Here we go google-youtube to remove thousans of offensive accounts conservatives hit the hardest

Out of curiosity, I also checked to see if songs that are "mysogynistic" and "homophobic" are still allowed on YouTube. Funny thing. They're right there, easy as pie. First songs I researched popped right up:

DMX - "X is Coming"
“Tryin’ to send the b–ch back to her maker
And if you got a daughter older then 15, I’mma rape her
Take her on the living room floor, right there in front of you
Then ask you seriously, whatchu wanna do?”

5 Hip-Hop Songs that Promote Mistreatment of Women
10 disturbing rap lyrics about rape that came before Rick Ross’ verse
Top 15 Most Disturbing Hip-Hop Songs

Nag Champa - "Afrodisiac For The World"
You couldn't hang if you was a poster
Posin' like a bitch for exposure
It's rumors of gay MC's, just don't come around me wit it
Don't let me find out he did it

Homophobia in hip hop culture - Wikipedia
>No Homo? Hip-Hop and Homophobia (Part 1)
Hip-hop’s most anti-gay lyrics

But anyway, I'm sure we'll see that stuff cleaned up real quick now..
Last edited:
they we're hitting normies

be proud low IQ dumb as dirt lefttards
its the new McCarthyism
BE VERY VERY PROUD you dumb ignorant retards

Follow Follow @MrAllsopHistory
YouTube have banned me for 'hate speech', I think due to clips on Nazi policy featuring propaganda speeches by Nazi leaders. I'm devastated to have this claim levelled against me, and frustrated 15yrs of materials for #HistoryTeacher community have ended so abruptly.
10:36 AM - 5 Jun 2019
Drunken Peasants
This is a video from 4 years ago where we mocked a conspiracy theorist that we called "Kinky Joe" for claiming Sandy Hook was a false flag. Today YouTube decided to first disable comments on it and later remove it. How was it not clear that we were condemning these beliefs?
3:00 PM - Jun 5, 2019
Jesse Lee Peterson
YouTube demonetized my channel right after taking down videos *condemning* anti-Jewish hatred by whites & Muslims! I always tell people to stop hating & blaming. @YouTubeTeam, you made an error. Do the right thing & reinstate my channel privileges/features immediately.
4:29 PM - Jun 5, 2019 · Los Angeles, CA

Lawyer Alan Dershowitz says "the inmates run the asylum."

the whole culture is rotting because of loud mouth useful idiots and children
why did i post this .....cause they so easily eat their own

normies out their think about it
wake me when its time

Last edited:
Again with the wailing and gnashing of the teeth...Have they ever thought of not being so offensive they don't get banned?
good lord you could not say anything more stupid than this.

crowder, for example, recently had ALL OF HIS VIDEOS approved by youtube. ALL GOOD - NO FOULS. then the other day he gets hit for a few of them and no logical reason for why they're SUDDENLY no good. they finally come back and make a public statement that he needs to remove his FIGS shirt from his channel.

only they go public before they even bother telling him about it. they have no logical rhyme or reason for why videos they approved months ago are suddenly wrong. even from as far back as 2015.

Vox and the left is driving this and youtube is bending the knee for them.

have you ever thought of educating yourself on a topic before saying shit that makes you the fool?

they demonitized about everyone who VOX and buddy doesn't like cause they cried all over the place to shut them up. why? so they can control what is said and eventually thought. is that what you want cause that's what happens when you allow companies to run roughshod over other opinions.
if you don't realize it - we are in fact at war. not the bullets and blood type but the control method where they want to shut down anyone who doesn't think like them. if you happen to think like they do NOW great. you won't in time. that's how this shit works. if you value "freedom of speech" this should infuriate you.
No surprise there. They're trying to set the narrative for 2020. Just go to the alternative. Oops! there is none, well that kinda sucks. I say: Say what you want anyway.
Here We Go... Google-YouTube to Remove THOUSANDS of Offensive Accounts -- Conservatives to be Hit the Hardest
In 2019 The Gateway Pundit was more accurate in reporting the top stories than the Washington Post, New York Times, CNN and the rest of the liberal mainstream media.

Google is your friend Darth Vadar said so ( google CEO)........ you idiots let them in your home " Hey google" lmfao. Hey ALexa lmfao!!!

