Here is the text of Trump’s Taliban deal.

PROGS & Democracks naturally reject & displace responsibility. The evidence is everywhere, and it's a reason the Demonics sell victim roles so easily.

PROGS have dependency issues and are often emotionally disturbed, so they don't think in critical terms. The proof is they cannot tell the difference between a high-level plan from a micro plan, and more than that they can't tell the difference between a high-level plan and execution.

We've really dumbed down as a country. Blame the web and PROGS, they're the one's who are leading it, and they have the audacity to tag it progressive.
You apparently have no idea what you posted.

What you posted was a joint declaration between the now defunct government of Afghanistan and the Trump Administration.

You failed to comprehend this was not the agreement with the Taliban. From the joint declaration:

"The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan welcomes the Reduction in Violence period and takes note of the
U.S.-Taliban agreement, an important step toward ending the war. The U.S-Taliban agreement paves the
way for intra-Afghan negotiations on a political settlement and a permanent and comprehensive ceasefire."

In other words, there is a US-Taliban agreement that the now defunct Afghan government and the US agreed to abide by.

Here is what you should have attached:

It is an Islamic emirate, dumbass.
I posted this last week.

NOT ONE COMMUNIST CUCKOLD ASSPIPE on this board took the time to educate themselves and read the text of the deal.

They like to lie. They do not want any facts that contradict thier BULLSHIT narrative....even if you feed it to them like feeding a baby strained carrots.


Here is your typical USMB, refusing facts fed directly into their mouths.
No, what you pointed out is that Biden didn't abide by Trump's timetable. Maybe we should have left sooner. But I got to tell you, it makes no sense whatsoever to dispense more money and blood because 200 hundred dumbass Americans are still in Afghanistan today. You Trumpsters are only interested in complaining. You got no suggestions for improvement and you don't give two shits about this nation. In a word, you guys are scum.
Lol, my guy is in office. So no matter what he does I will blindly support him. If Biden would've got the civilians out then our troops. He could have a successful ending to the war. But he is a liberal incompetence is in his blood. Like the bengazi fiasco.
Lol, my guy is in office. So no matter what he does I will blindly support him. If Biden would've got the civilians out then our troops. He could have a successful ending to the war. But he is a liberal incompetence is in his blood. Like the bengazi fiasco.


What kind of kickback from the MIC do you think Hillary got for Libya?
For the first seven months of his Presidency Biden went above and beyond to be the anti Trump. He did everything the opposite of the way Trump did stuff tried to undo everything Trump did yet we are expected to believe the one thing he followed was the Trump Afghanistan withdrawal plan calling bullshit on that. If this withdrawal had gone of perfect would anyone in the Biden Administration or any Biden supporters be giving Trump credit or claiming Biden followed the Trump deal? Rhetorical question we all know the answer is no.
Never said when we should leave.

I pointed out the fact Surrender Joe didn’t follow Trump’s plan.
Trumps plan included relying on the Afghan Army to hold the ground as we withdrew.
You apparently have no idea what you posted.

What you posted was a joint declaration between the now defunct government of Afghanistan and the Trump Administration.

You failed to comprehend this was not the agreement with the Taliban. From the joint declaration:

"The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan welcomes the Reduction in Violence period and takes note of the
U.S.-Taliban agreement, an important step toward ending the war. The U.S-Taliban agreement paves the
way for intra-Afghan negotiations on a political settlement and a permanent and comprehensive ceasefire."

In other words, there is a US-Taliban agreement that the now defunct Afghan government and the US agreed to abide by.

Here is what you should have attached:

why don't you copy and paste the part of that which Xiden followed.....
No, what you pointed out is that Biden didn't abide by Trump's timetable. Maybe we should have left sooner. But I got to tell you, it makes no sense whatsoever to dispense more money and blood because 200 hundred dumbass Americans are still in Afghanistan today. You Trumpsters are only interested in complaining. You got no suggestions for improvement and you don't give two shits about this nation. In a word, you guys are scum.
Hope you burn in Hell for this one you POS....
From the real agreement Trump and the Taliban negotiated

How do you negotiate an agreement with a party whom isn't in power and for whom you are leaving behind a 300,000 man army with 20 years of training and 28 billion dollars of gear to keep in check?

You been smoking coleslaw again, John?
How do you negotiate an agreement with a party whom isn't in power and for whom you are leaving behind a 300,000 man army with 20 years of training and 28 billion dollars of gear to keep in check?

You been smoking coleslaw again, John?
Actually, you unwittingly raise a good point. The Agreement was indeed negotiated between the USA and the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which did not exist at the time.

Why would the US negotiate with a party that did not exist and did not recognize? Why would the US sign such an agreement without input from the Afghan government that they did recognize?

The answer is simple.

The Agreement that Trump negotiated was in essence a surrender document. Trump knew the Afghan government would never consent to this Agreement. So, why bring them to the negotiation table. The most the US and the erstwhile Afghan government could do is muster some junk PR release that the OP linked to.

The Agreement calls for total withdrawal of US and allied forces within 9 and a half months from the date of the Agreement. The Agreement also called for the abandonment of all US and allied Afghan bases.

The faux outrage from Trumpers is just that fake. The agreement Trump signed with the Taliban set the stage for US withdrawal and gave the Taliban all it wanted.

Trump in effect surrendered to the Taliban.
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