Here's President Trump's Monumental Accomplishments In His Just One Term----Can Biden Measure Up To This?

The Lincoln Project is a conservative group, which has long opposed Trump and his Republican allies. It issued a strongly worded statement late on Tuesday following the primary defeat of Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney.

Trump Republicans have largely abondoned conservative principles. The statement essentially said that the Republican Party is no longer a conservative party. It is something else entirely.

Tonight, the nation marks the end of the Republican Party. What remains shares the name and branding of the traditional GOP, but is in fact an authoritarian nationalist cult dedicated only to Donald Trump.

In 2016, Vladimir Putin helped Trump become our President.

"The [Republican] Senate Intelligence Committee reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office."

The cult members don't care. Most of the uninformed educationally challenged members don't know of Putin's role in 2016.

Putin is pleased with his choice because our nation is in turmoil as the former President is embroiled in a number of investigations. They would include White House documents, the Jan. 6 coup attempt to overthrow the elected government, civil and criminal business actions in New York, and Trump's tax returns.

The cult members don't care. Most of the uninformed educationally challenged members don't know of Trump's multiple criminal liabilities, and they don't know they are doing the bidding of the Russian dictator.

All the cult members have one thing in common. They don't know, and they don't want to know. They are not fans of reality, and, beyond the Farm Report, they rarely watch responsible news programming, believing it to be fake news because they report the difficulties faced by their cult leader, Donald Trump.

They believe. That's all they know, and that is all they want to know.

A number of reports involve Trump's many problems with the law. Trump Republicans are a no-show. They don't defend Trump. They don't support Trump.

Their support for their cult leader is based entirely on avoiding what Trump says and does.

The mystery is, why Trump? Why a man with inherited billions? Why an extreme narcissist who doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone except himself?

Your entire post is feelings and opinions based on feelings. Quite lame.
His ability to have access to top secret information at a golf course dumbo ENDS with his presidency. Go get a life outside of ass kissing.

The charges are coming soon. They really are! Hang in there!
Never give up hope! You got him this time for sure!
Rump's summoning of rioters and incitement of the Insurrection of January 6, 2021, wipe away all goodwill attributable to ANY of that.

The survival of American representative democracy and the Constitution and the Rule of Law depend upon barring him from ever again holding high office.

Benedict Arnold was a highly prized American general and patriot and trusted steward - right up to the split second that he betrayed his country.

The analogy here is entirely on-target and appropriate.

You and your J6 committee have to completely ignore the video of Trump telling the crowd to peacefully protest to make your hearings somewhat plausible. The country laughs at both of you.
The poster at Free Republic should be commended for a job well done researching and putting this together. Remember these accomplishments took place as Trump fought his own establishment party members, the lying liberal media, tyrant Obama judges, Democrats, the intelligence community, two impeachments, and the Russia hoax.

Scroll down to post 6 for the complete list of phenomenal accomplishments putting America first.