Assholes are always the last to figure out they're assholes.
they we're hitting normies

be proud low IQ dumb as dirt lefttards
its the new McCarthyism
BE VERY VERY PROUD you dumb ignorant retards

Follow Follow @MrAllsopHistory
YouTube have banned me for 'hate speech', I think due to clips on Nazi policy featuring propaganda speeches by Nazi leaders. I'm devastated to have this claim levelled against me, and frustrated 15yrs of materials for #HistoryTeacher community have ended so abruptly.
10:36 AM - 5 Jun 2019
Drunken Peasants
This is a video from 4 years ago where we mocked a conspiracy theorist that we called "Kinky Joe" for claiming Sandy Hook was a false flag. Today YouTube decided to first disable comments on it and later remove it. How was it not clear that we were condemning these beliefs?
3:00 PM - Jun 5, 2019
Jesse Lee Peterson
YouTube demonetized my channel right after taking down videos *condemning* anti-Jewish hatred by whites & Muslims! I always tell people to stop hating & blaming. @YouTubeTeam, you made an error. Do the right thing & reinstate my channel privileges/features immediately.
4:29 PM - Jun 5, 2019 · Los Angeles, CA

You dopes never had a public voice before the rise of the internet. We as a society have realized the malignant nature of your rhetoric and are simply beginning to reinstitute the guardrails that historically kept you in check.
Back in your hole, troll.

You'll never conquer Americans, you leftist piece of dogshit.
they we're hitting normies

be proud low IQ dumb as dirt lefttards
its the new McCarthyism
BE VERY VERY PROUD you dumb ignorant retards

Follow Follow @MrAllsopHistory
YouTube have banned me for 'hate speech', I think due to clips on Nazi policy featuring propaganda speeches by Nazi leaders. I'm devastated to have this claim levelled against me, and frustrated 15yrs of materials for #HistoryTeacher community have ended so abruptly.
10:36 AM - 5 Jun 2019
Drunken Peasants
This is a video from 4 years ago where we mocked a conspiracy theorist that we called "Kinky Joe" for claiming Sandy Hook was a false flag. Today YouTube decided to first disable comments on it and later remove it. How was it not clear that we were condemning these beliefs?
3:00 PM - Jun 5, 2019
Jesse Lee Peterson
YouTube demonetized my channel right after taking down videos *condemning* anti-Jewish hatred by whites & Muslims! I always tell people to stop hating & blaming. @YouTubeTeam, you made an error. Do the right thing & reinstate my channel privileges/features immediately.
4:29 PM - Jun 5, 2019 · Los Angeles, CA
You dopes never had a public voice before the rise of the internet. We as a society have realized the malignant nature of your rhetoric and are simply beginning to reinstitute the guardrails that historically kept you in check.
Back in your hole, troll.
they we're hitting normies

be proud low IQ dumb as dirt lefttards
its the new McCarthyism
BE VERY VERY PROUD you dumb ignorant retards

Follow Follow @MrAllsopHistory
YouTube have banned me for 'hate speech', I think due to clips on Nazi policy featuring propaganda speeches by Nazi leaders. I'm devastated to have this claim levelled against me, and frustrated 15yrs of materials for #HistoryTeacher community have ended so abruptly.
10:36 AM - 5 Jun 2019
Drunken Peasants
This is a video from 4 years ago where we mocked a conspiracy theorist that we called "Kinky Joe" for claiming Sandy Hook was a false flag. Today YouTube decided to first disable comments on it and later remove it. How was it not clear that we were condemning these beliefs?
3:00 PM - Jun 5, 2019
Jesse Lee Peterson
YouTube demonetized my channel right after taking down videos *condemning* anti-Jewish hatred by whites & Muslims! I always tell people to stop hating & blaming. @YouTubeTeam, you made an error. Do the right thing & reinstate my channel privileges/features immediately.
4:29 PM - Jun 5, 2019 · Los Angeles, CA

You dopes never had a public voice before the rise of the internet. We as a society have realized the malignant nature of your rhetoric and are simply beginning to reinstitute the guardrails that historically kept you in check.
Back in your hole, troll.

You'll never conquer Americans, you leftist piece of dogshit.

Sure. That's why you're crying now, loser. :crybaby:
they we're hitting normies

be proud low IQ dumb as dirt lefttards
its the new McCarthyism
BE VERY VERY PROUD you dumb ignorant retards

Follow Follow @MrAllsopHistory
YouTube have banned me for 'hate speech', I think due to clips on Nazi policy featuring propaganda speeches by Nazi leaders. I'm devastated to have this claim levelled against me, and frustrated 15yrs of materials for #HistoryTeacher community have ended so abruptly.
10:36 AM - 5 Jun 2019
Drunken Peasants
This is a video from 4 years ago where we mocked a conspiracy theorist that we called "Kinky Joe" for claiming Sandy Hook was a false flag. Today YouTube decided to first disable comments on it and later remove it. How was it not clear that we were condemning these beliefs?
3:00 PM - Jun 5, 2019
Jesse Lee Peterson
YouTube demonetized my channel right after taking down videos *condemning* anti-Jewish hatred by whites & Muslims! I always tell people to stop hating & blaming. @YouTubeTeam, you made an error. Do the right thing & reinstate my channel privileges/features immediately.
4:29 PM - Jun 5, 2019 · Los Angeles, CA

You dopes never had a public voice before the rise of the internet. We as a society have realized the malignant nature of your rhetoric and are simply beginning to reinstitute the guardrails that historically kept you in check.
Back in your hole, troll.

