Here's One Poll Democrat Fake News Doesn't Want You To See...

Keep track of these Trumptards that selectively post polls now, after Trumptopia declared all polls bogus.

Then we can throw them back at them the next time they reject the validity of a poll they don't like.

More Democrat Fake News. He never said 'all' polls are bogus.

lol, that's the point. Trump has openly demonstrated that he only believes polls he likes, and now his entire cult has taken up that practice.
As populations and the pace of change both increase many world leaders are finding it hard going in votes and opinion polls. I guess you could say Trump is trying to do something about it although I fear encouraging recent industries might not be the best way to go. As an example my car is mostly carbon fibre, polymer with some aluminium and a tiny little bit of steel (I'm British so spell the British way). Having a bunch of guys dig out ore and coal, turn that into eventually steel and make a car out of it is of no interest to me and my cash. My car was made in an oven!

In my view governments, that of the USA included, would be well advised to help new society develop, not try and keep the one that is history. Speaking from the outside I think Obama was trying to do that albeit with his hands tied. If you vote for the 1970's and 1980's I fear you'll get the 1930's.
Keep track of these Trumptards that selectively post polls now, after Trumptopia declared all polls bogus.

Then we can throw them back at them the next time they reject the validity of a poll they don't like.

More Democrat Fake News. He never said 'all' polls are bogus.

More from Gallup

Trump is starting with the smallest share of Americans saying they approve of his job performance in Gallup's poll going back to President Harry Truman. Before Trump, Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush started with the lowest percent approval, at 51 percent each.

Keep track of these Trumptards that selectively post polls now, after Trumptopia declared all polls bogus.

Then we can throw them back at them the next time they reject the validity of a poll they don't like.

More Democrat Fake News. He never said 'all' polls are bogus.

He was pointing out that Trumptards declared polls were bogus when they showed anything bad about Trump.

And thats what you did.
Keep track of these Trumptards that selectively post polls now, after Trumptopia declared all polls bogus.

Then we can throw them back at them the next time they reject the validity of a poll they don't like.

More Democrat Fake News. He never said 'all' polls are bogus.

More from Gallup

Trump is starting with the smallest share of Americans saying they approve of his job performance in Gallup's poll going back to President Harry Truman. Before Trump, Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush started with the lowest percent approval, at 51 percent each.


Apples & Oranges. Different poll. Don't try to derail my thread. It's rude. Thank you.
Keep track of these Trumptards that selectively post polls now, after Trumptopia declared all polls bogus.

Then we can throw them back at them the next time they reject the validity of a poll they don't like.

More Democrat Fake News. He never said 'all' polls are bogus.

More from Gallup

Trump is starting with the smallest share of Americans saying they approve of his job performance in Gallup's poll going back to President Harry Truman. Before Trump, Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush started with the lowest percent approval, at 51 percent each.


Apples & Oranges. Different poll. Don't try to derail my thread. It's rude. Thank you.

Ah does my posting other polls detract from you trying to stay on point in attacking Obama?
Poor little snowflake
As President Obama left the White House, the mainstream press was falling over itself proclaiming how popular he was.

"Obama leaving office on a very high note," was a typical headline.

Yet despite the media's fixation with polls, the press completely buried one of the more newsworthy poll findings — a Gallup report that came out last Friday, which took a final look at the President Obama's popularity over his eight years in office.

That poll found that Obama's overall average approval rating was a dismal 47.9%.

Only three presidents scored worse than Obama since Gallup started doing these surveys in 1945: never-elected Gerald Ford (47.2%), one-termer Jimmy Carter (45.4%), and Harry Truman (45.4%).

Obama even did worse overall than Richard Nixon, whose average approval was 49%, and was less popular overall than George W. Bush, who got an average 49.4%...