As of January 2021

Trump Administration Accomplishments​


Unprecedented Economic Boom​

Before the China Virus invaded our shores, we built the world’s most prosperous economy.
  • •America gained 7 million new jobs – more than three times government experts’ projections.
  • •Middle-Class family income increased nearly $6,000 – more than five times the gains during the entire previous administration.
  • •The unemployment rate reached 3.5 percent, the lowest in a half-century.
  • •Achieved 40 months in a row with more job openings than job-hirings.
  • •More Americans reported being employed than ever before – nearly 160 million.
  • •Jobless claims hit a nearly 50-year low.
  • •The number of people claiming unemployment insurance as a share of the population hit its lowest on record.
  • •Incomes rose in every single metro area in the United States for the first time in nearly 3 decades.
Delivered a future of greater promise and opportunity for citizens of all backgrounds.
  • •Unemployment rates for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and those without a high school diploma all reached record lows.
  • •Unemployment for women hit its lowest rate in nearly 70 years.
  • •Lifted nearly 7 million people off of food stamps.
  • •Poverty rates for African Americans and Hispanic Americans reached record lows.
  • •Income inequality fell for two straight years, and by the largest amount in over a decade.
  • •The bottom 50 percent of American households saw a 40 percent increase in net worth.
  • •Wages rose fastest for low-income and blue collar workers – a 16 percent pay increase.
  • •African American homeownership increased from 41.7 percent to 46.4 percent.
Brought jobs, factories, and industries back to the USA.
  • •Created more than 1.2 million manufacturing and construction jobs.
  • •Put in place policies to bring back supply chains from overseas.
  • •Small business optimism broke a 35-year old record in 2018.
Hit record stock market numbers and record 401ks.
  • •The DOW closed above 20,000 for the first time in 2017 and topped 30,000 in 2020.
  • •The S&P 500 and NASDAQ have repeatedly notched record highs.
Rebuilding and investing in rural America.
  • •Signed an Executive Order on Modernizing the Regulatory Framework for Agricultural Biotechnology Products, which is bringing innovative new technologies to market in American farming and agriculture.
  • •Strengthened America’s rural economy by investing over $1.3 billion through the Agriculture Department’s ReConnect Program to bring high-speed broadband infrastructure to rural America.
Achieved a record-setting economic comeback by rejecting blanket lockdowns.
  • •An October 2020 Gallup survey found 56 percent of Americans said they were better off during a pandemic than four years prior.
  • •During the third quarter of 2020, the economy grew at a rate of 33.1 percent – the most rapid GDP growth ever recorded.
  • •Since coronavirus lockdowns ended, the economy has added back over 12 million jobs, more than half the jobs lost.
  • •Jobs have been recovered 23 times faster than the previous administration’s recovery.
  • •Unemployment fell to 6.7 percent in December, from a pandemic peak of 14.7 percent in April – beating expectations of well over 10 percent unemployment through the end of 2020.
  • •Under the previous administration, it took 49 months for the unemployment rate to fall from 10 percent to under 7 percent compared to just 3 months for the Trump Administration.
  • •Since April, the Hispanic unemployment rate has fallen by 9.6 percent, Asian-American unemployment by 8.6 percent, and Black American unemployment by 6.8 percent.
  • •80 percent of small businesses are now open, up from just 53 percent in April.
  • •Small business confidence hit a new high.
  • •Homebuilder confidence reached an all-time high, and home sales hit their highest reading since December 2006.
  • •Manufacturing optimism nearly doubled.
  • •Household net worth rose $7.4 trillion in Q2 2020 to $112 trillion, an all-time high.
  • •Home prices hit an all-time record high.
  • •The United States rejected crippling lockdowns that crush the economy and inflict countless public health harms and instead safely reopened its economy.
  • •Business confidence is higher in America than in any other G7 or European Union country.
  • •Stabilized America’s financial markets with the establishment of a number of Treasury Department supported facilities at the Federal Reserve.


Tax Relief for the Middle Class​

Passed $3.2 trillion in historic tax relief and reformed the tax code.
  • •Signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act – the largest tax reform package in history.
  • •More than 6 million American workers received wage increases, bonuses, and increased benefits thanks to the tax cuts.
  • •A typical family of four earning $75,000 received an income tax cut of more than $2,000 – slashing their tax bill in half.
  • •Doubled the standard deduction – making the first $24,000 earned by a married couple completely tax-free.
  • •Doubled the child tax credit.
  • •Virtually eliminated the unfair Estate Tax, or Death Tax.
  • •Cut the business tax rate from 35 percent – the highest in the developed world – all the way down to 21 percent.
  • •Small businesses can now deduct 20 percent of their business income.
  • •Businesses can now deduct 100 percent of the cost of their capital investments in the year the investment is made.
  • •Since the passage of tax cuts, the share of total wealth held by the bottom half of households has increased, while the share held by the top 1 percent has decreased.
  • •Over 400 companies have announced bonuses, wage increases, new hires, or new investments in the United States.
  • •Over $1.5 trillion was repatriated into the United States from overseas.
  • •Lower investment cost and higher capital returns led to faster growth in the middle class, real wages, and international competitiveness.
Jobs and investments are pouring into Opportunity Zones.
  • •Created nearly 9,000 Opportunity Zones where capital gains on long-term investments are taxed at zero.
  • •Opportunity Zone designations have increased property values within them by 1.1 percent, creating an estimated $11 billion in wealth for the nearly half of Opportunity Zone residents who own their own home.
  • •Opportunity Zones have attracted $75 billion in funds and driven $52 billion of new investment in economically distressed communities, creating at least 500,000 new jobs.
  • •Approximately 1 million Americans will be lifted from poverty as a result of these new investments.
  • •Private equity investments into businesses in Opportunity Zones were nearly 30 percent higher than investments into businesses in similar areas that were not designated Opportunity Zones.


