Here We Go Again: Ex-Staffer Comes Forward Saying She Had Sex With Newt Gingrich

And the Government faking 9/11 could be true too.

But probably not.

Not all Conpiracies are just crazy theories. Some are actually real. To this day,there has been no real evidence proving a large commercial plane crashed into the Pentagon. There was no wreckage viewed by anyone. The video and photos show there was no 757 wreckage anywhere. And the hole was way too small for a 757...

[ame=]In Plane Sight - Sept 11 - 911 Conspiracy 3 of 6 - YouTube[/ame]

Here we go.................

If only Ron Paul were President! Then the Government would quit driving planes into buildings to gin up the war machine!

Laugh all you want but i wouldn't be surprised with anything the Military Industrial Complex would do to establish permanent War.
Like I've said many times before, it's not that Newt has been married so many times but its because he:

Shut down the government.

Got caught on ethics violations, was fined 300,000, AND had to step down as Speaker.

If the guy is too fast and loose with the rules and already has shown he's not ethical when it comes to government, WHY THE FUCK SHOULD HE BE PRESIDENT?

I don't care about his marriages, I care about the crappy way he's already shown us he handles government office.
The real liar (singular) was (singular) John Edwards. You can't blame people for being skeptical of the Enquirer.

And, as if the Enquirer getting the scoop on Edwards validates all the shit they have printed through the years.


Thank you for agreeing that this Globe story could be true. The National Enquirer told the truth while Edwards,Democrats,and Liberal MSM all lied. Give it some time. This story may be true too.

And the Government faking 9/11 could be true too.

But probably not.

[ame=]Proof that 9/11 flight 93 did not crash at Shanksville - YouTube[/ame]
Like I've said many times before, it's not that Newt has been married so many times but its because he:

Shut down the government.

Got caught on ethics violations, was fined 300,000, AND had to step down as Speaker.

If the guy is too fast and loose with the rules and already has shown he's not ethical when it comes to government, WHY THE FUCK SHOULD HE BE PRESIDENT?

I don't care about his marriages, I care about the crappy way he's already shown us he handles government office.

Well.....look who we have now. I could argue that Obama has been more unethical, faster and looser with the rules, and has cost this nation more money already than Bush did in 8 years and is on pace to cost us more than all 43 presidents before him combined. Now I am not a Gingrich backer, but given the choice between him and Obama....I'll take the guy who is only slightly corrupt instead of completely corrupt and vote Gingrich.
Like I've said many times before, it's not that Newt has been married so many times but its because he:

Shut down the government.

Got caught on ethics violations, was fined 300,000, AND had to step down as Speaker.

If the guy is too fast and loose with the rules and already has shown he's not ethical when it comes to government, WHY THE FUCK SHOULD HE BE PRESIDENT?

I don't care about his marriages, I care about the crappy way he's already shown us he handles government office.

Well.....look who we have now. I could argue that Obama has been more unethical, faster and looser with the rules, and has cost this nation more money already than Bush did in 8 years and is on pace to cost us more than all 43 presidents before him combined. Now I am not a Gingrich backer, but given the choice between him and Obama....I'll take the guy who is only slightly corrupt instead of completely corrupt and vote Gingrich.

Interestingly enough, a lot of the GOP are starting to feel the same way. Some of them have even said publicly that Gingrich is giving the GOP a bad name.
Well.....look who we have now. I could argue that Obama has been more unethical, faster and looser with the rules, and has cost this nation more money already than Bush did in 8 years and is on pace to cost us more than all 43 presidents before him combined. Now I am not a Gingrich backer, but given the choice between him and Obama....I'll take the guy who is only slightly corrupt instead of completely corrupt and vote Gingrich.

Interestingly enough, a lot of the GOP are starting to feel the same way. Some of them have even said publicly that Gingrich is giving the GOP a bad name.

I haven't heard of any of that actually. In fact that would surprise me as the RCP average has the trend as Gingrich closing the gap with Obama and not the other way around. I will say this: Gingrich has a very loose tongue. I can see him getting the nomination and then saying something stupid that blows it all to hell and hands the election to Obama on a silver platter.
I'm surprised you haven't heard that.

An awful lot of the people that know Newt politically, or have worked with him, really dislike him.
Well.....look who we have now. I could argue that Obama has been more unethical, faster and looser with the rules, and has cost this nation more money already than Bush did in 8 years and is on pace to cost us more than all 43 presidents before him combined. Now I am not a Gingrich backer, but given the choice between him and Obama....I'll take the guy who is only slightly corrupt instead of completely corrupt and vote Gingrich.

Corrupt doesn't mean "got elected by a majority against my wishes".
When will this stuff end? Now Michelle Obama is having an affair too? We don't know who the man is yet though. What's with these people? Why can't they control themselves?
When will this stuff end? Now Michelle Obama is having an affair too? We don't know who the man is yet though. What's with these people? Why can't they control themselves?

