Here We Go Again: Ex-Staffer Comes Forward Saying She Had Sex With Newt Gingrich


Newt's three wives: Jackie, Marianne, Callista

Gingrich’s second wife, Marianne, described how she learned that Gingrich wanted a divorce:

“Marianne went to the doctor and was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. In early May — just before Mother’s Day — she went to Ohio to visit her mother. She told Esquire that Gingrich didn’t return her calls for two days — which, for a man that usually checked in several times a day, was quite unusual. And when he finally returned her calls, that’s when she knew. He wanted to talk in person, he said. “I said, ‘No, we need to talk now.’ Marianne responded, “There’s somebody else, isn’t there?” She kind of guessed it, of course. Women usually do. But did she know the woman was in her apartment, eating off her plates, sleeping in her bed?”

In fact, Gingrich admitted the affair to Marianne just days after after giving a speech in Erie, Pennsylvania about the importance of family values. He divorced Marianne, and in 2000, Gingrich married Callista Bisek, his congressional staffer, with whom he’d carried on an affair for 6 years. In 2009, Gingrich – a Southern Baptist since college – converted to Catholicism, Bisek’s religion.

More: Corruption | America Needs Mitt

Oh good god, why'd he upgrade to the freaky looking mannequin?
Her name is Anne Manning and shes a ex staffer of Newts and she has decided to come forward to tell her story. She has told the National Enquire that Newt who cheated on his prior two wives is a lying hypocrit. Anne Manning claims she performed a sex act on him in his Washington D.C. hotel room and that they had a affair. Well I guess since Newt is leading comfortably in the polls, it's his turn now for media sabotage. Mitt ought to enjoy this. I am still waiting on the media to report on Larry Sinclair, Donald Young, Nate Spencer and Larry Bland, all gay and tied directly to Obama.


'Newt Gingrich is a sex addict and a hypocrite,' say experts and ex-staffer Anne Manning | Mail Online

‘He always talks about being big on family values but he doesn’t practice what he preaches,’ Ms Manning told the National Enquirer.

‘I wasn’t planning to say a word about him, but voters need to know what sort of man they’re being asked to support,’ the businesswoman added.

‘If Newt acted in the way Anne alleged, his behaviour is consistent with sex addicts,’ sex addiction expert George Collins told the National Enquirer

Do you think Herman Cain was "the victim of media sabotage"? So it's not his fault, it's not that a dozen women came forward, it's the media's fault for having the gall to report it?
I haven't seen anything about this gal on the MSM but I'll be curious to see if the "Media Sabotage" hits poor ol' Newt. We all know he is a man of the highest character who would never cheat on his ....

Oh wait. Nevermind.

Uh, yeah. It's not that Newt actually cheats, it's the media's fault! Poor guy! :eusa_boohoo:
That might be true if he was impeaching Clinton for having an affair with a staffer, but that's not what the impeachment was about. Of course, we all know this by know, or we should anyway.

you can pretend that's true... but the reality is that's what it was about.... because what was it he lied about?... having an affair... ta da!

and we all know this by now, or we should anyway.

Riiiiight. It's not about breaking the law. It's about what he broke the law over. If you perjure yourself and obstruct justice, but it's about sex, that makes it not illegal.

And you're the one who pretends that she's a legal expert. Go ahead and tell us all about how the law views anything even remotely related to sex as completely legal, because sex is so completely unimportant and irrelevant in the legal scheme things, Clarence Darrow. Convince us all for the millionth time in a row that you're no more a legal expert than I am a circus acrobat.

It was about getting Clinton by any means available. Or trying to get him. The result was a massive FAIL. It was not about perjury. That's a cover, just like the investigation that started it all-Whitewater.

Meanwhile you believe the lying ass Newt. :lol:

Too funny.
We have the words of his former aids, campaign managers, press secretaries...damn, his own Best Man who said what Newt did was horrible... and a lot more backing up the claims.

But I don't really need to spend time proving it - you won't read it anyway.

You actually thought Jackie didn't even have cancer, - even after I quote his damn daughter! --so I know you're hell bent on believing the fabrications.

Go head, believe the lying, cheating Newt. See if I care.

