Here We Go Again: Ex-Staffer Comes Forward Saying She Had Sex With Newt Gingrich

This was Newt first wife.
The one he brought divorce papers to while she was in the hospital, and had just gone through two years of radiation, chemo and cancer treatments, while tirelessly campaigning for him and helping to catapult his career. .
Old news. No one cares - excerpt thoie that are afraid he can beat their precious Secular Meessiah in the election, that is.

Exactly! Wingnuts only use 'Family Values' to sucker the rubes who vote for them.
once again people dont seem to understand. Nobody cares that Newt Cheated, well i am sure a few do. I personally dont care if Cain, Newt, Wiener, Clinton Cheat. I care about their policies. When one decides to champion about Marriage being about one man and woman, i am going to take notice. Are they a hypocrite?

Well Newt is, if indeed he has given his opinion on Marriage.

Otherwise he can go fuck whomever he wants.

Speaking of which.........the GOP ramrodded Weiner out of the Congress because he'd sent inappropriate pictures to women other than his wife. He never had sex.

Newt has had actual sex outside of his marriage, yet he gets a pass.

Flashback for Larry Sinclair lovers:

Remember when he tried to commit suicide online for all his beloved followers?


Figured you'd forgotten that.


Well there are certainly very powerful forces aligned against him no? Not many Citizens could stand up to such powerful forces. But that's besides the point. I'm not saying he is lying or telling the truth,i'm just commenting on the lack of coverage by the MSM. If Obama was a Republican,this story would have been front page news all over the MSM for several months. It's why so many can no longer trust the MSM. There's no honesty or fairness anymore. But hey,that's just my observation anyway.

Get your news from a source other than FAUX Nooze and you might understand why this story isn't getting picked up.

It's a smear campaign and a lie.
once again people dont seem to understand. Nobody cares that Newt Cheated, well i am sure a few do. I personally dont care if Cain, Newt, Wiener, Clinton Cheat. I care about their policies. When one decides to champion about Marriage being about one man and woman, i am going to take notice. Are they a hypocrite?

Well Newt is, if indeed he has given his opinion on Marriage.

Otherwise he can go fuck whomever he wants.

Speaking of which.........the GOP ramrodded Weiner out of the Congress because he'd sent inappropriate pictures to women other than his wife. He never had sex.

Newt has had actual sex outside of his marriage, yet he gets a pass.


Her name is Anne Manning and shes a ex staffer of Newts and she has decided to come forward to tell her story. She has told the National Enquire that Newt who cheated on his prior two wives is a lying hypocrit. Anne Manning claims she performed a sex act on him in his Washington D.C. hotel room and that they had a affair. Well I guess since Newt is leading comfortably in the polls, it's his turn now for media sabotage. Mitt ought to enjoy this. I am still waiting on the media to report on Larry Sinclair, Donald Young, Nate Spencer and Larry Bland, all gay and tied directly to Obama.

'Newt Gingrich is a sex addict and a hypocrite,' say experts and ex-staffer Anne Manning | Mail Online

‘He always talks about being big on family values but he doesn’t practice what he preaches,’ Ms Manning told the National Enquirer.

‘I wasn’t planning to say a word about him, but voters need to know what sort of man they’re being asked to support,’ the businesswoman added.

‘If Newt acted in the way Anne alleged, his behaviour is consistent with sex addicts,’ sex addiction expert George Collins told the National Enquirer
Given that past actions is the best predictor of future behavior - the underlying question revolves around as to whether there are any women associated with Gingrich, that hasn't slept with?

At least in Cain's case, his personal life was largely an "unknown," and many were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, - but for Gingrich, its pretty hard to defend someone is already associated with having a longstanding history of being repeatedly unfaithful to his wives.

If these accusations are being orchestrated, take a long hard look at the Karl Rove "types" in the Republican "establishment." They don't think hGingrich is"electable" in the General Election and are actively looking for ways to derail his campaign before tunning the risk that he could start siphoning off too much support in next month's primaries.

All the Democrats need do is sit back, allow the Republicans"hopefuls" to fight among themselves, and save their political "ammunition" for the 2012 General Election - where it will generate the greatest impact.
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The guy has no proof of his claims

who cares if he has proof. according to your alls standards all one has to do is SAY IT WAS true.