Here's One Poll The Press Doesn't Want You To See

From your own citation:
  • Only Truman, Ford, Carter had lower averages as president
  • Final job approval rating of 59% among the highest for presidents
  • Obama ratings avoided extreme highs, lows
Despite subpar approval ratings for much of his presidency, Obama finished strong. His final job approval rating, based on Jan. 17-19 Gallup Daily tracking, was 59%. Only Clinton (66%) and Reagan (63%) had higher scores in Gallup's last measurement of their approval ratings, while Eisenhower (59%) and Kennedy (58%) had similar final ratings.

Thanks for the opportunity to remember how President Obama finished as one of the most popular Presidents in history.

Clearly, you aren't getting this. The rankings show overall average ratings for entire Presidencies.

Clearly, you don't want anyone to read the Gallup article you cited- from your citation:

  • Only Truman, Ford, Carter had lower averages as president
  • Final job approval rating of 59% among the highest for presidents
  • Obama ratings avoided extreme highs, lows
His final job approval rating, based on Jan. 17-19 Gallup Daily tracking, was 59%. Only Clinton (66%) and Reagan (63%) had higher scores in Gallup's last measurement of their approval ratings......

Thanks for the opportunity to remember how President Obama finished as one of the most popular Presidents in history.

Oh, now you're just being a petulant child. The poll depicts overall average approval ratings throughout entire Presidencies. But you know that. You're just choosing to be a a typical Snowflake wanka.

Which is code for Dschutes being a poor little snowflake who doesn't want anyone derailing his propaganda mission.

  • Final job approval rating of 59% among the highest for presidents
  • Obama ratings avoided extreme highs, lows
His final job approval rating, based on Jan. 17-19 Gallup Daily tracking, was 59%. Only Clinton (66%) and Reagan (63%) had higher scores in Gallup's last measurement of their approval ratings......

Thanks for the opportunity to remember how President Obama finished as one of the most popular Presidents in history
The people have rated Obama by voting for him in two elections, now the historians will vote. Each four years the historians select a number of their best to rate, not only the ex-president, but all the ex-presidents once again. The historians have a knowledge of what when on during the president's term and are able to put a fairer, less political judgement call. So of the 45 ex-presidents where will Obama end up? My prediction twenty-fifth or better.
Who gives a shit about average, during term, popularity?

It is how history judges your time in office after the fact that really matters.

Lincoln was pretty widely hated and ridiculed while in office, but historically he became considered one of the top, if not the top president.

Views of President Lincoln, 1861
It's about history?
What's Obama's legacy?

  1. You can keep your doctor.
  2. $2,500 a year savings in healthcare costs.
  3. We did not pay a ransom to Iran.
  4. This deal will keep Iran from obtains nuclear weapons.
  5. Golfing during major crisis situations.
  6. Dividing America to historical level tensions.
  7. Starting wars with two sovereign nations without Congressional approval that posed no threat to US
  8. Letting ISIS start and mature into an international terrorist group.
  9. Routine Islamic terrorist attacks in America under his watch.
  10. Alienating all of our traditional allies.
  11. Losing Iraq and Afghanistan after he declared victory.
  12. The spiking of major crimes under his watch.
  13. The jobless and wage falling recovery that is longest in history.
  14. Forcing girls to accept men into their school bathrooms and showers.
  15. Inability to state who is conducting terrorism.
  16. Using the IRS as a political weapon.
  17. Alepo
  18. Race relations.

Excuse while I completely ignore your...umm...slightly bias take on Obama's legacy.
Feel free to chime in any time and let us know what the Obama legacy will be most remembered for.

Well for starters SOMEWHERE in your carefully blocked off memory there must be a placeholder for the biggest recession in modern history that Obama inherited, stimulative, expansionary policies his administration took to counter it and stable recovery and growth that followed.

He was also the first president to succeed in passing a major healthcare reform and even though ultimately more time is needed for history to write the final word on it, it certainly succeeded in cutting uninsured rate in this country by almost half, accelerate healthcare modernization and moderately slow the growth of healthcare spending. It also paved the way for further reforms.
So Obamacare (obsolete by March) is his claim to fame? Then you agree, worst President ever.
Who gives a shit about average, during term, popularity?

