Here is why Nike did the Kaepernick ad


The Daily Shot: 36% of U.S. Workers Participate in the Gig Economy

Young people matter more to ad buyers than old people.

Young people matter more to ad buyers than old people.

I agree. Now who is spending the dollars to buy those shoes?
I usually give my grandsons $150 for Christmas and their birthdays where I know it is going for shoes. I have decided not to facilitate their shoe buying sprees any longer. No more than $25, now.

You want your grandsons wearing flip flops? :D
As long as it doesn't say "Nike" on the side.

Or.....they know their target demo *way* better than you do.


Or they don't but are suffering from the Trump Derangement Syndrome mental illness so they do stupid things.


Trump is trying to inject himself into this issue. But it really has nothing to do with him.

I have been a Nike customer many times over the year. I have the money to buy their products. Myself and many many more people like myself will never do another bit of business with those shitheads.

If they think they can thrive with a market base of stupid American hating mentally ill Moon Bats then more power to them. I think, like Dick Sporting Goods, the NFL, the Red Hen and others, they will regret that decision some time in the future.

And yet when you look at the market research, those less likely to buy Nike after watching that ad are about 13%. Compared to 56% who are more likely.

So you're vastly outnumbered.

You assumption is that the market research is valid. That may or not be true. Just remember that the polls got a lot of things wrong recently. If you only poll Moon Bats you will only get Moon Bat responses.

Maybe someone suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome thought they would get a ton of business advertising a piece of American hating shit like this Colin Kaepernick asshole. What could possibly go wrong?

It won't be the first time some marketing weenie of a major corporation got it wrong.

Young Moon Bats are mostly on welfare or living in their mother's basement and don't have the moeny to buy relatively more expensive Nike products. The base of the Kaepernick supporters are mostly Negro inner city dumbasses whose only source of enough income to buy Nike products would be selling illegal drugs,

We will see if appealing to American hating shitheads suffering from the mental illness known as TDS is a good marketing ploy or not. It hasn't worked out all that well for some other companies.

Or.....they know their target demo *way* better than you do.


Or they don't but are suffering from the Trump Derangement Syndrome mental illness so they do stupid things.


Trump is trying to inject himself into this issue. But it really has nothing to do with him.

I have been a Nike customer many times over the year. I have the money to buy their products. Myself and many many more people like myself will never do another bit of business with those shitheads.

If they think they can thrive with a market base of stupid American hating mentally ill Moon Bats then more power to them. I think, like Dick Sporting Goods, the NFL, the Red Hen and others, they will regret that decision some time in the future.

And yet when you look at the market research, those less likely to buy Nike after watching that ad are about 13%. Compared to 56% who are more likely.

So you're vastly outnumbered.

You assumption is that the market research is valid. That may or not be true. Just remember that the polls got a lot of things wrong recently. If you only poll Moon Bats you will only get Moon Bat responses.

So you're going to ignore the evidence of the market research and cling to what you want to believe, based on your imagination.

Where have I seen that pattern before.......
FYI I think what Kaepernick did was offensive and stupid.

But what I think doesn't change empirical fact.

To many ideologues - and that includes most people here - they want to believe that what they believe is empirical fact.

But it's not.
What Kaepernick did has nothing to do with patriotism, the military, or being a ‘good American.’

To contrive peaceful, lawful protest in to a ‘controversy’ is ridiculous and wrongheaded; protest that had it simply been ignored would have ended long ago.

But by foolishly contriving a non-issue into a ‘controversy’ and seeking to vilify Kaepernick, those hostile to the issue Kaepernick wishes to bring attention to have succeeded only in bringing attention to that very issue.

Nike’s support of Kaepernick is indeed smart business, but it’s as much about politics as profit.

Name other times you see people doing political protests at work
Nike stock price is up again today.

At one point, it was up to $81.14 dollars per share (up from the CK ad-low of 79.60).

Man, many Trumpbots must be pissed.

The post ad low was 79.01.

Ummm...nope, it was 79.60 (actually, 79.5734).

Look for yourself...

Nike Inc. Cl B

The last time the stock was at 79.01 was in early August...well before the ad campaign was announced (I believe).

  1. Nike’s Favorability Drops by Double Digits: Before the announcement, Nike had a net +69 favorable impression among consumers, it has now declined 34 points to +35 favorable.
  2. No Boost Among Key Demos: Among younger generations, Nike users, African Americans, and other key demographics, Nike’s favorability declined rather than improved.
  3. Purchasing Consideration Also Down: Before the announcement, 49 percent of Americans said they were absolutely certain or very likely to buy Nike products. That figure is down to 39 percent now.
  4. The Effect on the NFL Seems Small, For Now: Forty percent of consumers said Nike’s campaign does not make them more or less likely to watch/attend NFL games — 21 percent said more likely and 26 percent said less likely (14 percent didn’t know)....
Nike Sustains Swift Reputation Hit Following Kaepernick Ad
That may very well be, but guess what...……………….Christmas presents, birthday presents, and any other kind of present purchased by us for our children and grandchildren, will now not be Nike. We supply the cash until young people get a job, and for most of us, our cash will not be used for anything that says Nike. Take that to the bank, and cash that check!

