Here's The Pattern Emerging

I've been reading the impeachment inquiry transcripts, and a picture is beginning to emerge.

There were two objectives being pursued by Trump and Giuliani.

The first objective was to deny the mountain of evidence that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to help Trump, and to provide a false narrative that Ukraine interfered in the US election to help Clinton.

The second objective was to damage Joe Biden politically to rig the 2020 election in Trump's favor.

So along come three Ukrainian characters to aid in their quest. The first two are the money men, Parnas and Fruman. They fund Giuliani's "investigation".

The third character is outgoing General Prosecutor Lutsenko. A very crooked man who isn't even a lawyer. How can you become the top prosecutor in the land without even being a lawyer who has never prosecuted a case in your life? Through massive corruption, that's how.

Lutsenko knows that with the election of the reformer Zelensky he is going to be kicked to the curb, and so he is looking for a patron. He sees that patron in Donald Trump.

So Lutsenko begins crafting a fable for Giuliani which fits the desired narrative. He crafts this out of whole cloth.

Lutsenko has since admitted he was leading Trump and Giuliani around by the nose.

Along comes the new president, Zelensky. Zelensky desperately wants a photo op with Trump to communicate US support. Russia has been kicking Ukraine's ass and he needs US backing.

So Trump and Giuliani are in the catbird seat. They have leverage.

Trump demands a statement by Zelensky in exchange for a White House visit. He wants a statement that Zelensky is committed to fighting corruptiong. Ukraine has a horrible history of corruption, so this is understandable.

The irony that Trump is depending on the thoroughly corrupt Lutsenko for his inside information is completely lost on Trump and Giuliani.

Zelensky agrees to make a public statement about cleaning up corruption. No problem. That was his whole platform!

But, wait. That's not good enough!

Trump and Giuliani demand Zelensky make a public commitment to specifically investigate Hunter Biden's company, Burisma, and to investigate the alleged Ukranian interference in the 2016 election.

Hordes of diplomats throw up red flags at this insistence, and they warn the chain of command this is a huge mistake.

Now, Trump's motive for wanting Burisma "investigated" is as plain as the nose on your face. It's to damage Joe Biden for Trump's personal political gain.

Trump's motive for wanting Zelensky to roger up on the hoax about the 2016 election is to give Trump's fantasy validity. It would allow Trump to point to Zelensky's statement and say that's how you know the hoax is true, because the Ukrainians are investigating. They wouldn't investigate it if it were a hoax, right? Right?

This is how Trump operates.

But he went too far. He blew himself up.

There’s a through line to Oleg Daripaska in all of this too...
Yup, I know I was about to vote for Hillary, then my vote got flipped when I opened Facebook and saw a meme making fun of Hillary.
Neat! By the way, it is very much like one of you idiot cultists to conflate your personal anecdote with the experience of 10s of millions of people. The best part is that you morons don't even know why that is so stupid.
I've been reading the impeachment inquiry transcripts, and a picture is beginning to emerge.

There were two objectives being pursued by Trump and Giuliani.

The first objective was to deny the mountain of evidence that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to help Trump, and to provide a false narrative that Ukraine interfered in the US election to help Clinton.

The second objective was to damage Joe Biden politically to rig the 2020 election in Trump's favor.

So along come three Ukrainian characters to aid in their quest. The first two are the money men, Parnas and Fruman. They fund Giuliani's "investigation".

The third character is outgoing General Prosecutor Lutsenko. A very crooked man who isn't even a lawyer. How can you become the top prosecutor in the land without even being a lawyer who has never prosecuted a case in your life? Through massive corruption, that's how.

Lutsenko knows that with the election of the reformer Zelensky he is going to be kicked to the curb, and so he is looking for a patron. He sees that patron in Donald Trump.

So Lutsenko begins crafting a fable for Giuliani which fits the desired narrative. He crafts this out of whole cloth.

Lutsenko has since admitted he was leading Trump and Giuliani around by the nose.

Along comes the new president, Zelensky. Zelensky desperately wants a photo op with Trump to communicate US support. Russia has been kicking Ukraine's ass and he needs US backing.