The reason to wait until Newt is surging is obvious. The reason the Democrats pull this stuff out to use against Republicans is because it works. They know the evangelicals won't vote for an adulterer, especially not in the primaries. Why would the Democrats not do this? Might as well let your opponent scuttle their own candidate.

This is very old news- that EVERYONE has known about and that Gingrich has openly admitted too--it's in the past--and he has stated he has changed--and looks at the world much differently now--seeing the world through the eyes of a grandparent.

It's OK, because Newt admitted it, and he's a right winger.

Democrats can never get forgiveness, and Republicans don't even need to ask. :cuckoo:
If this turns out to be true...Are you ready to support Ron Paul?

If two previous counts of admitted infidelity (one of them being while he was leading the charge to impeach the President for actions related to infidelity) don't phase them then nothing will.

I don't know why anyone would be surprised by this. Gingrich lost the benefit of the doubt a long time ago.

At this point, though, since it's not exactly a new affair, I just don't see how it's relevant.

We already know Newt is a scumbag.
The reason to wait until Newt is surging is obvious. The reason the Democrats pull this stuff out to use against Republicans is because it works. They know the evangelicals won't vote for an adulterer, especially not in the primaries. Why would the Democrats not do this? Might as well let your opponent scuttle their own candidate.

This is very old news- that EVERYONE has known about and that Gingrich has openly admitted too--it's in the past--and he has stated he has changed--and looks at the world much differently now--seeing the world through the eyes of a grandparent.
It's old news to those who have been following politics. Unfortunately for Newt, that's not a lot of people overall.

I think this might hurt him more than some of his supporters think.

How much do you have to "follow politics" to know that Newt Gingrich cheated on his previous wives? If you're THAT far under a rock that this is news, you probably don't vote, anyway.
Meanwhile you believe the lying ass Newt. :lol:

Too funny.
We have the words of his former aids, campaign managers, press secretaries...damn, his own Best Man who said what Newt did was horrible... and a lot more backing up the claims.

But I don't really need to spend time proving it - you won't read it anyway.

You actually thought Jackie didn't even have cancer, - even after I quote his damn daughter! --so I know you're hell bent on believing the fabrications.

Go head, believe the lying, cheating Newt. See if I care.

So according to you--we are to select our Presidents--based on their personal marital bliss or misery-- which is really none of our business. It's not like you can legislate that no one ever again will have an extra marital affair--or that you'll only be married once to the same person for the rest of your life. In fact the divorce rate in this country is around 50%--and out of that group there really are a lot of good people--and people that would make for good leaders too.

I know many divorcees--that are very good people. This is obviously a very old affair that Gingrich had in his younger days--that everyone knew happened--that he has apologized for his indiscretions--and has been married to the same woman now for over a decade--and is now living a happy married life.

And who gives a damn? Tell me what he's going to do as President. I'm not planning to date the man, much less marry him, so I don't really give a shit what he's like as a husband. That's his wife's problem, not mine.
Meanwhile you believe the lying ass Newt. :lol:

Too funny.
We have the words of his former aids, campaign managers, press secretaries...damn, his own Best Man who said what Newt did was horrible... and a lot more backing up the claims.

But I don't really need to spend time proving it - you won't read it anyway.

You actually thought Jackie didn't even have cancer, - even after I quote his damn daughter! --so I know you're hell bent on believing the fabrications.

Go head, believe the lying, cheating Newt. See if I care.

So according to you--we are to select our Presidents--based on their personal marital bliss or misery-- which is really none of our business. It's not like you can legislate that no one ever again will have an extra marital affair--or that you'll only be married once to the same person for the rest of your life. In fact the divorce rate in this country is around 50%--and out of that group there really are a lot of good people--and people that would make for good leaders too.

I know many divorcees--that are very good people. This is obviously a very old affair that Gingrich had in his younger days--that everyone knew happened--that he has apologized for his indiscretions--and has been married to the same woman now for over a decade--and is now living a happy married life.

And who gives a damn? Tell me what he's going to do as President. I'm not planning to date the man, much less marry him, so I don't really give a shit what he's like as a husband. That's his wife's problem, not mine.

