Here is why Islam has NO place in America!

Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & America values! Islam is the ONLY religion in earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion % state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!
Complete and utter nonsense...

1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Like it or not, Islam, like all religions, is Constitutionally protected in the United States. If you don't like that, tough shit.

Islam isn't a religion in that sense. It's a global domination scheme entertwined with religion.

The free exercise of practicing Sharia law goes directly against American laws.

You can't remove the world domination and government plan from Islam without it ceasing to be Islam.

Therefore it is not a real religion. It's a world domination/governmental plan first, calling itself religion second.

The founding fathers did not consider the wild card of Islam in the wording of the first Amendment.

The Musselman religion was not in the US at that time at all.

In fact, It's only been in the US at all since 1939.
Bullshit. There are millions of Muslims in America who practice Islam within the laws of this nation. Like it or not, it is a real religion; which is little more than a faith in G-d. That applies to Islam as much as it applies to any other major religion.

There are about 3 million Muslims in America- where are the stonings for adultery taking place?

The reality is that observant Muslims- like observant Jews- follow the laws of the United States.

Jews don't behead relatives that wish to leave the religion or marry who they choose.

"Honor killing" under growing scrutiny in the U.S. - CBS News

America’s Honor Killing Epidemic
Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & America values! Islam is the ONLY religion in earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion % state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!
Complete and utter nonsense...

1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Like it or not, Islam, like all religions, is Constitutionally protected in the United States. If you don't like that, tough shit.

Islam isn't a religion in that sense. It's a global domination scheme entertwined with religion.

The free exercise of practicing Sharia law goes directly against American laws.

You can't remove the world domination and government plan from Islam without it ceasing to be Islam.

Therefore it is not a real religion. It's a world domination/governmental plan first, calling itself religion second.

The founding fathers did not consider the wild card of Islam in the wording of the first Amendment.

The Musselman religion was not in the US at that time at all.

In fact, It's only been in the US at all since 1939.
Bullshit. There are millions of Muslims in America who practice Islam within the laws of this nation. Like it or not, it is a real religion; which is little more than a faith in G-d. That applies to Islam as much as it applies to any other major religion.

There are about 3 million Muslims in America- where are the stonings for adultery taking place?

The reality is that observant Muslims- like observant Jews- follow the laws of the United States.

Jews don't behead relatives that wish to leave the religion or marry who they choose.

"Honor killing" under growing scrutiny in the U.S. - CBS News

America’s Honor Killing Epidemic

And Muslims don't beat their kids to death in the name of their religion

Christian Parents Beat Their Daughter to Death for God
Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & America values! Islam is the ONLY religion in earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion % state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!
Complete and utter nonsense...

1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Like it or not, Islam, like all religions, is Constitutionally protected in the United States. If you don't like that, tough shit.

Islam isn't a religion in that sense. It's a global domination scheme entertwined with religion.

The free exercise of practicing Sharia law goes directly against American laws.

You can't remove the world domination and government plan from Islam without it ceasing to be Islam.

Therefore it is not a real religion. It's a world domination/governmental plan first, calling itself religion second.

The founding fathers did not consider the wild card of Islam in the wording of the first Amendment.

The Musselman religion was not in the US at that time at all.

In fact, It's only been in the US at all since 1939.
Bullshit. There are millions of Muslims in America who practice Islam within the laws of this nation. Like it or not, it is a real religion; which is little more than a faith in G-d. That applies to Islam as much as it applies to any other major religion.

There are about 3 million Muslims in America- where are the stonings for adultery taking place?
In conservative neighborhoods, apparently. Can't you tell how stoned these rightards sound?
Complete and utter nonsense...

1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Like it or not, Islam, like all religions, is Constitutionally protected in the United States. If you don't like that, tough shit.

Islam isn't a religion in that sense. It's a global domination scheme entertwined with religion.

The free exercise of practicing Sharia law goes directly against American laws.

You can't remove the world domination and government plan from Islam without it ceasing to be Islam.

Therefore it is not a real religion. It's a world domination/governmental plan first, calling itself religion second.

