Heritage of Hate: Dylann Roof, White Supremacy and the Truth About the Confederacy


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
He hits the nail right on the head,

"those who defend the flag, whether on statehouse grounds or a bumper sticker, have been quick to condemn any suggestion that the flag is a racist symbol. No matter the use for which it has obviously been put by overt white supremacists, including Roof, they insist that the flag and more broadly the Confederacy itself was not about racism. Indeed, they insist the flag is about “heritage, not hate.” It’s an old canard and one that we who are southerners have heard all of our lives: The Confederacy was about state’s rights, they insist, or tariffs, or taxes, or an intrusive “central government.” That anyone could still believe such things is testament to the broken and utterly pathetic state of American education. Much as some apparently don’t wish to believe Roof was motivated by racism and white supremacy, even as he said so from his own mouth before slaughtering nine people, many white folks appear incapable of trusting the very words uttered at the time of secession by Confederate leaders, all of which make clear that enslavement and white domination were not only the biggest reasons for their breakaway government but indeed the only ones."

Also interesting that this rag of a flag re appeared during the civil rights movement in the early 60's.

If the civil war wasn't about slavery why did the confederate state after being beaten to a pulp institute Jim Crow segregation

"But now, and let us be clear on this point: it is time for the rest of us to finish that war, once and for all. It is time to bury the Confederacy and everything for which it stood; to destroy for all time the white supremacist culture that Dylann Roof and his compatriots so cherish; and this time, completely and without pardon. Not by violence, not by retribution, and not by exchanging hate for hate; rather, we must destroy the culture and system of white supremacy by our resistance to its logic, our opposition to its policies, and our insistence that we can and must do better. We who are white must end white supremacy by our actions of solidarity with our black and brown brothers and sisters, and on behalf of racial equity; by our refusal to remain silent, to collaborate, to put up with the racism of our friends, family or colleagues for even one more second. We must end white supremacy by showing up to insist that Black Lives Matter, not merely as an aspirational slogan but a moral principle, and that we who are white will defend that principle and the principle of multiracial democracy with our voices, our money, our bodies and even our lives if need be.

The next Reconstruction must be permanent.

Tim Wise Heritage of Hate Dylann Roof White Supremacy and the Truth About the Confederacy
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Roof like much of today's American youth learned his sophmoronic stances and half baked druggie views from the left that rules American media and pushes multiculturalism. No one ANYWHERE ever heard of a White "Supremacist" that lived with black roommates, had "no problems with asians', thinks jews are White and burned the American flag. Burning the American flag is almost exclusively the sole domain of leftover leftist losers who protested the Vietnam war and dope headed incoherent rappers, wonder where Roof got that dumb idea?
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The values of the Confederacy are far closer to the teachings of the Bible than that of Hillary Clinton who was accurately portrayed on the cover of Time magazine with a set of horns coming out of her head (even if it was by accident) and the rest of the degenerate Democratic Party. No matter, the truth always comes out. It's just a matter of time when a few more million White liberals have been slaughtered by non Whites then the remaining race traitors will be forced to come around to our point of view.
Just that title is the Heritage of hate

You people never tire of it, do you
He hits the nail right on the head,

"those who defend the flag, whether on statehouse grounds or a bumper sticker, have been quick to condemn any suggestion that the flag is a racist symbol. No matter the use for which it has obviously been put by overt white supremacists, including Roof, they insist that the flag and more broadly the Confederacy itself was not about racism. Indeed, they insist the flag is about “heritage, not hate.” It’s an old canard and one that we who are southerners have heard all of our lives: The Confederacy was about state’s rights, they insist, or tariffs, or taxes, or an intrusive “central government.” That anyone could still believe such things is testament to the broken and utterly pathetic state of American education. Much as some apparently don’t wish to believe Roof was motivated by racism and white supremacy, even as he said so from his own mouth before slaughtering nine people, many white folks appear incapable of trusting the very words uttered at the time of secession by Confederate leaders, all of which make clear that enslavement and white domination were not only the biggest reasons for their breakaway government but indeed the only ones."

Also interesting that this rag of a flag re appeared during the civil rights movement in the early 60's.

If the civil war wasn't about slavery why did the confederate state after being beaten to a pulp institute Jim Crow segregation

"But now, and let us be clear on this point: it is time for the rest of us to finish that war, once and for all. It is time to bury the Confederacy and everything for which it stood; to destroy for all time the white supremacist culture that Dylann Roof and his compatriots so cherish; and this time, completely and without pardon. Not by violence, not by retribution, and not by exchanging hate for hate; rather, we must destroy the culture and system of white supremacy by our resistance to its logic, our opposition to its policies, and our insistence that we can and must do better. We who are white must end white supremacy by our actions of solidarity with our black and brown brothers and sisters, and on behalf of racial equity; by our refusal to remain silent, to collaborate, to put up with the racism of our friends, family or colleagues for even one more second. We must end white supremacy by showing up to insist that Black Lives Matter, not merely as an aspirational slogan but a moral principle, and that we who are white will defend that principle and the principle of multiracial democracy with our voices, our money, our bodies and even our lives if need be.

