Here We Go Again!,Another Week Of "The Russians".Is This Ever Going To End?,Anyone Had Enough Yet?

The 'The Russians 'Hacked The Election' schpeal replaced the 'Hillary won the Popular Vote' sad BS. :p

One after the other, Snowflakes are hilarioyaly melting down.

My personal favorite right now is Schumer begging the GOP not to nuke the mini-filibuster (39 Dems) and to let him pick their USSC Justice nominee.



yup, it's all BS

you think Pence will be allowed to replace the good Agent, or share a cell at Leavenworth?

do tell
I think those who understand what is threatened with the ties, have their nerves strung up to breaking point much more so than those who can just ignore it. At least when I find someone to be innocent I don't worry someone blaming then unless it hurts their feelings and Trump has no feelings so..
I think those who understand what is threatened with the ties, have their nerves strung up to breaking point much more so than those who can just ignore it. At least when I find someone to be innocent I don't worry someone blaming then unless it hurts their feelings and Trump has no feelings so..

What ties ? No proof of any ties exists, or not that anyone outside of the government has seen.
All the dems have is a Russian fairy tale, they don't want to admit that Trump won legitimately. We are tired of liberals being unaccountable for their horrendous policies that do harm to their own communities.

The Dems, the FBI, the entire Intel community and both oversight committees.

You have a Trump tweet.

They all say their is no collusion with Trump. So, why continue the fairy tale.
So, why continue the fairy tale.

You mean the FBI investigation. Not a fairytale.
make my check payable to ...

lol yeah rexxy, are you saying you're sick of non-stop coverage of Agent Orange's Russian escapades, eh?

Sad bigly!
The Clinton Foundation took money from one Russian who benefitted from the purchase of US uranium with Hillary's influential help...

Bill Clinton was working for Putin's Ex-KGB buds, giving 'speeches' for $50k a pop...

Her campaign manager was not only working for Russians and collecting unreported money / stocks from them, 1/3rd of his company's board members are prominient Russian businessmen CONNECTED TO THE KREMLIN...

Then her campaign manager's brother was working for the KGB Bank AND the Russian SPY AGENCY that hacked the DNC's e-mails

Finally you have Obama handing over PROTECTED personal information deemed to have NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE over to Obama loyalists in 16 Intel agencies who treasonously perpetrated FELONY ESPIONAGE by illegally releasing that info -- the only proven crime DEMOCRATS...after over 9 months of multiple investigations of Trump resulting in ZERO criminal evidence.

Snowflakes are treasonously attempting to undermine the Trump Presidency, breaking the law and committing ESPIONAGE to do so, while desperately trying to hide the fact THEY are the only ones committing crimes and betraying their country!

The DNC needs to be branded a 'dometic enemy' / terrorist group, especially after everything during and after the include calls for military coups and calls for Trump's assassination!
lol yeah rexxy, are you saying you're sick of non-stop coverage of Agent Orange's Russian escapades, eh?

Sad bigly!
The Clinton Foundation took money from one Russian who benefitted from the purchase of US uranium with Hillary's influential help...

Bill Clinton was working for Putin's Ex-KGB buds, giving 'speeches' for $50k a pop...

Her campaign manager was not only working for Russians and collecting unreported money / stocks from them, 1/3rd of his company's board members are prominient Russian businessmen CONNECTED TO THE KREMLIN...

Then her campaign manager's brother was working for the KGB Bank AND the Russian SPY AGENCY that hacked the DNC's e-mails

Finally you have Obama handing over PROTECTED personal information deemed to have NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE over to Obama loyalists in 16 Intel agencies who treasonously perpetrated FELONY ESPIONAGE by illegally releasing that info -- the only proven crime DEMOCRATS...after over 9 months of multiple investigations of Trump resulting in ZERO criminal evidence.

Snowflakes are treasonously attempting to undermine the Trump Presidency, breaking the law and committing ESPIONAGE to do so, while desperately trying to hide the fact THEY are the only ones committing crimes and betraying their country!

The DNC needs to be branded a 'dometic enemy' / terrorist group, especially after everything during and after the include calls for military coups and calls for Trump's assassination!

go have a Clinton enema ... then write this down ...Trump fucked up.
The 'The Russians 'Hacked The Election' schpeal replaced the 'Hillary won the Popular Vote' sad BS. :p

One after the other, Snowflakes are hilarioyaly melting down.

