Here We Go Again: Ex-Staffer Comes Forward Saying She Had Sex With Newt Gingrich

Amazingly enough, caring about it is not required to be aware of it and remember it. That simply needs an IQ above room temperature, which I realize is no more than a distant, long-range hope for you.

I'm correcting the poster's obvious misapprehension that Clinton was elected without any hint that he was a horndog, and it came as a great surprise to people later down the road when Paula Jones turned up. I'm not suggesting that Gennifer Flowers is the reason I though he was an execrable choice for President. I had lots of other, policy-related reasons for that.

DO try to read for comprehension. I get tired of having to draw you diagrams so you can follow the conversation.

It's interesting to me how many people on this board attack others as retarded while making incredibly dumb, self-serving statements. Your statement here is a perfect example.

You're still talking, just like your opinion means something. You might want to fix that.

Bless your heart.
Well, this sounds interesting...

Its sad Lakhota. I guess men in power think they can do this and get away with it? I think Ron Paul maybe all the republicans have to avoid Mitt.

Who knows if it is true, but it is damaging.:( Mitt Romney is a nasty fucker!

I would say Mitt Romney is Newt's most dangerous enemy! Typical politics...

Warrior102 said:
Hi, you have received -332 reputation points from Warrior102.
Reputation was given for this post.

How\'s it hangin, ya asswipin\' beaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatch???


Note: This is an automated message.

Warrior102 negged me, again, for the above post.
Yes and now Michelle Obama is cheating on her husband. What's going on in this White House? First Larry Sinclair,now Michelle cheating on him?
And at least Gingrich didn't murder anyone like Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton did. Mary Jo Kopechne & Vince Foster. Anyone remember them? They were real people who did exist. Until they were killed anyway.
And at least Gingrich didn't murder anyone like Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton did. Mary Jo Kopechne & Vince Foster. Anyone remember them? They were real people who did exist. Until they were killed anyway.

Between this and your picture of Paul in Obie Wan garb, you are really bolstering the "Ron Paul supporters are fucking retarded/insane" line of thought.
Yes and now Michelle Obama is cheating on her husband. What's going on in this White House? First Larry Sinclair,now Michelle cheating on him?'s the Globe for Christ's sake. Come on.

That's exactly what John Edwards,Democrats,and Liberal MSM said about the National Enquirer too. And we all know how that turned out huh? Look who the real liars were. I'm not saying the Globe story is true but i'm not dismissing it outright either. I'll wait and see.
Yes and now Michelle Obama is cheating on her husband. What's going on in this White House? First Larry Sinclair,now Michelle cheating on him?'s the Globe for Christ's sake. Come on.

That's exactly what John Edwards,Democrats,and Liberal MSM said about the National Enquirer too. And we all know how that turned out huh? Look who the real liars were. I'm not saying the Globe story is true but i'm not dismissing it outright either. I'll wait and see.

The real liar (singular) was (singular) John Edwards. You can't blame people for being skeptical of the Enquirer.

And, as if the Enquirer getting the scoop on Edwards validates all the shit they have printed through the years.

And at least Gingrich didn't murder anyone like Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton did. Mary Jo Kopechne & Vince Foster. Anyone remember them? They were real people who did exist. Until they were killed anyway.

Between this and your picture of Paul in Obie Wan garb, you are really bolstering the "Ron Paul supporters are fucking retarded/insane" line of thought.

Mary Jo Kopechne & Vince Foster were real people. They did exist. Maybe try laying off the HuffyPoop and MSLSD for a bit? You might just learn something? Give it a shot.
Its sad Lakhota. I guess men in power think they can do this and get away with it? I think Ron Paul maybe all the republicans have to avoid Mitt.

Who knows if it is true, but it is damaging.:( Mitt Romney is a nasty fucker!

I would say Mitt Romney is Newt's most dangerous enemy! Typical politics...

Warrior102 said:
Hi, you have received -332 reputation points from Warrior102.
Reputation was given for this post.

How\'s it hangin, ya asswipin\' beaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatch???


Note: This is an automated message.

Warrior102 negged me, again, for the above post.

Seems to have the same retarded theme for his negative posts.

I think when he negative repped me(as if it fucking matters), it was a similarly long stringed "beatch".'s the Globe for Christ's sake. Come on.

That's exactly what John Edwards,Democrats,and Liberal MSM said about the National Enquirer too. And we all know how that turned out huh? Look who the real liars were. I'm not saying the Globe story is true but i'm not dismissing it outright either. I'll wait and see.

The real liar (singular) was (singular) John Edwards. You can't blame people for being skeptical of the Enquirer.

And, as if the Enquirer getting the scoop on Edwards validates all the shit they have printed through the years.


