Here's What the Buffalo Shooter's Alleged Manifesto Actually Says

Unless the shooter cites Carlson and claimed Carlson ordered him to do it then not much the Families can do.

Carlson is allowed to express his opinion just like you are allowed to express your opinion and Carlson is paid to give radical thoughts but the shooter did not cite Carlson, so let stop the blame game on Carlson because we don’t like the douche nozzle and let just admit the shooter is mentally nuts!
Let the families decide that, Sherlock...
So weigh in here.

Do you folks subscribe to the replacement theory or not?
They are afraid their white superiority will fall to a population that is a majority non-white. There is nothing to fear for this or the next generation. It will take many years to remove the systematic racism from our society.
They are afraid their white superiority will fall to a population that is a majority non-white. There is nothing to fear for this or the next generation. It will take many years to remove the systematic racism from our society.

To remove racism you need to stop kids growing up with racism. Clearly this is not the case and probably never will be in the US with the current system.
To remove racism you need to stop kids growing up with racism. Clearly this is not the case and probably never will be in the US with the current system.
Racism is a generational disease. All you need to do is look at family members that are raised in a racist environment. The words, the prejudices, the demeaning family jokes. The children grow up in that environment. And their children grow up in that environment. It goes on for generations, unless education and social awareness finally stops the cycle.

But that will take generations. We were on a good track until trump and MAGA came along. trump has been able to cloak his racism with code words and winks and nods. He is talented at that. Nearly as much as he is talented at Lying.
The pipsqueak loser doesn't like conservatism and attacked media in general.


Here's What the Buffalo Shooter's Alleged Manifesto Actually Says​



On Saturday afternoon, an 18-year-old from Upstate New York traveled to Buffalo and live-streamed himself shooting several people, ten of whom he killed, at a Tops Friendly Market in a predominantly black neighborhood. The suspect was captured by law enforcement and has been arraigned on 10 first-degree murder charges.

With their usual swiftness, leftists on Twitter quickly launched a seemingly coordinated effort to blame Fox News and Tucker Carlson for allegedly radicalizing the suspect.

As word of the shooting quickly spread on social media, so did reports that the shooter had posted a 180-page manifesto online, explaining his racist and anti-Semitic motives and detailing how he planned to carry out the attack.


He has the words monkey, and ****** written on the fore end of the rifle. Not hard to figure out his political leanings.
They are afraid their white superiority will fall to a population that is a majority non-white. There is nothing to fear for this or the next generation. It will take many years to remove the systematic racism from our society.
Oh I know what they are afraid of. I just want them to agree with this murdering jackass...because ya know...they do
Racism is a generational disease. All you need to do is look at family members that are raised in a racist environment. The words, the prejudices, the demeaning family jokes. The children grow up in that environment. And their children grow up in that environment. It goes on for generations, unless education and social awareness finally stops the cycle.

But that will take generations. We were on a good track until trump and MAGA came along. trump has been able to cloak his racism with code words and winks and nods. He is talented at that. Nearly as much as he is talented at Lying.

Racism exists for lots of reasons. One of them is a feeling of inferiority, the need to "cheat" to get up higher on the social ladder. So a lot of racists are not the smartest of people.

But yes, these same people could become non-racists because they're not actively seeking to become this, they're being manipulated into being racists by their parents, peers, close society around them.

There are, of course, other reasons why people become racists, but in the main this is probably a big one.
Maybe you are confusing me with Joe? He has a diff Indy pic. I am indeed a left wing supporter of democracy, freedom and the Democratic Party. Maybe he is less enthusiastic about it b

I consider myself more a pragmatist than a leftist or rightist. I'll take on a leftwinger if they dip into the crazy pool too often. It seems the right is dipping more into that pool of late.

Most"? You've read the whole thing?

Hint: No, you haven't. You're just repeating what you've been told, like a good little sheep.

I read the first 45 pages... which is the same Replacement theory crap Fox News plays every night. I couldn't imagine the other 135 pages being much different.

Yes, you couldn't hack it in the Army, and you're still bitter about it. We get it. Yawn.

Meanwhile, I provided the taxpayers good service for 20 years. I earned my retirement.

You whined like a little bitch when told to do your job.

I had 11 good years and got out as an E-6. Then I realized that it wasn't really worth it. We weren't defending AMerica, we were beating up on smaller, weaker countries to steal their resources. They even dangled an E-7 posting in front of me to get me to reup, but I was done. I had already gotten everything I wanted out of the deal.

You have no point to answer, dumbass. Your Commie bullshit is bullshit, and safe to immediately discard. Don't like it? Stop repeating Commie bullshit.

I realize you are intellectually limited...
I read the first 45 pages... which is the same Replacement theory crap Fox News plays every night. I couldn't imagine the other 135 pages being much different.
Page 9:
Did you always hold these views?
When I was 12 I was deep into communist ideology, talk to anyone from my old
highschool and ask about me and you will hear that. From age 15 to 18 however, I consistently
moved farther to the right. On the political compass I fall in the mild-moderate authoritarian left
category, and I would prefer to be called a populist.

Page 10:
What are your views?
I would prefer to call myself a populist. But you can call me an ethno-nationalist
eco-fascist national socialist if you want
, I wouldn’t disagree with you.

Plus, he hates Jews. That's popular among leftists.
I had 11 good years and got out as an E-6. Then I realized that it wasn't really worth it. We weren't defending AMerica, we were beating up on smaller, weaker countries to steal their resources. They even dangled an E-7 posting in front of me to get me to reup, but I was done. I had already gotten everything I wanted out of the deal.
I realize you are intellectually limited...
...says the Commie dumbass.

You really are an idiot.
You can try to believe whatever you want but the fact is he is a nutter and both sides should stop trying to blame each other and instead come together and try to stop the next mass shooter…

Man, just think how easy it would be to unite Americans behind a condemnation of a racist mass murder.

But Schmidlap and Biden and the rest of the lefty partisans, are not interested in that. THey want to use this to inflame partisan and racial strife.

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