Here is why Islam has NO place in America!


Gold Member
Jan 3, 2017
Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & American values! Islam is the ONLY religion on earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion & state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!
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Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & America values! Islam is the ONLY religion in earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion % state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!
Complete and utter nonsense...

1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Like it or not, Islam, like all religions, is Constitutionally protected in the United States. If you don't like that, tough shit.
Islam in the mindset of the extremist is alot like loserterianism...You both hate education, history and science...American values at their very core.
Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & American values! Islam is the ONLY religion on earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion & state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!

Islam is the only religion that has Sharia Law? It's kind of like saying Christianity is the only religion which is called Christianity.
Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & American values! Islam is the ONLY religion on earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion & state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!

Islam is the only religion that has Sharia Law? It's kind of like saying Christianity is the only religion which is called Christianity.

Islam is the ONLY religion hasn't separated religion & state and uses a draconian & barbaric legal code, Sharia, that employs beheadings, stonings, & amputations! It also horribly oppresses minorities & commits HORRIFIC human rights violations with those laws!
Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & American values! Islam is the ONLY religion on earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion & state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!

Excuse me, USApatriotz, I appreciate your zeal for America,
but please hold off on the overly broad generalizations here:

1. I know MANY Christians who reject the notion of "separation of church and state" and believe the state should protect and incorporate beliefs and values regardless if they are religious or not, as long as they are policy good for the public.

It's just that ENOUGH Christians BELIEVE in Constitutional limits on govt, and keep the "far right" in check.

So that's what keeps that from going too far overboard. (But those Christian factions ARE THERE who do believe in divine duty to enforce and implement God's law through govt without separation. I've met a few who questioned if I weren't Christian enough if I didn't agree with them 100%.)

Same with Muslims, there are the extremists who follow a political religion, but the American Muslims who follow laws just like everyone else naturally believe in keeping "religion in private" and not imposing or mixing this will politics and govt.

2. But in OTHER countries that DON'T have a strong Constitutional or Christian base, there is nothing to keep radical militants from taking over govt and overreaching with oppression and tyranny.

You are RIGHT to credit America with the dual foundation we have in
* Constitutional laws
* Christian laws
that keeps both church and state in check by its own members
following and enforcing these principles.

But guess what USApatriotz
the true and complete Muslim teachings
INCLUDE both of these!
* Natural laws given by God
which Mohammad also taught and have parallels with Constitutional
laws (such as "religious freedom" taught as "no compulsion in religion")
* Both Jewish Torah and Christian Scripture
being God's law along with the Muslim Quran.

So the faithful Muslims respect ALL of these
laws as given by God.

And that's why you are right to defend and be proud of America:
The Muslims I know report being BETTER ABLE to exercise
and express their beliefs FREELY in America, whereas back
home, in Africa and of course the Middle East, many of them
suffered or feared PERSECUTION for lack of Constitutional
protections as we have in America.

The true believers and followers of Islam are peacemakers.
They are the antithesis of what you see in the news with
Jihadist bombers and terrorist warmongers.

So yes, we have every reason to be proud of America,
including our fellow Muslim citizens, patriots and even military
who fight for the same democratic principles given by God.
Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & America values! Islam is the ONLY religion in earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion % state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!
Complete and utter nonsense...

1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Like it or not, Islam, like all religions, is Constitutionally protected in the United States. If you don't like that, tough shit.

Yep, there's that pesky US Constitution that so many RWNJs would love to do away with.

OP - you are the opposite of a "patriot".

And, no, that is not the only religion that believes in sharia law. Fundie christians want laws changed in the US based on their particular religion. Broadly speaking, that is the definition of sharia law.
Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & America values! Islam is the ONLY religion in earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion % state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!
Complete and utter nonsense...

1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Like it or not, Islam, like all religions, is Constitutionally protected in the United States. If you don't like that, tough shit.

Yep, there's that pesky US Constitution that so many RWNJs would love to do away with.

OP - you are the opposite of a "patriot".

And, no, that is not the only religion that believes in sharia law. Fundie christians want laws changed in the US based on their particular religion. Broadly speaking, that is the definition of sharia law.

"Yep, there's that pesky US Constitution that so many RWNJs would love to do away with"

Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & America values! Islam is the ONLY religion in earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion % state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!
Complete and utter nonsense...

1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Like it or not, Islam, like all religions, is Constitutionally protected in the United States. If you don't like that, tough shit.

Islam isn't a religion in that sense. It's a global domination scheme entertwined with religion.

The free exercise of practicing Sharia law goes directly against American laws.

