Here We Go: Teacher Shortages 22-23

Education should teach people how to live, not just how to make a living. That's the failing of the system. The time and place to teach life-skills is when people are gathered in one place and you have their attention; that would be the schoolhouse.

I would say much of that is left to the parents. When you expect schools to teach "life skills" you're getting into what a lot of my fellow conservatives say is over-stepping. And they're not wrong, IMO...depending on what you mean by life skills.
I think all high school students should take a course on basic financial literacy. (I do volunteer tutoring on the subject, and it is appalling how little some people know. I‘ve come across people who don’t know that a loan involves interest and think instead that if you borrow $1000, you just pay back that $1000.)

Back in the dark ages this used to be covered in what we called "home economics". You could make a case that this is more useful knowledge, especially in 2022, than knowing off the top of your head that the Civil War occurred in 1861-1865. Etc. You can "google that" in 10 seconds. You can't google how to manage your finances in 10 seconds.
That’s true. I was in my 20s, just starting out with a salary of $42,000 (2022 dollars), for year-round work and 2 weeks of vacation, and I was expected to show up in three-piece suits (this was the 80s), with good shoes. The dry-cleaning bills and the constant purchase of nylons was a fortune. Even the parking lot was $35 a month - about $100 today. Those were hefty prices for a starting salary, but I didn’t complain - I was taught by my parents that new grads have to go through “salad days” in the beginning.

Yes but that was the 80s.

Right? The 80s. I was there too. I graduated college in 1992, so close. I remember.

We can lament that those days are gone, but those days are...gone, for the most part. Nylons are gone. Three piece suits are gone. Working yourself to the bone and burning out as an expectation is gone. Employers have wellness programs. Check us out in 1992 saying "What the hell is 'wellness'?"

We might swing a little closer to those days as the economy sinks, and that would be a good thing. But I don't think we'll ever go completely back.
I would say much of that is left to the parents. When you expect schools to teach "life skills" you're getting into what a lot of my fellow conservatives say is over-stepping. And they're not wrong, IMO...depending on what you mean by life skills.

what grade do you teach and which State?
I teach Middle School Math, in Western WA.
I was an electronics instructor in the Air Force. We had something called discipline. If a student got out of line or was too much of a smart ass, we could just call his commander and he would end up peeling potatoes with a kitchen knife for hours.

I can’t remember one time that was ever done. It simply never was necessary.

I wouldn’t teach in a high school today. Public schools lack discipline, consequently teaching is largely a waste of time. To top it off many schools are “woke” and/or teaching fake history.

This is one of the biggest reasons teachers cite for leaving. Student behavior very near the top, with no parental or admin back up when bad behavior occurs.

I am very petite and have been physically attacked at school so many times that my husband is done with it completely. I have been hit, bitten, pushed, had things thrown at me and bruised. On this board, the answer I get to that is, "What you can't take this stuff from LITTLE KIDS?!?!"

These *little kids* often outweigh me by thirty pounds or more, and are inches taller. I'm left with them, kids who need support and are known to be violent, with no aides or paras because we don't have them.

We are told when we are attacked that it's "Part of the job". Some of us are so done we're ready to just call the police when it happens. One of my coworkers got punched in the face by a student. The admin asked her "What did you do to provoke him?"

Not making this up.
This is one of the biggest reasons teachers cite for leaving. Student behavior very near the top, with no parental or admin back up when bad behavior occurs.

I am very petite and have been physically attacked at school so many times that my husband is done with it completely. I have been hit, bitten, pushed, had things thrown at me and bruised. On this board, the answer I get to that is, "What you can't take this stuff from LITTLE KIDS?!?!"

These *little kids* often outweigh me by thirty pounds or more, and are inches taller. I'm left with them, kids who need support and are known to be violent, with no aides or paras because we don't have them.

We are told when we are attacked that it's "Part of the job". Some of us are so done we're ready to just call the police when it happens. One of my coworkers got punched in the face by a student. The admin asked her "What did you do to provoke him?"

Not making this up.
My daughter worked as a substitute teacher for a year and said discipline in the schools where she worked was terrible. Her schooling was largely in the 1980s and she said there was much less discipline at the in the schools where she was substituting than when she went to school.

