Here is what I want to know from Democrats at USMB....

Go out in your yard with a shovel... start digging a hole.... dig hard! Dig as hard as you've ever dug before... put some muscle into it... do it all day long and into the night... dig until you are totally exhausted and can't dig anymore.... Let's see how much wealth your labor generates?

Well ok. I dug and dug till my hands were bloody.

then I hit oil. And as soon as the price comes back, I WILL BE RICH.

At the price for oil now, I am only a little rich.

But that hard work did pay off.
Yes, free education through high school is good for the country. But you libs want a lot more than that. Why should medical care be free? Should doctors and hospitals be paid for their services? or would you propose that all medicine be run like the VA?

We don't have "FREE" education or anything else. Teachers and staff are paid with dollars from taxpayers. And YES, they want the same thing for health care. The problem is, you can normalize education so that everyone gets the same amount of product... you can't do so with health care. But this is where Socialism comes into play. Under the tenet of Socialism... to each according to need, from each according to ability.

right, to be accurate, what they want is Marxist collectivism.

The problem with that is many who benefit from it aren't putting into the collective pot from which they draw, all the while, claiming that those who don't draw what they draw aren't paying their fair share.
Go out in your yard with a shovel... start digging a hole.... dig hard! Dig as hard as you've ever dug before... put some muscle into it... do it all day long and into the night... dig until you are totally exhausted and can't dig anymore.... Let's see how much wealth your labor generates?

Well ok. I dug and dug till my hands were bloody.

then I hit oil. And as soon as the price comes back, I WILL BE RICH.

At the price for oil now, I am only a little rich.

But that hard work did pay off.

Hate to break it to you but you hit an oil pipeline that didn't belong to you.
the biggest problem is meth heads like conman.

Fucking the constant whining from you right wingers on here is pitiful.

Is there not a ONE of you that have had ANY success in your lives?

NOt even ONE?

If you have had no success, maybe you could at least come up with an idea that would make you successful.

Whining will not do it for you. Nobody likes or hires a whiner.
Hate to break it to you but you hit an oil pipeline that didn't belong to you.

Being MUCH smarter than a meth head. I called before I dug. there is a locater service that comes out and marks underground utilities and gas/oil lines.

No, the oil is mine.

that really pisses you off eh?
Hate to break it to you but you hit an oil pipeline that didn't belong to you.

Being MUCH smarter than a meth head. I called before I dug. there is a locater service that comes out and marks underground utilities and gas/oil lines.

No, the oil is mine.

that really pisses you off eh?

While what you said sounds good, only to you, when you said you actually got out there and dug, I knew anything after that was a lie.

Much like most Liberals do, claiming it's yours doesn't make it so. Want doesn't equal ownership.
Hate to break it to you but you hit an oil pipeline that didn't belong to you.

Being MUCH smarter than a meth head. I called before I dug. there is a locater service that comes out and marks underground utilities and gas/oil lines.

No, the oil is mine.

that really pisses you off eh?

show us your deed that says you own the mineral rights on your property.
Hate to break it to you but you hit an oil pipeline that didn't belong to you.

Being MUCH smarter than a meth head. I called before I dug. there is a locater service that comes out and marks underground utilities and gas/oil lines.

No, the oil is mine.

that really pisses you off eh?

show us your deed that says you own the mineral rights on your property.

Wilbur is the typical Liberal. He thinks saying something is all he needs for it to be true.

I knew he was lying when he said he actually picked up a shovel and dug a hole.
Go out in your yard with a shovel... start digging a hole.... dig hard! Dig as hard as you've ever dug before... put some muscle into it... do it all day long and into the night... dig until you are totally exhausted and can't dig anymore.... Let's see how much wealth your labor generates?

Well ok. I dug and dug till my hands were bloody.

then I hit oil. And as soon as the price comes back, I WILL BE RICH.

At the price for oil now, I am only a little rich.

But that hard work did pay off.

What is "a little rich" and how does it differ from RICH? Are these not artificial parameters you draw from a perspective of not having a pot to piss in?

And since you want to take my analogy and be a cute little smart ass... Did you have a permit from the EPA to drill for oil? Did you comply with the 20,000 assorted environmental regulations to ensure public safety? Or is the oil simply ruining your neighbor's water tables and poisoning nearby rivers and streams? Do you own the mineral rights on the land?

I estimate your assorted fines and penalties are going to add up to more than your windfall.
Whoosh......went right over your head didn't it?

The issue isn't whether or not we should support war, but whether taxpayers should only have to pay for those things they support

The issue is whether or not taxpayers should have to pay for things that aren't delegated in the Constitution. The military is, social programs aren't.

Guess that went over your head and I know you can't be that tall. Shit can't be stacked but so high.

Yes, Social programs are constitutional

You lost that argument 80 years ago

Perhaps you can show me the word food stamps then. I've been looking and can't find it.
There are a lot of words not in the Constitution

Including all the social programs you say are. The word military is in the Constitution and you morons do everything you can to reduce spending on it. You lose.
Only a full time Navy with no provisions for a standing Army or Air Force
Did you have a permit from the EPA to drill for oil? Did you comply with the 20,000 assorted environmental regulations to ensure public safety? Or is the oil simply ruining your neighbor's water tables and poisoning nearby rivers and streams? Do you own the mineral rights on the land?