You can't remove the world domination and government plan from Islam without it ceasing to be Islam.

Therefore it is not a real religion. It's a world domination/governmental plan first, calling itself religion second.

The founding fathers did not consider the wild card of Islam in the wording of the first Amendment.

The Musselman religion was not in the US at that time at all.

In fact, It's only been in the US at all since 1939.
Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & America values! Islam is the ONLY religion in earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion % state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!
Complete and utter nonsense...

1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Like it or not, Islam, like all religions, is Constitutionally protected in the United States. If you don't like that, tough shit.
"The Constitution Is Not a Suicide Pact," Explained Justice Holmes

I see how powerful puffed-up potentates feel by using the Constitution to overrule the will of the people. But "We, the People" are the only words free men should pay any attention to in that obsolete anti-democratic manifesto.
Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & America values! Islam is the ONLY religion in earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion % state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!
Complete and utter nonsense...

1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Like it or not, Islam, like all religions, is Constitutionally protected in the United States. If you don't like that, tough shit.

Islam isn't a religion in that sense. It's a global domination scheme entertwined with religion.

The free exercise of practicing Sharia law goes directly against American laws.

You can't remove the world domination and government plan from Islam without it ceasing to be Islam.

Therefore it is not a real religion. It's a world domination/governmental plan first, calling itself religion second.

The founding fathers did not consider the wild card of Islam in the wording of the first Amendment.

The Musselman religion was not in the US at that time at all.

In fact, It's only been in the US at all since 1939.

Wow. What a pile of crap. Where in the world does fiction like this come from?

Votto Please don't pretend you don't know, and probably agree with, the anti-constitution position of the RWNJs, such as this one, as well as the OP. Don't pretend you have not read, and agreed that Poothing is a good "leader". And damn, have you never heard the speeches of the biggest enemy of the Constitution of modern times, one Donald J. Trump?

In the past, I have listed the parts of the Constitution that drumpf has attacked and said he would like to weaken and/or gut, especially since RWNJs have no use for facts anyway.
Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & America values! Islam is the ONLY religion in earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion % state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!
Complete and utter nonsense...

1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Like it or not, Islam, like all religions, is Constitutionally protected in the United States. If you don't like that, tough shit.

Islam isn't a religion in that sense. It's a global domination scheme entertwined with religion.

The free exercise of practicing Sharia law goes directly against American laws.

You can't remove the world domination and government plan from Islam without it ceasing to be Islam.

Therefore it is not a real religion. It's a world domination/governmental plan first, calling itself religion second.

The founding fathers did not consider the wild card of Islam in the wording of the first Amendment.

The Musselman religion was not in the US at that time at all.

In fact, It's only been in the US at all since 1939.
Bullshit. There are millions of Muslims in America who practice Islam within the laws of this nation. Like it or not, it is a real religion; which is little more than a faith in G-d. That applies to Islam as much as it applies to any other major religion.
Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & American values! Islam is the ONLY religion on earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion & state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!
Until fairly recently (last 250 years), christianity didn't believe in separation of church and state either....and we STILL have posters here who claim there IS NO separate of church and state.
Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & America values! Islam is the ONLY religion in earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion % state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!
Complete and utter nonsense...

1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Like it or not, Islam, like all religions, is Constitutionally protected in the United States. If you don't like that, tough shit.
"The Constitution Is Not a Suicide Pact," Explained Justice Holmes

I see how powerful puffed-up potentates feel by using the Constitution to overrule the will of the people. But "We, the People" are the only words free men should pay any attention to in that obsolete anti-democratic manifesto.
Having Muslims in this country is not a suicide pact. That's where your diatribe runs off the rails. We've had Muslims in America for hundreds of years and we're still here.

Banishing everyone of a particular religion is what the Nazi's did in Germany during WWII. That is not going to happen here, I don't care how fucked in the head you are.
Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & America values! Islam is the ONLY religion in earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion % state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!
Complete and utter nonsense...

1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Like it or not, Islam, like all religions, is Constitutionally protected in the United States. If you don't like that, tough shit.

Yep, there's that pesky US Constitution that so many RWNJs would love to do away with.

OP - you are the opposite of a "patriot".

And, no, that is not the only religion that believes in sharia law. Fundie christians want laws changed in the US based on their particular religion. Broadly speaking, that is the definition of sharia law.
What's her name in Kentucky was all about christer sharia law when she misused her position in government to refuse marriage licenses to people.
The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! !

Demanding "Halal" meat- like Jews demand 'Kosher' meat?