It is how history judges your time in office after the fact that really matters.

Lincoln was pretty widely hated and ridiculed while in office, but historically he became considered one of the top, if not the top president.

Views of President Lincoln, 1861
It's about history?
What's Obama's legacy?

  1. You can keep your doctor.
  2. $2,500 a year savings in healthcare costs.
  3. We did not pay a ransom to Iran.
  4. This deal will keep Iran from obtains nuclear weapons.
  5. Golfing during major crisis situations.
  6. Dividing America to historical level tensions.
  7. Starting wars with two sovereign nations without Congressional approval that posed no threat to US
  8. Letting ISIS start and mature into an international terrorist group.
  9. Routine Islamic terrorist attacks in America under his watch.
  10. Alienating all of our traditional allies.
  11. Losing Iraq and Afghanistan after he declared victory.
  12. The spiking of major crimes under his watch.
  13. The jobless and wage falling recovery that is longest in history.
  14. Forcing girls to accept men into their school bathrooms and showers.
  15. Inability to state who is conducting terrorism.
  16. Using the IRS as a political weapon.
  17. Alepo
  18. Race relations.

Excuse while I completely ignore your...umm...slightly bias take on Obama's legacy.
Feel free to chime in any time and let us know what the Obama legacy will be most remembered for.

Well for starters SOMEWHERE in your carefully blocked off memory there must be a placeholder for the biggest recession in modern history that Obama inherited, stimulative, expansionary policies his administration took to counter it and stable recovery and growth that followed.

He was also the first president to succeed in passing a major healthcare reform and even though ultimately more time is needed for history to write the final word on it, it certainly succeeded in cutting uninsured rate in this country by almost half, accelerate healthcare modernization and moderately slow the growth of healthcare spending. It also paved the way for further reforms.
So Obamacare (obsolete by March) is his claim to fame? Then you agree, worst President ever.

You are out on the moon.

Republicans cannot simply make Obamacare obsolete. There 20 million people or so that get insurance today because of that system, and it politically CAN'T be undone. Republicans are now FORCED by Obamacare to come up with something else and they are sweating BIG LEAGUE now to try to figure out what.

They want to still cover up-to-26 year olds on their parent's insurance, they still want to force insurance companies to cover people with pre-existing conditions and for the most part they don't want to kick people off of medicaid expansion. What they don't want is to face the DOWNSIDES all that necessitates. They want to find free lunches to make all that happen better then Obamacare, to which I say good luck.
It's about history?
What's Obama's legacy?

  1. You can keep your doctor.
  2. $2,500 a year savings in healthcare costs.
  3. We did not pay a ransom to Iran.
  4. This deal will keep Iran from obtains nuclear weapons.
  5. Golfing during major crisis situations.
  6. Dividing America to historical level tensions.
  7. Starting wars with two sovereign nations without Congressional approval that posed no threat to US
  8. Letting ISIS start and mature into an international terrorist group.
  9. Routine Islamic terrorist attacks in America under his watch.
  10. Alienating all of our traditional allies.
  11. Losing Iraq and Afghanistan after he declared victory.
  12. The spiking of major crimes under his watch.
  13. The jobless and wage falling recovery that is longest in history.
  14. Forcing girls to accept men into their school bathrooms and showers.
  15. Inability to state who is conducting terrorism.
  16. Using the IRS as a political weapon.
  17. Alepo
  18. Race relations.

Excuse while I completely ignore your...umm...slightly bias take on Obama's legacy.
Feel free to chime in any time and let us know what the Obama legacy will be most remembered for.

Well for starters SOMEWHERE in your carefully blocked off memory there must be a placeholder for the biggest recession in modern history that Obama inherited, stimulative, expansionary policies his administration took to counter it and stable recovery and growth that followed.

