Here is what I want to know from Democrats at USMB....

So the solution is just send the bill to somebody else?

And they're not even talking about reforming the REAL problem... Which is idiot kids who go off to college to study liberal arts or political science and party like there is no tomorrow, leaving 4 years later with a worthless degree in something they will never practically use.

Nope... they want US to pay for 4 years of Animal House then turn around and blame us later for not being able to find adequate jobs in the nonsensical field they studied in college. The Blame Game is never-ending with Liberals.
Standing up for the rights of labor does not make you a Marxist

Stop grandstanding. We've got tons and tons of laws protecting the rights of everyone. This is NOT about your fucking rights! This is about an outdated and inferior ideology that has NEVER worked in the history of ANY human civilization and never will. It's insidious because it plays on the envy and jealousies of ignorant people like you.
Once again you dive off the deep end

Nobody is advocating communism, nobody is even advocating Socialism

They are just advocating that someone stand up for the little guy.....something that terrifies conservatives
You prefer Ignorance?

Don't like how we compare to other industrialized countries then block funding for advanced education

If it doesn't work with primary education, what makes you think advanced education would be any different?

The definition of insanity is............


Our education system has managed to produce a workforce making us the most powerful economy on earth

How do you think producing a less educated populace will make us more competitive?

We already have more people in college than we need. Why do you think those liberal colleges charge so much anyway? It's called supply and demand. The higher the demand and shorter the supply, the higher the cost of anything.

And if you really believe that our workforce is the most powerful, why change it? It must be working fine according to you.
It's not just college but all post graduate training to include vocational. We need workers qualified beyond the high school level
Our biggest problem with college education is that it is becoming a crippling expense for middle class Americans. Recent graduates and their parents are crippled with debt and starting salaries have not kept up

So the solution is just send the bill to somebody else?

My nephew and niece both worked all the way through school to get a head start on paying for their college. My sister will be paying as well probably until she retires.

If your kids are going to benefit from advanced education, I shouldn't be the one footing the bill. You take care of your kids and I'll take care of mine. That's the way it should work in a free society.

No, the solution is that "We the people" pay for those things that benefit society as a whole

You take care of your kids, I'll take care of mine is anarchy, not a free society
Which is idiot kids who go off to college to study liberal arts or political science and party like there is no tomorrow, leaving 4 years later with a worthless degree in something they will never practically use.

You boss, sound like you speak from personal experience.

Me, a hated liberal in your world view, got a biologist, an accountant, an an actuarial science major through college.

Sometimes things just aint what they seem, are they?
If it doesn't work with primary education, what makes you think advanced education would be any different?

The definition of insanity is............


Our education system has managed to produce a workforce making us the most powerful economy on earth

How do you think producing a less educated populace will make us more competitive?

We already have more people in college than we need. Why do you think those liberal colleges charge so much anyway? It's called supply and demand. The higher the demand and shorter the supply, the higher the cost of anything.

And if you really believe that our workforce is the most powerful, why change it? It must be working fine according to you.
It's not just college but all post graduate training to include vocational. We need workers qualified beyond the high school level
Our biggest problem with college education is that it is becoming a crippling expense for middle class Americans. Recent graduates and their parents are crippled with debt and starting salaries have not kept up

So the solution is just send the bill to somebody else?

My nephew and niece both worked all the way through school to get a head start on paying for their college. My sister will be paying as well probably until she retires.

If your kids are going to benefit from advanced education, I shouldn't be the one footing the bill. You take care of your kids and I'll take care of mine. That's the way it should work in a free society.

No, the solution is that "We the people" pay for those things that benefit society as a whole

You take care of your kids, I'll take care of mine is anarchy, not a free society

So a freer society is one where I take care of my own kids and yours as well?

No. College doesn't benefit society, it benefits the individual. Trust me. Years ago we had many less kids going to college and in many ways, it was a better society.
Standing up for the rights of labor does not make you a Marxist

Stop grandstanding. We've got tons and tons of laws protecting the rights of everyone. This is NOT about your fucking rights! This is about an outdated and inferior ideology that has NEVER worked in the history of ANY human civilization and never will. It's insidious because it plays on the envy and jealousies of ignorant people like you.
Once again you dive off the deep end

Nobody is advocating communism, nobody is even advocating Socialism

They are just advocating that someone stand up for the little guy.....something that terrifies conservatives

No, what terrifies conservatives are liberals taking from one person and giving to another in order to buy votes.
So the solution is just send the bill to somebody else?

And they're not even talking about reforming the REAL problem... Which is idiot kids who go off to college to study liberal arts or political science and party like there is no tomorrow, leaving 4 years later with a worthless degree in something they will never practically use.