Thank you for agreeing that this Globe story could be true. The National Enquirer told the truth while Edwards,Democrats,and Liberal MSM all lied. Give it some time. This story may be true too.
That's exactly what John Edwards,Democrats,and Liberal MSM said about the National Enquirer too. And we all know how that turned out huh? Look who the real liars were. I'm not saying the Globe story is true but i'm not dismissing it outright either. I'll wait and see.

The real liar (singular) was (singular) John Edwards. You can't blame people for being skeptical of the Enquirer.

And, as if the Enquirer getting the scoop on Edwards validates all the shit they have printed through the years.


Thank you for agreeing that this Globe story could be true. The National Enquirer told the truth while Edwards,Democrats,and Liberal MSM all lied. Give it some time. This story may be true too.

And the Government faking 9/11 could be true too.

But probably not.
The real liar (singular) was (singular) John Edwards. You can't blame people for being skeptical of the Enquirer.

And, as if the Enquirer getting the scoop on Edwards validates all the shit they have printed through the years.


Thank you for agreeing that this Globe story could be true. The National Enquirer told the truth while Edwards,Democrats,and Liberal MSM all lied. Give it some time. This story may be true too.

And the Government faking 9/11 could be true too.

But probably not.

That's your opinion.
Not all Conpiracies are just crazy theories. Some are actually real. To this day,there has been no real evidence proving a large commercial plane crashed into the Pentagon. There was no wreckage viewed by anyone. The video and photos show there was no 757 wreckage anywhere. And the hole was way too small for a 757...

In Plane Sight - Sept 11 - 911 Conspiracy 3 of 6 - YouTube

Sigh...dude....let me guess......someone offered you a Klondike Bar to go to a message board and make an ass of yourself, right?
Not all Conpiracies are just crazy theories. Some are actually real. To this day,there has been no real evidence proving a large commercial plane crashed into the Pentagon. There was no wreckage viewed by anyone. The video and photos show there was no 757 wreckage anywhere. And the hole was way too small for a 757...

In Plane Sight - Sept 11 - 911 Conspiracy 3 of 6 - YouTube

Sigh...dude....let me guess......someone offered you a Klondike Bar to go to a message board and make an ass of yourself, right?
:rofl: :clap2:
Thank you for agreeing that this Globe story could be true. The National Enquirer told the truth while Edwards,Democrats,and Liberal MSM all lied. Give it some time. This story may be true too.

And the Government faking 9/11 could be true too.

But probably not.

Not all Conpiracies are just crazy theories. Some are actually real. To this day,there has been no real evidence proving a large commercial plane crashed into the Pentagon. There was no wreckage viewed by anyone. The video and photos show there was no 757 wreckage anywhere. And the hole was way too small for a 757...

[ame=]In Plane Sight - Sept 11 - 911 Conspiracy 3 of 6 - YouTube[/ame]

Here we go.................

If only Ron Paul were President! Then the Government would quit driving planes into buildings to gin up the war machine!
Not all Conpiracies are just crazy theories. Some are actually real. To this day,there has been no real evidence proving a large commercial plane crashed into the Pentagon. There was no wreckage viewed by anyone. The video and photos show there was no 757 wreckage anywhere. And the hole was way too small for a 757...

In Plane Sight - Sept 11 - 911 Conspiracy 3 of 6 - YouTube

Sigh...dude....let me guess......someone offered you a Klondike Bar to go to a message board and make an ass of yourself, right?

No 757 wreckage can be seen on the outside of the building. None. Now how can that be? Every single bit of wreckage only went inside the building? That's just impossible. Watch the movie '911: In Plane Site' We have been lied to about 911.
Newt has to deal with his baggage, M14 Shooter, and we will see if it gets any newer.

Why do the members of the freshman class of 94 refuse overwhelmingly to endorse him, hmmm?

Only 4% of Republicans under 30 support him.

Well, God knows I'm DEEPLY concerned about the life experience and wisdom represented by people who haven't even had their first high school reunion.

The freshmen class of Congressmen, moron.

Stay focused, please.
And 'Pull it.' It's a commonly used term in the demolition business. If they did pull it for safety reasons,why have they lied and claimed it collapsed on its own?...

[ame=]WTC 7 - Pull It By Larry Silverstein - YouTube[/ame]
Not all Conpiracies are just crazy theories. Some are actually real. To this day,there has been no real evidence proving a large commercial plane crashed into the Pentagon. There was no wreckage viewed by anyone. The video and photos show there was no 757 wreckage anywhere. And the hole was way too small for a 757...

In Plane Sight - Sept 11 - 911 Conspiracy 3 of 6 - YouTube

Sigh...dude....let me guess......someone offered you a Klondike Bar to go to a message board and make an ass of yourself, right?

No 757 wreckage can be seen on the outside of the building. None. Now how can that be? Every single bit of wreckage only went inside the building? That's just impossible. Watch the movie '911: In Plane Site' We have been lied to about 911.

uh huh....I'll bet it's nice and chocolaty and smooth huh? Nice and refreshing.

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