Here We Go Again: Ex-Staffer Comes Forward Saying She Had Sex With Newt Gingrich

This really is old news. It's older than Larry Sinclair alleging he did Cocaine with Obama and had a sexual relationship with him. Was he telling the truth? Who knows?

I WISH Larry Sinclair was telling the truth. Nothing would please me more. Alas, it was a lie. Too bad.
All of those sources are liberal to the core.
What does that matter? Either it's true or it isn't. Can you prove that it isn't?

exactly what this has become...

Proving that UNPROVEN allegations are not true.

I always thought it was the other way allege, you must prove it.

Heck....I want Obama to prove to me that he did not masturbate to pictures of rhinocerouses mating. I heard people claimed to have seen him do it..

Think he can prove he didnt?

I don't care if she proves it or not. It's not news, and it's never going to be news. The leftists can prance around screeching about it until their faces are as blue as a Massachusetts electoral map, and it's still not going to be news.
Sort of makes me wonder if Mitt Romney is gay. I mean, where's all the women saying they had sex with him?
He only needed one - Ann, his wife. Don't they have 8 children, or something?

Same thing with Ron Paul, Michele Bachmann, and Rick Santorum. Can anyone imagine either of them ever having an affair? Just not in their character.

I'm trying to imagine you carrying on a conversation about a real and relevant Presidential issue. Talk about not in character.
Gee, I'm guessing 'she' didn't pick him. :cuckoo:

He hasn't been "picked" yet.

Unlike some folks all these accusations don't bother me at all because I think they are just someone trying to bring down whoever is leading.

I really don't care what people do in their private lives. As long as your not a serial rapist, murder or armed robber you can carry on for all I care.

Its pretty laughable really. All you have to do is lead in the polls and your a womanizer. No one has to prove it. Just make the accusation.

Are you claiming that Newt is innocent of being a womanizer? :lol:

I think we're claiming that we don't give a fat rat's ass, and would really like you to post on something important.
ok... how 'bout spending 70 million of our money to impeach someone for having a thing with a staffer...while having a thing with a staffer?

hypocritical enough?

and his extramarital affairs weren't 30 years ago... he's married to the staffer he dumped his wife for while impeaching clinton... and last i checked, that was about 13 years ago.

That might be true if he was impeaching Clinton for having an affair with a staffer, but that's not what the impeachment was about. Of course, we all know this by know, or we should anyway.

you can pretend that's true... but the reality is that's what it was about.... because what was it he lied about?... having an affair... ta da!

and we all know this by now, or we should anyway.

Riiiiight. It's not about breaking the law. It's about what he broke the law over. If you perjure yourself and obstruct justice, but it's about sex, that makes it not illegal.

And you're the one who pretends that she's a legal expert. Go ahead and tell us all about how the law views anything even remotely related to sex as completely legal, because sex is so completely unimportant and irrelevant in the legal scheme things, Clarence Darrow. Convince us all for the millionth time in a row that you're no more a legal expert than I am a circus acrobat.
That might be true if he was impeaching Clinton for having an affair with a staffer, but that's not what the impeachment was about. Of course, we all know this by know, or we should anyway.

you can pretend that's true... but the reality is that's what it was about.... because what was it he lied about?... having an affair... ta da!

and we all know this by now, or we should anyway.

You go with that sweetie, I know it makes you feel better..:lol: Of course he will go down (no pun intended) in history as the only man proven to have gotten a blow job while in the Oval Office. Maybe he should have kept his pants zipped while at work? I also remember every Clinton supporter out there yelling that it was his private life and had nothing to do with integrity and his ability to do the job he was elected for. So which is it? Or does your answer make a difference depending on who it is? Talk about hypocrisy... :lol:

You'd think that they'd be happy that all their years of screeching, "It's just sex! Personal lives! Every man cheats and lies about it!" had finally convinced us, but no.

Battle of the Holy Jesusistanis

by JollyRoger

“We had oral sex. He prefers that modus operandi because then he can say, ‘I never slept with her.’” – Anne Manning (who was also married at the time.)

“We would have won in 1974 if we could have kept him out of the office, screwing her [a young volunteer] on the desk.” – Dot Crews, his campaign scheduler at the time

“He walked out in the spring of 1980…. By September, I went into the hospital for my third surgery. The two girls came to see me, and said, “Daddy is downstairs. Could he come up?” When he got there, he wanted to discuss the terms of the divorce while I was recovering from my surgery.” – Jackie, his first wife.

Newt pressed his first wife to sign divorce papers while she was still in the hospital recovering from cancer surgery. He also graciously said “She isn’t young enough or pretty enough to be the President’s wife.” But his second marriage hasn’t been that smooth either. Newt and Marianne have been separated – “frankly”, she told the Washington Post in June 1989, “it’s been on and off for some time.”