Nope... they want US to pay for 4 years of Animal House then turn around and blame us later for not being able to find adequate jobs in the nonsensical field they studied in college. The Blame Game is never-ending with Liberals.

Liberals are the "gimme, gimme, gimme" party.

For many years now, taxpayers have been held liable to feed the babies of those who couldn't afford it, to provide medical care to those children who couldn't afford it, to provide childcare to those who couldn't afford it, to send them to school for free for those who couldn't afford private school, to give them free lunch (and now breakfast and dinner in some places) to those who couldn't afford it. To give them rides to and from school for those who didn't want to be bothered to take their own rug-rats to school.

No, we never got much of a thank you. Instead, we got "IT WASN'T ENOUGH!!!!"

The way things are going, liberals are going to make parenting a thing of the past because government will totally raise the kids.

"What is YOUR fair share of what other people worked for?"
Thomas Sowell
Standing up for the rights of labor does not make you a Marxist

Stop grandstanding. We've got tons and tons of laws protecting the rights of everyone. This is NOT about your fucking rights! This is about an outdated and inferior ideology that has NEVER worked in the history of ANY human civilization and never will. It's insidious because it plays on the envy and jealousies of ignorant people like you.
Once again you dive off the deep end

Nobody is advocating communism, nobody is even advocating Socialism

They are just advocating that someone stand up for the little guy.....something that terrifies conservatives

Well... YES YOU ARE! I just told you where this "exploited worker" nonsense comes from. If you don't believe me, Google: Socialist Workers Party... Mao Zedong... Cultural Revolution. You can read all about it and it's EXACTLY what you parrot here every day.

It is a movement built and founded on envy and resentment of capitalism. You don't even know what a conservative is, you just know that they aren't anti-capitalist nitwits like yourself, so you rant and rave against them. You want to imagine you are standing up for the little guy because that is the total premise behind your idiotic ideology.
Which is idiot kids who go off to college to study liberal arts or political science and party like there is no tomorrow, leaving 4 years later with a worthless degree in something they will never practically use.

You boss, sound like you speak from personal experience.

Me, a hated liberal in your world view, got a biologist, an accountant, an an actuarial science major through college.

Sometimes things just aint what they seem, are they?

I never stereotype... you are the exception and not the rule. I speak based on what I see every single day. I have more close liberal friends than conservative friends, and that's saying something for a guy from Alabama. I don't get into deep political conversations with them because I know that we don't see eye-to-eye and I respect our friendship. But, I do ask them questions and I listen to what they have to say. I can't count the number who have college degrees but it's in something they will never ever use. I ask them, why did you decide to study that? They say, seemed like a good idea at the time.

Here's a proposal... this is coming from my devoutly conservative heart... Let's completely get rid of the current Student Loan program and start over with my plan. I am willing to fund a new Student Loan program AND provide tuition for anyone who qualifies under the following conditions: 1) Your GPA in high school has to be 3.0 or higher. 2) Your major has to be one of the following: Science, Engineering, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics or the field of Medicine. No Liberal Arts or Political Science. 3) You have to maintain a 3.0 GPA in college and complete your degree program. 4) You must either repay your student loan or perform public service work to compensate. If we can do something like that, I am all for it... if not, we need to get rid of it all.
I will defend (slightly) some of the higher education no matter what the major. At least it shows they "can learn" and show up and complete a program. That is accomplishment. There are jobs out there where they need new kinds of ideas into the factory or hi-tech site. It is not 100% waste.

however, trade schools should be prioritized when in recession debt? Plumber, Electrician, Nurse, Driver etc. Shorter cheaper, in-out, pay tax get to work as producer.
You don't work a job more than 6 months at a time yet call yourself a professional. Is that what McDonalds calls a french fry dropper?

WOw, guy, you really don't get the whole reading comprehension thing, do you?

Like I said. If you think I'm a nut, come and try to take my guns or continue to hide like a pussy.

Naw, guy. You see, if I were in charge of taking your guns, here's how i'd do it.

First, I'd spend time learning your habits. Like when you go to the gym, when you go to sleep, when you are in places they won't let you bring your Penis Compensator.

And when you are in a place I KNOW you won't have it, that's when Team A detains you while Team B confiscates your guns.

Then we send you a nice DVD Of YOUR guns being melted down into slag.

YOu keep working on the assumptiion we'll work on YOUR schedule.
We don't have "FREE" education or anything else. Teachers and staff are paid with dollars from taxpayers. And YES, they want the same thing for health care. The problem is, you can normalize education so that everyone gets the same amount of product... you can't do so with health care. But this is where Socialism comes into play. Under the tenet of Socialism... to each according to need, from each according to ability.

And again, why would that be a bad thing? I think it's kind of silly that old rich people can get themselves to the front of the line for an organ transplant while poor kids die.
So the solution is just send the bill to somebody else?

