Here We Go Again: Ex-Staffer Comes Forward Saying She Had Sex With Newt Gingrich

you can pretend that's true... but the reality is that's what it was about.... because what was it he lied about?... having an affair... ta da!

and we all know this by now, or we should anyway.

You go with that sweetie, I know it makes you feel better..:lol: Of course he will go down (no pun intended) in history as the only man proven to have gotten a blow job while in the Oval Office. Maybe he should have kept his pants zipped while at work? I also remember every Clinton supporter out there yelling that it was his private life and had nothing to do with integrity and his ability to do the job he was elected for. So which is it? Or does your answer make a difference depending on who it is? Talk about hypocrisy... :lol:

Excellent point....EXCELLENT...

and lets use it.....and see how many on the left run from this question....

If Newt and Cain lack integrity due to their you agree that CLinton should also be deemed as one without integrity?

Clinton was one of the best Republican Presidents America has ever had.

If he had been caught fooling around with Monica before the election, it may have been a different matter, although Democrats do not run on Family Values. The Democratic supporters are too smart for that bullshit, Republicans fall for it though.
I wouldn't put it past Newton Leroy Gingrich.

Incidentally, did you know that his last name is actually pronounced Ging-rick and not Ging-rich?

His 1/2 sister (who's a lesbian) was on Rachel Maddow last night.
You go with that sweetie, I know it makes you feel better..:lol: Of course he will go down (no pun intended) in history as the only man proven to have gotten a blow job while in the Oval Office. Maybe he should have kept his pants zipped while at work? I also remember every Clinton supporter out there yelling that it was his private life and had nothing to do with integrity and his ability to do the job he was elected for. So which is it? Or does your answer make a difference depending on who it is? Talk about hypocrisy... :lol:

Excellent point....EXCELLENT...

and lets use it.....and see how many on the left run from this question....

If Newt and Cain lack integrity due to their you agree that CLinton should also be deemed as one without integrity?

Clinton was one of the best Republican Presidents America has ever had.

If he had been caught fooling around with Monica before the election, it may have been a different matter, although Democrats do not run on Family Values. The Democratic supporters are too smart for that bullshit, Republicans fall for it though.

I believe I did not articulate my point appropriately....

I am not making this a dem or gop thing...

People in this thread are saying that they are against Newt and Cain because their infidelity compromises their integrity.....they are not saying they are poor choices for other reasons...they are saying that one who is unfauithful to their spouse does not have integrity and should not be considered a viable candidate for POTUS.

I am fine with that....and I dont necessarily disagree......

But in an effort to see if they are just bashing a GOP candidate which they do with every GOP politician...or if they are honest with their assessment of Cain and Newt I asked a simple question...

As it pertains to infideltiy and they ALSO feel that Clinton lacks integrity?

I noticed no one answered...which is quite telling about their honesty.
Jarhead Bingo continues to deflect.

The issue is Newt's hypocrisy, and nothing Jarhead does can deflect from it.

Keep it up: you are only hurting your argument by trying to defend it. :lol:
I'm against Newt because he was one of the reasons for the government shutdown back in the mid-90's and I had to work for free for a month until the government could start paying the military again, and all of the civilians at the base were told to go home.

I'm against Cain because he's a stupid man who makes many gaffes and doesn't really know how to play the political game.

Not because of their sexual proclivities.
Jarhead Bingo continues to deflect.

The issue is Newt's hypocrisy, and nothing Jarhead does can deflect from it.

Keep it up: you are only hurting your argument by trying to defend it. :lol:

Yes. That is the issue.

But the conversation went on to discuss how ANYONE WHO CAN CHEAT OIN HIS SPOUSE LACKS INTEGRITY.

And to be honest...I agree.....and even admitted my interest in Newt, one I supported, is waning.....

So I asked those on the left if such is true with someone they support...using Clinton as an example...

And no one answered.

You do not see that as telling?
I'm against Newt because he was one of the reasons for the government shutdown back in the mid-90's and I had to work for free for a month until the government could start paying the military again, and all of the civilians at the base were told to go home.

I'm against Cain because he's a stupid man who makes many gaffes and doesn't really know how to play the political game.

Not because of their sexual proclivities.

I believe that.

And very valid reasons.

But that is not what the likes of Jillian were saying.
Jarhead Bingo continues to deflect.

The issue is Newt's hypocrisy, and nothing Jarhead does can deflect from it.

Keep it up: you are only hurting your argument by trying to defend it. :lol:

So Clinton was a womanizer, but wasn't a 'hypocrit', so that's okay in your book? He can screw everything in a skirt as long as he didn't run on 'family values'? Is that it? :cuckoo: Just about every politician that ever existed was a 'hypocrit', give me a freakin' break. :lol:
Jarhead Bingo continues to deflect.

The issue is Newt's hypocrisy, and nothing Jarhead does can deflect from it.

Keep it up: you are only hurting your argument by trying to defend it. :lol:

So Clinton was a womanizer, but wasn't a 'hypocrit', so that's okay in your book? He can screw everything in a skirt as long as he didn't run on 'family values'? Is that it? :cuckoo: Just about every politician that ever existed was a 'hypocrit', give me a freakin' break. :lol:

Newt is running for office, Newby, not Clinton. Newt is the candidate of "family values" in THIS election. Are you good with that? This is why I am supporting Mitt, and you are cuckoo if you can't realize you are supporting hypocrisy.
Jarhead Bingo continues to deflect.