My personal favorite right now is Schumer begging the GOP not to nuke the mini-filibuster (39 Dems) and to let him pick their USSC Justice nominee.



yup, it's all BS

you think Pence will be allowed to replace the good Agent, or share a cell at Leavenworth?

do tell

The ones going to jail are the obama minions who unmasked U.S. citizens after illegally spying on the opposition party during and after the election.....schiff made that point by his sudden silence this weekend.....
lol yeah rexxy, are you saying you're sick of non-stop coverage of Agent Orange's Russian escapades, eh?

Sad bigly!
The Clinton Foundation took money from one Russian who benefitted from the purchase of US uranium with Hillary's influential help...

Bill Clinton was working for Putin's Ex-KGB buds, giving 'speeches' for $50k a pop...

Her campaign manager was not only working for Russians and collecting unreported money / stocks from them, 1/3rd of his company's board members are prominient Russian businessmen CONNECTED TO THE KREMLIN...

Then her campaign manager's brother was working for the KGB Bank AND the Russian SPY AGENCY that hacked the DNC's e-mails

Finally you have Obama handing over PROTECTED personal information deemed to have NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE over to Obama loyalists in 16 Intel agencies who treasonously perpetrated FELONY ESPIONAGE by illegally releasing that info -- the only proven crime DEMOCRATS...after over 9 months of multiple investigations of Trump resulting in ZERO criminal evidence.

Snowflakes are treasonously attempting to undermine the Trump Presidency, breaking the law and committing ESPIONAGE to do so, while desperately trying to hide the fact THEY are the only ones committing crimes and betraying their country!

The DNC needs to be branded a 'dometic enemy' / terrorist group, especially after everything during and after the include calls for military coups and calls for Trump's assassination!

still hung-up on Hillary, eh sport

The 'The Russians 'Hacked The Election' schpeal replaced the 'Hillary won the Popular Vote' sad BS. :p

One after the other, Snowflakes are hilarioyaly melting down.

My personal favorite right now is Schumer begging the GOP not to nuke the mini-filibuster (39 Dems) and to let him pick their USSC Justice nominee.



yup, it's all BS

you think Pence will be allowed to replace the good Agent, or share a cell at Leavenworth?

do tell

The ones going to jail are the obama minions who unmasked U.S. citizens after illegally spying on the opposition party during and after the election.....schiff made that point by his sudden silence this weekend.....

Will you be sending Agent Orange cookies or coke in Leavenworth?

You chose the guy to be your president, his Russian ties came with him....what can you do now?

But there ain't Russian ties. They have been beating this drum for ever and nothing. At best, the only thing that will come of this is a Trump staffer getting a spankin some time in 2019 then it will be forgotten.
President Trump is up to his eyeballs in Russian Ties and so is the campaign staff he chose and so is the administration Cabinet appointments that he can you not know this....?

President Trump has relied on the Putin/ Russian Oligarch Mobsters to finance him since no US BANKS would loan money to Trump after his 3 bankruptcies in the 1990's...has ties to Deutsche Bank who were money launderers for the Russian oligarch mob/Putin's right hand men....this bank was just fined over $600 Billion for their illegal activity....the president of that bank was fired and went to a Cypress Bank as Chairman, the NEW money laundering hub of Putin/the Russians....Wilbur Ross, Trump's appointment for our Secretary of Commerce, was Vice Chairman and investor in that Bank, until he became our Commerce Secretary.

Tillerson, who Trump picked as our Secretary of State, was heavily involved with Putin and Russia with an Exxon Oil deal he made to drill there but since the Sanctions were put on Russia after what Putin did in Crimea and Ukraine Exxon could not move forward with his multi billion dollar investment he as Secretary of State, he can remove the Sanctions and allow the Exxon oil deal go thru and start pulling in the bucks for Exxon, his lifetime employer...

Manafort was working with Russian side of the Ukraine and was paid tens of millions to be a so called lobbyist but was moving millions of dollars through this Cypress Bank known for money laundering the Russian Mob's money, having 10 or so bank accounts there and was pushing millions of deposits and then transfers out of that bank in just 24 hour periods....