The next Reconstruction must be permanent.

Tim Wise Heritage of Hate Dylann Roof White Supremacy and the Truth About the Confederacy
What a severely flawed post.
Tim Wise is a racist and a bigot

as for the rest of his spew. zzzzzzzzzzz
RADICAL RACE ACTIVISTS Wave Black Nationalist Flag at Charleston Rally (Video)

Jim Hoft Jun 22nd, 2015 12:30 am 6 Comments

Not everyone was promoting love and forgiveness in Charleston, South Carolina this weekend.

One group of agitators waved the black nationalist flag at a Sunday rally.

Of course, professional race agitator Deray McKesson was at the event and posted the Vine video.

If you pause and screenshot, at least one of the flags DeRay’s crowd is waving is a black nationalist Pan-African flag.

Yup. That’s definitely the Pan-African or Black Liberation flag.

all of it here:
RADICAL RACE ACTIVISTS Wave Black Nationalist Flag at Charleston Rally Video - The Gateway Pundit
I guess they'd call this: heritage of love

A Confederate monument defaced
posted at 8:01 am on June 22, 2015 by Jazz Shaw

Yesterday, in the midst of all the church services and speeches and emotional turmoil welling up in Charleston, South Carolina, protesters defaced a statue in White Point Gardens. The iconic piece, dedicated to the Confederate soldiers from the state, was spray painted with various messages including the now seemingly ubiquitous “Black Lives Matter.” (Or that seems to be the intent, anyway. It actually says, “Black Lives Mater.”

A statue near The Battery memorializing Confederate defenders of the city was found vandalized Sunday with the message “Black lives matter.”

Another message, “This is the problem #racist,” also was spray-painted on “To the Confederate Defenders of Charleston — Fort Sumter.”

The monument was placed at the site by The United Daughters of the Confederacy.

The damage was reported to police dispatchers just after 12:30 p.m. The statue was covered up by residents who wrapped a large tarp around it about 1:30 p.m.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

ALL of it here:
A Confederate monument defaced Hot Air
If the civil war wasn't about slavery why did the confederate state after being beaten to a pulp institute Jim Crow segregation
Confederate treason, worshiped by the America hating Right, was ONLY about White Supremacy.

Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner- stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth. This truth has been slow in the process of its development, like all other truths in the various departments of science. It has been so even amongst us. Many who hear me, perhaps, can recollect well, that this truth was not generally admitted, even within their day. The errors of the past generation still clung to many as late as twenty years ago. Those at the North, who still cling to these errors, with a zeal above knowledge, we justly denominate fanatics. All fanaticism springs from an aberration of the mind from a defect in reasoning. It is a species of insanity. One of the most striking characteristics of insanity, in many instances, is forming correct conclusions from fancied or erroneous premises; so with the anti-slavery fanatics. Their conclusions are right if their premises were. They assume that the negro is equal, and hence conclude that he is entitled to equal privileges and rights with the white man. If their premises were correct, their conclusions would be logical and just but their premise being wrong, their whole argument fails. I recollect once of having heard a gentleman from one of the northern States, of great power and ability, announce in the House of Representatives, with imposing effect, that we of the South would be compelled, ultimately, to yield upon this subject of slavery, that it was as impossible to war successfully against a principle in politics, as it was in physics or mechanics. That the principle would ultimately prevail. That we, in maintaining slavery as it exists with us, were warring against a principle, a principle founded in nature, the principle of the equality of men. The reply I made to him was, that upon his own grounds, we should, ultimately, succeed, and that he and his associates, in this crusade against our institutions, would ultimately fail. The truth announced, that it was as impossible to war successfully against a principle in politics as it was in physics and mechanics, I admitted; but told him that it was he, and those acting with him, who were warring against a principle. They were attempting to make things equal which the Creator had made unequal.

- VP of the Confederacy, Alexander Stephens
I guess they'd call this: heritage of love

A Confederate monument defaced
posted at 8:01 am on June 22, 2015 by Jazz Shaw

Yesterday, in the midst of all the church services and speeches and emotional turmoil welling up in Charleston, South Carolina, protesters defaced a statue in White Point Gardens. The iconic piece, dedicated to the Confederate soldiers from the state, was spray painted with various messages including the now seemingly ubiquitous “Black Lives Matter.” (Or that seems to be the intent, anyway. It actually says, “Black Lives Mater.”

A statue near The Battery memorializing Confederate defenders of the city was found vandalized Sunday with the message “Black lives matter.”

Another message, “This is the problem #racist,” also was spray-painted on “To the Confederate Defenders of Charleston — Fort Sumter.”

The monument was placed at the site by The United Daughters of the Confederacy.

