Here's some 'Religious Freedom' for ya....

It's not for you, me, the government or anyone else to say what is and isn't a legitimate religious sect.
So you're for the government telling you what the approved religious holidays are? BTW, May 1st(Beltane) isn't a Satanic holiday, it's a neo-pagan one. Perhaps you should do some research before making foolish statements.
Beltane - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And what holiday is that?
Missouri Satanist: 72-hour waiting period for abortions violates my ‘sincerely held religious beliefs’

Missouri Satanist plans to challenge her state’s 72-hour waiting period for abortions by claiming the delay violates her religious beliefs.

The woman, identified only as Mary by her local Satanic Temple, said she regards the waiting period as “a state sanctioned attempt to discourage abortion” and plans to challenge the law on religious grounds, reported the Friendly Atheist blog.

The waiting period places an “unnecessary burden” on her religious belief that her body is subject to her will alone, she said.

“The waiting period interferes with the inviolability of my body and thereby imposes an unwanted and substantial burden on my sincerely held religious beliefs,” she said.

Her statements echo language in the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, under which Hobby Lobby claimed protection in its successful U.S. Supreme Court challenge to the Affordable Care Act’s contraception mandate.

LOL - suck it, baby. Or dead baby, whichever....

Speaking of satan, how is your master Obama doing?
Because it doesn't fit your definition of "religious" it isn't a religion.
You are walking a slippery slope there fella.

Umm, I guess progs consider "satanists" to be a legitimate mainstream religious sect. It's not surprising that a satanist would consider the immediate murder of her unborn child to be a religious "right" guaranteed by the Constitution but that's the way the argument seems to be headed these days.
Does she have a strongly held religious belief against scheduling?

Actually, yes. That's the whole point. If you weren't an ignorant tard you'd comprehend that already.

A central component of Satanism is free will. The waiting period is very much a violation free will. Based on the Hobby Lobby theory, the government must have a compelling reason that can pass strict scrutiny justifying the religious infringement, otherwise it is unconstitutional.
LOL the funny things those Closet Christians will do for a laugh.

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