The founding fathers did not consider the wild card of Islam in the wording of the first Amendment.

The Musselman religion was not in the US at that time at all.

In fact, It's only been in the US at all since 1939.
Bullshit. There are millions of Muslims in America who practice Islam within the laws of this nation. Like it or not, it is a real religion; which is little more than a faith in G-d. That applies to Islam as much as it applies to any other major religion.

There are about 3 million Muslims in America- where are the stonings for adultery taking place?

The reality is that observant Muslims- like observant Jews- follow the laws of the United States.

Jews don't behead relatives that wish to leave the religion or marry who they choose.

"Honor killing" under growing scrutiny in the U.S. - CBS News

America’s Honor Killing Epidemic

And Muslims don't beat their kids to death in the name of their religion

Christian Parents Beat Their Daughter to Death for God

You know that's by far the exception to the rule and honor killings and beatings are prevalent in Muslim families. Moreso than is reported, even.
Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & America values! Islam is the ONLY religion in earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion % state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!
Complete and utter nonsense...

1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Like it or not, Islam, like all religions, is Constitutionally protected in the United States. If you don't like that, tough shit.
Technically that is incorrect. The Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment was written to prevent the federal government from interfering with state established religions of which half of the states had at the time the constitution was ratified.
Islam in the mindset of the extremist is alot like loserterianism...You both hate education, history and science...American values at their very core.
And by loserterianism, you mean to say liberalism.
Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & American values! Islam is the ONLY religion on earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion & state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!

Islam is the only religion that has Sharia Law? It's kind of like saying Christianity is the only religion which is called Christianity.
Not really. That is a bad analogy.
Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & American values! Islam is the ONLY religion on earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion & state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!

Excuse me, USApatriotz, I appreciate your zeal for America,
but please hold off on the overly broad generalizations here:

1. I know MANY Christians who reject the notion of "separation of church and state" and believe the state should protect and incorporate beliefs and values regardless if they are religious or not, as long as they are policy good for the public.

It's just that ENOUGH Christians BELIEVE in Constitutional limits on govt, and keep the "far right" in check.

So that's what keeps that from going too far overboard. (But those Christian factions ARE THERE who do believe in divine duty to enforce and implement God's law through govt without separation. I've met a few who questioned if I weren't Christian enough if I didn't agree with them 100%.)

Same with Muslims, there are the extremists who follow a political religion, but the American Muslims who follow laws just like everyone else naturally believe in keeping "religion in private" and not imposing or mixing this will politics and govt.

2. But in OTHER countries that DON'T have a strong Constitutional or Christian base, there is nothing to keep radical militants from taking over govt and overreaching with oppression and tyranny.

You are RIGHT to credit America with the dual foundation we have in
* Constitutional laws
* Christian laws
that keeps both church and state in check by its own members
following and enforcing these principles.

But guess what USApatriotz
the true and complete Muslim teachings
INCLUDE both of these!
* Natural laws given by God
which Mohammad also taught and have parallels with Constitutional
laws (such as "religious freedom" taught as "no compulsion in religion")
* Both Jewish Torah and Christian Scripture
being God's law along with the Muslim Quran.

So the faithful Muslims respect ALL of these
laws as given by God.

And that's why you are right to defend and be proud of America:
The Muslims I know report being BETTER ABLE to exercise
and express their beliefs FREELY in America, whereas back
home, in Africa and of course the Middle East, many of them
suffered or feared PERSECUTION for lack of Constitutional
protections as we have in America.

The true believers and followers of Islam are peacemakers.
They are the antithesis of what you see in the news with
Jihadist bombers and terrorist warmongers.

So yes, we have every reason to be proud of America,
including our fellow Muslim citizens, patriots and even military
who fight for the same democratic principles given by God.
There is a practical application to the hierarchy of God, Country, Family. If a soldier is given an order that violates the Natural Law, such as massacring a village, then following that order necessarily threatens his country and family in the long run. In that situation, following the dictates of his conscience despite the letter of the law or consequences to his self would be the correct course of action. Likewise, leaving one's family to fend for itself in defense of his country would be a similar thing as in the long run, if the country falls, the family will not be far behind. There is no need to codify these things as they are written into our hearts by our Creator.
Islam isn't a religion in that sense. It's a global domination scheme entertwined with religion.