So Trump and Giuliani are in the catbird seat. They have leverage.

Trump demands a statement by Zelensky in exchange for a White House visit. He wants a statement that Zelensky is committed to fighting corruptiong. Ukraine has a horrible history of corruption, so this is understandable.

The irony that Trump is depending on the thoroughly corrupt Lutsenko for his inside information is completely lost on Trump and Giuliani.

Zelensky agrees to make a public statement about cleaning up corruption. No problem. That was his whole platform!

But, wait. That's not good enough!

Trump and Giuliani demand Zelensky make a public commitment to specifically investigate Hunter Biden's company, Burisma, and to investigate the alleged Ukranian interference in the 2016 election.

Hordes of diplomats throw up red flags at this insistence, and they warn the chain of command this is a huge mistake.

Now, Trump's motive for wanting Burisma "investigated" is as plain as the nose on your face. It's to damage Joe Biden for Trump's personal political gain.

Trump's motive for wanting Zelensky to roger up on the hoax about the 2016 election is to give Trump's fantasy validity. It would allow Trump to point to Zelensky's statement and say that's how you know the hoax is true, because the Ukrainians are investigating. They wouldn't investigate it if it were a hoax, right? Right?

This is how Trump operates.

But he went too far. He blew himself up.

A couple things you neglected to emphasize.

Trump's call to Zelensky was supposed to be secret. Americans were not supposed to know that Trump was asking Ukraine to investigate the Bidens. If it wasn't for the whistleblower, Americans still wouldn't know.

Second- Trump insisted on a public declaration by the President of the Ukraine of an investigation into the Biden's and Burisma.

Why did Trump insist on a public declaration? Because this wasn't about fighting corruption- it was about smearing the Bidens.

Good recap by the way.
I've been reading the impeachment inquiry transcripts, and a picture is beginning to emerge.

There were two objectives being pursued by Trump and Giuliani.

The first objective was to deny the mountain of evidence that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to help Trump, and to provide a false narrative that Ukraine interfered in the US election to help Clinton.

The second objective was to damage Joe Biden politically to rig the 2020 election in Trump's favor.

So along come three Ukrainian characters to aid in their quest. The first two are the money men, Parnas and Fruman. They fund Giuliani's "investigation".

The third character is outgoing General Prosecutor Lutsenko. A very crooked man who isn't even a lawyer. How can you become the top prosecutor in the land without even being a lawyer who has never prosecuted a case in your life? Through massive corruption, that's how.

Lutsenko knows that with the election of the reformer Zelensky he is going to be kicked to the curb, and so he is looking for a patron. He sees that patron in Donald Trump.

So Lutsenko begins crafting a fable for Giuliani which fits the desired narrative. He crafts this out of whole cloth.

Lutsenko has since admitted he was leading Trump and Giuliani around by the nose.

Along comes the new president, Zelensky. Zelensky desperately wants a photo op with Trump to communicate US support. Russia has been kicking Ukraine's ass and he needs US backing.

So Trump and Giuliani are in the catbird seat. They have leverage.

Trump demands a statement by Zelensky in exchange for a White House visit. He wants a statement that Zelensky is committed to fighting corruptiong. Ukraine has a horrible history of corruption, so this is understandable.

The irony that Trump is depending on the thoroughly corrupt Lutsenko for his inside information is completely lost on Trump and Giuliani.

Zelensky agrees to make a public statement about cleaning up corruption. No problem. That was his whole platform!

But, wait. That's not good enough!

Trump and Giuliani demand Zelensky make a public commitment to specifically investigate Hunter Biden's company, Burisma, and to investigate the alleged Ukranian interference in the 2016 election.

Hordes of diplomats throw up red flags at this insistence, and they warn the chain of command this is a huge mistake.

Now, Trump's motive for wanting Burisma "investigated" is as plain as the nose on your face. It's to damage Joe Biden for Trump's personal political gain.

