Here We Go Again: Ex-Staffer Comes Forward Saying She Had Sex With Newt Gingrich

I think it's the bolded part that was the point.

That was a repulsive quote.

But that's what you get with Gingrich. He's a divisive, bombastic, bomb-throwing egomaniac.

The sad thing is that despite all this, the country may be better off with him as President than Obama.

It absolutely would not. Newt is talking about appointing John Bolton as Secretary of State. That, a reason NOT to vote for the man. Bolton would become the face of foreign policy. He was a disaster in the UN..and because of his abrasiveness..along with Bush clutzy way of dealing with other foreign leaders..US stature in the world diminished greatly. So much probably effected intelligence..on the whole.

And Bolton was part of the PNAC crowd. That should of kept in from ever being put into a position of any power in the first place.

I must say that I've never seen conservatives SO unhinged. They hate Obama (AND Romney) so much that they were willing to nominate a man with zero political experience (Cain), and now they seem to have gone gaga over one of the most hated (DeLay could probably beat Newt on that count) recent Republican leaders ever to have served.
Newt has to deal with his baggage, M14 Shooter, and we will see if it gets any newer.

Why do the members of the freshman class of 94 refuse overwhelmingly to endorse him, hmmm?

Only 4% of Republicans under 30 support him.
Her name is Anne Manning and shes a ex staffer of Newts and she has decided to come forward to tell her story. She has told the National Enquire that Newt who cheated on his prior two wives is a lying hypocrit. Anne Manning claims she performed a sex act on him in his Washington D.C. hotel room and that they had a affair. Well I guess since Newt is leading comfortably in the polls, it's his turn now for media sabotage. Mitt ought to enjoy this. I am still waiting on the media to report on Larry Sinclair, Donald Young, Nate Spencer and Larry Bland, all gay and tied directly to Obama.


'Newt Gingrich is a sex addict and a hypocrite,' say experts and ex-staffer Anne Manning | Mail Online

‘He always talks about being big on family values but he doesn’t practice what he preaches,’ Ms Manning told the National Enquirer.

‘I wasn’t planning to say a word about him, but voters need to know what sort of man they’re being asked to support,’ the businesswoman added.

‘If Newt acted in the way Anne alleged, his behaviour is consistent with sex addicts,’ sex addiction expert George Collins told the National Enquirer

[ame=]Oh Thats Nasty - Cleveland - YouTube[/ame]
That was a repulsive quote.

But that's what you get with Gingrich. He's a divisive, bombastic, bomb-throwing egomaniac.

The sad thing is that despite all this, the country may be better off with him as President than Obama.

It absolutely would not. Newt is talking about appointing John Bolton as Secretary of State. That, a reason NOT to vote for the man. Bolton would become the face of foreign policy. He was a disaster in the UN..and because of his abrasiveness..along with Bush clutzy way of dealing with other foreign leaders..US stature in the world diminished greatly. So much probably effected intelligence..on the whole.

And Bolton was part of the PNAC crowd. That should of kept in from ever being put into a position of any power in the first place.

I must say that I've never seen conservatives SO unhinged. They hate Obama (AND Romney) so much that they were willing to nominate a man with zero political experience (Cain), and now they seem to have gone gaga over one of the most hated (DeLay could probably beat Newt on that count) recent Republican leaders ever to have served.

If they didn't have hate they wouldn't have anything :(
It absolutely would not. Newt is talking about appointing John Bolton as Secretary of State. That, a reason NOT to vote for the man. Bolton would become the face of foreign policy. He was a disaster in the UN..and because of his abrasiveness..along with Bush clutzy way of dealing with other foreign leaders..US stature in the world diminished greatly. So much probably effected intelligence..on the whole.

And Bolton was part of the PNAC crowd. That should of kept in from ever being put into a position of any power in the first place.

I must say that I've never seen conservatives SO unhinged. They hate Obama (AND Romney) so much that they were willing to nominate a man with zero political experience (Cain), and now they seem to have gone gaga over one of the most hated (DeLay could probably beat Newt on that count) recent Republican leaders ever to have served.

If they didn't have hate they wouldn't have anything :(

Listen up dear, we saw HATE all during the Bush administration.
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Jarhead Bingo continues to deflect.

The issue is Newt's hypocrisy, and nothing Jarhead does can deflect from it.

Keep it up: you are only hurting your argument by trying to defend it. :lol:

So Clinton was a womanizer, but wasn't a 'hypocrit', so that's okay in your book? He can screw everything in a skirt as long as he didn't run on 'family values'? Is that it? :cuckoo: Just about every politician that ever existed was a 'hypocrit', give me a freakin' break. :lol:

Newt is running for office, Newby, not Clinton. Newt is the candidate of "family values" in THIS election. Are you good with that? This is why I am supporting Mitt, and you are cuckoo if you can't realize you are supporting hypocrisy.

Clinton was freakin' PRESIDENT, he was already in the Oval Office and couldn't keep it in his pants. It's nice to know you have no problem with that, that 'hypocrisy' is more of an issue to you than integrity and good character. Mitt is a hypocrit as well, he pushed for and signed into law socialized health care legislation, but now it wasn't such a good idea. Every politician is a hypocrit, I haven't seen one that hasn't changed their stance on one thing or another over the years.
I must say that I've never seen conservatives SO unhinged. They hate Obama (AND Romney) so much that they were willing to nominate a man with zero political experience (Cain), and now they seem to have gone gaga over one of the most hated (DeLay could probably beat Newt on that count) recent Republican leaders ever to have served.

