Here We Go Again: Ex-Staffer Comes Forward Saying She Had Sex With Newt Gingrich

Yeah not his first wife.

Even Newt is not so creepy as to have sex with his own daughter
This was Newt first wife.


The one he brought divorce papers to while she was in the hospital, and had just gone through two years of radiation, chemo and cancer treatments, while tirelessly campaigning for him and helping to catapult his career. .
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This was Newt first wife.


The one he brought divorce papers to while she was in the hospital, and had just gone through two years of radiation, chemo and cancer treatments, while tirelessly campaigning for him and helping to catapult his career. .

And if he would have waited until AFTER the campaign was completed and he was in office you would be saying...

"here is his first wife who he knowingly used and dumped her once her work as a campaigner was completed"

Look...I despise a man who is guilty of infidelity.....for it is not my style.....but for a man to divorce his wife is his own personal decision...and his timing, for all you know, was the best he can come up with...
"here is his first wife who he knowingly used and dumped her once her work as a campaigner was completed"

That statement is correct. Her work was completed at the time he dumped her. He'd been elected.

Then shafted her by not even paying enough money to pay even the utility bills.

Their local church had to take up donations to help support the family he ditched.

Shitty ass ethics, even if you decide your wife is "not pretty enough." <---his words.
Hey I have an idea... let's pretend Newt is BUBBA CLINTON....

This was Newt first wife.

The one he brought divorce papers to while she was in the hospital, and had just gone through two years of radiation, chemo and cancer treatments, while tirelessly campaigning for him and helping to catapult his career. .

Ok, yeah....kind of shitty timing. I will concede that. Having been through a divorce myself I realized there's never a "good time" to serve your spouse. It's always: "well I don't want to ruin Christmas so I will do it after that", then "oh shit it's our child's birthday in January, I will do it after that", then "well kind of cold to do it around Valentine's Day so I will wait until after that", blah, blah, blah. There's never a "good time" to announce your intention to dissolve a marriage. There's always something happening or something about to happen that you don't want to ruin.

As far as her campaigning for him and such...ok fine, but we really don't know what went on in their marriage behind the scenes. In my experience I have noticed that most of the time both parties do plenty to fuck things up. Frankly it's really no one's business and yes I take the same position when it's a Democrat in question. My only concern is whether they will be competent in the position for which they are running and the degree to which their policy views represent my own.
If he'd had a little couth, and at least waited till she wasn't sedated and recovering in a hospital bed, maybe a month or two later, I doubt we'd even be squabbling about this.

Most would see him just an ordinary adulterous slimeball -- and not the King Captain of Slimeballs.
In my opinion, the sexual proclivities of our leaders, has nothing to do with their ability to govern. In fact, it may do more good than harm, for our country. Sex and comfortable relationships with those who work closely with you, are natural, in human-kind and goes as far back as one can read about. Including FDR and many others on both sides.***


Not surprisingly, FDR looked for consolation outside his marriage. His 1st and most serious affair involved Lucy Mercer, his wife's beautiful and sophisticated social secretary. By the time Eleanor discovered a batch of love letters and found out about the affair, Franklin and Lucy were deeply in love. There was talk of a divorce and remarriage, but Roosevelt's mother squelched all such plans by threatening to cut off her boy's generous financial allowance. Franklin was forced to give up Lucy Mercer, but his interest in her continued from a distance for the rest of his life.

In a sense, Roosevelt's paralysis probably strengthened his bond with Eleanor, but their relationship was one of mutual respect and dependence rather than personal intimacy. Medical reports prove that FDR's sexual prowess was unimpaired by polio, and rumors continued to link him with other women. Wartime gossip centered on a supposed romantic involvement between the President and the glamorous young Princess Martha of Norway. Then in 1973, FDR's son Elliott published a book in which he declared that Missy LeHand, his father's tall, slim, gray-eyed private secretary, was Roosevelt's mistress for 20 years. Elliott also asserts that Eleanor not only knew about the relationship, but approved of it-allowing Missy and Franklin to occupy adjoining bedrooms.