The free exercise of practicing Sharia law goes directly against American laws.

You can't remove the world domination and government plan from Islam without it ceasing to be Islam.

Therefore it is not a real religion. It's a world domination/governmental plan first, calling itself religion second.

The founding fathers did not consider the wild card of Islam in the wording of the first Amendment.

The Musselman religion was not in the US at that time at all.

In fact, It's only been in the US at all since 1939.
Bullshit. There are millions of Muslims in America who practice Islam within the laws of this nation. Like it or not, it is a real religion; which is little more than a faith in G-d. That applies to Islam as much as it applies to any other major religion.

There are about 3 million Muslims in America- where are the stonings for adultery taking place?

The reality is that observant Muslims- like observant Jews- follow the laws of the United States.

Jews don't behead relatives that wish to leave the religion or marry who they choose.

"Honor killing" under growing scrutiny in the U.S. - CBS News

America’s Honor Killing Epidemic

And Muslims don't beat their kids to death in the name of their religion

Christian Parents Beat Their Daughter to Death for God

You know that's by far the exception to the rule and honor killings and beatings are prevalent in Muslim families. Moreso than is reported, even.

3 million Muslims in America.

Honor killings are by far the exception to the rule- as are beatings.

Want me to list examples of Christians beating their children because the Bible told them to not 'spare the rod"?

Spare the rod? Welfare chief, attorney for arrested Baton Rouge mom differ on what constitutes child abuse
Christian Pastor Gets Arrested for Beating Daughter… Commenters Defend Him on News Website
Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & America values! Islam is the ONLY religion in earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion % state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!
Complete and utter nonsense...

1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Like it or not, Islam, like all religions, is Constitutionally protected in the United States. If you don't like that, tough shit.
Technically that is incorrect. The Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment was written to prevent the federal government from interfering with state established religions of which half of the states had at the time the constitution was ratified.

Technically it is exactly correct. While there was certainly a concern about state religions- other state constitution's prior to the First Amendment made it very clear that this applied to individual religious freedom- including Jews and Muslims.
Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & American values! Islam is the ONLY religion on earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion & state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!

Excuse me, USApatriotz, I appreciate your zeal for America,
but please hold off on the overly broad generalizations here:

1. I know MANY Christians who reject the notion of "separation of church and state" and believe the state should protect and incorporate beliefs and values regardless if they are religious or not, as long as they are policy good for the public.

It's just that ENOUGH Christians BELIEVE in Constitutional limits on govt, and keep the "far right" in check.

So that's what keeps that from going too far overboard. (But those Christian factions ARE THERE who do believe in divine duty to enforce and implement God's law through govt without separation. I've met a few who questioned if I weren't Christian enough if I didn't agree with them 100%.)

Same with Muslims, there are the extremists who follow a political religion, but the American Muslims who follow laws just like everyone else naturally believe in keeping "religion in private" and not imposing or mixing this will politics and govt.

2. But in OTHER countries that DON'T have a strong Constitutional or Christian base, there is nothing to keep radical militants from taking over govt and overreaching with oppression and tyranny.

You are RIGHT to credit America with the dual foundation we have in
* Constitutional laws
* Christian laws
that keeps both church and state in check by its own members
following and enforcing these principles.

But guess what USApatriotz
the true and complete Muslim teachings
INCLUDE both of these!
* Natural laws given by God
which Mohammad also taught and have parallels with Constitutional
laws (such as "religious freedom" taught as "no compulsion in religion")
* Both Jewish Torah and Christian Scripture
being God's law along with the Muslim Quran.

So the faithful Muslims respect ALL of these
laws as given by God.

And that's why you are right to defend and be proud of America:
The Muslims I know report being BETTER ABLE to exercise
and express their beliefs FREELY in America, whereas back
home, in Africa and of course the Middle East, many of them
suffered or feared PERSECUTION for lack of Constitutional
protections as we have in America.

