Here it comes: CNN: Beto = White Male Privilege

But to attribute those flaws to his ethnicity and gender is just leftist blather and bias writ large and it hardly reflects well on you.

For crying out loud... We have the whining about "the crime of being guilty of being a white male", followed by whataboutery (Cortez, Obama), followed by haughty assertions of having pointed out "inconsistencies" - no such thing happened - closing with the failed, entirely false attempt to characterize Henderson's piece as attributing "flaws to his ethnicity and gender".

Here's the money quote - note, please, it's not about "flaws", it's about what he can get away with:

But O'Rourke, tall, handsome, white and male, has this latitude, to be and do anything. His privilege even allows him to turn a loss to the most despised candidate of the cycle into a launching pad for a White House run.

Stacey Abrams, a Yale-trained lawyer, couldn't do this.

O'Rourke is being criticized for his randomness. For his TMI'ing and for his "what do I want to do with my life" aimlessness.

But the fact that he knows he has the freedom to cast about as a campaign-in-waiting forms, shows how much of his political identity is predicated on being white and male.​

Read the thing again, for understanding this time. And stop that whining while you are at it. It's unbecoming.
Beto's excellent adventure drips with white male privilege - CNNPolitics

There are no sane major parties any more. This country has completely lost its shit.

We desperately need a viable third party. As funny as this stuff is, the wings are fucking killing us.
No.......what we need to do is put the clamps down and arrest Bill Clinton, Susan Rice, and the rest of their Globalist co-conspirators, try them for treason, put them to death and declare war on the Rothschilds.
For crying out loud... We have the whining about "the crime of being guilty of being a white male", followed by whataboutery (Cortez, Obama), followed by haughty assertions of having pointed out "inconsistencies" - no such thing happened - closing with the failed, entirely false attempt to characterize Henderson's piece as attributing "flaws to his ethnicity and gender".
What you continue to disingenuously call "whining" is just setting the record straight. Is this reply by you more "whining"?
What's unbecoming is you continuously calling anything that challenges your whining. It's lazy and dishonest. Or do object to being called a whiner?

Your "whataboutery" is called context by intelligent people. Maybe you should familiarize yourself with the context
and if Beto O'Rourke's ethnicity and gender isn't an issue what is the point of dredging up the red herring charge of white male privilege?

Perhaps the author Henderson, who is truly the whiner here (and you, of course), is angry that O'Rourke can trade on his appealing looks and easy charm to enter politics (it isn't at all certain at this point a candidacy for the White House is a reality or that it will go anywhere in any event). That's remarkably hypocritical and it's not at all a function of race and gender if you will stop blubbering and think about it.

Gee, it seems to me there was another tall charming young man who used his Sears catalog underwear model looks
to get into politics and who had all the doors opened for him by a powerful political machine and all he had to do was walk on through. He came from Chicago and I doubt Nia Malika Henderson had one single negative comment to make about him.

Want to take a guess who that man was? He had his not all that remarkable life story published at a relatively young age, was given a key speaking spot at the democrat convention and got the Chicago political machine to sponsor his
run to office.
Stop you own crying and look at what offends your here. You are remarkably
lacking in self awareness and a bit of an ass as well.
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Beto's excellent adventure drips with white male privilege - CNNPolitics

There are no sane major parties any more. This country has completely lost its shit.

We desperately need a viable third party. As funny as this stuff is, the wings are fucking killing us.

Its a analysis by a woman with an axe to grind. She makes some points about how women who seek higher office are perceived. What the author misses is that likability goes a long way in a presidential campaign. For some, it may be the only thing that matters. I'm pretty sure that isn't the best way to look at things but for a lot of people they do.
BETO isn't thought to be a viable contender because of some male white privilege; he's though to be a contender because he showed that he can run a competitive race in a big state against a heavy favorite; doesn't sound like he wants to hold abortions in the Rose Garden, and does have some good ideas about what public service is all about. And yes, he's likable and that really gets your foot in the door. If The Rock ran, he'd have his foot in the door. As would Michael Straihan, Post Malone, Ron Howard, Oprah Winfrey, and scores of others.

The country has lost it's shit? No. Stop being stupid.
“Stop being stupid.”

Not going to happen – the thread premise is proof of that.

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