Massive Deregulation​

Ended the regulatory assault on American Businesses and Workers.
  • •Instead of 2-for-1, we eliminated 8 old regulations for every 1 new regulation adopted.
  • •Provided the average American household an extra $3,100 every year.
  • •Reduced the direct cost of regulatory compliance by $50 billion, and will reduce costs by an additional $50 billion in FY 2020 alone.
  • •Removed nearly 25,000 pages from the Federal Register – more than any other president. The previous administration added over 16,000 pages.
  • •Established the Governors’ Initiative on Regulatory Innovation to reduce outdated regulations at the state, local, and tribal levels.
  • •Signed an executive order to make it easier for businesses to offer retirement plans.
  • •Signed two executive orders to increase transparency in Federal agencies and protect Americans and their small businesses from administrative abuse.
  • •Modernized the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for the first time in over 40 years.
  • •Reduced approval times for major infrastructure projects from 10 or more years down to 2 years or less.
  • •Helped community banks by signing legislation that rolled back costly provisions of Dodd-Frank.
  • •Established the White House Council on Eliminating Regulatory Barriers to Affordable Housing to bring down housing costs.
  • •Removed regulations that threatened the development of a strong and stable internet.
  • •Eased and simplified restrictions on rocket launches, helping to spur commercial investment in space projects.
  • •Published a whole-of-government strategy focused on ensuring American leadership in automated vehicle technology.
  • •Streamlined energy efficiency regulations for American families and businesses, including preserving affordable lightbulbs, enhancing the utility of showerheads, and enabling greater time savings with dishwashers.
  • •Removed unnecessary regulations that restrict the seafood industry and impede job creation.
  • •Modernized the Department of Agriculture’s biotechnology regulations to put America in the lead to develop new technologies.
  • •Took action to suspend regulations that would have slowed our response to COVID-19, including lifting restrictions on manufacturers to more quickly produce ventilators.
Successfully rolled back burdensome regulatory overreach.
  • •Rescinded the previous administration’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule, which would have abolished zoning for single-family housing to build low-income, federally subsidized apartments.
  • •Issued a final rule on the Fair Housing Act’s disparate impact standard.
  • •Eliminated the Waters of the United States Rule and replaced it with the Navigable Waters Protection Rule, providing relief and certainty for farmers and property owners.
  • •Repealed the previous administration’s costly fuel economy regulations by finalizing the Safer Affordable Fuel Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles rule, which will make cars more affordable, and lower the price of new vehicles by an estimated $2,200.
Americans now have more money in their pockets.
  • •Deregulation had an especially beneficial impact on low-income Americans who pay a much higher share of their incomes for overregulation.
  • •Cut red tape in the healthcare industry, providing Americans with more affordable healthcare and saving Americans nearly 10 percent on prescription drugs.
  • •Deregulatory efforts yielded savings to the medical community an estimated $6.6 billion – with a reduction of 42 million hours of regulatory compliance work through 2021.
  • •Removed government barriers to personal freedom and consumer choice in healthcare.
  • •Once fully in effect, 20 major deregulatory actions undertaken by the Trump Administration are expected to save American consumers and businesses over $220 billion per year.
  • •Signed 16 pieces of deregulatory legislation that will result in a $40 billion increase in annual real incomes.
Read the rest in the link.
That's it? I can post a list of Biden's accomplishments that has more items then that and it has only been 2 years.