What the fuck? Aint you cute, you a Democrat now.

I am a Republican. I can do whatever the fuck I want to do on my own land.

What the fuck is wrong with you?
Here you are supporting the EPA and trying to keep a man from doing what he wants with his own land.

And heh, it was your idea to go digging.
Please stay on topic without the personal attacks people. Kthnx.
Your labor produces a certain value. You don't see that value, but someone else who didn't do it does.

What is the certain value?
Do you mean value added?
Can you give an example of what you mean?

I think that statement speaks for itself and I'm not going to engage in your sophistry. Thanks for playing.

I think that statement speaks for itself and I'm not going to engage in your sophistry.

I understand. Further explanation would only highlight the weakness of your claim, eh comrade?
Did you have a permit from the EPA to drill for oil? Did you comply with the 20,000 assorted environmental regulations to ensure public safety? Or is the oil simply ruining your neighbor's water tables and poisoning nearby rivers and streams? Do you own the mineral rights on the land?
What the fuck? Aint you cute, you a Democrat now.

I am a Republican. I can do whatever the fuck I want to do on my own land.

What the fuck is wrong with you?
Here you are supporting the EPA and trying to keep a man from doing what he wants with his own land.

And heh, it was your idea to go digging.

Well my analogy was to illustrate how labor alone does not create wealth. Even when you tried to be an obtuse ass weasel, labor still didn't create wealth. The simple-minded notion that someone's labor is exploited for someone's acquisition of wealth is invalid when you have a voluntary system like ours. People are paid to do their job and they contribute to the thing that ultimately produces wealth but there is a process and lots of people are involved in the process.

So...where does this "poor exploited workers" meme come from you might ask? "Workers" is a key... it stems from the old Socialist Workers Party. The ideology is a mix of Marxism, Trotskyism and revolutionary socialism. Whenever you hear some lefty blather about "the worker" you can bet they are a Trotskyian disciple, brainwashed by this arcane and archaic nonsense. It doesn't apply in a free market, free enterprise system such as ours because we have the freedom as individuals to be whatever we want... we're not relegated to a "worker class" as people were in Europe of the 40s and 50s.

When these idiots start whining about "the poor exploited workers" my first inclination is to ask... why don't they become something besides workers? They are completely free to do so. If you believe your talent and skill is being exploited to make someone else wealthy... go form your own company and be the boss! Millions and millions of Americans have done that and had great success. But Trotskyites think there is a better way... use power of government to force private free enterprise to conform and share profits. It fails because it removes any chance for individual freedom and you simply change the nature of the authoritarian power from a free system to a government-controlled system... a ruling class. Once it is changed, it quickly becomes corrupt and the "poor exploited worker" becomes a slave or serf.

Since I am not a big fan of being a slave or serf, I speak out against this mindless idiocy. I prefer a free market capitalist free enterprise system where every American has the opportunity to obtain as much wealth as they desire through their own initiatives. I prefer this because it has been successful... it has produced more millionaires and billionaires than any system ever devised by man.
You know what, I seem to remember when her Husband was President, I could send a resume out and have a better paying job in a week.

Yeah, the Internet Bubble was cool. I'm not sure what either Clinton did to make it happen.
Do you think they caused it?

My job had nothing to do with the internet. Again, thanks for playing.

Bubbles spread. You're welcome.
Did you have a permit from the EPA to drill for oil? Did you comply with the 20,000 assorted environmental regulations to ensure public safety? Or is the oil simply ruining your neighbor's water tables and poisoning nearby rivers and streams? Do you own the mineral rights on the land?
What the fuck? Aint you cute, you a Democrat now.

I am a Republican. I can do whatever the fuck I want to do on my own land.

What the fuck is wrong with you?
Here you are supporting the EPA and trying to keep a man from doing what he wants with his own land.

And heh, it was your idea to go digging.

Well my analogy was to illustrate how labor alone does not create wealth. Even when you tried to be an obtuse ass weasel, labor still didn't create wealth. The simple-minded notion that someone's labor is exploited for someone's acquisition of wealth is invalid when you have a voluntary system like ours. People are paid to do their job and they contribute to the thing that ultimately produces wealth but there is a process and lots of people are involved in the process.

So...where does this "poor exploited workers" meme come from you might ask? "Workers" is a key... it stems from the old Socialist Workers Party. The ideology is a mix of Marxism, Trotskyism and revolutionary socialism. Whenever you hear some lefty blather about "the worker" you can bet they are a Trotskyian disciple, brainwashed by this arcane and archaic nonsense. It doesn't apply in a free market, free enterprise system such as ours because we have the freedom as individuals to be whatever we want... we're not relegated to a "worker class" as people were in Europe of the 40s and 50s.