And they're not even talking about reforming the REAL problem... Which is idiot kids who go off to college to study liberal arts or political science and party like there is no tomorrow, leaving 4 years later with a worthless degree in something they will never practically use.

Nope... they want US to pay for 4 years of Animal House then turn around and blame us later for not being able to find adequate jobs in the nonsensical field they studied in college. The Blame Game is never-ending with Liberals.

Liberals are the "gimme, gimme, gimme" party.

For many years now, taxpayers have been held liable to feed the babies of those who couldn't afford it, to provide medical care to those children who couldn't afford it, to provide childcare to those who couldn't afford it, to send them to school for free for those who couldn't afford private school, to give them free lunch (and now breakfast and dinner in some places) to those who couldn't afford it. To give them rides to and from school for those who didn't want to be bothered to take their own rug-rats to school.

No, we never got much of a thank you. Instead, we got "IT WASN'T ENOUGH!!!!"

The way things are going, liberals are going to make parenting a thing of the past because government will totally raise the kids.

"What is YOUR fair share of what other people worked for?"
Thomas Sowell
Liberals pay the most in federal taxes, (well, liberal states do) why shouldn't they have a say in what their tax monies go to? you know, no taxation without representation thingy....

Bubbles spread. You're welcome.

And they spread a lot faster when your inept new President abandons fiscal responsibility and lets us get attacked by terrorists, and then puts a war on a credit card.

2001 wouldn't have even BEEN a recession had Bush not been such a total fuckup.
That's the way contract works Joe.

A CEO is not an hourly wage or salaried worker. They are contract workers who get paid by past performances and not immediate ones.

In short, they get paid because they abuse the system. All unions and government do is give the rest of us the ability to game the system. I'm not seeing what the problem is here.

A CEO's contract is no different. They get X amount of money no matter how good of a job they do. And if you don't want to afford them that provision, your competitor will, and they will end up taking your customers away from you.

Horseshit. CEO's are simply gaming a corrupt system. Other countries don't have this problem.
Did you know the cast of the show Big Bang Theory gets over one million dollars each for every episode they make? What do you suppose their makeup artists make, the stage hands that have to erect and disassemble those scenes, the sound engineers, the clean up crew? The lighting crew?

That is actually fucked up. Those guys are only funny because a writer tells them what to say and a director tells them how to say it. But again, you are using a bad example. Those makeup artists and stage hands are all unionized. They get good pay for their skills.
Liberals pay the most in federal taxes, (well, liberal states do) why shouldn't they have a say in what their tax monies go to? you know, no taxation without representation thingy....

Sorry, Sarah Palin... that's NOT what that means. :wink:
We don't have "FREE" education or anything else. Teachers and staff are paid with dollars from taxpayers. And YES, they want the same thing for health care. The problem is, you can normalize education so that everyone gets the same amount of product... you can't do so with health care. But this is where Socialism comes into play. Under the tenet of Socialism... to each according to need, from each according to ability.

And again, why would that be a bad thing? I think it's kind of silly that old rich people can get themselves to the front of the line for an organ transplant while poor kids die.

Hate to break this to you, Erkle... but rich people can do a lot of things poor people can't.... it's sort of the whole point about being rich. What YOU want is a society where no one GETS rich and no one IS rich. FAIRNESS requires eliminating FREEDOM and LIBERTY.
And they're not even talking about reforming the REAL problem... Which is idiot kids who go off to college to study liberal arts or political science and party like there is no tomorrow, leaving 4 years later with a worthless degree in something they will never practically use.

Nope... they want US to pay for 4 years of Animal House then turn around and blame us later for not being able to find adequate jobs in the nonsensical field they studied in college. The Blame Game is never-ending with Liberals.

I think it's quite the reverse. College used to be reasonably priced. Then the corporate cocksuckers got into the game. I don't mean just the scammers like "University of Phoenix", even 'mainstream' universities realized they could overcharge for a product they sell on credit, cheat the people doing the work, and make big profits.

And since most jobs won't hire you without a college degree, we are forced to play this game whether we want to or not.

For instance, my field is purchasing, which I got into as an outgrowth of my time in the Army as a Supply NCO. Really the same job. Identify requirements, make procurement.

The thing is, most purchasing jobs today require a college degree. so while my Degree in "Management of things that have already happened" (i.e. History) really has no relevance to what I am doing now, I'd have a hard time getting a job without it in most companies.

When I got laid off from the job 8 years ago, the one that permanently cured me about all the Republican Horseshit, two other buyers got laid off at the same time. Because they didn't have College degrees, it took them MONTHS to find new jobs, while I was able to lock one down in a few weeks. The fact that they had decades of experience really didn't matter.

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