Heck, here is one for only 100 days.

There has to be a better propaganda list of Trump's accomplishments then that.

Do better.
That's it? I can post a list of Biden's accomplishments that has more items then that and it has only been 2 years.

Heck, here is one for only 100 days.

There has to be a better propaganda list of Trump's accomplishments then that.

Do better.

Fake news!
Uh huh, it’s not like I lived through it or anything.
Of course you lived through it. But you clearly don't know what caused it. You don't know because you lack the fundamental human curiosity to find out. You just believe what he tells you.

Feel free to challenge me on this.
Of course you lived through it. But you clearly don't know what caused it. You don't know because you lack the fundamental human curiosity to find out. You just believe what he tells you.

Feel free to challenge me on this.

Yes we all know the great economic growth was due to the former community organizer turned economics genius You Didn’t Build That Barry Hussein Sotoro.
That's it? I can post a list of Biden's accomplishments that has more items then that and it has only been 2 years.

Heck, here is one for only 100 days.

There has to be a better propaganda list of Trump's accomplishments then that.

Do better.

Well, Trump did say covid would be gone in June. He was just three years off. Give him a break. Idiots are to be pitied.
You and your J6 committee have to completely ignore the video of Trump telling the crowd to peacefully protest to make your hearings somewhat plausible. The country laughs at both of you.
I'll let the grand jury and the law courts settle the matter...
Big difference. Trump had the support of a gop controlled senate. Now, he’s just a criminal.

It’s going to happen ! All your hopes and dreams will come true!
There’s no way the dems and their media are scamming you again!
This is the big one!
Well, Trump did say covid would be gone in June. He was just three years off. Give him a break. Idiots are to be pitied.
About that.

Published February 1, 2020
China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'
By Joe McDonald, Sam McNeil | Associated Press
On Friday, the United States declared a public health emergency and President Donald Trump and an order barring entry to foreign nationals, other than immediate family of American citizens and permanent residents, who visited China within the last 14 days, which scientists say is the virus’s longest incubation period.

'Unfriendly comments'
China criticized the U.S. controls, which it said contradicted the WHO’s appeal to avoid travel bans, and “unfriendly comments” that Beijing was failing to cooperate.

“Just as the WHO recommended against travel restrictions, the U.S. rushed to go in the opposite way. Certainly not a gesture of goodwill,” said foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying.

WHO Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in Geneva that despite the emergency declaration, there is “no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade.”
China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'


Democrat Response to Coronavirus: End Trump’s Travel Bans on China, Iran
JOHN BINDER 11 Mar 2020 2:58

House and Senate Democrats are responding to the coronavirus outbreak in the United States by supporting measures to effectively strip President Trump of his authority to impose travel bans to protect American citizens.

While Trump has implemented travel bans on China and Iran — two of the most coronavirus-affected nations in the world — House Democrats are looking to roll back the president’s authority to enact travel bans from regions of the world.

Dems' Response to Coronavirus: End Trump's Travel Bans on China, Iran


Nolte: A Mere 8 Days Ago Joe Biden Was Still Attacking Trump’s Travel Bans
JOHN NOLTE 20 Mar 2020

A mere eight days ago, Joe Biden was still vocally opposing President Donald Trump’s travel bans from Europe, and even China, as racist. In other words, if Biden was the president, we can’t begin to imagine how much worse things would look in America today thanks to President Biden’s refusal to keep people out from the very same places where the Chinese coronavirus rages.


Nancy Pelosi visits San Francisco’s Chinatown to encourage people amid fears of coronavirus
by: Charles Clifford
Posted: Feb 24, 2020 / 05:57 PM PST / Updated: Feb 24, 2020 / 05:57 PM PST

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was in San Francisco on Monday spending several hours visiting Chinatown to encourage people to visit the shops and restaurants there amid fears of the coronavirus.

Business in Chinatown has really slowed down over the last month, mainly due to concerns about the coronavirus.