The true believers and followers of Islam are peacemakers.
They are the antithesis of what you see in the news with
Jihadist bombers and terrorist warmongers.

So yes, we have every reason to be proud of America,
including our fellow Muslim citizens, patriots and even military
who fight for the same democratic principles given by God.
There is a practical application to the hierarchy of God, Country, Family. If a soldier is given an order that violates the Natural Law, such as massacring a village, then following that order necessarily threatens his country and family in the long run. In that situation, following the dictates of his conscience despite the letter of the law or consequences to his self would be the correct course of action. Likewise, leaving one's family to fend for itself in defense of his country would be a similar thing as in the long run, if the country falls, the family will not be far behind. There is no need to codify these things as they are written into our hearts by our Creator.

God, in the Old Testament ordered the massacre of entire cities.

If that is a violation of 'Natural Law"- why did 'God' order such massacres?
Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & America values! Islam is the ONLY religion in earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion % state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!
Complete and utter nonsense...

1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Like it or not, Islam, like all religions, is Constitutionally protected in the United States. If you don't like that, tough shit.
Technically that is incorrect. The Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment was written to prevent the federal government from interfering with state established religions of which half of the states had at the time the constitution was ratified.

Technically it is exactly correct. While there was certainly a concern about state religions- other state constitution's prior to the First Amendment made it very clear that this applied to individual religious freedom- including Jews and Muslims.
No. The Establishment clause was written specifically to prevent the Federal Government from interfering with state established religions. States are within their rights to establish state religions.
Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & America values! Islam is the ONLY religion in earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion % state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!
Complete and utter nonsense...

1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Like it or not, Islam, like all religions, is Constitutionally protected in the United States. If you don't like that, tough shit.
Technically that is incorrect. The Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment was written to prevent the federal government from interfering with state established religions of which half of the states had at the time the constitution was ratified.

Technically it is exactly correct. While there was certainly a concern about state religions- other state constitution's prior to the First Amendment made it very clear that this applied to individual religious freedom- including Jews and Muslims.
No. The Establishment clause was written specifically to prevent the Federal Government from interfering with state established religions. States are within their rights to establish state religions.

Or we can go with the actual language of the 1st Amendment- and the 14th Amendment.

First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

14th Amendment
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States

Meanwhile- Jefferson was very clear about religious liberty:

Digital History
On his gravestone, Thomas Jefferson listed the three accomplishments for which he most wanted to be remembered: drafting the Declaration of Independence, founding the University of Virginia, and writing the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom. Enacted in 1786, the Statute for Religious Freedom is one of the most important documents in American history on the subject of religious liberty. It prohibited government interference or support for religion and became an inspiration fo the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burthened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinion in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.

James Madison's notes indicate it was both religious freedom and prohibiting a national religion that was an issue for him

According to The Congressional Register Madison, on June 8, moved that "the civil rights of none shall be abridged on account of religious belief or worship, nor shall any national religion be established, nor shall the full and equal rights of conscience be in any manner, or on any pretext infringed."

Religion and the Federal Government, Part 1 - Religion and the Founding of the American Republic | Exhibitions (Library of Congress)

Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & America values! Islam is the ONLY religion in earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion % state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!
Complete and utter nonsense...

1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Like it or not, Islam, like all religions, is Constitutionally protected in the United States. If you don't like that, tough shit.
Technically that is incorrect. The Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment was written to prevent the federal government from interfering with state established religions of which half of the states had at the time the constitution was ratified.

Technically it is exactly correct. While there was certainly a concern about state religions- other state constitution's prior to the First Amendment made it very clear that this applied to individual religious freedom- including Jews and Muslims.
No. The Establishment clause was written specifically to prevent the Federal Government from interfering with state established religions. States are within their rights to establish state religions.

Or we can go with the actual language of the 1st Amendment- and the 14th Amendment.