“She isn’t young enough or pretty enough to be the President’s wife.” – Newt, on his first wife.

Several newspapers are now reporting that Newt Gingrich is dating and basically living with Callista Bisek, a “willowy blond Congressional aide 23 years his junior.” Biske, 33, has been spending nights at Gingrich’s apartment near the Capitol and has her own key. In an amazing act of hypocrisy, Gingrich was apparently dating Bisek all during Clinton-Lewinsky adultery scandal, even as he proclaimed family values and bitterly criticized the President for his adultery.

More: Battle of the Holy Jesusistanis | Plutocrap

Willowtree negged me for this post.

As she damned well should have. I'd have negged you for it if you didn't bore me so badly that I didn't bother to read it. Now that you've brought it back up, though, I'll correct that oversight.
Newt has to deal with his baggage, M14 Shooter, and we will see if it gets any newer.

Why do the members of the freshman class of 94 refuse overwhelmingly to endorse him, hmmm?

Only 4% of Republicans under 30 support him.

Well, God knows I'm DEEPLY concerned about the life experience and wisdom represented by people who haven't even had their first high school reunion.
"here is his first wife who he knowingly used and dumped her once her work as a campaigner was completed"

That statement is correct. Her work was completed at the time he dumped her. He'd been elected.

Then shafted her by not even paying enough money to pay even the utility bills.

Their local church had to take up donations to help support the family he ditched.

Shitty ass ethics, even if you decide your wife is "not pretty enough." <---his words.

And your source would be . . . ? Let me guess. Either his first wife, or some dumbass leftist reporter repeating his first wife. ::yawn:: With any luck, some enterprising journalist - it'll have to be someone on the right, because lefty reporters couldn't write a shopping list without DNC talking points to help them out - will actually dig up the records and settle this once and for all. I'm almighty tired of Jerry Springer know-it-alls confidently asserting ex-wife stories to me like I'm supposed to believe she's an objective, unbiased witness.
If he'd had a little couth, and at least waited till she wasn't sedated and recovering in a hospital bed, maybe a month or two later, I doubt we'd even be squabbling about this.

Most would see him just an ordinary adulterous slimeball -- and not the King Captain of Slimeballs.

If she had any couth, she wouldn't be running around, badmouthing him for years on end so that her own daughters are forced to come out publicly and call their mother a liar.

If you had any couth, you wouldn't repeat everything you read as the gospel truth without bothering to get the other side of the story.

It's a cruel world, with so little couth in it.
What happened to this accusation?

It's got more play in this thread than it has in national media.

The propaganda parade are busy looking at Newt's elementary report card to see if he got an F in conduct.. I'm certain we'll hear about that soon.

At least one of his high school teachers gave him an A.
Just think, if she hadn't have gone and got cancer, they may still be together today!
Newt has to deal with his baggage, M14 Shooter, and we will see if it gets any newer.

Why do the members of the freshman class of 94 refuse overwhelmingly to endorse him, hmmm?

Only 4% of Republicans under 30 support him.

Well, God knows I'm DEEPLY concerned about the life experience and wisdom represented by people who haven't even had their first high school reunion.
Nice to see you just slough off about 25 million voters.

What does the GOP care about some 20% of the vote, eh?
"here is his first wife who he knowingly used and dumped her once her work as a campaigner was completed"

That statement is correct. Her work was completed at the time he dumped her. He'd been elected.

Then shafted her by not even paying enough money to pay even the utility bills.

Their local church had to take up donations to help support the family he ditched.

Shitty ass ethics, even if you decide your wife is "not pretty enough." <---his words.

And your source would be . . . ? Let me guess. Either his first wife, or some dumbass leftist reporter repeating his first wife. ::yawn:: With any luck, some enterprising journalist - it'll have to be someone on the right, because lefty reporters couldn't write a shopping list without DNC talking points to help them out - will actually dig up the records and settle this once and for all. I'm almighty tired of Jerry Springer know-it-alls confidently asserting ex-wife stories to me like I'm supposed to believe she's an objective, unbiased witness.
How bout the judge that ordered Newt pay more ...yeah, she had to take him to court to get him to pay just for basic shit, and the church taking up a collection to help Jackie isn't just some made up shit.

His own fucking pastor and the congregation know the details.
Newt's daughter debunked that story and continues to do so.

Newt's daughter didn't debunk anything.

She was 13 years old at the time. Her account belies what her own mother has said - in addition, his daughter saying Jackie was the one who wanted the divorce contradicts her own mother AND Newt Gingrich himself.

People have even taken to reading his daughter's account and then swirling that to mean the woman didn't even have cancer. She did.