He was also the first president to succeed in passing a major healthcare reform and even though ultimately more time is needed for history to write the final word on it, it certainly succeeded in cutting uninsured rate in this country by almost half, accelerate healthcare modernization and moderately slow the growth of healthcare spending. It also paved the way for further reforms.
So Obamacare (obsolete by March) is his claim to fame? Then you agree, worst President ever.

You are out on the moon.

Republicans cannot simply make Obamacare obsolete. There 20 million people or so that get insurance today because of that system, and it politically CAN'T be undone. Republicans are now FORCED by Obamacare to come up with something else and they are sweating overtime now to try to figure out what.
Not my fault Obama's only legacy is the destruction of the healthcare system.
But as usual, Republicans will clean up the mess left behind by Democrats.
Excuse while I completely ignore your...umm...slightly bias take on Obama's legacy.
Feel free to chime in any time and let us know what the Obama legacy will be most remembered for.

Well for starters SOMEWHERE in your carefully blocked off memory there must be a placeholder for the biggest recession in modern history that Obama inherited, stimulative, expansionary policies his administration took to counter it and stable recovery and growth that followed.

He was also the first president to succeed in passing a major healthcare reform and even though ultimately more time is needed for history to write the final word on it, it certainly succeeded in cutting uninsured rate in this country by almost half, accelerate healthcare modernization and moderately slow the growth of healthcare spending. It also paved the way for further reforms.
So Obamacare (obsolete by March) is his claim to fame? Then you agree, worst President ever.

You are out on the moon.

Republicans cannot simply make Obamacare obsolete. There 20 million people or so that get insurance today because of that system, and it politically CAN'T be undone. Republicans are now FORCED by Obamacare to come up with something else and they are sweating overtime now to try to figure out what.
Not my fault Obama's only legacy is the destruction of the healthcare system.
But as usual, Republicans will clean up the mess left behind by Democrats.

I think it is your fault that you are as detached from reality as you are.

Obamacare simply made pre-Obamacare status quo no longer acceptable to Americans.
Feel free to chime in any time and let us know what the Obama legacy will be most remembered for.

Well for starters SOMEWHERE in your carefully blocked off memory there must be a placeholder for the biggest recession in modern history that Obama inherited, stimulative, expansionary policies his administration took to counter it and stable recovery and growth that followed.

He was also the first president to succeed in passing a major healthcare reform and even though ultimately more time is needed for history to write the final word on it, it certainly succeeded in cutting uninsured rate in this country by almost half, accelerate healthcare modernization and moderately slow the growth of healthcare spending. It also paved the way for further reforms.
So Obamacare (obsolete by March) is his claim to fame? Then you agree, worst President ever.

You are out on the moon.

Republicans cannot simply make Obamacare obsolete. There 20 million people or so that get insurance today because of that system, and it politically CAN'T be undone. Republicans are now FORCED by Obamacare to come up with something else and they are sweating overtime now to try to figure out what.
Not my fault Obama's only legacy is the destruction of the healthcare system.
But as usual, Republicans will clean up the mess left behind by Democrats.

I think it is your fault that you are as detached from reality as you are.
Says someone who claims Obamacare is great.
Well for starters SOMEWHERE in your carefully blocked off memory there must be a placeholder for the biggest recession in modern history that Obama inherited, stimulative, expansionary policies his administration took to counter it and stable recovery and growth that followed.

He was also the first president to succeed in passing a major healthcare reform and even though ultimately more time is needed for history to write the final word on it, it certainly succeeded in cutting uninsured rate in this country by almost half, accelerate healthcare modernization and moderately slow the growth of healthcare spending. It also paved the way for further reforms.
So Obamacare (obsolete by March) is his claim to fame? Then you agree, worst President ever.

You are out on the moon.

Republicans cannot simply make Obamacare obsolete. There 20 million people or so that get insurance today because of that system, and it politically CAN'T be undone. Republicans are now FORCED by Obamacare to come up with something else and they are sweating overtime now to try to figure out what.
Not my fault Obama's only legacy is the destruction of the healthcare system.
But as usual, Republicans will clean up the mess left behind by Democrats.