Trump's motive for wanting Zelensky to roger up on the hoax about the 2016 election is to give Trump's fantasy validity. It would allow Trump to point to Zelensky's statement and say that's how you know the hoax is true, because the Ukrainians are investigating. They wouldn't investigate it if it were a hoax, right? Right?

This is how Trump operates.

But he went too far. He blew himself up.

There’s a through line to Oleg Daripaska in all of this too...
Well, another hoax Trump believes is that the black ledger is fake. Part of Trump's conspiracy theory that Ukraine tried to help Clinton in the election was through the prosecution of Manafort.

Manafort and Daripaska allegedly had close ties and Daripaska had ties to Putin.

Manfort also made his laundered money while working for a Russian stooge at the head of the Ukranian government.
Black Ledger and the name Firtash will both be in the news going forward
I’ve noticed a pattern, too. You trashing republicans and protecting democrats.
Republicans trash republicans. Republicans are so bad you guys keep making up shit to blame. Rinos, establishment repubs, deep state.... Hate to break it to you, but they are all Republicans!
Explain how the “Russian propaganda campaign” swayed any votes

Some people who might not have otherwise voted, voted for Trump. Some people on the fence voted for Trump.

Could this have affected 70,000 votes in three States? Absolutely.

I gotta tell ya, that didnt take a lot of brain power to puzzle out.

Hey genius...why do you suppose advertisers...advertise? Why do you suppose politicians run campaign ads? Why do you suppose fossil fuel companies fund lying climate science deniers and pay them to lie?

Wait until they all hear they are wasting their time! You sure outsmarted them all!
So you're saying a few Putin ads freeze you like a deer in the headlights.

You mean while he was representing Obama, Biden, and Clinton while working for The Podesta Group during The Obama Administration at the same time Joe Biden was extorting The Ukraine in to drooping it’s investigations in to Burisma and George

I've been reading the impeachment inquiry transcripts, and a picture is beginning to emerge.

There were two objectives being pursued by Trump and Giuliani.

The first objective was to deny the mountain of evidence that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to help Trump, and to provide a false narrative that Ukraine interfered in the US election to help Clinton.

The second objective was to damage Joe Biden politically to rig the 2020 election in Trump's favor.

So along come three Ukrainian characters to aid in their quest. The first two are the money men, Parnas and Fruman. They fund Giuliani's "investigation".

The third character is outgoing General Prosecutor Lutsenko. A very crooked man who isn't even a lawyer. How can you become the top prosecutor in the land without even being a lawyer who has never prosecuted a case in your life? Through massive corruption, that's how.

Lutsenko knows that with the election of the reformer Zelensky he is going to be kicked to the curb, and so he is looking for a patron. He sees that patron in Donald Trump.

So Lutsenko begins crafting a fable for Giuliani which fits the desired narrative. He crafts this out of whole cloth.

Lutsenko has since admitted he was leading Trump and Giuliani around by the nose.

Along comes the new president, Zelensky. Zelensky desperately wants a photo op with Trump to communicate US support. Russia has been kicking Ukraine's ass and he needs US backing.

So Trump and Giuliani are in the catbird seat. They have leverage.

Trump demands a statement by Zelensky in exchange for a White House visit. He wants a statement that Zelensky is committed to fighting corruptiong. Ukraine has a horrible history of corruption, so this is understandable.

The irony that Trump is depending on the thoroughly corrupt Lutsenko for his inside information is completely lost on Trump and Giuliani.

Zelensky agrees to make a public statement about cleaning up corruption. No problem. That was his whole platform!

But, wait. That's not good enough!

Trump and Giuliani demand Zelensky make a public commitment to specifically investigate Hunter Biden's company, Burisma, and to investigate the alleged Ukranian interference in the 2016 election.

Hordes of diplomats throw up red flags at this insistence, and they warn the chain of command this is a huge mistake.

Now, Trump's motive for wanting Burisma "investigated" is as plain as the nose on your face. It's to damage Joe Biden for Trump's personal political gain.

Trump's motive for wanting Zelensky to roger up on the hoax about the 2016 election is to give Trump's fantasy validity. It would allow Trump to point to Zelensky's statement and say that's how you know the hoax is true, because the Ukrainians are investigating. They wouldn't investigate it if it were a hoax, right? Right?

