Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

I hope they ask this question at the debates?

Would you hire a Muslim if you were president? It'll be like the believe-in-evolution question.

God forbid them Muslims push their Sharia law on us

Guy is a laughing stock. He will not get over 5% of Republicans to buy his nonsense

It's hard to get 5% of anyone here to buy your nonsense.

We are talking Herman Cain here. Not only will he pull single digits but he will not get a single delegate. He is a fringe candidate...get serious
Sure they do.

Why wouldn't everyone just believe you - the most prolific liar in the forum?

Islam in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Contrary to popular perceptions, the condition of Muslims in the U.S. is very good. Many are professionals, especially doctors, scientists, engineers, and financial analysts, and there are also a large number of entrepreneurs. The five urban areas with the largest Indian populations include the Washington/Baltimore metropolitan area as well as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. The 10 states with the largest Muslim populations are California, New York, Illinois, New Jersey, Indiana, Michigan, Virginia, Texas, Ohio, and Maryland. 45 percent of immigrant Muslims report annual household income levels of $50,000 or higher. This compares to the national average of 44 percent. Immigrant Muslims are well represented among higher-income earners, with 19 percent claiming annual household incomes of $100,000 or higher (compared to 16 percent for the Muslim population as a whole and 17 percent for the U.S. average). This is likely due to the strong concentration of Muslims in professional, managerial, and technical fields, especially in information technology, education, medicine, law, and the corporate world.[76]

All muslims support the evil quran and believe the murdering thieving pig muhammad
was a real prophet.I therefore consider them backward beasts and try not to do any business with them.Iam PROUD to HATE islam!

And you make people against Muslim terrorism sound SOOOOO rational. :lol::lol::lol:
You have any fucking evidence to suggest they're peaceful???

A peaceful Muslim in my mind would publicly condemn radical Islam.

Where the fuck are these activists that condemn radical Islam???

I know of 3 and only 3 activists that condemn radical Islam and those individuals receive death threats on a daily basis.

Looking the other way when radical Islam is spewing crazy world domination bullshit is not peaceful...

I could not harm a fly, however I could agree and even financially support organizations that commit violent acts. Now would that make me peaceful???

Muslim Americans are higher educated than average Americans, they make more money and have a lower crime rate than average Americans. A higher percentage are in professional occupations. Muslims have a higher marriage rate and lower divorce rate

How peaceful do you want?

And yes, American Muslims repeatedly condemn terrorism


"American Muslims repeatedly condemn terrorism" ?????

You're full of shit ...... and even you know that.


I almost replied till I saw who posted it
Does anyone else suspect that "HotWire's" fondest dream is to give a blow job to a Muslim male?
I think your wildest dream is to do me bitch!Iam to good for you!

Be careful. Your mommy might look over your shoulder and see you type that and then wash your mouth out with soap.

Of course.....you might like that.......:eusa_whistle:
He would be justified in saying he would not appoint a supporter of Al Qaida. To rule out 7 million peaceful US Muslims because you don't like their religion is wrong

You have any fucking evidence to suggest they're peaceful???

A peaceful Muslim in my mind would publicly condemn radical Islam.

Where the fuck are these activists that condemn radical Islam???

I know of 3 and only 3 activists that condemn radical Islam and those individuals receive death threats on a daily basis.

Looking the other way when radical Islam is spewing crazy world domination bullshit is not peaceful...

I could not harm a fly, however I could agree and even financially support organizations that commit violent acts. Now would that make me peaceful???

Do Muslim GIs on the front line fighting the Taliban qualify as "looking the other way?"
Are they those 3 you are talking about?
Funny, there are thousands of Muslims in our military.
Radicals would not know that though.

Thousands of muslims in our military ???

Response: BULLSHIT !!!

There are probably a few good ones, one or two may even be genuine heroes. But it is impossible to tell how many of them are arseholes in the military for reasons other than patriotic.

In any case, their presence in the Military are not worth the chance: witness Maj Hasan the Islamic Terrorist (ya know.....the one that the Obami Salaami adm WILL NOT identify as an Islamic Terrorist even though he yelled "Allahu Akbar" as he slaughtered 15 (?) our military at Fort Hood).
God you are an idiot and a fool.

You're the one making the assertion that they are NOT peaceful...prove it! Isolated acts from groups don't prove it for all or even the majority of people.

Second, retardoland, you havent explained why the constitution that protects religion should be shredded for your fear of muslims? It's always people like YOU who want to tear up the constitution when you get afraid...wet little panties soaking with pee and fear...

You seem to forget that religious persecution was the genesis of this country. Good thing we have braver men and women and MUSLIMS dying to protect your right not to be discriminated against.


You are a delusional fart.

End of story.
Thats always the problem...... The law wins, or should I say the tyrants win.

Tell daddy not to slam the door on a cop's face next time and maybe he won't get tazed. STop being butthurt about it though.

My father never slammed the door... One would have to be blind or submissive to even make such an assertion..

Shit dude...

What the fuck is the matter with your clan?

I'm a fucking Librul and I ain't never been tazed. What the hell are you people drinking?
i wouldnt go around calling other people savage with this post you just made.
Go away.

