Here is the Updated List of US-Based Food Manufacturing Plants Destroyed Under Biden Administration

It's become apparent that the Federal Government has been commandeered and stolen all Rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights from the Political Prisoners they are holding in the dungeons of DC for the people who peacefully protested on Jan. 6, 2020.
Our guns have not yet saved those patriots, and everyday they are held in the gulag is one more day of tyranny from an illegitimate Deep State Cabal of evil bureaucrats. Americans are reaching the point were guns must be used or patriots will have to simply give up and surrender. May God help the UNited States of America.
It's become apparent that the Federal Government has been commandeered and stolen all Rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights from the Political Prisoners they are holding in the dungeons of DC for the people who peacefully protested on Jan. 6, 2020.
Our guns have not yet saved those patriots, and everyday they are held in the gulag is one more day of tyranny from an illegitimate Deep State Cabal of evil bureaucrats. Americans are reaching the point were guns must be used or patriots will have to simply give up and surrender. May God help the UNited States of America.
If we had a real leader in the senate and house they would get together with a posse of constitutional attorneys and march them into a courtroom in DC and get these people out of jail today....
How comical. Gateway Pundi.t, another shit show site. Here is the headline,

Here is the Updated List of US-Based Food Manufacturing Plants Destroyed Under Biden Administration​

"Destroyed" it said. Yet going down the list you only see a handful of "plants" that were destroyed. You find a food pantry, is that food manufacturing? A fertilizer plant, again, food manufacturing. Hell, even a fire in the milk parlor at Bess View Farm, LMAO. Hell, I can't believe they left out the fire ant attack at Jethro's bean patch.
103 places destroyed, shut down, idled, regulated out of existence in a time when we have supply chain issues and baby formula shortages and food prices goin up by 14%, inflation in double digits is significant and not to be swept under the rug like you are trying to do.
103 places destroyed, shut down, idled, regulated out of existence in a time when we have supply chain issues and baby formula shortages and food prices goin up by 14%, inflation in double digits is significant and not to be swept under the rug like you are trying to do.
Damn, that post was months old, but my post was still on point. Gateway pundit is a shit site that only fools frequent. Hell, go down their list. Start at the top,

  1. 1/11/21 A fire that destroyed 75,000-square-foot processing plant in Fayetteville.
Hell, check the date. Flipping dumbass Trump was president at the time. Why is this even on the damn list. I mean do you dumbshits not even pay attention to what you read? But hell, I will defend Trump, how was he suppose to prevent a fire at a food processing plant? But hey, take it from Gateway Pundit, it must have been Trump's fault. But look,

Deli Star Corporation, an industry leader in cooked protein manufacturing and culinary innovation, opened its new state-of-the-art facility in St. Louis, Missouri, located at 3049 Chouteau Avenue. The relocation and rebuilding efforts are the result of a fire that destroyed the company’s Fayetteville, Illinois, plant January 11, 2021.

Shazaam. Trump caused the plant to burn down and by God Biden, all by his damn self, built them a new more modern facility a year later. You want me to go to the second one on the list?
How many were destroyed from 2018-2020?
If it’s something like1/5th then it’s no coincidence nor accident
Thinkers, do the math because libbies will refuse to.
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Since Joe has said nothing about this I can only presume he is behind it.... or hiding it....

All he cares about is keeping his party in power. These plants mean nothing to him or his political partners because it does not effect them. They won't want for anything while they run the show.
As far as the Nazicrats destroying production facilities............

We all know WHY they are doing it. But nobody is doing anything about it.

We all cannot wait around for Trump to get back into office. And we certainly cannot expect Trump to be able to fix everything the Nazicrats have done and are doing in less than 20 years!!! Trump can constitutionally be in office for 6 more years, if LEGALLY voted in. I'm sure he will, seeing as many of the companies that backed the Dems have lost so much money now, they will never recover from it. It's either downsize or go out of business.