There are three million or so Muslims in America- and they have the same legal rights- and protections as Jews- and every other religious minority.

Let us know when you are being forced to buy Halal meat.
Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & America values! Islam is the ONLY religion in earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion % state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!
Complete and utter nonsense...

1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Like it or not, Islam, like all religions, is Constitutionally protected in the United States. If you don't like that, tough shit.

Islam isn't a religion in that sense. It's a global domination scheme entertwined with religion.

Ah those who want to piss on the Constitution by deciding that they can just decide a religion is not a religion.

What an easy work around.

Next we can decide that the Church of Latter Day Saints is not really a religion, or that Judaism is not really a religion......
The founding fathers did not consider the wild card of Islam in the wording of the first Amendment.

The Musselman religion was not in the US at that time at all.

In fact, It's only been in the US at all since 1939.

George Washington:
When hiring workmen for Mount Vernon, he wrote to his agent, "If they be good workmen, they may be from Asia, Africa, or Europe; they may be Mohammedans [Muslims], Jews, or Christians of any sect, or they may be Atheists."[19]

Thomas Jefferson:
Campaigning for religious freedom in Virginia, Jefferson followed Locke, his idol, in demanding recognition of the religious rights of the "Mahamdan," the Jew and the "pagan." Supporting Jefferson was his old ally, Richard Henry Lee, who had made a motion in Congress on June 7, 1776, that the American colonies declare independence. "True freedom," Lee asserted, "embraces the Mahomitan and the Gentoo (Hindu) as well as the Christian religion."

Citizens in 1785
That ordinary citizens shared these positive views is demonstrated by a petition of a group of citizens of Chesterfield County, Va., to the state assembly, Nov. 14, 1785: "Let Jews, Mehometans and Christians of every denomination enjoy religious liberty…thrust them not out now by establishing the Christian religion lest thereby we become our own enemys and weaken this infant state. It is mens labour in our Manufactories, their services by sea and land that aggrandize our Country and not their creeds. Chain your citizens to the state by their Interest. Let Jews, Mehometans, and Christians of every denomination find their advantage in living under your laws."

Bilali (Ben Ali) Muhammad was a Fula Muslim from Timbo, Futa-Jallon, in present-day Guinea-Conakry, who arrived at Sapelo Island during 1803. While enslaved, he became the religious leader and Imam for a slave community numbering approximately eighty Muslim men residing on his plantation. During the War of 1812, Muhammad and the eighty Muslim men under his leadership protected their master's Sapelo Island property from a British attack.[25] He is known to have fasted during the month of Ramadan, worn a fez and kaftan, and observed the Muslim feasts, in addition to consistently performing the five obligatory prayers.[26] In 1829, Bilali authored a thirteen-page Arabic Risala on Islamic beliefs and the rules for ablution, morning prayer, and the calls to prayer. Known as the Bilali Document, it is currently housed at the University of Georgia in Athens.

Two hundred and ninety-two Muslims are known to have fought during the Civil War.[31] The highest-ranking Muslim officer in the Union Army was Captain Moses Osman.[31] Nicholas Said, formerly enslaved to an Arab master, came to the United States in 1860 and found a teaching job in Detroit. In 1863, Said enlisted in the 55th Massachusetts Colored Regiment in the United States Army and rose to the rank of sergeant. He was later granted a transfer to a military hospital, where he gained some knowledge of medicine. His Army records state that he died in Brownsville, Tennessee, in 1882.[32] Another Muslim soldier from the Civil War was Max Hassan, an African who worked for the military as a porter.[33]
Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & America values! Islam is the ONLY religion in earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion % state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!
Complete and utter nonsense...

1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Like it or not, Islam, like all religions, is Constitutionally protected in the United States. If you don't like that, tough shit.

Islam isn't a religion in that sense. It's a global domination scheme entertwined with religion.

The free exercise of practicing Sharia law goes directly against American laws.

You can't remove the world domination and government plan from Islam without it ceasing to be Islam.

Therefore it is not a real religion. It's a world domination/governmental plan first, calling itself religion second.

The founding fathers did not consider the wild card of Islam in the wording of the first Amendment.

The Musselman religion was not in the US at that time at all.

In fact, It's only been in the US at all since 1939.
Bullshit. There are millions of Muslims in America who practice Islam within the laws of this nation. Like it or not, it is a real religion; which is little more than a faith in G-d. That applies to Islam as much as it applies to any other major religion.

There are about 3 million Muslims in America- where are the stonings for adultery taking place?

The reality is that observant Muslims- like observant Jews- follow the laws of the United States.

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