Here's What the Buffalo Shooter's Alleged Manifesto Actually Says

What an interesting comment.

According to the media that have the guts to report such news, most sucker punchers are "certain" young men who have beaten up or killed primarily Asian and Jewish victims.

I was thinking that many of those sucker punchers are older than 18 and are adults. Stop being such a dick.
Are Lisa and Ray self-described leftist authoritarians and eco-fascists?

No, but they talk about segregation and replacement theory all the time, which is what most of the crazy manifesto was about.

Not everybody needs Big Daddy Government to hold their hands and powder their behinds. Just you leftists.

Says the guy who has spent his entire life sucking off the teet of the Military-Industrial Complex.

Mindless repetition of leftist talking points proves nothing except you're a mindless leftist.

Duly noted you still can't answer the point.

Let's try again- take away the misogyny, racism and homophobia, what does your movement stand for? Not "Smaller government", because you want to feed the bloated military machine and invade women's most private decisions. Not fiscal responsibility, because you've run up 20 trillion in debt since Reagan.

At the end of the day, it's only about the investor class's interest over that to the working class. The GOP hasn't always been this way. Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Eisenhower got it that labor was as important as capital. But pretty much starting with Reagan, that's what the GOP has been about, serving the poison pill of plutocracy to the the white working class through a big old gob of intolerance bacon.
Yeah, and that was written by the most childish mind on this board…

So you know what is not have you ever met one in your entire life…

I've met plenty...

I notice you've given up pathetically denying you're a leftist. Good. Nobody believed that bullshit anyway.
Maybe you are confusing me with Joe? He has a diff Indy pic. I am indeed a left wing supporter of democracy, freedom and the Democratic Party. Maybe he is less enthusiastic about it b
It's understandable why knee-jerk defensive hyper-partisans need to parrot their rightist propaganda media, but let's have the cojones to acknowledge the reality.

Anyone who claims in his "manifesto" to be a fascist, a White supremacist, and an anti-Semite, with the N-word written on the barrel of his AK-47, along with a white supremacist slogan, who uses it to massacre mostly Black Americans, is hardly a brainwashed agent of George Soros or a Stacey Abrams groupie.
Maybe but what if he was a leftist wanting those like you to think he was all that so he can get the media to start their anti-gun movement again?
No, but they talk about segregation and replacement theory all the time, which is what most of the crazy manifesto was about.
"Most"? You've read the whole thing?

Hint: No, you haven't. You're just repeating what you've been told, like a good little sheep.
Says the guy who has spent his entire life sucking off the teet of the Military-Industrial Complex.
Yes, you couldn't hack it in the Army, and you're still bitter about it. We get it. Yawn.

Meanwhile, I provided the taxpayers good service for 20 years. I earned my retirement.

You whined like a little bitch when told to do your job.
Duly noted you still can't answer the point.

Let's try again- take away the misogyny, racism and homophobia, what does your movement stand for? Not "Smaller government", because you want to feed the bloated military machine and invade women's most private decisions. Not fiscal responsibility, because you've run up 20 trillion in debt since Reagan.

At the end of the day, it's only about the investor class's interest over that to the working class. The GOP hasn't always been this way. Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Eisenhower got it that labor was as important as capital. But pretty much starting with Reagan, that's what the GOP has been about, serving the poison pill of plutocracy to the the white working class through a big old gob of intolerance bacon.
You have no point to answer, dumbass. Your Commie bullshit is bullshit, and safe to immediately discard. Don't like it? Stop repeating Commie bullshit.
He has a 180 page manifesto yelling about how blacks should go back to “their” homeland and Jews are trying to replace whites. He’s a hard core right wing nationalist who is also a lone wolf psychopath babbling about lacking a political ideology. Who cares what he says about his ideolgy was at 12?!? He’s a 4chan radicalized right wing nut who repeats Tucker Carlson talking points.
Your lies are hurting you:

"From age 15 to 18 however, I consistently moved farther to the right. On the political compass I fall in the mild-moderate authoritarian left category, and I would prefer to be called a populist."


“conservativism is corporatism in disguise, I want no part of it.”


“I would prefer to call myself a populist. But you can call me an ethno-nationalist eco-fascist national socialist if you want, I wouldn’t disagree with you.”

He never mentions Tucker Carlson and never says he followed 4 chan that was a probable media lie.
He is a RW Terrorist

The type who flocked to Trump and Trump refused to condemn

Here is the ultimate irony, and hypocrisy. . . In one hour, I am listening to NPR push this narrative of a, "white supremacist," shooting, in the US, and in the next? They are pushing that the Biden administration, and the US government need to approve of 40 billion for neo-nazi white supremacists in Ukraine, and these NPC's, don't give any of it a single critical thought.

There are, in fact, links between the two. . . but these NPCs? They don't even give it a passing thought. Only partisan hatred and the agenda matter.


Buffalo Shooter Linked To Azov Movement As The Clumsy “Vanilla ISIS” Agenda Stumbles Forward​

Maybe but what if he was a leftist wanting those like you to think he was all that so he can get the media to start their anti-gun movement again?
By all indications, he is yet another right-wing racist nut job, inspired by Dylan Roof.

If he wasn't, then he wouldn't be.
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its just like the "stand by, stack back" comment.
Its the context of a dog whistle.
The very fine people on both sides was in the days after charlottesville, along with "Robert E Lee is great general".

You really are an idiot.
Thanks for pointing out that it's starting to look like an obvious Manchurian false flag to demonize certain speech. Now I'm hearing he was known to authorities anyone with info on that?

If Tucker says "the Earth goes around the Sun" and a shooter puts in in his manifesto, do you blame Tucker for the shooting? And tell people they can't day that anymore? You would have been great in the Spanish Inquisition.
Unless the shooter cites Carlson and claimed Carlson ordered him to do it then not much the Families can do.

Carlson is allowed to express his opinion just like you are allowed to express your opinion and Carlson is paid to give radical thoughts but the shooter did not cite Carlson, so let stop the blame game on Carlson because we don’t like the douche nozzle and let just admit the shooter is mentally nuts!

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