The ONLY businesses that are making money in the USA right now are the ones the Nazicrats have investments in.
Everything else is being destroyed.
Americans are reaching the point were guns must be used or patriots will have to simply give up and surrender. May God help the UNited States of America.
Umm, here's the thing, good poster Doc --- I've been a gun owner for well over 60years, I've been a member of over a half-dozen shooting clubs across this country, I used to be a member of the NRA. And......all that experience suggests to me that folks who go on internet chatrooms and assert "guns must be used or patriots will.....", well, folks like that generally don't know which end of the gun the slug comes out of. Are you one of those internet nimrods? A keyboard commando?
As far as the Nazicrats destroying production facilities............ We all know WHY they are doing it.

I don't.

ps....but first, let's all help poster Toffee amuse us.
I say the 'why' -- is because Americans are generally so over their recommended BMI that the New York fashion industry is struggling to re-jigger standardized sizing. Accordingly, sabotaging infant-formula plants aids in keeping babies at their recommended BMI.. And that helps New York's Garment District manage costs better as those babies will then grow up to be fashionably thin consumers.

OK, that's my first shot. Your turn.
Anybody else got some theories so we can help ToffeNut's crusade to make the world smile?
Damn, that post was months old, but my post was still on point. Gateway pundit is a shit site that only fools frequent. Hell, go down their list. Start at the top,

  1. 1/11/21 A fire that destroyed 75,000-square-foot processing plant in Fayetteville.
Hell, check the date. Flipping dumbass Trump was president at the time. Why is this even on the damn list. I mean do you dumbshits not even pay attention to what you read? But hell, I will defend Trump, how was he suppose to prevent a fire at a food processing plant? But hey, take it from Gateway Pundit, it must have been Trump's fault. But look,

Deli Star Corporation, an industry leader in cooked protein manufacturing and culinary innovation, opened its new state-of-the-art facility in St. Louis, Missouri, located at 3049 Chouteau Avenue. The relocation and rebuilding efforts are the result of a fire that destroyed the company’s Fayetteville, Illinois, plant January 11, 2021.

Shazaam. Trump caused the plant to burn down and by God Biden, all by his damn self, built them a new more modern facility a year later. You want me to go to the second one on the list?
Because these things happened when it was learned Faux Joe was being installed as our illegitimate president. Same as The BLM and ANTIFA RIots costing Billions in damages were ordered by The DemNazi 4th Reich in an attempt to disrupt our elections. Same as Obama and Fauci unleashing a BioWeapon on our elections in 2020. It does not matter who was president, but it matters who was trying to disrupt and overthrow our Democracy like The DemNazi Party and Deep State tried to do with Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane.

The DemNazi Party must be abolished to save America, preserve Our Republic, and Ensure Democracy Lives on and Thrives.

Death to Tyrants!

Long Live The Republic!
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Because these things happened when it was learned Faux Joe was being installed as our illegitimate president. Same as The BLM and ANTIFA RIots costing Billions in damages were ordered by The DemNazi 4th Reich in an attempt to disrupt our elections. Same as Obama and Fauci unleashing a BioWeapon on our elections in 2020. It does not matter who was president, but it matters who was trying to disrupt and overthrow our Democracy like The DemNazi Party and Deep State tried to do with Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane.

The DemNazi Party must be abolished to save America, preserve Our Republic, and Ensure Democracy Lives on and Thrives.

Death to Tyrants!

Long Live The Republic!
You mean to tell me that a fire broke out at a food processing plant because Biden was going to be installed as president? I mean he wasn't president yet, but he was going to be. WTF--I thought there was going to be a "revolution". I thought Trump was going to lead a rally and overthrow the government. I thought Pence was going to refuse to certify the electors. I thought the courts were going to step in. I mean you fools really are fools.
You mean to tell me that a fire broke out at a food processing plant because Biden was going to be installed as president? I mean he wasn't president yet, but he was going to be. WTF--I thought there was going to be a "revolution". I thought Trump was going to lead a rally and overthrow the government. I thought Pence was going to refuse to certify the electors. I thought the courts were going to step in. I mean you fools really are fools.
Hellova logical conclusion.

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