Here it comes: CNN: Beto = White Male Privilege

Beto's excellent adventure drips with white male privilege - CNNPolitics

There are no sane major parties any more. This country has completely lost its shit.

We desperately need a viable third party. As funny as this stuff is, the wings are fucking killing us.

That's one Nia-Malika Henderson. Since when is she one of the "major parties"? Let alone "This country"?

Moreover, don't you still believe it takes, you know, an actual argument to take an article apart? Like, presenting the article's major assertions, and pointing out major flaws like lack of internal consistency, or factual inaccuracies?

Jumping to conclusions without so much as a hint of an argument to support them is otherwise known as prejudice. Efforts at inviting others to share your prejudices are otherwise known as propaganda.

O'Rourke is being criticized for his randomness. For his TMI'ing and for his "what do I want to do with my life" aimlessness.

But the fact that he knows he has the freedom to cast about as a campaign-in-waiting forms, shows how much of his political identity is predicated on being white and male.​

I suspect, Henderson has a point here, even while white males, exercising their white, male privilege, strenuously refuse to see the extent to which women are being treated differently.

I think Mac's point is that the lady did not have to go to Betos race and apply a stereotype to him in order to evaluate his candidacy.

People are gradually realizing thjat Identity politics, from which the idea of 'white privilege' emerges, is nothing more than racism without white people being allowed to play.

And racism of any form should not be tolerated in an educated, moral enlightened population, or else it will destroy us.

In that narrow context, I think you're right. The lady who was writing the article (and you can say this about every political commentator who has X number of columns to write or X number of minutes to fill on their podcast) simply had to find something to write about.

Just my commentary here. This, to me anyway, seemed to smack of just writing an article to have something to file. If you want to do a "tale of the tape" between O'Rourke, Hillibrand (sp?), Warren, Kimala Harris, that. Warren won in blue MA, Harris won in Blue California, and Hillibrand (I think) ran in Blue NY. O'Rourke lost a very close race to a seated Senator in brick red Texas actually getting more votes than Warren and I think a total very close to Hillebrand in blue blood NY. He's a different type of cat.

But lets say she's right and there is a built in primal stereotype of guys treating male candidates different. If one were to make that argument, wouldn't one have to say the same thing for females treating female candidates differently? And, since the electorate if majority female, if that argument is true, we should have a female majority in places that have an electorate that is majority female. I know it's not as cut and dried as that on the mathematics but neither is it as "cut and dried" that Beto is getting some sort of white male privilege because he's a white male. He may be getting some unearned cache but I don't think it has to do with gender or probably has to do with his charisma, his energy, and his elect-ability which spans the spectrum of his playing in a band to his being someone who you think you could be best buds with. I'd vote for Warren if she is the nominee of the DNC. But, in no way, would I want to spend 5 seconds in the room listening to her. She's a terrible orator. I'm excited about Kimala Harris. Don't know much about Hellebrandt.
You are deliberately obfuscating the assertion I made, which indicates a dishonest character and poor morals.

Yeah, here we have another one who gets into a judgmental hissy without a proper argument.

Yes, the American Birth Defect, White racism written into law, wasn't White identity politics. Nope, sir!

But most assuredly, the wildly different circumstances of life for women and minorities, requiring differing policy approaches to these circumstances, have no grounding other than (non-White) racism.

But yeah, you probably expect to be taken seriously with that nonsense. I mean, come on, that's your White privilege right there, spouting ludicrous nonsense and still expecting not to be laughed out of the room.

Really, I do understand how a woman of color pointing out your filthy underwear and White males' hilarious claim to victimhood, has you very, very irate, and oh-so concerned about "This country". Oh, not to forget, "divisions", terrible divisions because the White male perspective is being questioned, even deemed suspicious.


Wow I'm sure that somewhere in that mish mash of tortured syntax and heinously
violated parts of speech there is a voice
crying out in the wilderness.....that is also
ahem....lost in the wilderness.

Mammy....don't gimme
No flim flammy!
Just gimme those
Eggs and hammy!
You are deliberately obfuscating the assertion I made, which indicates a dishonest character and poor morals.

Yeah, here we have another one who gets into a judgmental hissy without a proper argument.

Yes, the American Birth Defect, White racism written into law, wasn't White identity politics. Nope, sir!

But most assuredly, the wildly different circumstances of life for women and minorities, requiring differing policy approaches to these circumstances, have no grounding other than (non-White) racism.

But yeah, you probably expect to be taken seriously with that nonsense. I mean, come on, that's your White privilege right there, spouting ludicrous nonsense and still expecting not to be laughed out of the room.