So I believe Sinclair when he says he snorted coke and had wild sex with Obama.

why don't you ?:lol:
In my opinion, the sexual proclivities of our leaders, has nothing to do with their ability to govern.

unless of course, it's a democrat like bill clinton or anthony weiner... should we go back to those threads? hmmmmmmmmm

I personally had no problem with either of their sexual issues. None of my business at all. Now I had a big problem with Clinton perjuring himself in front of a Federal Grand Jury but that has nothing to do with him getting blown. The latter I couldn't care less about.
Jillian has no idea what terms like "perjury" and grand jury" mean.
I don't really care about Newt fucking around on his wives, kinda like I didn't care about Clinton's blowjob.

What pissed me off about Clinton was that he lied about it. Men who have extreme power are quite often hit upon by women. Power is an aphrodesiac.

As far as what pisses me off about Newt? He shut down the government in the mid 90's, which left a command of only around 30 people to take care of the paperwork for the entire War College at Newport RI, because the other 30 people that worked there were civilian workers who were furloughed. I'm also pissed that I had to work for 3 weeks without pay and wonder how I was going to pay my rent because the military paychecks were frozen as well.

I'm also pissed that as Speaker of the House, he engaged in a lot of corrupt behavior which resulted in his getting booted out of Congress and fined 300,000.

And...........don't you think that a candidate for President of the United States has more important stuff to do on the campaign trail other than hawk his books for his own profit?

Newt is Palin and Cain combined, but without the charm.

Wouldn't suprise me if it was Mitt Romney doing this.

Mitt Romney isn't stupid enough to think this is going to make any difference.

Show of hands, everyone who was voting for Newt Gingrich because they thought he was so cuddly and likable and a faithful husband? Anyone? Bueller?

If you want to drop Newt's numbers, you gotta tell us something new and shocking about him. This isn't either.
All depends on Newts 'footwork'. If he can stay on his toes & dance his way out of reach of the religious rights jabs/punches he'll remain a major contender. If not, expect to see Newt starting to take on a LOT of punishment. Newt's big advantage is this all happened a loooooong time ago. People as a rule could care less what another person did 20/30 years ago... unless it's politically motivated!!!

Newt's big advantage is that everyone already knows this shit, and those who are voting for him decided to do so despite it, for reasons having nothing to do with his sex life, marital life, whatever.

You wanna damage Newt, you're going to have to go after the reasons that people are supporting him. This ain't it.
This is quite silly. If it's true all Newt has to do is go on national TV, wag his finger in our faces, and deny it. Then later on if he's forced to admit it it'll be no big deal, a personal family matter, consenting adults, etc., etc. etc.

No, he doesn't. All he has to do is shrug and say, "I already admitted to this years ago. Why are we discussing it again like it's news?"
once again people dont seem to understand. Nobody cares that Newt Cheated, well i am sure a few do. I personally dont care if Cain, Newt, Wiener, Clinton Cheat. I care about their policies. When one decides to champion about Marriage being about one man and woman, i am going to take notice. Are they a hypocrite?

Well Newt is, if indeed he has given his opinion on Marriage.

Otherwise he can go fuck whomever he wants.

Speaking of which.........the GOP ramrodded Weiner out of the Congress because he'd sent inappropriate pictures to women other than his wife. He never had sex.

Newt has had actual sex outside of his marriage, yet he gets a pass.


The passage of time.

Newt's big advantage is that everyone already knows this shit, and those who are voting for him decided to do so despite it, for reasons having nothing to do with his sex life, marital life, whatever.

You wanna damage Newt, you're going to have to go after the reasons that people are supporting him. This ain't it.

Yes, what an advantage! :lol:
What happened to this accusation?

It's got more play in this thread than it has in national media.
What happened to this accusation?

It's got more play in this thread than it has in national media.

The propaganda parade are busy looking at Newt's elementary report card to see if he got an F in conduct.. I'm certain we'll hear about that soon.
honestly, would rather have a President who got blown by a mistress than one who faithfully sat in the pews of Jeremiah Wright's church for 20 years
This really is old news. It's older than Larry Sinclair alleging he did Cocaine with Obama and had a sexual relationship with him. Was he telling the truth? Who knows?

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