Here's A List of the Jerks Who Are About to Shut Down Our Goverment

Want to know who these assholes are?

List of politicians affiliated with the Tea Party movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Remember them come the next election.

I sure will and would vote them with no problem.

Then you are willing to see our country go into the toilet if these children don't get what they want?
These morons will be howling if we default, interest rates go up, and their credit card rates go up 10% overnight.

Most of them carry high balances on their cards, buying more than they can afford.

And if they don't think it will happen, look at gas prices: if there is a crisis in the Middle East, gas prices go up immediately, even though the gas they are selling was bought already at the lower, pre-crisis level. And we never see the price go back down just as fast.
LOL. Progressives only respect the common person if they toe the line and parrot the same statist talking points the progressives do. If not, then you are clearly an enemy to be crushed, and not even allowed to HAVE an opinion. Groupthink all the way for goverment-bots.

The federal government was never intended to be a money exchange between ANYONE. Progressives like you have turned it into your own personal piggy bank, bloated it beyond measure, and then have the gall to get mad when those of us funding it get pissy about it.

Keep supporting people's right to be lazy and stupid and not produce anything. sooner or later none of us who actually hold this shit up will be around anymore, and then you will bitch and moan that all your freebies are gone.

That's why you're a conservative and I'm a liberal. In the long run of things, I would much rather have it said of me that I embraced liberal thinking than the philosophy of the right: I've got mine - screw you.

Not everyone in our society is capable of being financially independent. The difference between dems and repubs is that repubs don't care about such people. Dems do.

What a load of liberal bullshit!!

If it wasn't for liberal policy keeping poor people poor they could become "financially independent".

Republicans want to help them (poor people) help themselves and for government to stay out of their way, Democrats won't them to be dependent on government.

Liberal policies (socialism) is a huge failure and history proves it.

Thank you for your opinion.

I like your sig line: "The only way to be a Texan is to be born a Texan."

Do you know how to get to Texas from California? You go east until you SMELL IT and then south until you STEP IN IT.
Republicans piously love to proclaim their support for the "common person." The problem with that is that their definition of the "common person" is limited to the haves in our society and excludes the have-nots. Are you a have-not? Too bad, pal. You should have earned it the way we did. Fuck you. Can't afford health insurance? Too bad, pal - go out there, get to work and earn the money to buy it, the way WE did.

And that's what this health care mess is really all about, isn't it, Marty? You fat cats just BOIL when anyone tries to suggest that you might have to fork over a buck or two extra for tax dollars that will be used to fund the affordable healthcare act.

So don't come on here and spew this crap about how Democrats have disdain for the common person. The Democratic party is all about respect for the common person.

LOL. Progressives only respect the common person if they toe the line and parrot the same statist talking points the progressives do. If not, then you are clearly an enemy to be crushed, and not even allowed to HAVE an opinion. Groupthink all the way for goverment-bots.

The federal government was never intended to be a money exchange between ANYONE. Progressives like you have turned it into your own personal piggy bank, bloated it beyond measure, and then have the gall to get mad when those of us funding it get pissy about it.

Keep supporting people's right to be lazy and stupid and not produce anything. sooner or later none of us who actually hold this shit up will be around anymore, and then you will bitch and moan that all your freebies are gone.

That's why you're a conservative and I'm a liberal. In the long run of things, I would much rather have it said of me that I embraced liberal thinking than the philosophy of the right: I've got mine - screw you.

Not everyone in our society is capable of being financially independent. The difference between dems and repubs is that repubs don't care about such people. Dems do.

Being liberal means loving to play with other people's money, and not caring that the system will eventually collapse due to its own bloated weight. In the end you don't care about acutal results, you only care about being able to say "I cared." So a crappy education system with money thrown at it is fine, because "At least I cared." Millions of people stuck in poverty due to a welfare system that rewards staying put instead of getting on ones feet is ok because "At least I cared." More and more regulations that screw over buisness and give jobs to feckless burecrats is ok because "At least I cared"

We can do without progressives caring so much, especially when doing it with other people's money.
That's right. Double down on stubbornness. When an overwhelming majority of the country blames republicans, insist on standing firm no matter how wrong your heroes may be.

Yeah, because the media says so, its obviously true. go back to being a government stooge sheep.

Come on, your response has become a hackneyed echo used by everyone on the right. For the record, the MSM posts comments by pols on the right and the left, unfettered comments, allowing viewer/listener to draw their own conclusions.

Anyone who believes Obama and the Democrats are responsible for the situation our nation and the world faces today must listen to Hannity, et al. I listened to him today for about 1/2 hour while in the car and concluded the guy is dumb (I knew that before, but it feels good to write it).

He rambled on and on about Scott Walker and how poorly has been the roll out of the ACA (Obamacare). Nothing he babbled was substantive, his entire argument was "ain't the ACA awful" and "Scott Walker is the second coming of Ronald Reagan".

No wonder the guy dropped out of college, his monologues on paper wouldn't pass an Eng. 101, or 1A class in any university, college or JC in the nation.

Typical liberal "intellectual" arrogance. Progressives usually dont think thier shit stinks, but everyone who disagrees with them is a shit stained yokel.

Of course anyone in the media that doesnt toe the Obama/progressive line has to be crushed.

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