Here is the question atheists can't answer...

It's not measurable if it is impossible to measure because it is not observable.
So, because you can't see people on the other side of the planet, you believe they could live forever?

Physics remains constant regardless if we can see every star or not. Dude, it isn't magic.
That's irrelevant.

You still cannot say how old the oldest stars are.
It's not measurable if it is impossible to measure because it is not observable.
So, because you can't see people on the other side of the planet, you believe they could live forever?

Physics remains constant regardless if we can see every star or not. Dude, it isn't magic.
That's irrelevant.

You still cannot say how old the oldest stars are.

Kirk Douglas is almost 100

Boom!... All questions answered. Thread over.
Q: How did we get here?
A: Nobody knows

Conclusion: Aha! That proves that God must have made us
That's nice...any proof evolution isn't a theory? I'll check later but already know the answer. :)

I never said anything about evolution did I?

I am speaking of the belief in gods in order to explain things we do not as yet have a complete understanding of

I've conceded there is no proof of fug off. Good grief
And yet you won't say that it is an opinion that a god actually exists

Sure it is, but it's also faith. Now back to evolution being a theory, I'm weary of your silly deflection and BS

Evolution occurs. It is not a theory, it is a fact. A fact supported by biological, fossil, geologic and DNA evidence

God, is at best a theory. A theory totally unsupported by any evidence
Evolution is a fairy tale for grown ups.

No, I did not coin that, some scientist did who does not even know if there is a God or not, but thinks all your "facts" are total party line crap. IOW, It looks like a duck and kind of feels like a duck --- so it had to have come from a duck. Yeah, sure. Those platypuses sure must have had a wild journey though.

Evolution only could have occurred if all three of the following are true: 1- God did it. 2- He did a great job of hiding all the evidence. 3 - He has since stopped the process altogether.

But this post is about atheism not evolution. So in the mind of an atheist (correct me if I am wrong) "natural selection" is their god. Somehow, some strange way "natural selection" which according to Dawkins has no will, no plan, no real intelligence --- still given that "decided" now is a good time to start hearing. So mindless "natural selection" by chance began the unimaginable process of creating the physiological makeup of what it would take to create hearing. And some of us in the classroom yelled out --- "Yeah, Right!" : 0
It's a mystery. OTOH, I accept the Universe is about 13.8 Billion years old. Do you? God created the Universe and all the physical laws with in it. Do you deny this?

God gave us brains. My thinking is that God expects us to use our brains to better understand the natural universe God created over 13 BILLION years ago. Do you agree with this?

"So what happened here?"

That is funny.

I'd really like to know myself.

It takes just as much faith to believe in the big bang, in fact, moreso than it is to believe in Jesus Christ.

Why does belief in the big bang take more faith than belief in Jesus? :popcorn:
Can you answer the question of what happened on the image?

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I believe in the Big Bang Theory, AND I believe in Jesus Christ.

But the Big Bang Theory leaves one basic question unanswered.

HOW did the Big Bang happen?
The two beliefs are incompatible.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
I believe in the Big Bang Theory, AND I believe in Jesus Christ.

But the Big Bang Theory leaves one basic question unanswered.

HOW did the Big Bang happen?
That's like asking how was God created?

How do you create god, Jesus Christ and the holy spirit?

Ya don't he always was.
Impossible since all things must have a starting point........
Really? So what's the starting point of nothing?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
How do you create god, Jesus Christ and the holy spirit?

Ya don't he always was.
You make up the story and tell it

I didn't make up the story, even Eisenstein knew their was a God, just not a personal one..

You should read Einstein's personal biography this long 3 day's like 600 pages long..

A fascinating book read it around 2009
A lot of smart theists that doesn't prove anything, just like the fact athiests are very intelligent.

Einstein believed there was a God but he didn't prove it.

I understand the logic behind the idea there must be a creator but there really doesn't have to be one.

And Einstein isn't celebrated for his religious beliefs
If there is no creator, how did the universe get here?
Who knows? We may never answer that question. I'm not going to accept superstitious stories from our ignorant ancient ancestors
So you go by faith, in what mankind has so-called figured out thus far. Correct *

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
I believe in the Big Bang Theory, AND I believe in Jesus Christ.

But the Big Bang Theory leaves one basic question unanswered.

HOW did the Big Bang happen?
That's like asking how was God created?

How do you create god, Jesus Christ and the holy spirit?

Ya don't he always was.
Impossible since all things must have a starting point........

Agree that's why zero plus zero = one in a no God scenario don't make any mathematical's impossible. In physics..

To just an industrial maintenance guy.

But I witness God all the time in my life.

Can gut feelings about something be explained?

Can luck be explained?

Can coincidences be explained by logic and science?
Well what if he has no gender, why call God a he?
When we are reincarnated then we'll know..........
How do you know we'll be reincarnated?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
I never said anything about evolution did I?

I am speaking of the belief in gods in order to explain things we do not as yet have a complete understanding of

I've conceded there is no proof of fug off. Good grief
And yet you won't say that it is an opinion that a god actually exists

Sure it is, but it's also faith. Now back to evolution being a theory, I'm weary of your silly deflection and BS

Evolution occurs. It is not a theory, it is a fact. A fact supported by biological, fossil, geologic and DNA evidence

God, is at best a theory. A theory totally unsupported by any evidence
Evolution is a fairy tale for grown ups.

No, I did not coin that, some scientist did who does not even know if there is a God or not, but thinks all your "facts" are total party line crap. IOW, It looks like a duck and kind of feels like a duck --- so it had to have come from a duck. Yeah, sure. Those platypuses sure must have had a wild journey though.

Evolution only could have occurred if all three of the following are true: 1- God did it. 2- He did a great job of hiding all the evidence. 3 - He has since stopped the process altogether.

But this post is about atheism not evolution. So in the mind of an atheist (correct me if I am wrong) "natural selection" is their god. Somehow, some strange way "natural selection" which according to Dawkins has no will, no plan, no real intelligence --- still given that "decided" now is a good time to start hearing. So mindless "natural selection" by chance began the unimaginable process of creating the physiological makeup of what it would take to create hearing. And some of us in the classroom yelled out --- "Yeah, Right!" : 0

Evolution occurs...that is an irrefutable FACT

We know there were no humans a billion years ago....only noncomplex organisms..FACT
We know that over time, life on earth became more and more complex. FACT
There is irrefutable evidence that life evolved over time and became more complex FACT

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