the universe doesn’t mean ‘god’ is the ‘answer.’
I never said anything about evolution did I?

I am speaking of the belief in gods in order to explain things we do not as yet have a complete understanding of

I've conceded there is no proof of fug off. Good grief
And yet you won't say that it is an opinion that a god actually exists

Sure it is, but it's also faith. Now back to evolution being a theory, I'm weary of your silly deflection and BS

Evolution occurs. It is not a theory, it is a fact. A fact supported by biological, fossil, geologic and DNA evidence

God, is at best a theory. A theory totally unsupported by any evidence
Evolution is a fairy tale for grown ups.

No, I did not coin that, some scientist did who does not even know if there is a God or not, but thinks all your "facts" are total party line crap. IOW, It looks like a duck and kind of feels like a duck --- so it had to have come from a duck. Yeah, sure. Those platypuses sure must have had a wild journey though.

Evolution only could have occurred if all three of the following are true: 1- God did it. 2- He did a great job of hiding all the evidence. 3 - He has since stopped the process altogether.

But this post is about atheism not evolution. So in the mind of an atheist (correct me if I am wrong) "natural selection" is their god. Somehow, some strange way "natural selection" which according to Dawkins has no will, no plan, no real intelligence --- still given that "decided" now is a good time to start hearing. So mindless "natural selection" by chance began the unimaginable process of creating the physiological makeup of what it would take to create hearing. And some of us in the classroom yelled out --- "Yeah, Right!" : 0
You're wrong.
The evidence is that it happened...not how it happened
That what happened? That there is life? Yes, sure, evidence for that.

Evidence that life evolved from some micro-organism to one day turn into a screaming eagle? No.

You are not going to win this argument with all of the speculations and inferences and B.S. drawings and flimsy fossil evidence your beloved science body so desperately wants to sell. Go and ahead and laugh if you find us obtuse, we become amused as well.

And are you also an atheist or agnostic? I really do not have time to pursue that line of thought, but, seriously? You might be one of those who insists there is evidence that we evolved from primitive life forms, and yet, also claim there is no empirical evidence for God? Can anything be more strange?

It is called the pride of man. Man is so full of himself he wants to think he is God or in control. Kind of embarrassing.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

By the way, I just love this quote or excerpt from a book by Jonathan Swift. It's quite to the point.

Jonathan Swift (17th century English satirist) speaking of the achievements of science and it reflection upon its own laurels --- "And he, whose fortunes and dispositions have placed him in a convenient station to enjoy the fruits of this noble art; he that can with Epicurus content his ideas with the films and images that fly off upon his senses from the superficies of things; such a man truly wise, creams off nature, leavving the sour and the dregs for philosophy and reason to lap up. This is the sublime and refined point of felicity, called the possession of being well deceived; the serene peaceful state of being a fool among knaves.

What he is saying is that science is in the shallows while the answers to the purpose of life and what happens after death and the inexplicable manifestations that scream out 'supernatural' --- all that is left for philosophy and reason to deal with . Theology is in the deep waters giving purpose and evidence for that purpose. By comparison, science's value is nothing more than "a fool among knaves."
No, it’s called the arrogance of theists.
Do ants believe in God or gods?

Does God demand that ants believe in him- or worship him? LOL

And which 'god'? The god of Abraham? The gods of Mount Olympus? Coyote? Thor? Some bizarre triumverite that includes Jesus?
Do you demand that your children listen and respect you? Or do you let them do whatever they please from the time they are born? Do you set boundaries for your children, or is it a free-for-all whatever goes thing from the time they are born?

Do you avoid any direct contact with your children and instead only communicate through vague, difficult to understand proxies?

The God as parent analogy fails on many levels.
I didn't make up the story, even Eisenstein knew their was a God, just not a personal one..

You should read Einstein's personal biography this long 3 day's like 600 pages long..

A fascinating book read it around 2009
A lot of smart theists that doesn't prove anything, just like the fact athiests are very intelligent.

Einstein believed there was a God but he didn't prove it.

I understand the logic behind the idea there must be a creator but there really doesn't have to be one.

And Einstein isn't celebrated for his religious beliefs
If there is no creator, how did the universe get here?
Who knows? We may never answer that question. I'm not going to accept superstitious stories from our ignorant ancient ancestors
So you go by faith, in what mankind has so-called figured out thus far. Correct *

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Yes. I don't "believe" anything. We either know something or we don't. Do I BELIEVE there is other life out there? Yes I do. But I don't have faith there is. At least not enough to base my entire existence on it.

You say you don't believe anything and almost immediately follow it up by saying you believe something. :lol:

Did you mean to say you don't have faith in anything at the beginning?
I believe in the Big Bang Theory, AND I believe in Jesus Christ.

But the Big Bang Theory leaves one basic question unanswered.

HOW did the Big Bang happen?

Of course God leaves one basic question unanswered- well more than one- but the same one.

How did God happen?

Christians don't need to know how God happened to believe in him.
I don't know that the Big Bang happened- I think it is an interesting theory- but ultimately unrelated to my lack of belief in fairy tales.

