Here is why Hillary is unlikely to be indicted.

Here’s Why Hillary Clinton Is Unlikely To Be Indicted

I suggest that RW lunatics not read this. It might make you head explode. :blowup:
Not really. This is old news.

It's just another way of claiming a 'Vast rightwing conspiracy " is the reason Hillary got caught breaking the law.

Try starting a thread on an original topic. This one is over 20 years old.
Jim's post are about as toothless as his face.

So you are an attorney also?
Many attorneys have said she should have been indicted long ago.....but it is up to the AG to bring an indictment. Not doing so would be an abuse of power, a failure to seek justice, and would be grounds for an impeachment.

And your law degree is from where?
Here’s Why Hillary Clinton Is Unlikely To Be Indicted

I suggest that RW lunatics not read this. It might make you head explode. :blowup:
Not really. This is old news.

It's just another way of claiming a 'Vast rightwing conspiracy " is the reason Hillary got caught breaking the law.

Try starting a thread on an original topic. This one is over 20 years old.
Jim's post are about as toothless as his face.

So you are an attorney also?
Many attorneys have said she should have been indicted long ago.....but it is up to the AG to bring an indictment. Not doing so would be an abuse of power, a failure to seek justice, and would be grounds for an impeachment.

And your law degree is from where?
Exactly why is a law degree required to understand the law?
Do I need a law degree to understand that premeditated murder is illegal?

Childish diversion on your part.
Here’s Why Hillary Clinton Is Unlikely To Be Indicted

I suggest that RW lunatics not read this. It might make you head explode.

From the article:
In Clinton’s case, by contrast, there is no clear evidence that Clinton knew (or even should have known) that the material in her emails was classified. Second, it is debatable whether her use of the private server constituted removal or retention of material. Finally, the aggravating circumstance of false statements to federal agents is, as far as we know, absent.

This is all 100% utter bullshit.

She has classified document training and any report issued by an intelligence service is classified 'at birth'. She knew that. And having a subordinate remove the classification documents labels is a nonstarter as she is trained to recognise what is and is not classified. She thus has zero excuse.

Having emails stored on an unsecured server is a violation of the most basic concept of classified document security. She knew this and did it any way. The why to that is really intriguing, but I suspect it was to allow her to negotiate donations to her 'charity' with foreign diplomats without scrutiny and was likely much of the content of her 30,000 'personal' emails she deleted without independent varification.

As to the last point, she has been lying to EVERYONE, Congress, the FBI and the American people.

But the Obama Just-us Department will not let an indictment proceed because of the same reasons that Hillary took a majority of the Michigan delegates though she lost that primary; corruption and corporate cronyism.
Besides, passing along TS or classified information on unsecured servers is a felony. It doesn't matter if someone in the past had a private server. The primary reason Hillary fucked up is because she never used anything else while Secretary of State. She had to be hiding what she was doing.

You are really gonna have a tissy when she becomes your President, huh?
Not really. This is old news.

It's just another way of claiming a 'Vast rightwing conspiracy " is the reason Hillary got caught breaking the law.

Try starting a thread on an original topic. This one is over 20 years old.
Jim's post are about as toothless as his face.

So you are an attorney also?
Many attorneys have said she should have been indicted long ago.....but it is up to the AG to bring an indictment. Not doing so would be an abuse of power, a failure to seek justice, and would be grounds for an impeachment.

And your law degree is from where?
Exactly why is a law degree required to understand the law?
Do I need a law degree to understand that premeditated murder is illegal?

Childish diversion on your part.

You killed someone?
Exactly why is a law degree required to understand the law?
Do I need a law degree to understand that premeditated murder is illegal?

Childish diversion on your part.
Because our educated elites no long want the public to be able to understand the law so they can protect their own rights in the system without an expensive lawyer to advise them, hence disenfranchising the working class.
Jim's post are about as toothless as his face.

So you are an attorney also?
Many attorneys have said she should have been indicted long ago.....but it is up to the AG to bring an indictment. Not doing so would be an abuse of power, a failure to seek justice, and would be grounds for an impeachment.

And your law degree is from where?
Exactly why is a law degree required to understand the law?
Do I need a law degree to understand that premeditated murder is illegal?

Childish diversion on your part.

You killed someone?
Nope. And I don't have a law degree.

Point made.

Thanks for the help.
WOW! Fess up now, if you killed someone. Otherwise it will haunt you the rest of your life...
WOW! Fess up now, if you killed someone. Otherwise it will haunt you the rest of your life...
no interest in your childish responses. Cya.
It is indeed an interesting point in our nations cultural evolution when a Jar Head Marine has more maturity than a self proclaimed lawyer.
I have not been an active Marine for nearly 40 years. I have owned and run 4 different businesses during the bulk of that span.
Here’s Why Hillary Clinton Is Unlikely To Be Indicted

I suggest that RW lunatics not read this. It might make you head explode. :blowup:

And that's the problem, it is political theater but not criminal. The outing of Valerie Plame was criminal and Bush should have been impeached. His administration knowingly outed a covert CIA operative for political reasons.

You can hear the desperation on con-talk-radio. They've pivoted from "this is clearly criminal blah blah blah" to "well what about this, and what about that". They know the jig is up, there isn't going to be any prosecution and Hillary Clinton will be elected the next president.

