Here’s What Can Happen When the Caravan Reaches Our Border

What makes them "assholes"?
Illegal behavior, forcing their problems on American citizens....
They are using US laws to their advantage...
lol You mean by violating US laws.
You had better inform yourself on refugee laws and immigration law.
The caravan is 100% political
So they want to vote, it’s too late to register.
The vast majority of ANYONE who "caravans" like this to the USA will ultimately get in. And they know it, the Dems have made it crystal clear.

There is no real concerted means or effort to stop them. As many in the US will fight for their entry as will fight against.
The military will be a paper tiger. Probably unarmed and not even allowed to interact. Totally symbolic.
We are a divided nation....the Right wants borders....the Left does not.
The two sides will fight over it and use the courts to move the goal posts repeatedly, while the immigrants make their way in.

Force will not be used, because it is political suicide.

I do believe the caravans will be symbolically held temporarily in some way, while the Left media creates a firestorm of propaganda video and stories of the horrible treatment and human injustices....while the Left gathers it's Leftist judges and files motions upon motions granting entry.

As I have maintained, ONLY THE TRUE PATRIOTS OF AMERICA, as mentioned in the Constitution, (as few as there are remaining) can actually stop the flow of illegal immigrants.
And unfortunately, these people are not about to stop if they've come this far, for anything short of violence.
And the government will then step in to arrest those patriots that tried to defend their nation.

How else could this play out?
The democrats are not in power so drop that evasive stunt.
The Democrats in Congress blocked funding for the "wall" so they are 100% responsible for the present situation.
The funding can come from several sources.
No, it can't. This is exactly the result of the Democrats being nothing more than mindless anti Republicans.
The democrats are not in power so drop that evasive stunt.

Then how were they almost able to derail Kavanaugh's confirmation?
The Democrats have TONS of power....the media....Senators, Representatives, liberal judges etc etc etc

Thinking BEFORE you post is something you should consider.
lol You mean by violating US laws.
You had better inform yourself on refugee laws and immigration law.
lol You mean you should since you are clearly ignorant of them.
Yeah, that’s why they do what they do and get away with it...carry on...
Under Obama they did get away with it, but clearly not under President Trump.
They still come just like during Oblama.
The numbers have been greatly reduced since Trump was elected and would be near zero if the Democrats hadn't blocked funding for the wall.

Criminals target women, children as migrant caravan makes its way to Mexico

Republicans dream of killing these people as threatening and dangerous. Everyone knows that mothers walking a thousand miles with toddlers are terrifying.

Proof that Republicans now follow a different God.
You do realize when these if these immigrants get in. After seeing how crazy and hateful liberals are. They won't vote democrat. Then we wll see how God fearing you are.
By providing people willing to face perjury charges to tell of his activities as a human.
Tons of power like a space rocket...

Yet NONE of those allegations held a grain of sand.......(you do know the diff between allegations and proof...don't you?)

I doubt you're even aware that NBC was found to have withheld crucial information?
They failed to disclose one of the star witnesses against Kav completely denied Ford's allegations, yet they continued to push them.

Your bias is showing....along with your ignorance
10,000 people reach our southern border. [I suspect small groups will splinter off in order to try to cross undetected.]

Will they try to storm it like they did at the border between Mexico and Guatemala?

With women and children lead the way while the thousands of single, under 35 males stand back waiting for their chance.

So what if the president issues an executive order barring entry into the United States by any man, woman or child for any reason – or no reason?

Is that going to stop them?

What kind of physical actions will be taken to reinforce border crossings as well as wide-open areas where so many cross? What will be done to back up overwhelmed border patrol agents? 800 doctors, engineers, and other non-combat military personnel?

This is going to be riveting to watch. And, how the president handles it could well affect the important midterm elections.