I think it is your fault that you are as detached from reality as you are.
Says someone who claims Obamacare is great.

Can you please provide direct quote?

What I actually say is Obamacare was an important step forward towards a better healthcare for America. Whatever happens from here will grow directly as a result of that historic reform.
So Obamacare (obsolete by March) is his claim to fame? Then you agree, worst President ever.

You are out on the moon.

Republicans cannot simply make Obamacare obsolete. There 20 million people or so that get insurance today because of that system, and it politically CAN'T be undone. Republicans are now FORCED by Obamacare to come up with something else and they are sweating overtime now to try to figure out what.
Not my fault Obama's only legacy is the destruction of the healthcare system.
But as usual, Republicans will clean up the mess left behind by Democrats.

I think it is your fault that you are as detached from reality as you are.
Says someone who claims Obamacare is great.

Can you please provide direct quote?

What I actually say is Obamacare was an important step forward towards a better healthcare for America. Whatever happens from here will grow directly as a result of that historic reform.
15% of America want Obamacare to remain as is. Considering 12 % believe that Elvis is still alive, you are in a unique league.

Health Care Law - Rasmussen Reports™
He had highs & lows like every President. But overall, he ranks pretty low on approval ratings since WWII.

And as far as his approval rankings when he left office- his ratings are amongst the highest

Despite subpar approval ratings for much of his presidency, Obama finished strong. His final job approval rating, based on Jan. 17-19 Gallup Daily tracking, was 59%. Only Clinton (66%) and Reagan (63%) had higher scores in Gallup's last measurement of their approval ratings, while Eisenhower (59%) and Kennedy (58%) had similar final ratings.
You are out on the moon.

Republicans cannot simply make Obamacare obsolete. There 20 million people or so that get insurance today because of that system, and it politically CAN'T be undone. Republicans are now FORCED by Obamacare to come up with something else and they are sweating overtime now to try to figure out what.
Not my fault Obama's only legacy is the destruction of the healthcare system.
But as usual, Republicans will clean up the mess left behind by Democrats.

I think it is your fault that you are as detached from reality as you are.
Says someone who claims Obamacare is great.

Can you please provide direct quote?

What I actually say is Obamacare was an important step forward towards a better healthcare for America. Whatever happens from here will grow directly as a result of that historic reform.
15% of America want Obamacare to remain as is. Considering 12 % believe that Elvis is still alive, you are in a unique league.

Health Care Law - Rasmussen Reports™
Fifty-six percent (56%) say Congress and the president instead should go through the law piece by piece and improve it, the highest finding to date.

So a majority do not want the ACA repealed.
Weren't these stupid Moon Bats claiming last week that Trump was hated by everybody?

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 59% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.

Do you know what the words LIKELY VOTERS mean? It does not mean general opinion of Americans.
Not my fault Obama's only legacy is the destruction of the healthcare system.
But as usual, Republicans will clean up the mess left behind by Democrats.

I think it is your fault that you are as detached from reality as you are.
Says someone who claims Obamacare is great.

Can you please provide direct quote?

What I actually say is Obamacare was an important step forward towards a better healthcare for America. Whatever happens from here will grow directly as a result of that historic reform.
15% of America want Obamacare to remain as is. Considering 12 % believe that Elvis is still alive, you are in a unique league.

Health Care Law - Rasmussen Reports™
Fifty-six percent (56%) say Congress and the president instead should go through the law piece by piece and improve it, the highest finding to date.

So a majority do not want the ACA repealed.
That's like saying no one wants insurance, dufus.
Weren't these stupid Moon Bats claiming last week that Trump was hated by everybody?

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 59% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.

Do you know what the words LIKELY VOTERS mean? It does not mean general opinion of Americans.
Likely voters means real Americans.

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