Newt's a scumbucket, no matter how many ways you slice it.

What does her being 13 have to do with anything? You think 13-year-olds aren't capable of remembering their parents sitting them down and explaining that they're getting a divorce? That they can't remember their mom going into the hospital for a biopsy later on?

Meanwhile, we're supposed to believe that ex-wives - particularly ones so bitter that they're not only still badmouthing their ex-husbands decades later, but actually giving TV interviews about it decades later - are solid, unbiased, objective witnesses. :eusa_liar:

I don't recall Newt ever saying that he was the one who asked for the divorce. I DO remember him saying his wife asked for it.

And no, she didn't have cancer. If you are so adamant that she did, prove it. And I DON'T mean quoting me some asswipe newspaper story repeating her accusations.
The one who worked and supported him and paid for his PHD.

He didnt need her anymore and dumped her.

Jeez......the divorce rate in the United States is somewhere between 40%-50% depending on what source you look at. You are acting like she's the only woman in the world who got dumped.

I mean good God, look at you: "She worked and supported him. She paid for his education. She loved and cherished him. She ironed his socks. She made him lunch. She did no wrong. SHE WAS A COMPLETE ANGEL." :eusa_boohoo:

Maybe she was a bitch. Who knows.

Given that she's so bitter that she's giving TV interviews to complain about a man she hasn't been married to for decades, I'd say that's a pretty good possibility.

Someone should get the broad some therapy so she can move on with her fucking life.
Newt's daughter debunked that story and continues to do so.

Newt's daughter didn't debunk anything.

She was 13 years old at the time. Her account belies what her own mother has said - in addition, his daughter saying Jackie was the one who wanted the divorce contradicts her own mother AND Newt Gingrich himself.

People have even taken to reading his daughter's account and then swirling that to mean the woman didn't even have cancer. She did.

Newt's a scumbucket, no matter how many ways you slice it.

What does her being 13 have to do with anything? You think 13-year-olds aren't capable of remembering their parents sitting them down and explaining that they're getting a divorce? That they can't remember their mom going into the hospital for a biopsy later on?

Meanwhile, we're supposed to believe that ex-wives - particularly ones so bitter that they're not only still badmouthing their ex-husbands decades later, but actually giving TV interviews about it decades later - are solid, unbiased, objective witnesses. :eusa_liar:

I don't recall Newt ever saying that he was the one who asked for the divorce. I DO remember him saying his wife asked for it.

And no, she didn't have cancer. If you are so adamant that she did, prove it. And I DON'T mean quoting me some asswipe newspaper story repeating her accusations.
How bout some asswipe like his daughter, bitch?

"Mom was first diagnosed with cancer in the spring of 1978. She remembers going into her closet, crying and praying that she would live long enough for their children (my sister and me) to graduate high school.
...My father lost his first two congressional campaigns. After undergoing surgery and radiation, Mom and her two children continued to hit the campaign trail with him, determined to win.
He did." [Townhall Conservative, Jackie Gingrich Cushman ]

She was diagnosed in 1978. Now think about that. Newt's wife worked tireless on his campaigns. --and the year she is undergoing chemotherapy treatments, radiation and multiple operations for cancer she thinks she may die from and SHE is the one who wanted the divorce? I don't think so.

Really think about that. Let it roll around in your head for a bit.

(By the way, records show it was Newt who filed for divorce.)

Think about a 13 year old at a hospital room with her mom and dad...and the discussion is about divorce. What the hell kind of parent would let a child into an oncology recovery room while the topic is of divorce?

Think about this: Newt acknowledges they argued over the impending end of their marriage as she was in a hospital sickbed.

I don't care who you are - that's disgustingly crass.
once again people dont seem to understand. Nobody cares that Newt Cheated, well i am sure a few do. I personally dont care if Cain, Newt, Wiener, Clinton Cheat. I care about their policies. When one decides to champion about Marriage being about one man and woman, i am going to take notice. Are they a hypocrite?

Well Newt is, if indeed he has given his opinion on Marriage.

Otherwise he can go fuck whomever he wants.

Speaking of which.........the GOP ramrodded Weiner out of the Congress because he'd sent inappropriate pictures to women other than his wife. He never had sex.

Newt has had actual sex outside of his marriage, yet he gets a pass.


The passage of time.

Newt's big advantage is that everyone already knows this shit, and those who are voting for him decided to do so despite it, for reasons having nothing to do with his sex life, marital life, whatever.

You wanna damage Newt, you're going to have to go after the reasons that people are supporting him. This ain't it.

Yes, what an advantage! :lol:

Well, his other big advantage is that he'll be running against the worst President in modern history, who can't possibly run his campaign on his record. :lol:

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