I believe your story and like your husband I will suggest you consider leaving the teaching profession. As I said I would never teach in today’s high schools because of the lack of discipline. I would hate going to work every day. That’s no way to live.
My daughter worked as a substitute teacher for a year and said discipline in the schools where she worked was terrible. Her schooling was largely in the 1980s and she said there was much less discipline at the in the schools where she was substituting than when she went to school.

I believe your story and like your husband I will suggest you consider leaving the teaching profession. As I said I would never teach in today’s high schools because of the lack of discipline. I would hate going to work every day. That’s no way to live.

Here's how stupid my profession can be.

The latest is "trauma-informed teaching" right? So the idea is, all these kids behave this way because they've been traumatized.

Me: "Okay. But then why is it okay for these traumatized kids to come to school and be VIOLENT in the classroom? You realize if children witnessed this level of violence in their homes, CPS would remove them. It would be domestic violence; it would be considered traumatizing. But we allow traumatized children in school to traumatize OTHER children because....trauma."

I have typed this, said this, to admin. Want to know what I get in response?

Crickets. It's like no one ever thinks of this, and no one has a solution except to bark back, "TRAUMA!". Oh yeah, and I'm mean because I'm thinking of the OTHER kids and not the kid kicking, hitting, biting and throwing things.

That's the mess we're in. But I'm not supposed to talk about it, because talking about it makes me a Bad Teacher.
Well I am highly skeptical of crazy people on the internet. Plus, I owe you nothing. Plus, you are creepily really obsessed with knowing.
Plus, you are creepily really obsessed with knowing.

Not really Sue.
You do owe me NOTHING, I totally agree.
But transparency is Valued.
True SweetSue92
Me: "Okay. But then why is it okay for these traumatized kids to come to school and be VIOLENT in the classroom? You realize if children witnessed this level of violence in their homes, CPS would remove them. It would be domestic violence; it would be considered traumatizing. But we allow traumatized children in school to traumatize OTHER children because....trauma."
Then why Sue, Why do you support the idea of teachers, other than you, grooming student to be gay, cut off their units, other sick shit.
In 37 years, I have NEVER seen what your fellow conservative posters describe.
Do you need names SweetSue92 ?
Thank you for admitting I did not use those words, despite your saying I did.

The teachers worked EVERY quarter and there was no such thing as vacation. Your time off was during the breaks between quarters. Yes, it was a 12 month schedule.

I respect your Navy service as I was also Navy.

I have to ask for clarification. You have a certification to teach in CTE, yet you never claim to have been a teacher, which is very easy to do. How many years did you teach? You realize CTE is not a core-content area, so you actually would have students who WANT to be in that class.

I eagerly await your response to try to understand how you can be so far out of touch with reality.


#1 I clearly indicated that my words characterizing a 30-year old attempt at year round schools was a band aid measure to overcrowding and exploding class sizes were my words not yours.

#2 I said I qualified as a teacher, I didn't say that I currently have a certification. I chose to go into the private sector because frankly with a wife and two children at the time I couldn't afford the pay cut.

#3 Go back and read my posts against and this time try to take the chip off your shoulder. I've clearly indicated my thoughts converting education into a 12-month profession were hypothetical and not likely to occur and provided the reasons for that. That is in touch with reality.

Great Tory.

But since I lean "left" you continually put me down, as if I'm grooming students.
I'm sure your time in the NAVY made you a superior teacher / administraitor.
Winco, I respect your opinions on education, because in that area, you seem to have a firm grasp on reality. On the other hand, your extreme liberal positions on politics make me cast doubt on that grasp.
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#1 I clearly indicated that my words characterizing a 30-year old attempt at year round schools was a band aid measure to overcrowding and exploding class sizes were my words not yours.

#2 I said I qualified as a teacher, I didn't say that I currently have a certification. I chose to go into the private sector because frankly with a wife and two children at the time I couldn't afford the pay cut.

#3 Go back and read my posts against and this time try to take the chip off your shoulder. I've clearly indicated my thoughts converting education into a 12-month profession were hypothetical and not likely to occur and provided the reasons for that. That is in touch with reality.

You are NOT reading my posts. That is a simple fact is because you have never been a classroom teacher, your opinions are without merit. My 21 years trumps your zero years every time. My Master's in Educational Leadership and I spent many year as team leader and assistant principal/principal meaning I am very familiar with other core content subjects. Sorry, but you are unqualified to opine.

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