The damage was reported to police dispatchers just after 12:30 p.m. The statue was covered up by residents who wrapped a large tarp around it about 1:30 p.m.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

ALL of it here:
A Confederate monument defaced Hot Air

Hopefully piece of trash like you aren't long for this world
The values of the Confederacy are far closer to the teachings of the Bible than that of Hillary Clinton who was accurately portrayed on the cover of Time magazine with a set of horns coming out of her head (even if it was by accident) and the rest of the degenerate Democratic Party. No matter, the truth always comes out. It's just a matter of time when a few more million White liberals have been slaughtered by non Whites then the remaining race traitors will be forced to come around to our point of view.

The citizens of this country will never "...come around to your point of view". Spewing hatred is a vile and disgusting act, especially when you try and include the innocent millions when convicting those who have actually committed crimes.

But when you and your ilk do decide to try and force people to come around to your point of view, feel free to look me up in Atlanta. I would love to be the first one you try to force. But, like most of your ilk, you will spew this venom only under the safety of the anonymity of the internet. You are too much of a coward to do it personally.
You all can whip up your hate. Nobody is listeneing

Sunday Smile: #CharlestonUnityChain Walks Across #BridgeToPeace: “Love Never Fails” And “Hate Will Not Win”

Over ten thousand people in Charleston walked across the Ravenel bridge in a unity walk tonight, lead by the families of the victims killed at the church. People shared songs, prayers and a moment of silence for the nine people killed.

Michael Kocis@MikeKocis

Thanks to @holycityheli for shots of the #CharlestonUnityChain. What a beautiful town I live in #CharlestonStrong

all of it here:

Sunday Smile CharlestonUnityChain Walks Across BridgeToPeace Love Never Fails And Hate Will Not Win Weasel Zippers

Roof like much of today's American youth learned his sophmoronic stances and half baked druggie views from the left that rules American media and pushes multiculturalism. No one ANYWHERE ever heard of a White "Supremacist" that lived with black roommates, had "no problems with asians', thinks jews are White and burned the American flag. Burning the American flag is almost exclusively the sole domain of leftover leftist losers who protested the Vietnam war and dope headed incoherent rappers, wonder where Roof got that dumb idea?

Gee, I thought you were Roof? Funny how much you two have in common.
I guess they'd call this: heritage of love

A Confederate monument defaced
posted at 8:01 am on June 22, 2015 by Jazz Shaw

Yesterday, in the midst of all the church services and speeches and emotional turmoil welling up in Charleston, South Carolina, protesters defaced a statue in White Point Gardens. The iconic piece, dedicated to the Confederate soldiers from the state, was spray painted with various messages including the now seemingly ubiquitous “Black Lives Matter.” (Or that seems to be the intent, anyway. It actually says, “Black Lives Mater.”

A statue near The Battery memorializing Confederate defenders of the city was found vandalized Sunday with the message “Black lives matter.”

Another message, “This is the problem #racist,” also was spray-painted on “To the Confederate Defenders of Charleston — Fort Sumter.”

The monument was placed at the site by The United Daughters of the Confederacy.

The damage was reported to police dispatchers just after 12:30 p.m. The statue was covered up by residents who wrapped a large tarp around it about 1:30 p.m.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

ALL of it here:
A Confederate monument defaced Hot Air
The idiots couldn't spell 'Matter' right.
Roof like much of today's American youth learned his sophmoronic stances and half baked druggie views from the left that rules American media and pushes multiculturalism. No one ANYWHERE ever heard of a White "Supremacist" that lived with black roommates, had "no problems with asians', thinks jews are White and burned the American flag. Burning the American flag is almost exclusively the sole domain of leftover leftist losers who protested the Vietnam war and dope headed incoherent rappers, wonder where Roof got that dumb idea?

Gee, I thought you were Roof? Funny how much you two have in common.
Like what exactly?
The Bible supports keeping folks as slaves and treating them like chattel or property...then perhaps the Bible is not good....
Campaign Donations Linked to White Supremacist -the one Dylann Roof liked.
The leader of a white supremacist group that has been linked to Dylann Roof, the suspect in the murder of nine African-Americans in a Charleston, S.C., church last week, has donated tens of thousands of dollars to Republican campaigns, including those of 2016 presidential contenders such as Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum and Rand Paul, records show.
Mr. Cruz, a Texas senator, said Sunday night that he would be returning about $8,500 in donations that he had received from the Texas donor, Earl Holt III, who lists himself as president of the Council of Conservative Citizens.

Snip....Mr. Holt, who identified himself in some donation records as a Texas “slumlord,” has also given money to a number of other current and former Republican members of Congress, including Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona, Senator Rob Portman of Ohio, former Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, Representative Steve King of Iowa, and former Representative Todd Akin of Missouri.

Spokesmen for Mr. Santorum, a former Pennsylvania senator, and Mr. Paul, a senator from Kentucky, did not respond to requests for comment on the donations. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/22/us/campaign-donations-linked-to-white-supremacist.html?_r=0

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