Flynn was paid by Russians to speak and receive an award for the Russian State operated arm, Russia Today news paper...Flynn told the Russian Ambassador not to worry about the new Sanctions Obama had put on them that day, and lied about the conversation....if there had not been a leak, none of us would know that he was a big fat liar plus.

a Russian operative came to meet with Manafort twice, once around the time the emails were stolen from the DNC, and once right before they were weaponized and disseminated to the Public.

Roger Stone, Trump's first campaign advisor, tweeted 2 months in advance of the Podesta emails that were going to be disseminated as an October Surprise, that the Podesta Files were coming....

and Stone claimed he had a mutual friend (Nigel Farange imo) of Julian Assange and had an "insider" feeding him information on the actuality, Stone was directing the release of the stolen emails to be timed where they hurt Hillary and the DNC the most....right before the DNC convention and the Day the access Hollywood tape on Trump's pussy grabbing statement for the Podesta leaks.

Trump bought a Mansion for 40 million and sold it to a Russian oligarch mobster for 95 million just a couple years later for a 55 million dollar profit in the worst real estate crisis bust....this was money laundering for the Russian with Trump's help....The Russian never stepped foot in the Mansion and tore it down...the Cypress Bank, where Wilbur Ross was and is known for laundering the Russian oligarch money, did the Transaction....

The entire Trump team lied a thousand times during the campaign saying none of them had any Russian or Putin connections, yet we have video of Trump claiming that he did...and video of his son saying that they are head deep on their business Russian connections....

Jeff Sessions also lied under oath that he never met with the Russians too...

and Jared Kushner lied about his connections with meeting with the Russians and Russian Bank that launders money for them, he lied through his lack of admission, he let his father in law repeat over and over and over again that NO ONE FROM HIS CAMPAIGN met with any Russians...

there are 1000 + MORE CONNECTIONS that I haven't even listed...

It's MIND BOGGLING how many connections there are....seriously, any sane person would wonder, WHAT IN THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE with President Trump and Putin/the Russians???
I think those who understand what is threatened with the ties, have their nerves strung up to breaking point much more so than those who can just ignore it. At least when I find someone to be innocent I don't worry someone blaming then unless it hurts their feelings and Trump has no feelings so..

What ties ? No proof of any ties exists, or not that anyone outside of the government has seen.
:itsok:, Comrade.
I think those who understand what is threatened with the ties, have their nerves strung up to breaking point much more so than those who can just ignore it. At least when I find someone to be innocent I don't worry someone blaming then unless it hurts their feelings and Trump has no feelings so..

What ties ? No proof of any ties exists, or not that anyone outside of the government has seen.
:itsok:, Comrade.

You got the smoking gun? Did I miss it ?
I think those who understand what is threatened with the ties, have their nerves strung up to breaking point much more so than those who can just ignore it. At least when I find someone to be innocent I don't worry someone blaming then unless it hurts their feelings and Trump has no feelings so..

What ties ? No proof of any ties exists, or not that anyone outside of the government has seen.
I have seen. Saw it when he started, and so did many others.
You chose the guy to be your president, his Russian ties came with him....what can you do now?

No...the Russian ties are with hilary and john podesta, not Trump.
Stop playing the idiot, you need to stay at a Holiday Inn Express! :)

President Trump is up to his EYEBALLS in Putin/Russian connections....that's a fact, Jack.
You chose the guy to be your president, his Russian ties came with him....what can you do now?

But there ain't Russian ties. They have been beating this drum for ever and nothing. At best, the only thing that will come of this is a Trump staffer getting a spankin some time in 2019 then it will be forgotten.
President Trump is up to his eyeballs in Russian Ties and so is the campaign staff he chose and so is the administration Cabinet appointments that he can you not know this....?

President Trump has relied on the Putin/ Russian Oligarch Mobsters to finance him since no US BANKS would loan money to Trump after his 3 bankruptcies in the 1990's...has ties to Deutsche Bank who were money launderers for the Russian oligarch mob/Putin's right hand men....this bank was just fined over $600 Billion for their illegal activity....the president of that bank was fired and went to a Cypress Bank as Chairman, the NEW money laundering hub of Putin/the Russians....Wilbur Ross, Trump's appointment for our Secretary of Commerce, was Vice Chairman and investor in that Bank, until he became our Commerce Secretary.