Really, I do understand how a woman of color pointing out your filthy underwear and White males' hilarious claim to victimhood, has you very, very irate, and oh-so concerned about "This country". Oh, not to forget, "divisions", terrible divisions because the White male perspective is being questioned, even deemed suspicious.

ROFLMAO, you really are a racist fool.

Welcome to my ignore list, dude.
#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

white privilege MY.jpg

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*
Beto's excellent adventure drips with white male privilege - CNNPolitics

There are no sane major parties any more. This country has completely lost its shit.

We desperately need a viable third party. As funny as this stuff is, the wings are fucking killing us.


I said " America loves it dirty tabloid slanted News "

2019: The same shit different decade but almost the same damn thing...

The two major parties will kill any possible third party candidate chances. The reality is both big political parties own the information that is sold to us and either half buys the MSM Propaganda or the other half buys the News Radio Propaganda.

Ross Perot was the last viable third party candidate and you saw that go down in flames and gave us eight years of Bill Clinton.

So sure it would be nice but reality is it will not happen in my life...
Beto's excellent adventure drips with white male privilege - CNNPolitics

There are no sane major parties any more. This country has completely lost its shit.

We desperately need a viable third party. As funny as this stuff is, the wings are fucking killing us.

Isn't she kind of hard on him, he came close to whipping Cruz's butt.

My last day of work was January 2nd

And Jack Kerouac-style, he roams around, jobless (does he not need a job?)

He can do like John Kerry.... Rich Widows!


Is his wife rich a rich widow, I don't think so. I voted for Kerry.
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Beto's excellent adventure drips with white male privilege - CNNPolitics

There are no sane major parties any more. This country has completely lost its shit.

We desperately need a viable third party. As funny as this stuff is, the wings are fucking killing us.

That's one Nia-Malika Henderson. Since when is she one of the "major parties"? Let alone "This country"?

Moreover, don't you still believe it takes, you know, an actual argument to take an article apart? Like, presenting the article's major assertions, and pointing out major flaws like lack of internal consistency, or factual inaccuracies?

Jumping to conclusions without so much as a hint of an argument to support them is otherwise known as prejudice. Efforts at inviting others to share your prejudices are otherwise known as propaganda.

O'Rourke is being criticized for his randomness. For his TMI'ing and for his "what do I want to do with my life" aimlessness.

But the fact that he knows he has the freedom to cast about as a campaign-in-waiting forms, shows how much of his political identity is predicated on being white and male.​

I suspect, Henderson has a point here, even while white males, exercising their white, male privilege, strenuously refuse to see the extent to which women are being treated differently.
Women by definition are different than men and as a result they should be treated differently.

Different does not mean bad or worse.

Beto may well be an idiot but no more so than the author or this article or anyone else who believes in mythology such as white privilege or male privilege.
I think Mac's point is that the lady did not have to go to Betos race and apply a stereotype to him in order to evaluate his candidacy.

People are gradually realizing thjat Identity politics, from which the idea of 'white privilege' emerges, is nothing more than racism without white people being allowed to play.

And racism of any form should not be tolerated in an educated, moral enlightened population, or else it will destroy us.

Mac doesn't have a point. He has judgments. Whatever "point" you are trying to find in there, is your invention.

Your whine about the fact that white identity politics, the bedrock of U.S. politics since its founding, is coming to an end, is noted, and dismissed, along with your transference projection of "racism".
There has not been any such white identity politics. The idea is yet another left wing contradiction
#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Women by definition are different than men and as a result they should be treated differently.

Different does not mean bad or worse.

Hello, SN. As our Nation's growing population of single, unmarried maternal caregivers continue depriving boys of having a reasonably responsible dad to aid them through the up and downs of childhood, teen and adult life, I fear resentment will creep into the minds of a growing population of #fatherless men.

I believe we've been witnessing evidence of this resentment for quite a while.

American *(Children)* Lives Matter;
Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*
Beto's excellent adventure drips with white male privilege - CNNPolitics

There are no sane major parties any more. This country has completely lost its shit.

We desperately need a viable third party. As funny as this stuff is, the wings are fucking killing us.


I said " America loves it dirty tabloid slanted News "

2019: The same shit different decade but almost the same damn thing...

The two major parties will kill any possible third party candidate chances. The reality is both big political parties own the information that is sold to us and either half buys the MSM Propaganda or the other half buys the News Radio Propaganda.

Ross Perot was the last viable third party candidate and you saw that go down in flames and gave us eight years of Bill Clinton.

