Here’s video PROOF that Trump was at Ground Zero after 9/11… MSM FAKE NEWS Busted Again!

I googled it. It was actually 0.48065886134 sq mile so I rounded it up.

and yet you fail to post a link,,
I hear it was 10 sq miles,,,
Well why didn't you post your fake link?

So you have no link claiming ground zero was ten sq miles, no surprise you just made up "hearing" it was 10 sq miles. You do know that if it actually was 10 sq miles it would have included Tramp Tower.

Exactly, where did you "HEAR" that ground zero was 10 sq miles????
You made that crap up. The Right ALWAYS make up shit to support their lies.
I hear it was 10 sq miles
The facts about Trump and the 9/11 site

Alles said he had no knowledge of Trump being at the site or sending 100 or so workers there to help.

"I was in a supervisory role with the fire department at the time," said Alles, who said he was on the scene about 20 minutes after the second building collapsed. "I was there for several months — I have no knowledge of his being down there."

If Trump had sent a crew of 100 workers, "there would be a record of it. Everybody worked under direct supervision of the police and fire department and the joint commander for emergency services. Is there a chance he was ever down there by himself and I didn’t know it? It’s possible, but I know of no one who ever witnessed him there."
and yet you fail to post a link,,
I hear it was 10 sq miles,,,
Well why didn't you post your fake link?

So you have no link claiming ground zero was ten sq miles, no surprise you just made up "hearing" it was 10 sq miles. You do know that if it actually was 10 sq miles it would have included Tramp Tower.

Exactly, where did you "HEAR" that ground zero was 10 sq miles????
You made that crap up. The Right ALWAYS make up shit to support their lies.
I hear it was 10 sq miles

I'm not on the right,,,
Well why didn't you post your fake link?

So you have no link claiming ground zero was ten sq miles, no surprise you just made up "hearing" it was 10 sq miles. You do know that if it actually was 10 sq miles it would have included Tramp Tower.

Exactly, where did you "HEAR" that ground zero was 10 sq miles????
You made that crap up. The Right ALWAYS make up shit to support their lies.
I hear it was 10 sq miles

I'm not on the right,,,
And you never heard ground zero was 10 sq miles.
Why is this so important for you to believe he was there, he told many lies about 9-11 and he is a pathological compulsive liar. He most likely did anything for a photo op but that was it.

He is playing the victim all the time, he use to call the papers with a fake name and told stories about himself.
He accuses the papers of lying, but he is the one lying.
/—-/ Because we refute your lies and hatred at every turn. Why would we let your deception go unchallenged? So now admit you were wrong.

He was there alright but as a spectator 2 days after the collapse.

But he was NEVER repeat NEVER there as a first responders. The way he portrayed himself when he signed the bill.
That’s the point we are trying to dig to all of with thick skull.
So you have no link claiming ground zero was ten sq miles, no surprise you just made up "hearing" it was 10 sq miles. You do know that if it actually was 10 sq miles it would have included Tramp Tower.

Exactly, where did you "HEAR" that ground zero was 10 sq miles????
You made that crap up. The Right ALWAYS make up shit to support their lies.
I hear it was 10 sq miles

I'm not on the right,,,
And you never heard ground zero was 10 sq miles.

I hear a lot of things,,,

you ever find out where you heard what it was???

and is that .5 square miles it or .5 miles from impact??
These idiot lefties just dont know when to quit. Your lies have been totally debunked for 2 days now and you STILL stick to them. Yet you wonder why we laugh at you on a daily basis. The TDS may be hitting epic proportions here.

Maybe you are not aware. We are laughing at all of you righties for promoting this fake video. Trump is a well known pathological liar.

1. If there is even a truthfulness of that fake video. Don’t you think Trump and his mafia friends like Fox News could have came out and prove that he was there as First Responders? Or prove that he was even there working? Or try to prove that MSN was lying?

2. If there is a truthfulness that he sends hundreds of men. Don’t you think he could have mentioned that all over the place. And BRAGGED about it. Sending hundreds of men is not an easy task. It need major coordination and training. You don’t just send a worker just to help out. What if they get hurt? Trumpy is liable.
These idiot lefties just dont know when to quit. Your lies have been totally debunked for 2 days now and you STILL stick to them. Yet you wonder why we laugh at you on a daily basis. The TDS may be hitting epic proportions here.

Maybe you are not aware. We are laughing at all of you righties for promoting this fake video. Trump is a well known pathological liar.

1. If there is even a truthfulness of that fake video. Don’t you think Trump and his mafia friends like Fox News could have came out and prove that he was there as First Responders? Or prove that he was even there working? Or try to prove that MSN was lying?

2. If there is a truthfulness that he sends hundreds of men. Don’t you think he could have mentioned that all over the place. And BRAGGED about it. Sending hundreds of men is not an easy task. It need major coordination and training. You don’t just send a worker just to help out. What if they get hurt? Trumpy is liable.

man your TDS must be in overdrive,,,
Watch the top of his right (our left) shoulder just inside where his sleeve starts. Starting at about 2:10, you can see how poorly his image is superimposed over the background of people walking around. FAKE VIDEO.
Watch the top of his right (our left) shoulder just inside where his sleeve starts. Starting at about 2:10, you can see how poorly his image is superimposed over the background of people walking around. FAKE VIDEO.


Watch the top of his right (our left) shoulder just inside where his sleeve starts. Starting at about 2:10, you can see how poorly his image is superimposed over the background of people walking around. FAKE VIDEO.

Trump lied

He did not send a crew to help out
He did not spend a lot of time at ground zero
He did not help out

Stolen Valor
when did he say he was on clean up???
he specifically said he wasnt,,,
On the campaign trail in 2016 Trump said he helped with clearing the rubble.

"Everyone who helped clear the rubble — and I was there, and I watched, and I helped a little bit —

helping isnt saying he cleaned up,,,he could have been serving food or passing out water,,,,

words have meanings
Yes, they do.

"Everyone who helped clear the rubble — and I was there, and I watched, and I helped a little bit —

He's saying he helped clear the rubble, a little bit. That's the meaning of those words.
These idiot lefties just dont know when to quit. Your lies have been totally debunked for 2 days now and you STILL stick to them. Yet you wonder why we laugh at you on a daily basis. The TDS may be hitting epic proportions here.

Maybe you are not aware. We are laughing at all of you righties for promoting this fake video. Trump is a well known pathological liar.

1. If there is even a truthfulness of that fake video. Don’t you think Trump and his mafia friends like Fox News could have came out and prove that he was there as First Responders? Or prove that he was even there working? Or try to prove that MSN was lying?

2. If there is a truthfulness that he sends hundreds of men. Don’t you think he could have mentioned that all over the place. And BRAGGED about it. Sending hundreds of men is not an easy task. It need major coordination and training. You don’t just send a worker just to help out. What if they get hurt? Trumpy is liable.
What does "there as first responders?" Did Trump claim he was a first responder? No. He claimed only that he was there.

You disgusting lying pieces of shit are so desperate it's pathetic. Everything you claim about Trump turns out to be a lie.

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