This is how Trump operates.

But he went too far. He blew himself up.

There’s a through line to Oleg Daripaska in all of this too...
Well, another hoax Trump believes is that the black ledger is fake. Part of Trump's conspiracy theory that Ukraine tried to help Clinton in the election was through the prosecution of Manafort.

Manafort and Daripaska allegedly had close ties and Daripaska had ties to Putin.

Manfort also made his laundered money while working for a Russian stooge at the head of the Ukranian government.
So you're saying a few Putin ads freeze you like a deer in the headlights.
And youre saying the propaganda campaign affected no votes. Cclearly that makes you a moron.

Show us on the doll where Putin touched you to make you change your vote
Francis-splain why political ads and, for that matter, all ads make no difference, ever. I'm guessing it has something to do with contrails.
I've been reading the impeachment inquiry transcripts, and a picture is beginning to emerge.

There were two objectives being pursued by Trump and Giuliani.

The first objective was to deny the mountain of evidence that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to help Trump, and to provide a false narrative that Ukraine interfered in the US election to help Clinton.

The second objective was to damage Joe Biden politically to rig the 2020 election in Trump's favor.

So along come three Ukrainian characters to aid in their quest. The first two are the money men, Parnas and Fruman. They fund Giuliani's "investigation".

The third character is outgoing General Prosecutor Lutsenko. A very crooked man who isn't even a lawyer. How can you become the top prosecutor in the land without even being a lawyer who has never prosecuted a case in your life? Through massive corruption, that's how.

Lutsenko knows that with the election of the reformer Zelensky he is going to be kicked to the curb, and so he is looking for a patron. He sees that patron in Donald Trump.

So Lutsenko begins crafting a fable for Giuliani which fits the desired narrative. He crafts this out of whole cloth.

Lutsenko has since admitted he was leading Trump and Giuliani around by the nose.

Along comes the new president, Zelensky. Zelensky desperately wants a photo op with Trump to communicate US support. Russia has been kicking Ukraine's ass and he needs US backing.

So Trump and Giuliani are in the catbird seat. They have leverage.

Trump demands a statement by Zelensky in exchange for a White House visit. He wants a statement that Zelensky is committed to fighting corruptiong. Ukraine has a horrible history of corruption, so this is understandable.

The irony that Trump is depending on the thoroughly corrupt Lutsenko for his inside information is completely lost on Trump and Giuliani.

Zelensky agrees to make a public statement about cleaning up corruption. No problem. That was his whole platform!

But, wait. That's not good enough!

Trump and Giuliani demand Zelensky make a public commitment to specifically investigate Hunter Biden's company, Burisma, and to investigate the alleged Ukranian interference in the 2016 election.

Hordes of diplomats throw up red flags at this insistence, and they warn the chain of command this is a huge mistake.

Now, Trump's motive for wanting Burisma "investigated" is as plain as the nose on your face. It's to damage Joe Biden for Trump's personal political gain.

Trump's motive for wanting Zelensky to roger up on the hoax about the 2016 election is to give Trump's fantasy validity. It would allow Trump to point to Zelensky's statement and say that's how you know the hoax is true, because the Ukrainians are investigating. They wouldn't investigate it if it were a hoax, right? Right?

This is how Trump operates.

But he went too far. He blew himself up.

There’s a through line to Oleg Daripaska in all of this too...
Well, another hoax Trump believes is that the black ledger is fake. Part of Trump's conspiracy theory that Ukraine tried to help Clinton in the election was through the prosecution of Manafort.

Manafort and Daripaska allegedly had close ties and Daripaska had ties to Putin.