The nice thing about a Gingrich nomination is at least the GOP will get off their high horse about morality.

Picking Gingrich status post two previous affairs is an acceptance that such behavior doesn't mean a man can't be president.

I see that as a move forward for the party.

And I am being serious.
Hey I have an idea... let's pretend Newt is BUBBA CLINTON....


Clinton was elected before his scandal, not after, and did not run for a party that preached family values.

Clinton was elected during a DIFFERENT scandal. Can you say, "Gennifer Flowers"? Clinton was a long string of sex scandals looking for a place to happen. His campaign had a specific set-up for handling "bimbo eruptions", remember THAT?

Please don't try to pretend that it was a huge frigging shock to anyone that he was an uncontrolled horndog that broke onto the scene with the advent of Paula Jones.

And spare me the "It's okay if Democrats are assholes, because they never aspire to be anything else" line. It is not a virtue to embrace dissolute behavior, and no one's going to admire you for it.
Her name is Anne Manning and shes a ex staffer of Newts and she has decided to come forward to tell her story. She has told the National Enquire that Newt who cheated on his prior two wives is a lying hypocrit. Anne Manning claims she performed a sex act on him in his Washington D.C. hotel room and that they had a affair. Well I guess since Newt is leading comfortably in the polls, it's his turn now for media sabotage. Mitt ought to enjoy this. I am still waiting on the media to report on Larry Sinclair, Donald Young, Nate Spencer and Larry Bland, all gay and tied directly to Obama.


'Newt Gingrich is a sex addict and a hypocrite,' say experts and ex-staffer Anne Manning | Mail Online

‘He always talks about being big on family values but he doesn’t practice what he preaches,’ Ms Manning told the National Enquirer.

‘I wasn’t planning to say a word about him, but voters need to know what sort of man they’re being asked to support,’ the businesswoman added.

‘If Newt acted in the way Anne alleged, his behaviour is consistent with sex addicts,’ sex addiction expert George Collins told the National Enquirer

Anne MANning? Is that his "real" name.

Come on, who wants to admit having sex with Newt. Having to touch that disgusting carcass is bad enough. But then the humiliation of publicly......
As a candidate, Newt is a bomb thrower of half-baked ideas and a panderer to bigots.

I actually think he'd be a better President than Romney. Romney would pander to the right wing like nothing we've ever seen before.
So according to you--we are to select our Presidents--based on their personal marital bliss or misery-- which is really none of our business. It's not like you can legislate that no one ever again will have an extra marital affair--or that you'll only be married once to the same person for the rest of your life. In fact the divorce rate in this country is around 50%--and out of that group there really are a lot of good people--and people that would make for good leaders too.

I know many divorcees--that are very good people. This is obviously a very old affair that Gingrich had in his younger days--that everyone knew happened--that he has apologized for his indiscretions--and has been married to the same woman now for over a decade--and is now living a happy married life.

And who gives a damn? Tell me what he's going to do as President. I'm not planning to date the man, much less marry him, so I don't really give a shit what he's like as a husband. That's his wife's problem, not mine.

The nice thing about a Gingrich nomination is at least the GOP will get off their high horse about morality.

Picking Gingrich status post two previous affairs is an acceptance that such behavior doesn't mean a man can't be president.

I see that as a move forward for the party.

And I am being serious.

Except that they won't excuse it in anyone unless they just want to. They don't have insight, period.
Clinton was elected during a DIFFERENT scandal. Can you say, "Gennifer Flowers"? Clinton was a long string of sex scandals looking for a place to happen. His campaign had a specific set-up for handling "bimbo eruptions", remember THAT?

I thought you didn't care about that.
And who gives a damn? Tell me what he's going to do as President. I'm not planning to date the man, much less marry him, so I don't really give a shit what he's like as a husband. That's his wife's problem, not mine.

The nice thing about a Gingrich nomination is at least the GOP will get off their high horse about morality.

Picking Gingrich status post two previous affairs is an acceptance that such behavior doesn't mean a man can't be president.

I see that as a move forward for the party.

And I am being serious.

Except that they won't excuse it in anyone unless they just want to. They don't have insight, period.