First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

14th Amendment
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States

Meanwhile- Jefferson was very clear about religious liberty:

Digital History
On his gravestone, Thomas Jefferson listed the three accomplishments for which he most wanted to be remembered: drafting the Declaration of Independence, founding the University of Virginia, and writing the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom. Enacted in 1786, the Statute for Religious Freedom is one of the most important documents in American history on the subject of religious liberty. It prohibited government interference or support for religion and became an inspiration fo the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burthened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinion in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.

James Madison's notes indicate it was both religious freedom and prohibiting a national religion that was an issue for him

According to The Congressional Register Madison, on June 8, moved that "the civil rights of none shall be abridged on account of religious belief or worship, nor shall any national religion be established, nor shall the full and equal rights of conscience be in any manner, or on any pretext infringed."

Religion and the Federal Government, Part 1 - Religion and the Founding of the American Republic | Exhibitions (Library of Congress)
You don't need to go into all that. All you need to do is look at the history of the Amendment. Madison actually wrote it to apply to the federal and state governments. That was rejected by the Senate and the final form was written into law which allows for state established religions. Even Thomas Jefferson explains that in his infamous "separation of church and state letter."

As for the 14th Amendment at the time that was written they introduced an amendment which would have applied to states as well as well. That too was defeated in the senate, thus proving that the authors of the 14th amendment did not believe that the 14th amendment eliminated the rights of states to establish state religions.
Complete and utter nonsense...

1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Like it or not, Islam, like all religions, is Constitutionally protected in the United States. If you don't like that, tough shit.
Technically that is incorrect. The Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment was written to prevent the federal government from interfering with state established religions of which half of the states had at the time the constitution was ratified.

Technically it is exactly correct. While there was certainly a concern about state religions- other state constitution's prior to the First Amendment made it very clear that this applied to individual religious freedom- including Jews and Muslims.
No. The Establishment clause was written specifically to prevent the Federal Government from interfering with state established religions. States are within their rights to establish state religions.

Or we can go with the actual language of the 1st Amendment- and the 14th Amendment.

First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

14th Amendment
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States

Meanwhile- Jefferson was very clear about religious liberty:

Digital History
On his gravestone, Thomas Jefferson listed the three accomplishments for which he most wanted to be remembered: drafting the Declaration of Independence, founding the University of Virginia, and writing the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom. Enacted in 1786, the Statute for Religious Freedom is one of the most important documents in American history on the subject of religious liberty. It prohibited government interference or support for religion and became an inspiration fo the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burthened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinion in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.

James Madison's notes indicate it was both religious freedom and prohibiting a national religion that was an issue for him

According to The Congressional Register Madison, on June 8, moved that "the civil rights of none shall be abridged on account of religious belief or worship, nor shall any national religion be established, nor shall the full and equal rights of conscience be in any manner, or on any pretext infringed."

Religion and the Federal Government, Part 1 - Religion and the Founding of the American Republic | Exhibitions (Library of Congress)
You don't need to go into all that. All you need to do is look at the history of the Amendment. Madison actually wrote it to apply to the federal and state governments. That was rejected by the Senate and the final form was written into law which allows for state established religions. Even Thomas Jefferson explains that in his infamous "separation of church and state letter."

As for the 14th Amendment at the time that was written they introduced an amendment which would have applied to states as well as well. That too was defeated in the senate, thus proving that the authors of the 14th amendment did not believe that the 14th amendment eliminated the rights of states to establish state religions.

Feel free to back up anything you have claimed.

You know- like providing quotes and references like I did.
Technically that is incorrect. The Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment was written to prevent the federal government from interfering with state established religions of which half of the states had at the time the constitution was ratified.

Technically it is exactly correct. While there was certainly a concern about state religions- other state constitution's prior to the First Amendment made it very clear that this applied to individual religious freedom- including Jews and Muslims.
No. The Establishment clause was written specifically to prevent the Federal Government from interfering with state established religions. States are within their rights to establish state religions.

Or we can go with the actual language of the 1st Amendment- and the 14th Amendment.