Here's the sad truth for old people - you don't really matter to advertisers.

Ad buyers covet the 18-49 demographic.

Particularly the young people.

That's because when people start buying a brand, they stay loyal to a brand over their lifetimes.

And because young people will live longer than old people, they generally have more value to corporate America.

Good. They don't matter to me.

We all know it, the younger you are, the dumber you are. Brand loyalty is for idiots.

Sad truth?

I'm glad I don't matter to advertisers. I do everything I can to hide my metadata from them.

It is just the same as party loyalty, again, for idiots.

Collectivism is a fools game.
I just saw the ad not a big nike fan....but will be buying more Nike now for me and my 3 kids.

1. For supporting Collin mesaage.
2. To piss off the racists that hide behind fake pateiotism.
3. Because the ad is awesome, it showed the fabric of america and that pissed off the Trump sheep.

Than been said if you hated the Ad know that you are a racist MOFO and be honest with yourself that you are a racist fuck, and dont hide behind the flag because the tucker who told you to hate dodged the draft amd insulted the dumb southerners and veterans.
Nike stock price is up again today.

At one point, it was up to $81.14 dollars per share (up from the CK ad-low of 79.60).

Man, many Trumpbots must be pissed.

The post ad low was 79.01.

Ummm...nope, it was 79.60 (actually, 79.5734).

Look for yourself...

Nike Inc. Cl B

The last time the stock was at 79.01 was in early August...well before the ad campaign was announced (I believe).

The last time the stock was at 79.01 was September 4th at 9:30.
I just saw the ad not a big nike fan....but will be buying more Nike now for me and my 3 kids.

1. For supporting Collin mesaage.
2. To piss off the racists that hide behind fake pateiotism.
3. Because the ad is awesome, it showed the fabric of america and that pissed off the Trump sheep.

Than been said if you hated the Ad know that you are a racist MOFO and be honest with yourself that you are a racist fuck, and dont hide behind the flag because the tucker who told you to hate dodged the draft amd insulted the dumb southerners and veterans.

Can we get the half competent English / American version of your post please Raggy?
Thanks in advance.
Nike stock price is up again today.

At one point, it was up to $81.14 dollars per share (up from the CK ad-low of 79.60).

Man, many Trumpbots must be pissed.

The post ad low was 79.01.

Ummm...nope, it was 79.60 (actually, 79.5734).

Look for yourself...

Nike Inc. Cl B

The last time the stock was at 79.01 was in early August...well before the ad campaign was announced (I believe).

The last time the stock was at 79.01 was September 4th at 9:30.View attachment 215179

You are looking at the NYSE. I am looking at the NASDAQ.

I prefer dealer's market's to auction markets.
I just saw the ad not a big nike fan....but will be buying more Nike now for me and my 3 kids.

1. For supporting Collin mesaage.
2. To piss off the racists that hide behind fake pateiotism.
3. Because the ad is awesome, it showed the fabric of america and that pissed off the Trump sheep.

Than been said if you hated the Ad know that you are a racist MOFO and be honest with yourself that you are a racist fuck, and dont hide behind the flag because the tucker who told you to hate dodged the draft amd insulted the dumb southerners and veterans.

Says it all.

Almost everyone who hates this ad or CK's stand is racist and/or against the Constitution.
Nike stock price is up again today.

At one point, it was up to $81.14 dollars per share (up from the CK ad-low of 79.60).

Man, many Trumpbots must be pissed.

The post ad low was 79.01.

Ummm...nope, it was 79.60 (actually, 79.5734).

Look for yourself...

Nike Inc. Cl B

The last time the stock was at 79.01 was in early August...well before the ad campaign was announced (I believe).

The last time the stock was at 79.01 was September 4th at 9:30.View attachment 215179

You are looking at the NYSE. I am looking at the NASDAQ.

I prefer dealer's market's to auction markets.

Of course I'm citing the NYSE. That's where the stock is listed and traded. NKE isn't a listed stock on the NASDAQ.

NYSE: Listings Directory - Stocks
That may very well be, but guess what...……………….Christmas presents, birthday presents, and any other kind of present purchased by us for our children and grandchildren, will now not be Nike. We supply the cash until young people get a job, and for most of us, our cash will not be used for anything that says Nike. Take that to the bank, and cash that check!

Here's the sad truth for old people - you don't really matter to advertisers.

Ad buyers covet the 18-49 demographic.

Particularly the young people.

That's because when people start buying a brand, they stay loyal to a brand over their lifetimes.

And because young people will live longer than old people, they generally have more value to corporate America.

Good. They don't matter to me.

We all know it, the younger you are, the dumber you are. Brand loyalty is for idiots.

Sad truth?

I'm glad I don't matter to advertisers. I do everything I can to hide my metadata from them.

It is just the same as party loyalty, again, for idiots.

Collectivism is a fools game. have no idea whatsoever what you are talking about.

The human brain starts losing 'brain cells' when humans are about 19/20. That means past 20, you actually get stupider every, single day.

What Happens When You Lose Neurons?

Next time, don't talk about things you clearly know nothing about and you will probably not sound so staggeringly ignorant/uneducated.

Have a nice day.

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