Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

The very first word in the 1st Amendment is CONGRESS, and Herman Cain is running for President.

Sorry, no cigar!


The President isn't suddenly exempt from that.

Congress has to approve of many of the administrative and judical positions.

true, but the burden would be on you to prove that a Muslim was the more qualified candidate and passed over simply because he was a Musim. a complete no sell.

Not that it matters anyhow, Cain won't be elected POTUS and that's that.

That's not what happened here. Cain put forth a religious litmus test in order to work for the government under his administration. That strictly forbidden and goes against the founding of our nation.

I'm really surprised here. It's a very simple concept.

The President isn't suddenly exempt from that.

Congress has to approve of many of the administrative and judical positions.

true, but the burden would be on you to prove that a Muslim was the more qualified candidate and passed over simply because he was a Musim. a complete no sell.

Not that it matters anyhow, Cain won't be elected POTUS and that's that.

That's not what happened here. Cain put forth a religious litmus test in order to work for the government under his administration. That strictly forbidden and goes against the founding of our nation.

I'm really surprised here. It's a very simple concept.

Callow Sallow,

Appointing an ENEMY into one's Administration is strictly forbidden and not only goes against the founding of our Nation, but ANY Nation ..... including sanity.

I'm really surprised here. It's a very simple concept.
Really? Well a jury of his "peers" certainly found him guilty of doing so.

It was funny watching your pa flop around like a fish out of water though. Thanks for linking to the video.

Just so you know my fathers bitch lawyer insisted on liberal jury members...

I told him that liberals will find him guilty because he's white and appears to have money (given the fact he wore a nice suit for such a trivial case)....

Yeah, libfucks got him nice...

Yeah, it was a progressive liberal liberal jury...

The closing arguments were the best ... "Find this man guilty or he will sue us."

Yeah, we cant take away the welfare from the welfare padded jury now can we???

So much for the liberal idea eh Blake?

Lets see..

Blame the lawyer
Blame the Jury

Typical rightwinger unable to take responsibility for your own actions

BogusWanker is being Bogus while playing with his wanker.

There isn't anything new here.

The President isn't suddenly exempt from that.

Congress has to approve of many of the administrative and judical positions.

true, but the burden would be on you to prove that a Muslim was the more qualified candidate and passed over simply because he was a Musim. a complete no sell.

Not that it matters anyhow, Cain won't be elected POTUS and that's that.

That's not what happened here. Cain put forth a religious litmus test in order to work for the government under his administration. That strictly forbidden and goes against the founding of our nation.

I'm really surprised here. It's a very simple concept.

It's funny how some people try to rewrite things on the fly isn't it?

Conjob wants everyone to ignore Cain's own words and the real reason why Cain wont hire a Muslim so he invents a reason of his own. In this case it's that there are no Muslims who are most qualified for the positions.

Conjob, there is no need to prove that anyone was specifically passed up because they are a Muslim. To be "passed up" you would have to be considered in the first place. The OP is about what Cain would do and Cain has stated he has no intention of considering hiring Muslims and he gave a specific reason why.

Since you seem to have forgotten the whole point of the OP here's the quote again:

“No. I will not,” he said. “And here’s why: There’s this creeping attempt — there’s this attempt to gradually ease Sharia law and the Muslim faith into our government.”

That's straight up religious discrimation.
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true, but the burden would be on you to prove that a Muslim was the more qualified candidate and passed over simply because he was a Musim. a complete no sell.

Not that it matters anyhow, Cain won't be elected POTUS and that's that.

That's not what happened here. Cain put forth a religious litmus test in order to work for the government under his administration. That strictly forbidden and goes against the founding of our nation.

I'm really surprised here. It's a very simple concept.

Callow Sallow,

Appointing an ENEMY into one's Administration is strictly forbidden and not only goes against the founding of our Nation, but ANY Nation ..... including sanity.

I'm really surprised here. It's a very simple concept.