I just don't believe in a god. I don't need to know how the universe began to not believe in any of the thousands of gods on earth. No more than I 'need to know' where the water in a river originated to know that the water is in the river.
God is God. He's our Creator. Do you have to explain yourself to ants?

Only if you want the ants to understand you, worship you, and follow a particular set of rules you are setting out for them.....
I've conceded there is no proof of fug off. Good grief
And yet you won't say that it is an opinion that a god actually exists

Sure it is, but it's also faith. Now back to evolution being a theory, I'm weary of your silly deflection and BS

Evolution occurs. It is not a theory, it is a fact. A fact supported by biological, fossil, geologic and DNA evidence

God, is at best a theory. A theory totally unsupported by any evidence
Evolution is a fairy tale for grown ups.

No, I did not coin that, some scientist did who does not even know if there is a God or not, but thinks all your "facts" are total party line crap. IOW, It looks like a duck and kind of feels like a duck --- so it had to have come from a duck. Yeah, sure. Those platypuses sure must have had a wild journey though.

Evolution only could have occurred if all three of the following are true: 1- God did it. 2- He did a great job of hiding all the evidence. 3 - He has since stopped the process altogether.

But this post is about atheism not evolution. So in the mind of an atheist (correct me if I am wrong) "natural selection" is their god. Somehow, some strange way "natural selection" which according to Dawkins has no will, no plan, no real intelligence --- still given that "decided" now is a good time to start hearing. So mindless "natural selection" by chance began the unimaginable process of creating the physiological makeup of what it would take to create hearing. And some of us in the classroom yelled out --- "Yeah, Right!" : 0
You're wrong.

Prove it (watches Jones run away......again)
So in the mind of an atheist (correct me if I am wrong) "natural selection" is their god.

You are wrong. Atheism is a lack of belief in any god (or a belief that there is no god, depending on the definition). If natural selection is a person's god, they are not an atheist. Calling natural selection an atheist's god is just a way to try to make atheism into a type of religion IMO.
It's a mystery. OTOH, I accept the Universe is about 13.8 Billion years old. Do you? God created the Universe and all the physical laws with in it. Do you deny this?

God gave us brains. My thinking is that God expects us to use our brains to better understand the natural universe God created over 13 BILLION years ago. Do you agree with this?

"So what happened here?"

That is funny.

I'd really like to know myself.

It takes just as much faith to believe in the big bang, in fact, moreso than it is to believe in Jesus Christ.

Why does belief in the big bang take more faith than belief in Jesus? :popcorn:
Can you answer the question of what happened on the image?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Is that supposed to be an answer to my question? Are you asking me to explain the idea of the Big Bang? I asked why you said it takes more faith to believe in the Big Bang than Jesus.
Do ants believe in God or gods?

Does God demand that ants believe in him- or worship him? LOL

And which 'god'? The god of Abraham? The gods of Mount Olympus? Coyote? Thor? Some bizarre triumverite that includes Jesus?
Do you demand that your children listen and respect you? Or do you let them do whatever they please from the time they are born? Do you set boundaries for your children, or is it a free-for-all whatever goes thing from the time they are born?

My children are not ants- are yours?

And I certainly never tell my children that there is no way they will ever comprehend my plans for them- nor did I tell them that I would kill them if they didn't do as I commanded.

Or condemn them to eternal torment for refusing to wash the dishes.
Do ants believe in God or gods?

Does God demand that ants believe in him- or worship him? LOL

And which 'god'? The god of Abraham? The gods of Mount Olympus? Coyote? Thor? Some bizarre triumverite that includes Jesus?
Do you demand that your children listen and respect you? Or do you let them do whatever they please from the time they are born? Do you set boundaries for your children, or is it a free-for-all whatever goes thing from the time they are born?

Do you avoid any direct contact with your children and instead only communicate through vague, difficult to understand proxies?

The God as parent analogy fails on many levels.

Yep- pretty much as if I just left a poorly written instruction manual for my 6 year old and walked out of her life forever telling her that even though she will never see me, and I will never again talk with her, or pay for her schools or food- I will still always be there for her.......LOL...
I've conceded there is no proof of fug off. Good grief
And yet you won't say that it is an opinion that a god actually exists

Sure it is, but it's also faith. Now back to evolution being a theory, I'm weary of your silly deflection and BS

Evolution occurs. It is not a theory, it is a fact. A fact supported by biological, fossil, geologic and DNA evidence

God, is at best a theory. A theory totally unsupported by any evidence
Evolution is a fairy tale for grown ups.

No, I did not coin that, some scientist did who does not even know if there is a God or not, but thinks all your "facts" are total party line crap. IOW, It looks like a duck and kind of feels like a duck --- so it had to have come from a duck. Yeah, sure. Those platypuses sure must have had a wild journey though.

Evolution only could have occurred if all three of the following are true: 1- God did it. 2- He did a great job of hiding all the evidence. 3 - He has since stopped the process altogether.

But this post is about atheism not evolution. So in the mind of an atheist (correct me if I am wrong) "natural selection" is their god. Somehow, some strange way "natural selection" which according to Dawkins has no will, no plan, no real intelligence --- still given that "decided" now is a good time to start hearing. So mindless "natural selection" by chance began the unimaginable process of creating the physiological makeup of what it would take to create hearing. And some of us in the classroom yelled out --- "Yeah, Right!" : 0
You're wrong.