And then they will wonder why they continue to marginalize themselves and find themselves in the position they are currently in.
The nice thing about a Gingrich nomination is at least the GOP will get off their high horse about morality.

Picking Gingrich status post two previous affairs is an acceptance that such behavior doesn't mean a man can't be president.

I see that as a move forward for the party.

And I am being serious.

Except that they won't excuse it in anyone unless they just want to. They don't have insight, period.

And then they will wonder why they continue to marginalize themselves and find themselves in the position they are currently in.

It's tribal politics. Once upon a time, people separated themselves into tribes, and right and wrong only applied to your fellow tribe members. There was no need to deal in issues of morality with outsiders.

Right wingers are the hangers on in this world view. It made sense, once, when you had to depend solely on members of your tribe for survival, and when a stranger might be an existential threat to your tribe.

The world has changed, but they haven't.
Clinton was elected during a DIFFERENT scandal. Can you say, "Gennifer Flowers"? Clinton was a long string of sex scandals looking for a place to happen. His campaign had a specific set-up for handling "bimbo eruptions", remember THAT?

I thought you didn't care about that.

Amazingly enough, caring about it is not required to be aware of it and remember it. That simply needs an IQ above room temperature, which I realize is no more than a distant, long-range hope for you.

I'm correcting the poster's obvious misapprehension that Clinton was elected without any hint that he was a horndog, and it came as a great surprise to people later down the road when Paula Jones turned up. I'm not suggesting that Gennifer Flowers is the reason I thought he was an execrable choice for President. I had lots of other, policy-related reasons for that.

DO try to read for comprehension. I get tired of having to draw you diagrams so you can follow the conversation.
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Clinton was elected during a DIFFERENT scandal. Can you say, "Gennifer Flowers"? Clinton was a long string of sex scandals looking for a place to happen. His campaign had a specific set-up for handling "bimbo eruptions", remember THAT?

I thought you didn't care about that.

Amazingly enough, caring about it is not required to be aware of it and remember it. That simply needs an IQ above room temperature, which I realize is no more than a distant, long-range hope for you.

I'm correcting the poster's obvious misapprehension that Clinton was elected without any hint that he was a horndog, and it came as a great surprise to people later down the road when Paula Jones turned up. I'm not suggesting that Gennifer Flowers is the reason I though he was an execrable choice for President. I had lots of other, policy-related reasons for that.

DO try to read for comprehension. I get tired of having to draw you diagrams so you can follow the conversation.

It's interesting to me how many people on this board attack others as retarded while making incredibly dumb, self-serving statements. Your statement here is a perfect example.
I thought you didn't care about that.

Amazingly enough, caring about it is not required to be aware of it and remember it. That simply needs an IQ above room temperature, which I realize is no more than a distant, long-range hope for you.

I'm correcting the poster's obvious misapprehension that Clinton was elected without any hint that he was a horndog, and it came as a great surprise to people later down the road when Paula Jones turned up. I'm not suggesting that Gennifer Flowers is the reason I though he was an execrable choice for President. I had lots of other, policy-related reasons for that.

DO try to read for comprehension. I get tired of having to draw you diagrams so you can follow the conversation.

It's interesting to me how many people on this board attack others as retarded while making incredibly dumb, self-serving statements. Your statement here is a perfect example.

You're still talking, just like your opinion means something. You might want to fix that.
Amazingly enough, caring about it is not required to be aware of it and remember it. That simply needs an IQ above room temperature, which I realize is no more than a distant, long-range hope for you.

I'm correcting the poster's obvious misapprehension that Clinton was elected without any hint that he was a horndog, and it came as a great surprise to people later down the road when Paula Jones turned up. I'm not suggesting that Gennifer Flowers is the reason I though he was an execrable choice for President. I had lots of other, policy-related reasons for that.

DO try to read for comprehension. I get tired of having to draw you diagrams so you can follow the conversation.

It's interesting to me how many people on this board attack others as retarded while making incredibly dumb, self-serving statements. Your statement here is a perfect example.

You're still talking, just like your opinion means something. You might want to fix that.

perhaps the two of you could go together and split the costs; you might save enough to buy a new butt plug for christmas. :thup:

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