Right because Muslims = the ENEMY

You are who you hate. Someday you will realize it.
That's not what happened here. Cain put forth a religious litmus test in order to work for the government under his administration. That strictly forbidden and goes against the founding of our nation.

I'm really surprised here. It's a very simple concept.

Callow Sallow,

Appointing an ENEMY into one's Administration is strictly forbidden and not only goes against the founding of our Nation, but ANY Nation ..... including sanity.

I'm really surprised here. It's a very simple concept.

Right because Muslims = the ENEMY

You are who you hate. Someday you will realize it.

heheh, i just read:

"sodomy you will realize it."

i blame gautama, and muslims for that.
Callow Sallow,

Appointing an ENEMY into one's Administration is strictly forbidden and not only goes against the founding of our Nation, but ANY Nation ..... including sanity.

I'm really surprised here. It's a very simple concept.

Right because Muslims = the ENEMY

You are who you hate. Someday you will realize it.

heheh, i just read:

"sodomy you will realize it."

i blame gautama, and muslims for that.

Therefor gautama is a Muslim.
true, but the burden would be on you to prove that a Muslim was the more qualified candidate and passed over simply because he was a Musim. a complete no sell.

Not that it matters anyhow, Cain won't be elected POTUS and that's that.

That's not what happened here. Cain put forth a religious litmus test in order to work for the government under his administration. That strictly forbidden and goes against the founding of our nation.

I'm really surprised here. It's a very simple concept.

Callow Sallow,

Appointing an ENEMY into one's Administration is strictly forbidden and not only goes against the founding of our Nation, but ANY Nation ..... including sanity.

I'm really surprised here. It's a very simple concept.

You would think libs would understand that...but again, they voted someone into office that MANY (including myself) does not believe is a US Citizen. So i guess it really doesn't matter, as long as it's someone on their side!
That's not what happened here. Cain put forth a religious litmus test in order to work for the government under his administration. That strictly forbidden and goes against the founding of our nation.

I'm really surprised here. It's a very simple concept.

Callow Sallow,

Appointing an ENEMY into one's Administration is strictly forbidden and not only goes against the founding of our Nation, but ANY Nation ..... including sanity.

I'm really surprised here. It's a very simple concept.

You would think libs would understand that...but again, they voted someone into office that MANY (including myself) does not believe is a US Citizen. So i guess it really doesn't matter, as long as it's someone on their side!

This thread is pure gold.

The President isn't suddenly exempt from that.

Congress has to approve of many of the administrative and judical positions.

true, but the burden would be on you to prove that a Muslim was the more qualified candidate and passed over simply because he was a Musim. a complete no sell.

Not that it matters anyhow, Cain won't be elected POTUS and that's that.

That's not what happened here. Cain put forth a religious litmus test in order to work for the government under his administration. That strictly forbidden and goes against the founding of our nation.

I'm really surprised here. It's a very simple concept.

The President can decide who he appoints and high level appointments are confirmed or not confirmed by the Senate. When Congress passes a law that requires a quota of muslims to be appointed, let me know.

Concepts are not laws.
Well, that ends any doubt about whether or not this guy can be accurately labeled a crackpot.

And a bigot.

Ironically it proves a point the Right loves to assert on a regular basis...

...that black people can be bigots too!

Indeed.....saw that clearly last week with Obama.
I like Cain. And, if he's pissed you off... I like him even more.

because we should base all of our decisions on how much it ticks off the people we disagree with, right? how about voting for someone who's not so stupid they think there's "creeping sharia"?

of course, if you have evidence of Sharia Law being applied in our courts in any way different than decisions of a Beit Din or Catholic tribunal are treated, I'd be pleased to see it.

otherwise it's wingnuttiness which is in violation of our laws.
The very first word in the 1st Amendment is CONGRESS, and Herman Cain is running for President.

Sorry, no cigar!


The President isn't suddenly exempt from that.

Congress has to approve of many of the administrative and judical positions.

true, but the burden would be on you to prove that a Muslim was the more qualified candidate and passed over simply because he was a Musim. a complete no sell.