First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

14th Amendment
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States

Meanwhile- Jefferson was very clear about religious liberty:

Digital History
On his gravestone, Thomas Jefferson listed the three accomplishments for which he most wanted to be remembered: drafting the Declaration of Independence, founding the University of Virginia, and writing the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom. Enacted in 1786, the Statute for Religious Freedom is one of the most important documents in American history on the subject of religious liberty. It prohibited government interference or support for religion and became an inspiration fo the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burthened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinion in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.

James Madison's notes indicate it was both religious freedom and prohibiting a national religion that was an issue for him

According to The Congressional Register Madison, on June 8, moved that "the civil rights of none shall be abridged on account of religious belief or worship, nor shall any national religion be established, nor shall the full and equal rights of conscience be in any manner, or on any pretext infringed."

Religion and the Federal Government, Part 1 - Religion and the Founding of the American Republic | Exhibitions (Library of Congress)
You don't need to go into all that. All you need to do is look at the history of the Amendment. Madison actually wrote it to apply to the federal and state governments. That was rejected by the Senate and the final form was written into law which allows for state established religions. Even Thomas Jefferson explains that in his infamous "separation of church and state letter."

As for the 14th Amendment at the time that was written they introduced an amendment which would have applied to states as well as well. That too was defeated in the senate, thus proving that the authors of the 14th amendment did not believe that the 14th amendment eliminated the rights of states to establish state religions.

Feel free to back up anything you have claimed.

You know- like providing quotes and references like I did.
I just told you everything you need to go and find out for yourself. I don't care if you believe it or not. You can be ignorant on this. I couldn't care less.
Technically it is exactly correct. While there was certainly a concern about state religions- other state constitution's prior to the First Amendment made it very clear that this applied to individual religious freedom- including Jews and Muslims.
No. The Establishment clause was written specifically to prevent the Federal Government from interfering with state established religions. States are within their rights to establish state religions.

Or we can go with the actual language of the 1st Amendment- and the 14th Amendment.

First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

14th Amendment
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States

Meanwhile- Jefferson was very clear about religious liberty:

Digital History
On his gravestone, Thomas Jefferson listed the three accomplishments for which he most wanted to be remembered: drafting the Declaration of Independence, founding the University of Virginia, and writing the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom. Enacted in 1786, the Statute for Religious Freedom is one of the most important documents in American history on the subject of religious liberty. It prohibited government interference or support for religion and became an inspiration fo the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burthened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinion in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.

James Madison's notes indicate it was both religious freedom and prohibiting a national religion that was an issue for him

According to The Congressional Register Madison, on June 8, moved that "the civil rights of none shall be abridged on account of religious belief or worship, nor shall any national religion be established, nor shall the full and equal rights of conscience be in any manner, or on any pretext infringed."

Religion and the Federal Government, Part 1 - Religion and the Founding of the American Republic | Exhibitions (Library of Congress)
You don't need to go into all that. All you need to do is look at the history of the Amendment. Madison actually wrote it to apply to the federal and state governments. That was rejected by the Senate and the final form was written into law which allows for state established religions. Even Thomas Jefferson explains that in his infamous "separation of church and state letter."

As for the 14th Amendment at the time that was written they introduced an amendment which would have applied to states as well as well. That too was defeated in the senate, thus proving that the authors of the 14th amendment did not believe that the 14th amendment eliminated the rights of states to establish state religions.

Feel free to back up anything you have claimed.

You know- like providing quotes and references like I did.
I just told you everything you need to go and find out for yourself. I don't care if you believe it or not. You can be ignorant on this. I couldn't care less.

You care so little that you provide your unsubstantiated opinion again and again

Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & America values! Islam is the ONLY religion in earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion % state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!
Complete and utter nonsense...

1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Like it or not, Islam, like all religions, is Constitutionally protected in the United States. If you don't like that, tough shit.
Technically that is incorrect. The Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment was written to prevent the federal government from interfering with state established religions of which half of the states had at the time the constitution was ratified.
Wallace v. Jaffree proves the First Amendment applies to all religions.

Let me know when the Supreme Court rules in your favor.
Restricted or NO Islamic immigration is a victory for LIBERTY & America values! Islam is the ONLY religion in earth that doesn't believe in the separation of religion % state & has a political ideology of CONQUEST! It's also the only religion that has a religious code, Sharia law, that violates our Constitution & HORRIBLY oppresses minorities!