If they didn't have hate they wouldn't have anything :(

Listen up dear, we saw HATE all during the Bush administration.

Yeah, how quickly we forget those 8 years of Bush where they were eaten up with their bitterness and hatred. :lol:
So Clinton was a womanizer, but wasn't a 'hypocrit', so that's okay in your book? He can screw everything in a skirt as long as he didn't run on 'family values'? Is that it? :cuckoo: Just about every politician that ever existed was a 'hypocrit', give me a freakin' break. :lol:

Newt is running for office, Newby, not Clinton. Newt is the candidate of "family values" in THIS election. Are you good with that? This is why I am supporting Mitt, and you are cuckoo if you can't realize you are supporting hypocrisy.

Clinton was freakin' PRESIDENT, he was already in the Oval Office and couldn't keep it in his pants. It's nice to know you have no problem with that, that 'hypocrisy' is more of an issue to you than integrity and good character. Mitt is a hypocrit as well, he pushed for and signed into law socialized health care legislation, but now it wasn't such a good idea. Every politician is a hypocrit, I haven't seen one that hasn't changed their stance on one thing or another over the years.

You call yourself a born-again Christian, and you make that comment above?

You are defending adultery, serial monogamy, sexual addiction.

Mitt R is a far better, far more moral man, Newby.

You are one of those against whom we are warned: you call good that which is bad.

Newt is running for office, Newby, not Clinton. Newt is the candidate of "family values" in THIS election. Are you good with that? This is why I am supporting Mitt, and you are cuckoo if you can't realize you are supporting hypocrisy.

Clinton was freakin' PRESIDENT, he was already in the Oval Office and couldn't keep it in his pants. It's nice to know you have no problem with that, that 'hypocrisy' is more of an issue to you than integrity and good character. Mitt is a hypocrit as well, he pushed for and signed into law socialized health care legislation, but now it wasn't such a good idea. Every politician is a hypocrit, I haven't seen one that hasn't changed their stance on one thing or another over the years.

You call yourself a born-again Christian, and you make that comment above?

You are defending adultery, serial monogamy, sexual addiction.

Mitt R is a far better, far more moral man, Newby.

You are one of those against whom we are warned: you call good that which is bad.


I've only made statements about your observations Jake, I've never said one way or the other where my support is or is not. You're as much a hypocrite as Newt if you supported Clinton at all during the whole Lewinski scandal, and I'm about 99 percent sure that you did. So, all of those speaking now about Newt and supported Clinton therefore supporting adultery, serial monogamy, sexual addiction back in the 90's are hypocrites of the first order. So, again, I ask you, does Clinton get a pass on his behavior because you don't believe he supported 'family values'? It's a simple 'yes or 'no' answer.

The reality is that the left dug itself a big hole by supporting Clinton and his behavior in the 90's, calling it his 'private life' and that it didn't effect at all his ability to do his job as president. If they choose to go down that road with Gingrich by trying to undermine him because of his 'private life', that makes them just as much hypocrites as they are claiming he is. You can't have it both ways.
I have supported good government all of my life, Newby. Both Clinton and Newt were moral stains on America, and Newt will continue to be so.

Now stay on track and don't deflect. You are a moral hypocrite and will remain so until you admit you are in error on this.

Newt does not have the character to be president.
I have supported good government all of my life, Newby. Both Clinton and Newt were moral stains on America, and Newt will continue to be so.

Now stay on track and don't deflect. You are a moral hypocrite and will remain so until you admit you are in error on this.

Newt does not have the character to be president.

So you have no problem with Mitt changing his stripes? His hypocrisy gets a pass? And of course you want Romney, he's not a conservative, and neither are you. Did you vote for Obama Jake?

Newt's three wives: Jackie, Marianne, Callista

Gingrich’s second wife, Marianne, described how she learned that Gingrich wanted a divorce:

“Marianne went to the doctor and was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. In early May — just before Mother’s Day — she went to Ohio to visit her mother. She told Esquire that Gingrich didn’t return her calls for two days — which, for a man that usually checked in several times a day, was quite unusual. And when he finally returned her calls, that’s when she knew. He wanted to talk in person, he said. “I said, ‘No, we need to talk now.’ Marianne responded, “There’s somebody else, isn’t there?” She kind of guessed it, of course. Women usually do. But did she know the woman was in her apartment, eating off her plates, sleeping in her bed?”

In fact, Gingrich admitted the affair to Marianne just days after after giving a speech in Erie, Pennsylvania about the importance of family values. He divorced Marianne, and in 2000, Gingrich married Callista Bisek, his congressional staffer, with whom he’d carried on an affair for 6 years. In 2009, Gingrich – a Southern Baptist since college – converted to Catholicism, Bisek’s religion.

More: Corruption | America Needs Mitt

That first picture is NOT his first wife
Look at the old picture in the link I gave.

It cant be her even with massive plastic surgery

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