Here We Go Again: Ex-Staffer Comes Forward Saying She Had Sex With Newt Gingrich

This little bit from that last link I quoted still gives me a chuckle:

"Throughout his first campaign he was having an affair with a young volunteer. Dot Crews, who occasionally drove the candidate, says that almost everybody involved in the campaign knew. Kip Carter claims, "We'd have won in 1974 if we could have kept him out of the office, screwing her on the desk."
Thanks so much for that mental image. :puke3:
This little bit from that last link I quoted still gives me a chuckle:

"Throughout his first campaign he was having an affair with a young volunteer. Dot Crews, who occasionally drove the candidate, says that almost everybody involved in the campaign knew. Kip Carter claims, "We'd have won in 1974 if we could have kept him out of the office, screwing her on the desk."
Thanks so much for that mental image. :puke3:
Wretching, isn't it?

You're welcome.

This is very old news- that EVERYONE has known about and that Gingrich has openly admitted too--it's in the past--and he has stated he has changed--and looks at the world much differently now--seeing the world through the eyes of a grandparent.
It's old news to those who have been following politics. Unfortunately for Newt, that's not a lot of people overall.

I think this might hurt him more than some of his supporters think.

I don't think so. I don't think younger people in this country--really care about who had an affair with whom--especially if it is coming from 17 years ago. And it would only be younger people who wouldn't know about Newt Gingrich's past.

You know and with Herman Cain's fall from grace so recently--these kind of stories begin to look like a left wing conspiracy's by the left to eliminate our candidates one by one. So I imagine this will be largely ignored.
We're going to have to agree to disagree then. I guess we'll find out soon enough once the primaries get started.
This is very old news- that EVERYONE has known about and that Gingrich has openly admitted too--it's in the past--and he has stated he has changed--and looks at the world much differently now--seeing the world through the eyes of a grandparent.
It's old news to those who have been following politics. Unfortunately for Newt, that's not a lot of people overall.

I think this might hurt him more than some of his supporters think.

I don't think so. I don't think younger people in this country--really care about who had an affair with whom--especially if it is coming from 17 years ago. And it would only be younger people who wouldn't know about Newt Gingrich's past.

You know and with Herman Cain's fall from grace so recently--these kind of stories begin to look like a left wing conspiracy's by the left to eliminate our candidates one by one. So I imagine this will be largely ignored.
You underestimate the Pissed-Off-Wives-Who've-Been-Cheated-On-& Dumped-For-Trophy-Wives club.
Her name is Anne Manning and shes a ex staffer of Newts and she has decided to come forward to tell her story. She has told the National Enquire that Newt who cheated on his prior two wives is a lying hypocrit. Anne Manning claims she performed a sex act on him in his Washington D.C. hotel room and that they had a affair. Well I guess since Newt is leading comfortably in the polls, it's his turn now for media sabotage. Mitt ought to enjoy this. I am still waiting on the media to report on Larry Sinclair, Donald Young, Nate Spencer and Larry Bland, all gay and tied directly to Obama.


'Newt Gingrich is a sex addict and a hypocrite,' say experts and ex-staffer Anne Manning | Mail Online

‘He always talks about being big on family values but he doesn’t practice what he preaches,’ Ms Manning told the National Enquirer.

‘I wasn’t planning to say a word about him, but voters need to know what sort of man they’re being asked to support,’ the businesswoman added.

‘If Newt acted in the way Anne alleged, his behaviour is consistent with sex addicts,’ sex addiction expert George Collins told the National Enquirer


Ms Manning, who was on his congressional campaign, claimed they did not have intercourse because then 'he could say he had not slept with me'.
‘If Newt acted in the way Anne alleged, his behaviour is consistent with sex addicts,’ sex addiction expert George Collins told the National Enquirer.

This woman just stated in the article that she did not have sex with Gingrich. Furthermore this is coming from the freaking NATIONAL ENQUIRER--who is continually SUED by movie stars and others for printing BOGUS information and LIES.

IOW--it's not even close to being credible. It's just a smear. Ignore this crap. I never ever believe ANYTHING that comes out of the National Enquirer--and that's why this story is not all over the news media right now--because the freaking media is ignoring it.
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The Anne Manning story is nothing new. It's been around a while...

It doesn't matter--I CANNOT BELIEVE that ANYONE on this BOARD--would actually stoop so LOW TO make a new thread on this board from an article about anyone that came out of the FREAKING National Inquirer---:cuckoo::cuckoo: In fact I have been on political boards for the last 15 years and have never seen anyone do that. They knew better.

This is the same magazine that will find a fat person that kind of looks like a movie star--uses that as their front page-PUTS OUT A STATEMENT--and then gets sued over it--because it wasn't who they said it was.

Anyone who reads the National Inquirer & believes their made up garbage is a confirmed idiot.
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You underestimate the Pissed-Off-Wives-Who've-Been-Cheated-On-& Dumped-For-Trophy-Wives club.

That's trophy wife material? I'm not so critical about his morals as I am about his taste in women.
He never married the woman you just dissed and who is shown about 35 years older than when Gingrich was bopping his wanger in her mouth, Einstein.
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Vanity Fair Photo Of Gingrich And Anne Manning, With Whom He Had Relationship

Evangelicals Beg Newt To “Tell The Truth” | The Kitchen Cabinet.US

NOTE: If that's really Anne Manning in her younger days, she isn't bad looking IMO.

So now you're going to use normal--average pictures of Newt Gingrich sitting with ANY woman and call it an affair---:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

So your saying this woman


is the woman in the below picture?


I don't know about you--but Newt looks fairly old in the lower picture here-(like it may have been a fairly recent picture))and you're claiming that the woman in the above picture is the same woman in the lower picture? It's either that--or this poor woman has put on 60 years within the last few months--LOL

Hey what can you expect coming from the National Inquirer and Vanity Fair--LOL
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Wouldn't suprise me if it was Mitt Romney doing this.

Mitt Romney isn't stupid enough to think this is going to make any difference.

Show of hands, everyone who was voting for Newt Gingrich because they thought he was so cuddly and likable and a faithful husband? Anyone? Bueller?

If you want to drop Newt's numbers, you gotta tell us something new and shocking about him. This isn't either.

How about the fact that ever since McCain got landslided by Obama, you wingnuts have been telling us that in 2012 you were going to nominate a true conservative to "take our country back" and all that other bullshit?

Newt is no conservative. He is no Tea Partier. He supported TARP. He supports all sorts of big spending projects.

If teabaggers nominate Newt it will only be because you want to see him try to embarrass Obama in a debate - Newt won't win the election.

So, will teabaggers go against all their promises, all their principles, all their values, just to get a woody over Obama being embarrassed?

I think they will, because I think they have no values and principles, and all that talk was just a bunch of crap.

Newt won't win against Obama. And he may have more trouble in the South (except Georgia) than Romney. Southern Baptists won't vote for a Mormon, but I imagine they will have even more trouble voting for a guy who ditched their religion in favor of Catholicism!

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