Here we go again, SS and Medicare going Bankrupt but not welfare?

To save Social Security and Medicare, eliminate welfare and medicaid, soon people would have to work

  • Yes, save the retirment plans of HARD working Americans who were FORCED to pay for their retirement

    Votes: 10 100.0%
  • No, keep welfare and mediaid, because liberals would starve to death than work for a living.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Have you ever seen the breakdown of where your money goes? What you and others pay to the government doesn't go in as a one lump sum to be distributed as needed elsewhere. What the feds get from gasoline taxes goes to fund transportation costs, what other countries pay for import/export doesn't pay for the space program. Of the thousands or millions of sources of federal income, it is distributed accordingly back to the source of which it came. Some of the income is allotted to the General Fund and/or Social programs.

Social Security & Medicare taxes taken out of your paycheck......goes to pay for those receiving it and those specific expenses. Only because SS was the only solvent government program, have they tapped into it and when you start borrowing from Peter to pay Paul you've got a problem. Not to mention all they've printed to make up for their spending sprees.

Maybe, just maybe things will turn around with Trump...but I'm not holding my breath
When have tax cuts ever solved that problem?

tax cuts????? WHAT tax cuts?
Why does our, One Percenter in Chief, believe we need tax cuts during times of massive debt?

Short answer??? If you're picking a fight, go away & leave me alone. Not in the mood for it right now.

Another short answer??? I really don't know.....unless it has to do with restructuring & streamlining government finances and giving the people a bit of a break, even if it's temporary. Maybe that, maybe not. Have we received any tax cut from Trump yet????? Promises don't mean shit.
Cutting taxes to achieve growth is mere speculation. Raising taxes to pay off the debt is not, speculation.

But that's not all of it either, now is it? I really doubt his purpose to cut taxes is the only factor to achieve growth....and we all know raising taxes has yet to be paid for debt. Or is that what you really believe? National debt is a separate item. First comes to balance the budget and that means to exist without borrowing, and your income atleast matches your expenditures to balance down to zero, or better yet, have some leftover so you can pay toward the debt. But first things first is to BALANCE. We're not there yet and if we can't balance, then we sure as hell can't pay toward debt.
There was a pretty large diversion from the topic about "the wars". PLEASE stay on this specific topic.
But Social Security/Medicare was SUPPOSED to be kept separate

surprise, liberal big govt never does what it is supposed to do. That's the entire reason our genius Founders gave us freedom from big liberals govt with our Constitution.

Founding Fathers would have a kanipshun fit if they were alive today to see what this country has become.
How would you know? Did you know them personally? I think they would be amazed at what happened with their little experiment..
Social Security & Medicare have absolutely nothing to do with Welfare & Medicaid. To stop SS & Mcare f.

all welfare entitlements paid for out of general revenue used by Democrats to subvert our democracy, steal our money, and make us vote for Democrats.

But Social Security/Medicare was SUPPOSED to be kept separate as something the people paid into in order to receive back from it, at either disability or retirement. Not included in general funds. Our taxes paid would go to general revenue for any government programs & budgetary financing.
My dear, the government could never have a bank account to keep money in, that has been a trick the left played when the ex vagina candidate said that Social Security had a lock box. The government takes in TAXES(not revenue) distributes those taxes where needed, and if there is a shortage, the national debt goes up, if there is an overage, then tax breaks or new government programs come out. That is why the spending costs back in the 1980 was in the billions, today with all the liberal programs the spending costs are in the trillions. To the liberals it is never enough and they must spend more, tax more, and keep in power. That is why the left is rioting today, because they have lost power.

Have you ever seen the breakdown of where your money goes? What you and others pay to the government doesn't go in as a one lump sum to be distributed as needed elsewhere. What the feds get from gasoline taxes goes to fund transportation costs, what other countries pay for import/export doesn't pay for the space program. Of the thousands or millions of sources of federal income, it is distributed accordingly back to the source of which it came. Some of the income is allotted to the General Fund and/or Social programs.

Social Security & Medicare taxes taken out of your paycheck......goes to pay for those receiving it and those specific expenses. Only because SS was the only solvent government program, have they tapped into it and when you start borrowing from Peter to pay Paul you've got a problem. Not to mention all they've printed to make up for their spending sprees.

Maybe, just maybe things will turn around with Trump...but I'm not holding my breath
Only if the debt and deficit is paid down and he govt. stops borrowing from the treasury dept..
surprise, liberal big govt never does what it is supposed to do. That's the entire reason our genius founders gave us freedom from big liberal govt!!
Sorry, but you are wrong as usual..SS has been played with by the dems and GOP for decades..

you just agreed with me but as a typical liberal moron with his pants down don't know it:
surprise, liberal big govt never does what it is supposed to do.
Neither Social Security nor Medicare will go bankrupt simply because it's not possible. To raise the question means you don't understand bankruptcy or the Structure of Social Security and Medicare.
Neither Social Security nor Medicare will go bankrupt simply because it's not possible.
what they mean is they are in effect bankrupt because they must now use general revenue to sustain them rather than payroll tax as originally intended. Now do you understand???

If they raised payroll tax to 20-30% to pay for them there would be revolt of workers against liberal leech recipients.
I am well used to that liberal stupidity, as it comes from the public indoctrination from public schools.

I disagree most don't study economics in public schools and those that do lack the IQ to understand capitalism. It's an IQ problem far more than an education problem.