Pelosi did a walking tour of the area starting in the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Shop.

She also visited several other businesses and talked to people.

Neighbors, including the owner of the cookie shop, who says the last month has been difficult.

“Business is slow. People don’t want to come, they are scared,” Kevin Chan said.

Pelosi also took this opportunity to encourage people to come back to Chinatown.

“You should come to Chinatown. Precautions have been taken by our city. We know there is concern about tourism throughout the world but we think it’s very safe to be in Chinatown and hopefully, others will come,” Pelosi said.

Nancy Pelosi visits San Francisco’s Chinatown to encourage people amid fears of coronavirus


WATCH: NYC Mayor de Blasio Gets Nailed for Telling New Yorkers to Ignore the Wuhan Coronavirus
Beth Baumann
Posted: Mar 29, 2020 1:35 PM

On Sunday, CNN's Jake Tapper put New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) on blast for telling New Yorkers not to worry about the Wuhan coronavirus. Tapper played four separate clips of de Blasio encouraging New Yorkers to go about their daily lives, even as recently as March 13th, less than two weeks ago.

"In retrospect, is that message, at least in part, to blame for how rapidly the virus has spread across the city?" Tapper asked.

De Blasio instantly deflected.

"You know, Jake, we should not be focusing, in my view, on anything looking back, on any level of government right now," the mayor explained. "This is just about how we save lives going forward. We are all working – everybody – is working with the information we had and trying, of course, to avoid panic.


Published March 18, 2020

WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus

The World Health Organization (WHO) is now haunted by a tweet it sent earlier this year when it cited Chinese health officials who claimed there had been no human transmissions of the novel coronavirus within the country yet.

The Jan. 14 tweet came less than two months before WHO declared COVID-19 to be a global pandemic.

"Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China," the organization had said.

It also relied on information from Chinese health authorities who have been accused of obscuring facts and figures during the course of the outbreak.

WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus


Nursing homes have ‘no right’ to reject coronavirus patients, Cuomo says
By Bernadette Hogan and Bruce Golding
April 23, 2020 | 5:04pm

New York’s nursing homes weren’t allowed to challenge a controversial order to admit patients with the coronavirus, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Thursday — even though it’s been blamed for spreading the deadly disease among residents

“They don’t have a right to object. That is the rule and that is the regulation and they have to comply with that,” Cuomo said during his daily briefing in Albany.


New York’s true nursing home death toll cloaked in secrecy


New York’s coronavirus death toll in nursing homes, already among the highest in the nation, could actually be a significant undercount. Unlike every other state with major outbreaks, New York only counts residents who died on nursing home property and not those who were transported to hospitals and died there.

That statistic could add thousands to the state’s official care home death toll of just over 6,600. But so far the administration of Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo has refused to divulge the number, leading to speculation the state is manipulating the figures to make it appear it is doing better than other states and to make a tragic situation less dire.

“That’s a problem, bro,” state Sen. Gustavo Rivera, a Democrat, told New York Health Commissioner Howard Zucker during a legislative hearing on nursing homes earlier this month. “It seems, sir, that in this case you are choosing to define it differently so that you can look better.”

It’s going to happen ! All your hopes and dreams will come true!
There’s no way the dems and their media are scamming you again!
This is the big one!
Spoken like a Putin puppet. How does it feel to be anti American ?
Oh Thats NOTHING,,,,,Uncle Joe far surpasses this list : Gas will be 9$ gallon, Food triple priced, Rent 2-3x,,,,Inflation highest in 45 years, start a war to hide crimes and get kickbacks,,,Kindergarten kids can get a sex change without parental approval,,,,,Male bodybuilders can compete as women,,,,,,there are no sexes ,,,,,,Interest rates have killed Auto and Home sales,,,,,,Everybody will be required to get the experimental jab,,,,,Gas powered cars will be heavily taxed,,,,Guns will be prohibitively taxed since there is nothing to defend yourself against,,,,,,there is no more police brutality so no need for BLM,,,,

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