More of this piece @ Here's What Happens When the Caravan Reaches Our Border

U.S. Has ‘National Emergency’ in Caravan, Former Top DEA Official Warns @ U.S. Has 'National Emergency' in Caravan, Former Top DEA Official Warns

Migrants nix offer to stay in Mexico, continue trek to US @ Migrants nix offer to stay in Mexico, continue trek to US

Migrant caravan, rejecting Mexican offers, continues drive north @ Migrant caravan, rejecting Mexican offers, continues drive north

Angel Families, Sheriffs, Ranchers Assemble at Border, Call for Security @ Angel Families, Sheriffs, Ranchers Assemble at Border
When and if they get to our border I would suspect that only a handful will be left to try to come over.
10,000 people reach our southern border. [I suspect small groups will splinter off in order to try to cross undetected.]

Will they try to storm it like they did at the border between Mexico and Guatemala?

With women and children lead the way while the thousands of single, under 35 males stand back waiting for their chance.

So what if the president issues an executive order barring entry into the United States by any man, woman or child for any reason – or no reason?

Is that going to stop them?

What kind of physical actions will be taken to reinforce border crossings as well as wide-open areas where so many cross? What will be done to back up overwhelmed border patrol agents? 800 doctors, engineers, and other non-combat military personnel?

This is going to be riveting to watch. And, how the president handles it could well affect the important midterm elections.

More of this piece @ Here's What Happens When the Caravan Reaches Our Border

U.S. Has ‘National Emergency’ in Caravan, Former Top DEA Official Warns @ U.S. Has 'National Emergency' in Caravan, Former Top DEA Official Warns

Migrants nix offer to stay in Mexico, continue trek to US @ Migrants nix offer to stay in Mexico, continue trek to US

Migrant caravan, rejecting Mexican offers, continues drive north @ Migrant caravan, rejecting Mexican offers, continues drive north

Angel Families, Sheriffs, Ranchers Assemble at Border, Call for Security @ Angel Families, Sheriffs, Ranchers Assemble at Border
This is whats going to happen. They are going to storm the border with thousands of people all at once. We will not shoot these people, so there is very little we can do to stop it. They will get through the border quite easily, which sucks, however, its going to be very good for republicans. You could throw 10,000 people at a 30 foot wall and they wouldnt get through, or the few that miraculously trickled over the wall would be snatched up before they hit the ground. This caravan is whats going to finally get us our wall.
The vast majority of ANYONE who "caravans" like this to the USA will ultimately get in. And they know it, the Dems have made it crystal clear.

There is no real concerted means or effort to stop them. As many in the US will fight for their entry as will fight against.
The military will be a paper tiger. Probably unarmed and not even allowed to interact. Totally symbolic.
We are a divided nation....the Right wants borders....the Left does not.
The two sides will fight over it and use the courts to move the goal posts repeatedly, while the immigrants make their way in.

Force will not be used, because it is political suicide.

I do believe the caravans will be symbolically held temporarily in some way, while the Left media creates a firestorm of propaganda video and stories of the horrible treatment and human injustices....while the Left gathers it's Leftist judges and files motions upon motions granting entry.

As I have maintained, ONLY THE TRUE PATRIOTS OF AMERICA, as mentioned in the Constitution, (as few as there are remaining) can actually stop the flow of illegal immigrants.
And unfortunately, these people are not about to stop if they've come this far, for anything short of violence.
And the government will then step in to arrest those patriots that tried to defend their nation.

How else could this play out?
The democrats are not in power so drop that evasive stunt.
The Democrats in Congress blocked funding for the "wall" so they are 100% responsible for the present situation.
The funding can come from several sources.
No, it can't. This is exactly the result of the Democrats being nothing more than mindless anti Republicans.
No it can’t? Small thoughs for small minds. By the way there is a partial fence and they just added a new section. I guess everyone volunteered to work for free since they received no funding according to yours... but who’s yous gonna believe, me or your own eyes, eh?
This is whats going to happen. They are going to storm the border with thousands of people all at once. We will not shoot these people, so there is very little we can do to stop it. They will get through the border quite easily, which sucks, however, its going to be very good for republicans. You could throw 10,000 people at a 30 foot wall and they wouldnt get through, or the few that miraculously trickled over the wall would be snatched up before they hit the ground. This caravan is whats going to finally get us our wall.