Ben Gassy was a phoney dog-pile, the email is a phoney dog-pile. You can bet that the GOP will try to trot out something new between now and the election to try to have SOMETHING that will stop Hillary. But they won't.

Worse, they have trump who has hijacked the GOP machine and will ensure she wins.

The alignment of planets that would make this election cycle possible seems impossible, but its true.
Here’s Why Hillary Clinton Is Unlikely To Be Indicted

I suggest that RW lunatics not read this. It might make you head explode. :blowup:
Not really. This is old news.

It's just another way of claiming a 'Vast rightwing conspiracy " is the reason Hillary got caught breaking the law.

Try starting a thread on an original topic. This one is over 20 years old.
Jim's post are about as toothless as his face.

So you are an attorney also?
Just a retired farm boy.
Here’s Why Hillary Clinton Is Unlikely To Be Indicted

I suggest that RW lunatics not read this. It might make you head explode. :blowup:
In Clinton’s case, by contrast, there is no clear evidence that Clinton knew (or even should have known) that the material in her emails was classified. Second, it is debatable whether her use of the private server constituted removal or retention of material. Finally, the aggravating circumstance of false statements to federal agents is, as far as we know, absent.

She was SOS, she damn sure should have known.

and using a private server gave the world access
Worse, they have trump who has hijacked the GOP machine and will ensure she wins.
If you don't think that Trump has a legitimate following that poses a real threat to any candidate...

You may be in for an interesting surprise.
Uh-huh, so according to your brilliant legal theory, it's not illegal if the Republicans do it first.... :rolleyes:

Meanwhile back on Earth..... transmitting classified government materials using unapproved, non-secured means remains illegal in the United States no matter which corrupt scumbag is doing it.

No, that's not what I said at all. Condi, Collin, and W all used private servers for their emails and no one made a stink about it because it was not illegal for government officials to do so. The law requiring them to use a secure government server was not passed until Hillary had left office. All of them followed the rules of the time with respect to hosting their own email accounts.

The whole "Hillary is going to jail" bullshit was started by the New York Times in their initial article detailing the issues raised by the Benghazi Committee investigations. Although the Times immediately retracted the bit about Hillary's impending incareration, Republicans pounced on the notion gleefully and like terriers with rats, refusing to let go of the idea that Hillary has done nothing illegal here. If she is prosecuted for having used her own email server, why aren't the others who did it under investigation and/or facing prosecution as well?

Republicans said at the beginning of the Presidential campaign that they learned from their mistake last time. No running down the front-running Republican candidate this time. This time we go after the front-running Democrat and do to her what we did to Romney.

Except that Republicans, being weasels, are now busily attacking their own front-runner and Hillary.
Worse, they have trump who has hijacked the GOP machine and will ensure she wins.
If you don't think that Trump has a legitimate following that poses a real threat to any candidate...

You may be in for an interesting surprise.

Oh he 'can' win, anyone 'can' win. His chances though are extremely low because he can't get the hispanic or women's vote, and certainly not much of the black vote. Demographics are stacked entirely against any Republican national candidate now, but trump has insulted the exact segments he would have had to win.
Here’s Why Hillary Clinton Is Unlikely To Be Indicted

I suggest that RW lunatics not read this. It might make you head explode. :blowup:

Legal experts need not subscribe to the contrived reality set forth by the OP.

When the combined litigative and prosecutorial force of the FBI and DOJ is brought to bear on this investigation, when the DOJ grants immunity to the man who set up her server, and when it has been made clear that the classified emails on her server were in fact classified at the time they were deleted, and given the fact that she wrote at least 104 classified emails herself, do you really think she will escape an indictment? If she isn't indicted, the ensuing scandal will make Watergate look like a pile of wet sandbags. Do you understand me?

You're desperate and you reek of fear. You cling to your denial like Linus clings to his blanket. Hillary is one snowflake away from an avalanche, and I have a feeling that when that snowflake falls and sets loose that cataclysm... you will blame Republicans and global warming. Nothing can save her now. I highly suggest you deal with the reality that she broke the law.
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Here’s Why Hillary Clinton Is Unlikely To Be Indicted

I suggest that RW lunatics not read this. It might make you head explode. :blowup:

Legal experts need not subscribe to the contrived reality set forth by the OP.

When the combined litigative and prosecutorial force of the FBI and DOJ is brought to bear on this investigation, when the DOJ grants immunity to the man who set up her server, and when it has been made clear that the classified emails on her server were in fact classified at the time they were deleted, and given the fact that she wrote at least 104 classified emails herself, do you really think she will escape an indictment? If she isn't indicted, the ensuing scandal will make Watergate look like a pile of wet sandbags. Do you understand me?

You're desperate and you reek of fear. You cling to your denial like Linus clings to his blanket. Hillary is one snowflake away from an avalanche, and I have a feeling that when that snowflake falls and sets loose that cataclysm... you will blame Republicans and global warming. Nothing can save her now. I highly suggest you deal with the reality that she broke the law.

She didn't break the law. Republicans wish she had broken the law. Wishing doesn't make it so

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