You'll never conquer Americans, you leftist piece of dogshit.

Sure. That's why you're crying now, loser. :crybaby:

I'm laughing at your fuckass. ;) Dipshit.
they we're hitting normies

be proud low IQ dumb as dirt lefttards
its the new McCarthyism
BE VERY VERY PROUD you dumb ignorant retards

Follow Follow @MrAllsopHistory
YouTube have banned me for 'hate speech', I think due to clips on Nazi policy featuring propaganda speeches by Nazi leaders. I'm devastated to have this claim levelled against me, and frustrated 15yrs of materials for #HistoryTeacher community have ended so abruptly.
10:36 AM - 5 Jun 2019
Drunken Peasants
This is a video from 4 years ago where we mocked a conspiracy theorist that we called "Kinky Joe" for claiming Sandy Hook was a false flag. Today YouTube decided to first disable comments on it and later remove it. How was it not clear that we were condemning these beliefs?
3:00 PM - Jun 5, 2019
Jesse Lee Peterson
YouTube demonetized my channel right after taking down videos *condemning* anti-Jewish hatred by whites & Muslims! I always tell people to stop hating & blaming. @YouTubeTeam, you made an error. Do the right thing & reinstate my channel privileges/features immediately.
4:29 PM - Jun 5, 2019 · Los Angeles, CA

You dopes never had a public voice before the rise of the internet. We as a society have realized the malignant nature of your rhetoric and are simply beginning to reinstitute the guardrails that historically kept you in check.
Back in your hole, troll.

You'll never conquer Americans, you leftist piece of dogshit.

Sure. That's why you're crying now, loser. :crybaby:

I'm laughing at your fuckass. ;) Dipshit.

Sure. Laughing through gnashed teeth and weepy eyes. Get moving. Back to your hole.
Here We Go... Google-YouTube to Remove THOUSANDS of Offensive Accounts -- Conservatives to be Hit the Hardest
In 2019 The Gateway Pundit was more accurate in reporting the top stories than the Washington Post, New York Times, CNN and the rest of the liberal mainstream media.

Google is your friend Darth Vadar said so ( google CEO)........ you idiots let them in your home " Hey google" lmfao. Hey ALexa lmfao!!!
its election season
the first dem debate is only a month or less away

you dont want us crazy right wingers running around loose on the Internet do you ?
we all be just better off if we listen to our left wing betters and vote for the communists

Good to see you finally coming to your senses.
Again with the wailing and gnashing of the teeth...Have they ever thought of not being so offensive they don't get banned?
since when in our first amendment world is offensive not allowed?
I don't remember corporations signing a bill of rights.
They operate on American soil and therefore are bound by the first amendment. They should move to China...they would fit in better there.

You're really dumb.
Again with the wailing and gnashing of the teeth...Have they ever thought of not being so offensive they don't get banned?
since when in our first amendment world is offensive not allowed?
I don't remember corporations signing a bill of rights.
They operate on American soil and therefore are bound by the first amendment. They should move to China...they would fit in better there.
What does the first amendment say?
Here We Go... Google-YouTube to Remove THOUSANDS of Offensive Accounts -- Conservatives to be Hit the Hardest
In 2019 The Gateway Pundit was more accurate in reporting the top stories than the Washington Post, New York Times, CNN and the rest of the liberal mainstream media.

Google is your friend Darth Vadar said so ( google CEO)........ you idiots let them in your home " Hey google" lmfao. Hey ALexa lmfao!!!
"Conservatives to be Hit the Hardest" is because they are the most offensive.
Out of curiosity, I also checked to see if songs that are "mysogynistic" and "homophobic" are still allowed on YouTube. Funny thing. They're right there, easy as pie. First songs I researched popped right up:

DMX - "X is Coming"
“Tryin’ to send the b–ch back to her maker
And if you got a daughter older then 15, I’mma rape her
Take her on the living room floor, right there in front of you
Then ask you seriously, whatchu wanna do?”

5 Hip-Hop Songs that Promote Mistreatment of Women
10 disturbing rap lyrics about rape that came before Rick Ross’ verse
Top 15 Most Disturbing Hip-Hop Songs

Nag Champa - "Afrodisiac For The World"
You couldn't hang if you was a poster
Posin' like a bitch for exposure
It's rumors of gay MC's, just don't come around me wit it
Don't let me find out he did it

Homophobia in hip hop culture - Wikipedia
>No Homo? Hip-Hop and Homophobia (Part 1)
Hip-hop’s most anti-gay lyrics

But anyway, I'm sure we'll see that stuff cleaned up real quick now..

Wow. Nice guy.

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