What a liberal can understand is that govt is magical and can solve all problems. This is actually what the Democrat Party is based on. This is why they spied for Stalin and Hitler and gave Stalin the bomb when he was starving 60 million to death!!
Can Medicare, Social Security survive 10,000 new boomers a day?
By the time the last of this generation approaches retirement age in 2029, 18 percent of the U.S. will be at least that age, the Pew Research Center projects. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services estimates there will be 81 million beneficiaries in 2030. For sure, many of those Americans will resist retirement if possible for both economic and lifestyle reasons.

But the explosive volume of Americans qualifying for benefits will put extraordinary pressure on government spending for Social Security and Medicare – two of the premier federal entitlement programs that are gradually running short of cash.
Would it be better to stop Welfare after 2 years, FORCE people back to work, instead of them suckling the government teat forever?
Most benefit programs require recipients to work in order to collect. Take Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), for example. Single parents receiving this grant must work at least 30 hours per week in order to be eligible, and two-parent families must work between 35 and 50 hours a week.

Half of all food stamp recipients are children. More than 82% of all food stamp money goes to households that include children, elderly people, or people with disabilities. There is a 3 month limit on singles and couples without children and some states have gone further to require that they have jobs.

For the most part, the poor have jobs. I suppose you want them to get a second job, single mothers with kids should forgo raising their kids in favor a full time job, and of course children, the disabled and the sick should also work. Everybody works right, except of course the uber rich who live off their capital gains and tax free bonds.

I know folks that scam the system, they have more babies cause it equals more government money.

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Oregon welfare is hiring like a house afire. Apparently the budget shortfall is to have absolutely no effect on expanding government here.
I know folks that scam the system, they have more babies cause it equals more government money.

and you don't really have to scam the system. You can legally get free housing, free health care, free food, free education for your kids, and welfare all quite legally. Liberals are anti science and so pursue a survival of the least fit strategy in order to get votes.
. In the near future, when every job will require a genius IQ:)

100% impossible of course since jobs now require far far more intelligence than in stone age and we still have 96% employment!!

Hehehe, funny wording you are. The jobs may be more intelligence than Stone Age but not more intelligence than Stone Age man. Or to be more exact, we still have jobs that require no more intelligence than Stone Age man but not for long. Then you will have 99 % employment and will chew your neighbor's ass for rat meat, hehehe.

Okay. In more civilized terms, the employment rate percentage does not include those who are looking for jobs more than 6 month, i.e. It is only one minus the ratio of most recent layoffs, not unemployment.
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, the employment rate percentage does not include those who are looking for jobs more than 6 month.

totally stupid, liberal, and illiterate!!! U6 does include those looking for work more than 6 months and it is where it was 40 years ago!! Sorry to rock your little world!!
we still have jobs that require no more intelligence than Stone Age man but not for long.

and we have millions and millions of jobs that require college degrees and yet employment is 96%!!!!!! Good for you!!! Of all the things in the world one might worry about you picked the most trivial by far!! But lucky you, you are a liberal with no IQ and no pride so don't need to learn from your mistakes. Tell me in a week again that very soon everyone will need a genius IQ to work and the remainder will need welfare to survive!!
Can Medicare, Social Security survive 10,000 new boomers a day?
By the time the last of this generation approaches retirement age in 2029, 18 percent of the U.S. will be at least that age, the Pew Research Center projects. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services estimates there will be 81 million beneficiaries in 2030. For sure, many of those Americans will resist retirement if possible for both economic and lifestyle reasons.

But the explosive volume of Americans qualifying for benefits will put extraordinary pressure on government spending for Social Security and Medicare – two of the premier federal entitlement programs that are gradually running short of cash.
Would it be better to stop Welfare after 2 years, FORCE people back to work, instead of them suckling the government teat forever?
Most benefit programs require recipients to work in order to collect. Take Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), for example. Single parents receiving this grant must work at least 30 hours per week in order to be eligible, and two-parent families must work between 35 and 50 hours a week.

Half of all food stamp recipients are children. More than 82% of all food stamp money goes to households that include children, elderly people, or people with disabilities. There is a 3 month limit on singles and couples without children and some states have gone further to require that they have jobs.

For the most part, the poor have jobs. I suppose you want them to get a second job, single mothers with kids should forgo raising their kids in favor a full time job, and of course children, the disabled and the sick should also work. Everybody works right, except of course the uber rich who live off their capital gains and tax free bonds.

I know folks that scam the system, they have more babies cause it equals more government money.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And I know someone that's disable to the point he's bed ridden and has been fighting to get the Social Security disability benefits he is entitled for over a year.

However, anecdotal evidence such as some one scamming the system, can't get the disability benefits they are entitle, or on welfare and have a 60 inch TV and drive big car are meaningless because they are the extremes meant to illustrate a point, not the norm, the 1%, not the 99%.
Social Security & Medicare have absolutely nothing to do with Welfare & Medicaid. To stop SS & Mcare from going belly up, DC needs to keep their grubby paws out of it.

It's way too late to "keep their grubby paws out of it" --- since they STOLE the surplus for 30 years from working people, spent it and left NOTHING of value in the "trust fund". Now they steal it again when SS runs deficits and the Treasury issues BRAND NEW DEBT covered by "guess who" to fund the shortfalls. SOME of the people PAYING for that short fall are the same ones who had the surplus stolen from their paychecks in the first place. (and their children/grandchildren).

After that dual grand larceny performance, anyone who believes that Americans will fall for "Universal Anything" ever again -- needs to have their heads examined. We're IN the SS crisis. It's been in deficit since 2010 with NOTHING of value coming out of the Trust Fund.

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