Good points
10,000 people reach our southern border. [I suspect small groups will splinter off in order to try to cross undetected.]

Will they try to storm it like they did at the border between Mexico and Guatemala?

With women and children lead the way while the thousands of single, under 35 males stand back waiting for their chance.

So what if the president issues an executive order barring entry into the United States by any man, woman or child for any reason – or no reason?

Is that going to stop them?

What kind of physical actions will be taken to reinforce border crossings as well as wide-open areas where so many cross? What will be done to back up overwhelmed border patrol agents? 800 doctors, engineers, and other non-combat military personnel?

This is going to be riveting to watch. And, how the president handles it could well affect the important midterm elections.

More of this piece @ Here's What Happens When the Caravan Reaches Our Border

U.S. Has ‘National Emergency’ in Caravan, Former Top DEA Official Warns @ U.S. Has 'National Emergency' in Caravan, Former Top DEA Official Warns

Migrants nix offer to stay in Mexico, continue trek to US @ Migrants nix offer to stay in Mexico, continue trek to US

Migrant caravan, rejecting Mexican offers, continues drive north @ Migrant caravan, rejecting Mexican offers, continues drive north

Angel Families, Sheriffs, Ranchers Assemble at Border, Call for Security @ Angel Families, Sheriffs, Ranchers Assemble at Border
When and if they get to our border I would suspect that only a handful will be left to try to come over.
Hopefully, but regardless of their numbers, they have to be stopped from entering the US or we will be issuing an open invitation to all 600,000,000 people who live south of our border to try to enter the US illegally.
From what I understand, Obviously they are not welcome in Texas.
They will probably go over to the California border which would be fine Californians deserve the assholes
What makes them "assholes"?
Illegal behavior, forcing their problems on American citizens....
They are using US laws to their advantage...
lol You mean by violating US laws.
You had better inform yourself on refugee laws and immigration law.
Point to the law that says its cool for thousands of immigrants to force their way across the US border like an invasion force.
....... or we will be issuing an open invitation to all 600,000,000 people who live south of our border to try to enter the US illegally.

Has already happened.
The caravans will continue coming (and getting in)

What we can hope for is that this will enrage enough Americans to finally demand the wall be built. Keeping in mind, enough illegals have already mixed in and are having children at a rate that far exceeds that of the current American population. Time is in their favor. We are already at a point of no return and in 100 years, this will not be the America it was 100 years ago BY ANY metric.
What makes them "assholes"?
Illegal behavior, forcing their problems on American citizens....
They are using US laws to their advantage...
lol You mean by violating US laws.
You had better inform yourself on refugee laws and immigration law.
Point to the law that says its cool for thousands of immigrants to force their way across the US border like an invasion force.
There is no law about such. The law does pertain to those that do cross and get caught or do not get caught.
....... or we will be issuing an open invitation to all 600,000,000 people who live south of our border to try to enter the US illegally.

Has already happened.
The caravans will continue coming (and getting in)

What we can hope for is that this will enrage enough Americans to finally demand the wall be built. Keeping in mind, enough illegals have already mixed in and are having children at a rate that far exceeds that of the current American population. Time is in their favor. We are already at a point of no return and in 100 years, this will not be the America it was 100 years ago BY ANY metric.
There is no time to make more babies, when did that happen?
10,000 people reach our southern border. [I suspect small groups will splinter off in order to try to cross undetected.]

Will they try to storm it like they did at the border between Mexico and Guatemala?

With women and children lead the way while the thousands of single, under 35 males stand back waiting for their chance.