Tillerson, who Trump picked as our Secretary of State, was heavily involved with Putin and Russia with an Exxon Oil deal he made to drill there but since the Sanctions were put on Russia after what Putin did in Crimea and Ukraine Exxon could not move forward with his multi billion dollar investment he as Secretary of State, he can remove the Sanctions and allow the Exxon oil deal go thru and start pulling in the bucks for Exxon, his lifetime employer...

Manafort was working with Russian side of the Ukraine and was paid tens of millions to be a so called lobbyist but was moving millions of dollars through this Cypress Bank known for money laundering the Russian Mob's money, having 10 or so bank accounts there and was pushing millions of deposits and then transfers out of that bank in just 24 hour periods....

Flynn was paid by Russians to speak and receive an award for the Russian State operated arm, Russia Today news paper...Flynn told the Russian Ambassador not to worry about the new Sanctions Obama had put on them that day, and lied about the conversation....if there had not been a leak, none of us would know that he was a big fat liar plus.

a Russian operative came to meet with Manafort twice, once around the time the emails were stolen from the DNC, and once right before they were weaponized and disseminated to the Public.

Roger Stone, Trump's first campaign advisor, tweeted 2 months in advance of the Podesta emails that were going to be disseminated as an October Surprise, that the Podesta Files were coming....

and Stone claimed he had a mutual friend (Nigel Farange imo) of Julian Assange and had an "insider" feeding him information on the actuality, Stone was directing the release of the stolen emails to be timed where they hurt Hillary and the DNC the most....right before the DNC convention and the Day the access Hollywood tape on Trump's pussy grabbing statement for the Podesta leaks.

Trump bought a Mansion for 40 million and sold it to a Russian oligarch mobster for 95 million just a couple years later for a 55 million dollar profit in the worst real estate crisis bust....this was money laundering for the Russian with Trump's help....The Russian never stepped foot in the Mansion and tore it down...the Cypress Bank, where Wilbur Ross was and is known for laundering the Russian oligarch money, did the Transaction....

The entire Trump team lied a thousand times during the campaign saying none of them had any Russian or Putin connections, yet we have video of Trump claiming that he did...and video of his son saying that they are head deep on their business Russian connections....

Jeff Sessions also lied under oath that he never met with the Russians too...

and Jared Kushner lied about his connections with meeting with the Russians and Russian Bank that launders money for them, he lied through his lack of admission, he let his father in law repeat over and over and over again that NO ONE FROM HIS CAMPAIGN met with any Russians...

there are 1000 + MORE CONNECTIONS that I haven't even listed...

It's MIND BOGGLING how many connections there are....seriously, any sane person would wonder, WHAT IN THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE with President Trump and Putin/the Russians???

That's fine and all, but what was illegal and where did it happen? I mean the Bammer administration recorded alll this so it's on tape and in transcripts. Why all the hubbub? Why don't they declassified the stuff and give it to the news folks ? Better yet, if illegality took place, why aren't Trump minions being perpwalked out of the White House straight to jail? They won't because it's all about the left getting their ass's flogged since 2010 and nothing more. Hell, even the Republicans picking on Trump are either fails presidential candidates or liberal republicans.
The 'The Russians 'Hacked The Election' schpeal replaced the 'Hillary won the Popular Vote' sad BS. :p

One after the other, Snowflakes are hilarioyaly melting down.

My personal favorite right now is Schumer begging the GOP not to nuke the mini-filibuster (39 Dems) and to let him pick their USSC Justice nominee.



yup, it's all BS

you think Pence will be allowed to replace the good Agent, or share a cell at Leavenworth?

do tell

The ones going to jail are the obama minions who unmasked U.S. citizens after illegally spying on the opposition party during and after the election.....schiff made that point by his sudden silence this weekend.....

Will you be sending Agent Orange cookies or coke in Leavenworth?

Again, the only crime proven ywt is DEMOCRAT FELONY ESPIONAGE. You are delusional if you claim otherwise. Next...
go have a Clinton enema ... then write this down ...Trump fucked up.
Write this down:

Clinton and her team are more connected to the Russians, the KGB, and the Russian Spy Agency that hacked the DNC e-mails than Trump and his team ever were, and the ONLY crimes proven so far to have been committed - Felony ESPIONAGE - have been prrpetrayed by the Obama administration.

A term adopted by DEMOCRATS to describe DEMOCRATS who are thin-skinned, easily offended, are willingly ignorant, and who REFUSE TO ACCEPT REALITY.

That's YOU, 'snowflake'. Embrace it.

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