Got a link, or is this like everything else you pull outta your ass?
When will this stuff end? Now Michelle Obama is having an affair too? We don't know who the man is yet though. What's with these people? Why can't they control themselves?

Got a link, or is this like everything else you pull outta your ass?

lol! Yea like you would ever believe it could possibly be true. You're one of those "John Edwards & Bill Clinton are completely innocent!" peeps. You'll defend anything a Democrat does no matter what it is. So no,i don't feel like posting a link because you'll just claim it's all untrue anyway. What's the point? See ya.
When will this stuff end? Now Michelle Obama is having an affair too? We don't know who the man is yet though. What's with these people? Why can't they control themselves?

Got a link, or is this like everything else you pull outta your ass?

lol! Yea like you would ever believe it could possibly be true. You're one of those "John Edwards & Bill Clinton are completely innocent!" peeps. You'll defend anything a Democrat does no matter what it is. So no,i don't feel like posting a link because you'll just claim it's all untrue anyway. What's the point? See ya. I'm against anyone in politics who blatantly lies. a link or is this just more of your tinfoil hat bullshit?
Got a link, or is this like everything else you pull outta your ass?

lol! Yea like you would ever believe it could possibly be true. You're one of those "John Edwards & Bill Clinton are completely innocent!" peeps. You'll defend anything a Democrat does no matter what it is. So no,i don't feel like posting a link because you'll just claim it's all untrue anyway. What's the point? See ya. I'm against anyone in politics who blatantly lies. a link or is this just more of your tinfoil hat bullshit?

You just lied. You defend your own team. That's all you do. Have a great Saturday Night. Take care.
lol! Yea like you would ever believe it could possibly be true. You're one of those "John Edwards & Bill Clinton are completely innocent!" peeps. You'll defend anything a Democrat does no matter what it is. So no,i don't feel like posting a link because you'll just claim it's all untrue anyway. What's the point? See ya. I'm against anyone in politics who blatantly lies. a link or is this just more of your tinfoil hat bullshit?

You just lied. You defend your own team. That's all you do. Have a great Saturday Night. Take care.

Bullshit......I've publicly stated in several threads that I was pissed about Clinton when he lied.

I've also been on Edwards threads and said he's an idiot and a douche.

YOU'RE the one that's the partisan hack who defends only his party.
I AM SHOCKED! Newt is a pervert?

Like tell me something we don't already know.
I would say Mitt Romney is Newt's most dangerous enemy! Typical politics...

Warrior102 said:
Hi, you have received -332 reputation points from Warrior102.
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How\'s it hangin, ya asswipin\' beaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatch???


Note: This is an automated message.

Warrior102 negged me, again, for the above post.

Seems to have the same retarded theme for his negative posts.

I think when he negative repped me(as if it fucking matters), it was a similarly long stringed "beatch".
Meth is a helluva drug.

Battle of the Holy Jesusistanis

by JollyRoger

“We had oral sex. He prefers that modus operandi because then he can say, ‘I never slept with her.’” – Anne Manning (who was also married at the time.)

“We would have won in 1974 if we could have kept him out of the office, screwing her [a young volunteer] on the desk.” – Dot Crews, his campaign scheduler at the time

“He walked out in the spring of 1980…. By September, I went into the hospital for my third surgery. The two girls came to see me, and said, “Daddy is downstairs. Could he come up?” When he got there, he wanted to discuss the terms of the divorce while I was recovering from my surgery.” – Jackie, his first wife.

Newt pressed his first wife to sign divorce papers while she was still in the hospital recovering from cancer surgery. He also graciously said “She isn’t young enough or pretty enough to be the President’s wife.” But his second marriage hasn’t been that smooth either. Newt and Marianne have been separated – “frankly”, she told the Washington Post in June 1989, “it’s been on and off for some time.”

“She isn’t young enough or pretty enough to be the President’s wife.” – Newt, on his first wife.

Several newspapers are now reporting that Newt Gingrich is dating and basically living with Callista Bisek, a “willowy blond Congressional aide 23 years his junior.” Biske, 33, has been spending nights at Gingrich’s apartment near the Capitol and has her own key. In an amazing act of hypocrisy, Gingrich was apparently dating Bisek all during Clinton-Lewinsky adultery scandal, even as he proclaimed family values and bitterly criticized the President for his adultery.

More: Battle of the Holy Jesusistanis | Plutocrap
The cartoon/story has been debunked...try something else. I'm against anyone in politics who blatantly lies. a link or is this just more of your tinfoil hat bullshit?

You just lied. You defend your own team. That's all you do. Have a great Saturday Night. Take care.

Bullshit......I've publicly stated in several threads that I was pissed about Clinton when he lied.

I've also been on Edwards threads and said he's an idiot and a douche.

YOU'RE the one that's the partisan hack who defends only his party.
What party would that be exactly?

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