Manfort also made his laundered money while working for a Russian stooge at the head of the Ukranian government.
Biden laundered money through the Ukraine
I stopped reading after the "Putin's 3 Facebookburning ads swayed the election" insanity in the second sentence
I see you are playing your "Ignorance is bliss" character of your daily routine... :)

and conveniently forgot the Russian stolen emails of the DNC, and Podesta, and their daily drops via wikileaks that Trump campaign got heads up on, and Trump himself used 160 plus times at his rallies in just the month of October 2016, against the Clinton campaign.... you think your messiah would have promoted the wikileaks 160 times in just a month if he didn't think those Russian stolen emails were not going to and there to, help him? Sure... :rolleyes:

Let alone the money they funneled illegally to the Trump team and the NRA. :rolleyes:
I've been reading the impeachment inquiry transcripts, and a picture is beginning to emerge.

There were two objectives being pursued by Trump and Giuliani.

The first objective was to deny the mountain of evidence that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to help Trump, and to provide a false narrative that Ukraine interfered in the US election to help Clinton.

The second objective was to damage Joe Biden politically to rig the 2020 election in Trump's favor.

So along come three Ukrainian characters to aid in their quest. The first two are the money men, Parnas and Fruman. They fund Giuliani's "investigation".

The third character is outgoing General Prosecutor Lutsenko. A very crooked man who isn't even a lawyer. How can you become the top prosecutor in the land without even being a lawyer who has never prosecuted a case in your life? Through massive corruption, that's how.

Lutsenko knows that with the election of the reformer Zelensky he is going to be kicked to the curb, and so he is looking for a patron. He sees that patron in Donald Trump.

So Lutsenko begins crafting a fable for Giuliani which fits the desired narrative. He crafts this out of whole cloth.

Lutsenko has since admitted he was leading Trump and Giuliani around by the nose.

Along comes the new president, Zelensky. Zelensky desperately wants a photo op with Trump to communicate US support. Russia has been kicking Ukraine's ass and he needs US backing.

So Trump and Giuliani are in the catbird seat. They have leverage.

Trump demands a statement by Zelensky in exchange for a White House visit. He wants a statement that Zelensky is committed to fighting corruptiong. Ukraine has a horrible history of corruption, so this is understandable.

The irony that Trump is depending on the thoroughly corrupt Lutsenko for his inside information is completely lost on Trump and Giuliani.

Zelensky agrees to make a public statement about cleaning up corruption. No problem. That was his whole platform!

But, wait. That's not good enough!

Trump and Giuliani demand Zelensky make a public commitment to specifically investigate Hunter Biden's company, Burisma, and to investigate the alleged Ukranian interference in the 2016 election.

Hordes of diplomats throw up red flags at this insistence, and they warn the chain of command this is a huge mistake.

Now, Trump's motive for wanting Burisma "investigated" is as plain as the nose on your face. It's to damage Joe Biden for Trump's personal political gain.

Trump's motive for wanting Zelensky to roger up on the hoax about the 2016 election is to give Trump's fantasy validity. It would allow Trump to point to Zelensky's statement and say that's how you know the hoax is true, because the Ukrainians are investigating. They wouldn't investigate it if it were a hoax, right? Right?

This is how Trump operates.

But he went too far. He blew himself up.


the head of Ukraine’s National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU), Artem Sytnyk, admitted that he had supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 US election.

His office was responsible for publicly disclosing the contents of the Ukrainian «black ledger», which implicated Paul Manafort, to the media. The document contained a list of secret payments made by Ukraine’s Party of Regions to Manafort.

a ukraine.png


Admit unlawful acts of the director of the NABU A. Sytnyk and the Ukrainian MP S. Leshchenko concerning the disclosure and distribution of the information about D. Trump’s campaign chairman P. Manafort and the presence of P.Manafort’s name and signatures in the lists of “The Party of Regions’ black ledgers” in the materials of the pre-trial investigation, which was the result of interference in the electoral processes of the United States of America in 2016 and harmed the interests of Ukraine.

Ukraine admitted to interfering in the 2016 US election on Clinton’s side
So now the "black ledger" (a very real thing) was something designed to help Clinton?

Newsflash...the existence of that Ledger and the corruption it showed was the reason Manafort had to quit the Trump campaign

And guess what? Trump used Javelin missiles to force Ukraine to quash the investigation into "black ledger" help Manafort...who is now in jail

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