Prove it
How do you create god, Jesus Christ and the holy spirit?

Ya don't he always was.
You make up the story and tell it

I didn't make up the story, even Eisenstein knew their was a God, just not a personal one..

You should read Einstein's personal biography this long 3 day's like 600 pages long..

A fascinating book read it around 2009
A lot of smart theists that doesn't prove anything, just like the fact athiests are very intelligent.

Einstein believed there was a God but he didn't prove it.

I understand the logic behind the idea there must be a creator but there really doesn't have to be one.

And Einstein isn't celebrated for his religious beliefs
If there is no creator, how did the universe get here?
Again, this fails as an appeal to ignorance fallacy.

That science has yet to determine the origin of the universe doesn’t mean ‘god’ is the ‘answer.’

God is the only answer...

You make up the story and tell it

I didn't make up the story, even Eisenstein knew their was a God, just not a personal one..

You should read Einstein's personal biography this long 3 day's like 600 pages long..

A fascinating book read it around 2009
A lot of smart theists that doesn't prove anything, just like the fact athiests are very intelligent.

Einstein believed there was a God but he didn't prove it.

I understand the logic behind the idea there must be a creator but there really doesn't have to be one.

And Einstein isn't celebrated for his religious beliefs
If there is no creator, how did the universe get here?
Again, this fails as an appeal to ignorance fallacy.

That science has yet to determine the origin of the universe doesn’t mean ‘god’ is the ‘answer.’

God is the only answer...


Unless they have a personal relationship they will never understand
A lot of smart theists that doesn't prove anything, just like the fact athiests are very intelligent.

Einstein believed there was a God but he didn't prove it.

I understand the logic behind the idea there must be a creator but there really doesn't have to be one.

And Einstein isn't celebrated for his religious beliefs
If there is no creator, how did the universe get here?
Who knows? We may never answer that question. I'm not going to accept superstitious stories from our ignorant ancient ancestors
So you go by faith, in what mankind has so-called figured out thus far. Correct *

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Yes. I don't "believe" anything. We either know something or we don't. Do I BELIEVE there is other life out there? Yes I do. But I don't have faith there is. At least not enough to base my entire existence on it.

You say you don't believe anything and almost immediately follow it up by saying you believe something. :lol:

Did you mean to say you don't have faith in anything at the beginning?
Put it this way. Gone are the days where it's assumed everyone believes Jesus was the son of God. In fact you should know out if ten people maybe 2-5 believe Jesus was literally the son of God.

Some people believe in generic God. I went from Christian to theist to an agnostic atheist. I really truly don't believe there is a creator in the conventional sense. Logic tells me man made it up.

But my position can only matter if you believe in the Christian God. If all you believe in is a generic creator and you understand religions are made up, then it doesn't matter if I believe. And then what makes you think a heaven exists?

And no Christian that truly believes should ever get mad. They should only feel sorry for non believers
If there is no creator, how did the universe get here?
Who knows? We may never answer that question. I'm not going to accept superstitious stories from our ignorant ancient ancestors
So you go by faith, in what mankind has so-called figured out thus far. Correct *

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Yes. I don't "believe" anything. We either know something or we don't. Do I BELIEVE there is other life out there? Yes I do. But I don't have faith there is. At least not enough to base my entire existence on it.

You say you don't believe anything and almost immediately follow it up by saying you believe something. :lol:

Did you mean to say you don't have faith in anything at the beginning?
Put it this way. Gone are the days where it's assumed everyone believes Jesus was the son of God. In fact you should know out if ten people maybe 2-5 believe Jesus was literally the son of God.

Some people believe in generic God. I went from Christian to theist to an agnostic atheist. I really truly don't believe there is a creator in the conventional sense. Logic tells me man made it up.

But my position can only matter if you believe in the Christian God. If all you believe in is a generic creator and you understand religions are made up, then it doesn't matter if I believe. And then what makes you think a heaven exists?

And no Christian that truly believes should ever get mad. They should only feel sorry for non believers
Jesus had nothing to do with creation

If God is the creator, he created slowly and methodically over a billion years

Another name for evolution
I didn't make up the story, even Eisenstein knew their was a God, just not a personal one..

You should read Einstein's personal biography this long 3 day's like 600 pages long..

A fascinating book read it around 2009
A lot of smart theists that doesn't prove anything, just like the fact athiests are very intelligent.

Einstein believed there was a God but he didn't prove it.

I understand the logic behind the idea there must be a creator but there really doesn't have to be one.

And Einstein isn't celebrated for his religious beliefs
If there is no creator, how did the universe get here?
Again, this fails as an appeal to ignorance fallacy.

That science has yet to determine the origin of the universe doesn’t mean ‘god’ is the ‘answer.’

God is the only answer...


Unless they have a personal relationship they will never understand
I used to believe I had a personal relationship with God. Then I realized there is no God. But that's OK. I'd rather know the truth and appreciate every day. So lucky we were born. And hopefully lived a good life

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