When these idiots start whining about "the poor exploited workers" my first inclination is to ask... why don't they become something besides workers? They are completely free to do so. If you believe your talent and skill is being exploited to make someone else wealthy... go form your own company and be the boss! Millions and millions of Americans have done that and had great success. But Trotskyites think there is a better way... use power of government to force private free enterprise to conform and share profits. It fails because it removes any chance for individual freedom and you simply change the nature of the authoritarian power from a free system to a government-controlled system... a ruling class. Once it is changed, it quickly becomes corrupt and the "poor exploited worker" becomes a slave or serf.

Since I am not a big fan of being a slave or serf, I speak out against this mindless idiocy. I prefer a free market capitalist free enterprise system where every American has the opportunity to obtain as much wealth as they desire through their own initiatives. I prefer this because it has been successful... it has produced more millionaires and billionaires than any system ever devised by man.
Standing up for the rights of labor does not make you a Marxist
Standing up for the rights of labor does not make you a Marxist

Stop grandstanding. We've got tons and tons of laws protecting the rights of everyone. This is NOT about your fucking rights! This is about an outdated and inferior ideology that has NEVER worked in the history of ANY human civilization and never will. It's insidious because it plays on the envy and jealousies of ignorant people like you.
Then let Bernie and the Democrats pay for it.

And let's make anyone who supports war pay for it

No, we all need to pay for our military because in our US Constitution, the federal government is supposed to protect it's citizens; nothing in there about sending them to college.
Nowhere in the Constitution does it mention empire building around the globe

Has nothing to do with a common defense

Really, so what was the last empire we've ever built?

We haven't fought a defensive war within our own borders since 1812

It doesn't have to be within our borders. The job of the federal government is to defend the people of it's country no matter where it's at.
We are?

The Unites States pays more per capita for education than any other industrialized country on earth, yet we only have mediocre results to show for it. I don't see our education system making us a better country.

You prefer Ignorance?

Don't like how we compare to other industrialized countries then block funding for advanced education

If it doesn't work with primary education, what makes you think advanced education would be any different?

The definition of insanity is............


Our education system has managed to produce a workforce making us the most powerful economy on earth

How do you think producing a less educated populace will make us more competitive?

We already have more people in college than we need. Why do you think those liberal colleges charge so much anyway? It's called supply and demand. The higher the demand and shorter the supply, the higher the cost of anything.

And if you really believe that our workforce is the most powerful, why change it? It must be working fine according to you.
It's not just college but all post graduate training to include vocational. We need workers qualified beyond the high school level
Our biggest problem with college education is that it is becoming a crippling expense for middle class Americans. Recent graduates and their parents are crippled with debt and starting salaries have not kept up

So the solution is just send the bill to somebody else?

My nephew and niece both worked all the way through school to get a head start on paying for their college. My sister will be paying as well probably until she retires.

If your kids are going to benefit from advanced education, I shouldn't be the one footing the bill. You take care of your kids and I'll take care of mine. That's the way it should work in a free society.
The value of an employee is determined by how much a company would have to pay another person to do the same job the same way. Without unions, illegals and foreigners, it would work out perfectly. But Democrats are behind all of those things.

Uh, no, guy, the 1%ers are behind using foreigners and illegals and union busting to cheat the people who do the actual work. You really are a stupid person, aren't you?

If you sweep floors for a living, anybody can do that job so it pays low. If you turn nuts onto bolts for a living, anybody can do that job so it also pays low wages. To remodel a bathroom, not everybody can do that kind of work, so remodelers make more money than a floor sweeper. If you design buildings for a living, it pays pretty good because many of us could never design a building. If you are a CEO, then you get excellent pay because most of us could not run a company at a profit.

You ALMOST had a good argument until that last sentence. The problem with OUR system is that the CEO gets excellent pay even if runs his company into the ground. The Asshole who ran GM before the government had to bail it out got an EIGHT FIGURE Salary and a large buyout package. The Asshole who ran Cigna got a NINE figure retirement package after he disgraced his company by denying a teenage girl an operation. (She died.)

So here's an idea. Yes, the CEO should make more than the floor sweeper. But the FLoor Sweeper should make enough to feed his family, and the CEO should not be making obscene amounts of money totally divorced from his actual performance..

So while an American CEO makes 400 times what a line worker makes, a Japanese CEO only makes 40 times what a line worker makes. That actually seems a lot more reasonable and fair.

Waiting for Boss to scream "EEEEEEK< Communism!!!!"

That's the way contract works Joe.

A CEO is not an hourly wage or salaried worker. They are contract workers who get paid by past performances and not immediate ones.

It's the same way a movie star gets paid. If a famous actress gets 15 million to do one stupid film, and it ends up a dud at the movie theaters, that actress still gets her 15 mil.

Same holds true of musicians. They sign a contract to produce an album (or whatever they call it these days) with the expectation it will sell just as fantastic as their other ones. If it doesn't, they still get paid by the recording company win, lose or draw.

A CEO's contract is no different. They get X amount of money no matter how good of a job they do. And if you don't want to afford them that provision, your competitor will, and they will end up taking your customers away from you.

Did you know the cast of the show Big Bang Theory gets over one million dollars each for every episode they make? What do you suppose their makeup artists make, the stage hands that have to erect and disassemble those scenes, the sound engineers, the clean up crew? The lighting crew?

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