Go look at what Muslims say themselves! Hundreds of millions worldwide either sympathize with terrorists or favor Sharia law or an Islamic state! Islam imposes itself on secular societies far more than any other religion on earth!

The more Muslims you let in the more they start demanding Halal meat(which is very cruel), prayer rooms, wash rooms, holidays off, single sex facilities, etc. Why is Islam the only religion that wants to dictate to society like this?? Notice other religions don't impose themselves like this on secular societies! I've even had Muslims tell me Islam is the most fanatical religion on earth!

Here is the study by a MUSLIM WOMAN on the millions & millions of Muslims who favor radicalism in Islam! It's by Raheel Raza called "By the numbers".

By the Numbers - The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & Numbers

Such a CANCER in society has NO place in America!!
Complete and utter nonsense...

1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

Like it or not, Islam, like all religions, is Constitutionally protected in the United States. If you don't like that, tough shit.
Technically that is incorrect. The Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment was written to prevent the federal government from interfering with state established religions of which half of the states had at the time the constitution was ratified.

Technically it is exactly correct. While there was certainly a concern about state religions- other state constitution's prior to the First Amendment made it very clear that this applied to individual religious freedom- including Jews and Muslims.
No. The Establishment clause was written specifically to prevent the Federal Government from interfering with state established religions. States are within their rights to establish state religions.
Now you're conflating the issue. We're not talking about whether or not a state can establish a state religion; we're talking about if a state can ban a religion.

The First Amendment. along with the 14th Amendment are clear -- the state cannot prohibit[ing] the free exercise thereof.
No. The Establishment clause was written specifically to prevent the Federal Government from interfering with state established religions. States are within their rights to establish state religions.

Or we can go with the actual language of the 1st Amendment- and the 14th Amendment.

First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

14th Amendment
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States

Meanwhile- Jefferson was very clear about religious liberty:

Digital History
On his gravestone, Thomas Jefferson listed the three accomplishments for which he most wanted to be remembered: drafting the Declaration of Independence, founding the University of Virginia, and writing the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom. Enacted in 1786, the Statute for Religious Freedom is one of the most important documents in American history on the subject of religious liberty. It prohibited government interference or support for religion and became an inspiration fo the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burthened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinion in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.

James Madison's notes indicate it was both religious freedom and prohibiting a national religion that was an issue for him

According to The Congressional Register Madison, on June 8, moved that "the civil rights of none shall be abridged on account of religious belief or worship, nor shall any national religion be established, nor shall the full and equal rights of conscience be in any manner, or on any pretext infringed."

Religion and the Federal Government, Part 1 - Religion and the Founding of the American Republic | Exhibitions (Library of Congress)
You don't need to go into all that. All you need to do is look at the history of the Amendment. Madison actually wrote it to apply to the federal and state governments. That was rejected by the Senate and the final form was written into law which allows for state established religions. Even Thomas Jefferson explains that in his infamous "separation of church and state letter."

As for the 14th Amendment at the time that was written they introduced an amendment which would have applied to states as well as well. That too was defeated in the senate, thus proving that the authors of the 14th amendment did not believe that the 14th amendment eliminated the rights of states to establish state religions.

Feel free to back up anything you have claimed.

You know- like providing quotes and references like I did.
I just told you everything you need to go and find out for yourself. I don't care if you believe it or not. You can be ignorant on this. I couldn't care less.

You care so little that you provide your unsubstantiated opinion again and again

Did you even read what I wrote? Do you believe it is my opinion that Madison's original version which applied to states as well as the federal government of the establishment clause failed in the senate? You do realize that is part of the historical record, right? Do you believe that it is my opinion that an amendment was proffered to the same senate that passed the 14th amendment which was the same as Madison's original version of the establishment clause which applied to states as well as the federal government and that failed in the senate too? You do realize that too is part of the historical record, right?

I know this history. I know that these are historical facts. Go find out for yourself and then you will know what I know. Or you can choose to remain ignorant until the time of my choosing.

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