Not that it matters anyhow, Cain won't be elected POTUS and that's that.

You don't have to prove anything, Cain has already said he would not hire a Muslim for his cabinet or appoint one as a judge

You see....he is afraid them Muslims will sneak their Sharia law into his country and make all his women wear burkas. You can't be too safe

Yea.....Cain is qualified to be the President
true, but the burden would be on you to prove that a Muslim was the more qualified candidate and passed over simply because he was a Musim. a complete no sell.

Not that it matters anyhow, Cain won't be elected POTUS and that's that.

That's not what happened here. Cain put forth a religious litmus test in order to work for the government under his administration. That strictly forbidden and goes against the founding of our nation.

I'm really surprised here. It's a very simple concept.

It's funny how some people try to rewrite things on the fly isn't it?

Conjob wants everyone to ignore Cain's own words and the real reason why Cain wont hire a Muslim so he invents a reason of his own. In this case it's that there are no Muslims who are most qualified for the positions.

Conjob, there is no need to prove that anyone was specifically passed up because they are a Muslim. To be "passed up" you would have to be considered in the first place. The OP is about what Cain would do and Cain has stated he has no intention of considering hiring Muslims and he gave a specific reason why.

Since you seem to have forgotten the whole point of the OP here's the quote again:

“No. I will not,” he said. “And here’s why: There’s this creeping attempt — there’s this attempt to gradually ease Sharia law and the Muslim faith into our government.”

That's straight up religious discrimation.

Reminds me of what they used to say about Jews
That's not what happened here. Cain put forth a religious litmus test in order to work for the government under his administration. That strictly forbidden and goes against the founding of our nation.

I'm really surprised here. It's a very simple concept.

Callow Sallow,

Appointing an ENEMY into one's Administration is strictly forbidden and not only goes against the founding of our Nation, but ANY Nation ..... including sanity.

I'm really surprised here. It's a very simple concept.

You would think libs would understand that...but again, they voted someone into office that MANY (including myself) does not believe is a US Citizen. So i guess it really doesn't matter, as long as it's someone on their side!

As the birther chimes in

Guess what? Anyone who is a birther can't be elected either. Look at your boy Trump
That's not what happened here. Cain put forth a religious litmus test in order to work for the government under his administration. That strictly forbidden and goes against the founding of our nation.

I'm really surprised here. It's a very simple concept.

Callow Sallow,

Appointing an ENEMY into one's Administration is strictly forbidden and not only goes against the founding of our Nation, but ANY Nation ..... including sanity.

I'm really surprised here. It's a very simple concept.

Right because Muslims = the ENEMY

You are who you hate. Someday you will realize it.

I believe that Christians are taught pray for their enemies to convert to Christianity and that Muslims are taught the choice given to infidels is to convert to Islam or we kill you.

You choose your enemy and I will choose mine.
Callow Sallow,

Appointing an ENEMY into one's Administration is strictly forbidden and not only goes against the founding of our Nation, but ANY Nation ..... including sanity.

I'm really surprised here. It's a very simple concept.

Right because Muslims = the ENEMY

You are who you hate. Someday you will realize it.

I believe that Christians are taught pray for their enemies to convert to Christianity and that Muslims are taught the choice given to infidels is to convert to Islam or we kill you.

You choose your enemy and I will choose mine.

There are up to 7 million Muslims in the United States. If what you are saying is correct, where are the millions of murders of infidels?

Can you identify ONE case in the US where someone was killed for not converting to Islam?
Give me an example of "right wing" extremism and maybe I will.

Christian organizations like the KKK and the Aryan Nation for starters. :doubt:

Yeah like: Michael Pfleger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you content with your ignorance?

Oh I'm still waiting for an apology from Sunni asshole on behalf of Islam for 9/11..

I like the fact you're attempting to change the discussion tho...

Maybe you're being sarcastic, but if your brain really does work in this crazy way you have a LOT more apologizing to do for all the dead muslims at the hands of christians from our last 2 wars.

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