So sure it would be nice but reality is it will not happen in my life...
Yeah, I suspect you're right.
I suspect, Henderson has a point here, even while white males, exercising their white, male privilege, strenuously refuse to see the extent to which women are being treated differently.
I suspect she does not and therefore neither do you. She, Henderson, is conflating the essential quirky likability of O'Rourke with the crime of being guilty of being a white male (not that everyone finds him endearing).

If Hilary Clinton or Elizabeth Warren had a tenth the personal charisma and charm of O'Rourke they would be president right now instead of being the bitter inauthentic phonies and posers that they are trying to invent compelling back stories for themselves (I'm a native American, everybody...Hey! I'm down with the poor black underclass, you guys).
Because they themselves have no real raison e'etre for being president except for the fact they
are Gyno-Americans and therefore it is owed to them.

Hilary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren's actual real accomplishments could be hidden inside a pygmy mouse's intestines and there would still be room for their likeability factors to nestle along side.

There is a reason why many people reject the white male privilege's just a way for angry bitter bigots to hide their own failures and miserable sour selves by blaming all their failures on those darned white males (that we all know have life rolled on a golden carpet for them to partake in at their leisure).
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Beto's excellent adventure drips with white male privilege - CNNPolitics

There are no sane major parties any more. This country has completely lost its shit.

We desperately need a viable third party. As funny as this stuff is, the wings are fucking killing us.

The problem is, a third political party would end up being......... political.

As long as politics is involved, you will end up with political results.

If you really want to clean up politics, you need to start adhering to clear moral values, and promoting those moral values, and raising a new generation with those moral values.

As long as we have an immoral population, we'll have immoral politicians. Doesn't matter what political party you create. There will never be a political party immune to the pressure to conform to the whims of an immoral voting body.
She, Henderson, is conflating the essential quirky likability of O'Rourke with the crime of being guilty of being a white male [...]

Now look, there is another victim crawling out of the underbrush, all whiny and all. The "crime of being guilty"... Heavens.

No, Henderson compared what males and females are set to experience in case an exemplar of either gender goes on a self-important, egocentric, infantile it's-all-about-me trip, and publishing whatever fuzzy stuff they found in their navel.

In essence, she's telling Beto, the infantile goof, to grow TF up, and take as example females eying a presidential run who all have accomplished that feat long ago, as you would expect. Funny none of the White males whining about how Beto was maligned can understand that. For a presidential run is not about Beto, the infantile goof - it's about the United States of America, Americans and their well-being. All the while Beto's published diary seems to indicate the infantile goof has yet to understand that, as have the whiny victims on this thread.
We were supposed to be living in the era of "the year of the woman".
The reality is we're living in the era of "the year of the whining woman".
Now look, there is another victim crawling out of the underbrush, all whiny and all. The "crime of being guilty"... Heavens.
Pointing out the inconsistencies and fallacies of the
"white male privilege" nonsense hardly makes me a whiny victim. On the contrary I am proactively and forthrightly
opposing the nonsense of the white privilege Stalinists square in the face and telling them where there are off course.
That doesn't fit the agenda of this SJW meme however so it must be denied.

No, Henderson compared what males and females are set to experience in case an exemplar of either gender goes on a self-important, egocentric, infantile it's-all-about-me trip, and publishing whatever fuzzy stuff they found in their navel.
But would Henderson treat male and female victims of this narcissism the same? It seems not.
For instance what has she to say about Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, one of the least knowledgeable but most self important politicians to ever hold national office? I'm hardly familiar with Henderson's writings so if I missed her taking the AOC to task for her self inflated sense of ego let me know.

Same with a black politician by the name of Barack Obama who published not one autobiography but two (Audacity of Hope being a political biography). Some knowledgeable in the field (Dr. Sam Vaknin) call him a narcissist but I doubt a political apologist like Henderson would take him to task for his personality.
She certainly would not blame his ethnicity and being a male for such an outsized sense of ego. A biography from a political novice and largely unknown figure could be seen as a
way of drumming up attention but isn't that just what a narcissist would do?

In essence, she's telling Beto, the infantile goof, to grow TF up, and take as example females eying a presidential run who all have accomplished that feat long ago, as you would expect. Funny none of the White males whining about how Beto was maligned can understand that. For a presidential run is not about Beto, the infantile goof - it's about the United States of America, Americans and their well-being. All the while Beto's published diary seems to indicate the infantile goof has yet to understand that, as have the whiny victims on this thread.
If someone at CNN has the audacity to take on Beto O'Rourke for his perceived personal flaws more power to her.
But to attribute those flaws to his ethnicity and gender is just leftist blather and bias writ large and it hardly reflects well on you.
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Democrat loathing for white males of any ethnicity simply drives home my estimate that Hillary WILL be their nominee for 2020 and that she'll lose by even bigger margin.

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