Here it comes


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

another end run by f-ing demrats. You show up in person (alive US citizen) to vote or mail in an absentee ballot.
Of Course......if they get away with it they will STEAL the election..........

It's hard enough to stop them without it..............they have been pushing for this a long time..........saying people having to go to hard on them........LOL

They will come in here and accuse of doing what they have been doing for years...............All the votes they don't want voted will be found when we find Jimmy Hoffa's body.
So we need to send out Face plant messages to them that the mail in ballots contain CORONA VIRUS........if you receive a mail in ballot...........immediately go HIDE UNDER THE for help............and whatever you do...........DON'T TOUCH THE MAIL IN BALLOT.

Since they are Morons anyways........might buy us some time.

another end run by f-ing demrats. You show up in person (alive US citizen) to vote or mail in an absentee ballot.
Of COURSE. The Dim Dems WILL be attempting to secure as many illegal votes, DEAD people votes, and using ballot harvesting as much as they can get away with. The big difference this time around, compared to the 2016 election, is those on the Right will pay MUCH closer attention to possible illegal activity by the Left.

another end run by f-ing demrats. You show up in person (alive US citizen) to vote or mail in an absentee ballot.

Yet another searing opinion piece from a hack publishing on an alt-right Internet site..oh look, even a Soros mention. YAWN.
I see that the voter suppression initiatives are already in motion on the right hand side of the aisle. They must be terrified right now.
I find it highly amusing that the Stinker publisher uses the line "invalidation of your vote right before your eyes". Like Republicans
and conservative haven't been doing that through gerrymandering, voter roll purging, and voter suppression for the last couple of decades.

another end run by f-ing demrats. You show up in person (alive US citizen) to vote or mail in an absentee ballot.

Yet another searing opinion piece from a hack publishing on an alt-right Internet site..oh look, even a Soros mention. YAWN.
I see that the voter suppression initiatives are already in motion on the right hand side of the aisle. They must be terrified right now.
I find it highly amusing that the Stinker publisher uses the line "invalidation of your vote right before your eyes". Like Republicans
and conservative haven't been doing that through gerrymandering, voter roll purging, and voter suppression for the last couple of decades.
You are so full of BS your eyes are brown.

another end run by f-ing demrats. You show up in person (alive US citizen) to vote or mail in an absentee ballot.

Yet another searing opinion piece from a hack publishing on an alt-right Internet site..oh look, even a Soros mention. YAWN.
I see that the voter suppression initiatives are already in motion on the right hand side of the aisle. They must be terrified right now.
I find it highly amusing that the Stinker publisher uses the line "invalidation of your vote right before your eyes". Like Republicans
and conservative haven't been doing that through gerrymandering, voter roll purging, and voter suppression for the last couple of decades.
Just one of the Impeached Trump inspired Repubtards deflection tactics. Just look at their cheating tactics in North Carolina's 2018 special Congressional election. Their operatives are going to jail!

another end run by f-ing demrats. You show up in person (alive US citizen) to vote or mail in an absentee ballot.

Yet another searing opinion piece from a hack publishing on an alt-right Internet site..oh look, even a Soros mention. YAWN.
I see that the voter suppression initiatives are already in motion on the right hand side of the aisle. They must be terrified right now.
I find it highly amusing that the Stinker publisher uses the line "invalidation of your vote right before your eyes". Like Republicans
and conservative haven't been doing that through gerrymandering, voter roll purging, and voter suppression for the last couple of decades.
Just one of the Impeached Trump inspired Repubtards deflection tactics. Just look at their cheating tactics in North Carolina's 2018 special Congressional election. Their operatives are going to jail!
Save the demrat talking point BS. You vote in one of two ways, either in person or by absentee ballot. End of story.
Do not let this happen Repubs! If you know by your own information you will lose from it, then you will pass a bill into law that will be your own death sentence. Only if it is to your advantage. Do as they do.
Do not let this happen Repubs! If you know by your own information you will lose from it, then you will pass a bill into law that will be your own death sentence. Only if it is to your advantage. Do as they do.

That might be because there's no suppression, purging, or round filing tactics that can be employed (prevalent on the right for a few decades now).
It works for the military. It can be scaled to work for the country.
With the way the Democrats have been prevaricating, bringing false charges and conducting unconstitutional behavior; the only way any Democrat can get elected is through cheating.

I'm sure there's more progressive voters around here somewhere...



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