The issue is Newt's hypocrisy, and nothing Jarhead does can deflect from it.

Keep it up: you are only hurting your argument by trying to defend it. :lol:

So Clinton was a womanizer, but wasn't a 'hypocrit', so that's okay in your book? He can screw everything in a skirt as long as he didn't run on 'family values'? Is that it? :cuckoo: Just about every politician that ever existed was a 'hypocrit', give me a freakin' break. :lol:

You know.........Clinton pissed me off when he started to lie about getting a blowjob from Monica. If he would have just come forward and said "yeah......I did it", I would have given him a pass, because powerful men and illicit sex kinda seem to run in the same circles.

That being least under Clinton our economy was good and he left office with the US in the black.

I thought he was a decent president, but a lousy human being.
No one cares.

Newt's personal failings are old news, brought to you more than a decade ago by those desperate to shift attention away from the fact that WJBC lied under oath.
Newt has to deal with his baggage, M14 Shooter, and we will see if it gets any newer.

Why do the members of the freshman class of 94 refuse overwhelmingly to endorse him, hmmm?
It's been a while since this one, but it shows how craven and dishonest he is.
"I think that the mother killing the two children in South Carolina vividly reminds every American how sick the society is getting and how much we need to change things." Gingrich concluded, "The only way you get change is to vote Republican. That's the message for the last three days."

And that has what to do with 'family values'?? Don't kill your children??? Seriously? :lol:
I think it's the bolded part that was the point.

That was a repulsive quote.

But that's what you get with Gingrich. He's a divisive, bombastic, bomb-throwing egomaniac.

The sad thing is that despite all this, the country may be better off with him as President than Obama.
This is why clean politicians don't make it to the top. The establishment will take you as far up as you want but only if you have dirt on you that can be used against you at an opportune time.
Her name is Anne Manning and shes a ex staffer of Newts and she has decided to come forward to tell her story. She has told the National Enquire that Newt who cheated on his prior two wives is a lying hypocrit. Anne Manning claims she performed a sex act on him in his Washington D.C. hotel room and that they had a affair. Well I guess since Newt is leading comfortably in the polls, it's his turn now for media sabotage. Mitt ought to enjoy this. I am still waiting on the media to report on Larry Sinclair, Donald Young, Nate Spencer and Larry Bland, all gay and tied directly to Obama.


'Newt Gingrich is a sex addict and a hypocrite,' say experts and ex-staffer Anne Manning | Mail Online

‘He always talks about being big on family values but he doesn’t practice what he preaches,’ Ms Manning told the National Enquirer.

‘I wasn’t planning to say a word about him, but voters need to know what sort of man they’re being asked to support,’ the businesswoman added.

‘If Newt acted in the way Anne alleged, his behaviour is consistent with sex addicts,’ sex addiction expert George Collins told the National Enquirer

Newt would never do a thing like that, and I can prove it.

He never divorced one of his wives to marry her!
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And that has what to do with 'family values'?? Don't kill your children??? Seriously? :lol:
I think it's the bolded part that was the point.

That was a repulsive quote.

But that's what you get with Gingrich. He's a divisive, bombastic, bomb-throwing egomaniac.

The sad thing is that despite all this, the country may be better off with him as President than Obama.

It absolutely would not. Newt is talking about appointing John Bolton as Secretary of State. That, a reason NOT to vote for the man. Bolton would become the face of foreign policy. He was a disaster in the UN..and because of his abrasiveness..along with Bush clutzy way of dealing with other foreign leaders..US stature in the world diminished greatly. So much probably effected intelligence..on the whole.

And Bolton was part of the PNAC crowd. That should of kept in from ever being put into a position of any power in the first place.
Her name is Anne Manning and shes a ex staffer of Newts and she has decided to come forward to tell her story. She has told the National Enquire that Newt who cheated on his prior two wives is a lying hypocrit. Anne Manning claims she performed a sex act on him in his Washington D.C. hotel room and that they had a affair. Well I guess since Newt is leading comfortably in the polls, it's his turn now for media sabotage. Mitt ought to enjoy this. I am still waiting on the media to report on Larry Sinclair, Donald Young, Nate Spencer and Larry Bland, all gay and tied directly to Obama.


'Newt Gingrich is a sex addict and a hypocrite,' say experts and ex-staffer Anne Manning | Mail Online

‘He always talks about being big on family values but he doesn’t practice what he preaches,’ Ms Manning told the National Enquirer.

‘I wasn’t planning to say a word about him, but voters need to know what sort of man they’re being asked to support,’ the businesswoman added.

‘If Newt acted in the way Anne alleged, his behaviour is consistent with sex addicts,’ sex addiction expert George Collins told the National Enquirer

Newt would never do a thing like that, and I can prove it.

He never married her!

But but..

“We had oral sex. He prefers that modus operandi because then he can say, ‘I never slept with her.’” – Anne Manning (who was also married at the time.)

Maybe that explains it. :eusa_angel:

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