So what if the president issues an executive order barring entry into the United States by any man, woman or child for any reason – or no reason?

Is that going to stop them?

What kind of physical actions will be taken to reinforce border crossings as well as wide-open areas where so many cross? What will be done to back up overwhelmed border patrol agents? 800 doctors, engineers, and other non-combat military personnel?

This is going to be riveting to watch. And, how the president handles it could well affect the important midterm elections.

More of this piece @ Here's What Happens When the Caravan Reaches Our Border

U.S. Has ‘National Emergency’ in Caravan, Former Top DEA Official Warns @ U.S. Has 'National Emergency' in Caravan, Former Top DEA Official Warns

Migrants nix offer to stay in Mexico, continue trek to US @ Migrants nix offer to stay in Mexico, continue trek to US

Migrant caravan, rejecting Mexican offers, continues drive north @ Migrant caravan, rejecting Mexican offers, continues drive north

Angel Families, Sheriffs, Ranchers Assemble at Border, Call for Security @ Angel Families, Sheriffs, Ranchers Assemble at Border
This is whats going to happen. They are going to storm the border with thousands of people all at once. We will not shoot these people, so there is very little we can do to stop it. They will get through the border quite easily, which sucks, however, its going to be very good for republicans. You could throw 10,000 people at a 30 foot wall and they wouldnt get through, or the few that miraculously trickled over the wall would be snatched up before they hit the ground. This caravan is whats going to finally get us our wall.

This so-called "caravan" has been going on for a decade. It's what Rump was obliquely and perversely referring to when he said Mexico was "sending" "rapists". It's only recently --- with a midterm election coming up that he's obviously scared shitless over --- that he's turned it into a "caravan" as if it's some kind of new thing. That idea is the stuff of wankitude. Fearmongering for the masses who eat it up, from a known pathological liar.

And it hasn't produced a wall, two years in. Has it.
10,000 people reach our southern border. [I suspect small groups will splinter off in order to try to cross undetected.]

Will they try to storm it like they did at the border between Mexico and Guatemala?

With women and children lead the way while the thousands of single, under 35 males stand back waiting for their chance.

So what if the president issues an executive order barring entry into the United States by any man, woman or child for any reason – or no reason?

Is that going to stop them?

What kind of physical actions will be taken to reinforce border crossings as well as wide-open areas where so many cross? What will be done to back up overwhelmed border patrol agents? 800 doctors, engineers, and other non-combat military personnel?

This is going to be riveting to watch. And, how the president handles it could well affect the important midterm elections.

More of this piece @ Here's What Happens When the Caravan Reaches Our Border

U.S. Has ‘National Emergency’ in Caravan, Former Top DEA Official Warns @ U.S. Has 'National Emergency' in Caravan, Former Top DEA Official Warns

Migrants nix offer to stay in Mexico, continue trek to US @ Migrants nix offer to stay in Mexico, continue trek to US

Migrant caravan, rejecting Mexican offers, continues drive north @ Migrant caravan, rejecting Mexican offers, continues drive north

Angel Families, Sheriffs, Ranchers Assemble at Border, Call for Security @ Angel Families, Sheriffs, Ranchers Assemble at Border
This is whats going to happen. They are going to storm the border with thousands of people all at once. We will not shoot these people, so there is very little we can do to stop it. They will get through the border quite easily, which sucks, however, its going to be very good for republicans. You could throw 10,000 people at a 30 foot wall and they wouldnt get through, or the few that miraculously trickled over the wall would be snatched up before they hit the ground. This caravan is whats going to finally get us our wall.
If they attempt to break through the border, they will be hit with clouds of tear gas, thrown back by water cannons and doused with skunk water, and if all that fails they will be shot with rubber bullets and then, if necessary with live ammo. If a few do manage to get through all of this, they will quickly be thrown into prison until they are deported back to Guatemala. A wall would have been a much better solution, but this is what the Democrats campaigned for.

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