You are the liberal scum who defends these islamic satanic beasts.FUCK YOU MUZZIE LOVER!!In the name of islam thousands murdered on 9/11.In the name of islam
dozens killed at Ft. Hood.Iam PROUD to HATE islam!!!!!!!!!

I can tell by your "satanic" comment that you are Christian so this makes you rather hipocritical. The Bible contains twice as many violent passages as the Quran. This is fact and if you want to debate that, let's take it to the religion forum. And ironically, the God of the Bible killed millions of people while Satan only killed about 13 people, so it's funny that you use "satan" to signify evil when your God killed millions more than satan.

Of you're not a Christian, then it's rather an odd thing for an Atheist to call something "satanic."


I can tell your a muzzie lover and a apologist for the evil deathcult of islam.ram islam up your ass also.Read the New Testament and compare with the bloodlusting quran liberal maggot.Pure hatred is all I have for islam.I will NOT try to force my God onto to you liberal scum.Unlike your muslim pig friends who think they have the duty to kill infidels.
Tell daddy not to slam the door on a cop's face next time and maybe he won't get tazed. STop being butthurt about it though.

My father never slammed the door... One would have to be blind or submissive to even make such an assertion..

Shit dude...

What the fuck is the matter with your clan?

I'm a fucking Librul and I ain't never been tazed. What the hell are you people drinking?

Well, bring an arrest warrant when you want to arrest someone..

I'd be dead if I was there btw..

You'd have dead cops and me, then I'd be dead.

It be a Ruby Ridge incident...
Its not like Cain could ever get the nomination anyway...

So who the hell cares ???

I hope they ask this question at the debates?

Would you hire a Muslim if you were president? It'll be like the believe-in-evolution question.

Any Conservative becomes a target like this. He says one blessed thing wrong and you twist it and spin it and blow it the fuck out of proportion.

From now on Hermain Cain is prejudice against Muslims.

Good for him. I think everyone should be wary of Muslims getting into our government in any capacity, especially since we are currently in a war of ideology with them.

Nevermind that he said he is wary of Muslims becoming a part of our legal system and the fact that many of them want to go around our Constitution and institute Sharia law in this country.

Yes, let's put tents on our women and start flogging and beheading people for minor infractions. After all it is a religion of peace.

Herman Cain later said that he is wary of appointing Muslim judges. They would have to exhibit restraint and not let their religion influence their decisions. Anyone who knows Islam and adheres to it's laws is duty-bound to insert Allah and their religion into every single aspect of their lives, or they're not a good Muslim.

That is why Cain would give pause to hiring one for the position they were discussing. He said that he might consider it for other positions though, and that puts the lie to the headline of this thread.


Good for Mr. Cain Indeed.
Thats always the problem...... The law wins, or should I say the tyrants win.

Tell daddy not to slam the door on a cop's face next time and maybe he won't get tazed. STop being butthurt about it though.

My father never slammed the door... One would have to be blind or submissive to even make such an assertion..

Really? Well a jury of his "peers" certainly found him guilty of doing so.

It was funny watching your pa flop around like a fish out of water though. Thanks for linking to the video.
Herman Cain is asked whether he would be willing to appoint a Muslim as a Cabinet officer or judge.

“No. I will not,” he said. “And here’s why: There’s this creeping attempt — there’s this attempt to gradually ease Sharia law and the Muslim faith into our government.” According to Cain, many American Muslims “are trying to force their Sharia law onto the rest of us.”

That’s just stupid. As in not very bright. By comparison, the Sharia conspiracy crowd makes the birthers look downright sane and reasonable. It will be interesting to see who, if anyone, among the GOP mainstream steps up to repudiate such nonsense. After all, the Constitution explicitly rules out such nonsense, stating point blank that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”

I guess Herman Cain doesn’t believe in the Constitution.

| Jay Bookman

YouTube - ‪Herman Cain refuses to appoint a Muslim in his administration‬‏

Yep, Cains out! lol
My father never slammed the door... One would have to be blind or submissive to even make such an assertion..

Shit dude...

What the fuck is the matter with your clan?

I'm a fucking Librul and I ain't never been tazed. What the hell are you people drinking?

Well, bring an arrest warrant when you want to arrest someone..

I'd be dead if I was there btw..

You'd have dead cops and me, then I'd be dead.

It be a Ruby Ridge incident...

The police aren't required to have a warrant before knocking on your door. Your dad answered the door when the knocked. Then he committed assault with a door at that point they had probabe cause to arrest HIM and came into the house to do so. They did NOT come into the house to find your brother. Your dad resisted (which he was also found guilty of) so he got the business end of a zapper.

yay for justice.
I support him - does that make me part of his Christian Identity Church???

What is a "Christian Identity Church" anyways????

Oh yeah, anyone that doesn't submit to the government.

I suppose that would include myself...*I* am in Cain's corner...and *I* don't have a problem even IF he said it...and SO WHAT? *MUSLIMS* still have to prove themselves as a true religion rather than what *I* picture them as, and that is a bunch of shit-disturbing political activists seeing the history of Mohammed...


I was talking about Randy Weaver...

Sorry If I let the topic slip.

De nada. No worries my friend. ;)

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