Trivia on President Franklin D. Roosevelt: Personal Life, Marriage, Affairs | Trivia Library
This was Newt first wife.
The one he brought divorce papers to while she was in the hospital, and had just gone through two years of radiation, chemo and cancer treatments, while tirelessly campaigning for him and helping to catapult his career. .
Old news. No one cares - excerpt thoie that are afraid he can beat their precious Secular Meessiah in the election, that is.
So Clinton was a womanizer, but wasn't a 'hypocrit', so that's okay in your book? He can screw everything in a skirt as long as he didn't run on 'family values'? Is that it? :cuckoo: Just about every politician that ever existed was a 'hypocrit', give me a freakin' break. :lol:

Newt is running for office, Newby, not Clinton. Newt is the candidate of "family values" in THIS election. Are you good with that? This is why I am supporting Mitt, and you are cuckoo if you can't realize you are supporting hypocrisy.

Clinton was freakin' PRESIDENT, he was already in the Oval Office and couldn't keep it in his pants. It's nice to know you have no problem with that, that 'hypocrisy' is more of an issue to you than integrity and good character. Mitt is a hypocrit as well, he pushed for and signed into law socialized health care legislation, but now it wasn't such a good idea. Every politician is a hypocrit, I haven't seen one that hasn't changed their stance on one thing or another over the years.

"I haven't seen one that hasn't changed their stance on one thing or another over the years."

I am glad they change their minds with the times. If you can't ride the wave of change, you will sink beneath it....
Stay on track, Jarhead, cause you are woefully lost. I am glad to help you out. 1) Newt is hypocritical when it comes to family values, Mitt is not. 2) Mitt can beat Obama, Newt can't.

Stay focused, Jarhead.
This was Newt first wife.
The one he brought divorce papers to while she was in the hospital, and had just gone through two years of radiation, chemo and cancer treatments, while tirelessly campaigning for him and helping to catapult his career. .
Old news. No one cares - excerpt thoie that are afraid he can beat their precious Secular Meessiah in the election, that is.

You sound like a RushieMessiah disciple.
This was Newt first wife.
The one he brought divorce papers to while she was in the hospital, and had just gone through two years of radiation, chemo and cancer treatments, while tirelessly campaigning for him and helping to catapult his career. .
Old news. No one cares - excerpt thoie that are afraid he can beat their precious Secular Meessiah in the election, that is.
I understand. The situational ethics of "values voters" are as flighty as the wind.
Larry Sinclair did the same thing with Obama but the MSM chose to ignore his accusations. Why is that? Why all the obsession with accusations against Republicans but not Obama? Our MSM really is a scam at this point.
Newt's daughter debunked that story and continues to do so.

Not that it will stop the democrat lies. Nothing can stop democrat lies.

What is happening might be called the Justin Beiber effect. Justin Beiber was the first person to announce that once the sex allegation against him was proven untrue, he was going to go after the accuser with everything he could get. Up until then, once allegations were proven untrue, the victim of the smear was content to just let it go. Now Herman Cain is promising the same thing, to pursue those making the false allegations to the legal limits.

The allegation against Newt Gingrich went noplace. That's the likely reason.
In my opinion, the sexual proclivities of our leaders, has nothing to do with their ability to govern.

unless of course, it's a democrat like bill clinton or anthony weiner... should we go back to those threads? hmmmmmmmmm

I personally had no problem with either of their sexual issues. None of my business at all. Now I had a big problem with Clinton perjuring himself in front of a Federal Grand Jury but that has nothing to do with him getting blown. The latter I couldn't care less about.
This was Newt first wife.


The one he brought divorce papers to while she was in the hospital, and had just gone through two years of radiation, chemo and cancer treatments, while tirelessly campaigning for him and helping to catapult his career. .

The one who worked and supported him and paid for his PHD.

He didnt need her anymore and dumped her.

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