Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

Callow Sallow,

Appointing an ENEMY into one's Administration is strictly forbidden and not only goes against the founding of our Nation, but ANY Nation ..... including sanity.

I'm really surprised here. It's a very simple concept.

Right because Muslims = the ENEMY

You are who you hate. Someday you will realize it.

I believe that Christians are taught pray for their enemies to convert to Christianity and that Muslims are taught the choice given to infidels is to convert to Islam or we kill you.

You choose your enemy and I will choose mine.

Depends on if you go by the texts, the text of the Bible say clearly and repeatedly that it is your duty to kill non believers.
Right because Muslims = the ENEMY

You are who you hate. Someday you will realize it.

I believe that Christians are taught pray for their enemies to convert to Christianity and that Muslims are taught the choice given to infidels is to convert to Islam or we kill you.

You choose your enemy and I will choose mine.

There are up to 7 million Muslims in the United States. If what you are saying is correct, where are the millions of murders of infidels?

Can you identify ONE case in the US where someone was killed for not converting to Islam?

Ft.Hood murders you stupid muslim loving liberal piece of shit.PROUD TO HATE ISLAM!!!
Proud to hate islam. Wow. That's just so fucking retarded i don't know where to start.

I guess this thread is pretty much done. Cain got the response he wanted with that comment. Hatred of Muslims.
Christian organizations like the KKK and the Aryan Nation for starters. :doubt:

Yeah like: Michael Pfleger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you content with your ignorance?

Oh I'm still waiting for an apology from Sunni asshole on behalf of Islam for 9/11..

I like the fact you're attempting to change the discussion tho...

Maybe you're being sarcastic, but if your brain really does work in this crazy way you have a LOT more apologizing to do for all the dead muslims at the hands of christians from our last 2 wars.

As if our military was some Christian Army out killing evil Muslims and we should apologize for that. Good grief. You have admitted yourself that we have Muslims in our military fighting over there.

Here's my apology. I AM sorry that the pussy coward terrorists hide behind innocent people and those innocent people sometimes get killed. But unfortunately even the most careful military in history in terms of collateral damage can't control everything.

Now , ask Sunni Man to apologize for all the innocent people killed by the coward pussy terrorists, and the silence will be your answer as to why MANY people hate Muslims.
Proud to hate islam. Wow. That's just so fucking retarded i don't know where to start.

I guess this thread is pretty much done. Cain got the response he wanted with that comment. Hatred of Muslims.

RETARDED to hate murder and terror from the savage islamic beasts? I think your retarded
you musilm loving degenerate libersal pig!FUCK YOU moron.
PROUD TO HATE ISLAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!To all muslims,Ram your bloodlusting deathcult of islam
up your stinking asses .

The President isn't suddenly exempt from that.

Congress has to approve of many of the administrative and judical positions.

true, but the burden would be on you to prove that a Muslim was the more qualified candidate and passed over simply because he was a Musim. a complete no sell.

Not that it matters anyhow, Cain won't be elected POTUS and that's that.

You don't have to prove anything, Cain has already said he would not hire a Muslim for his cabinet or appoint one as a judge

You see....he is afraid them Muslims will sneak their Sharia law into his country and make all his women wear burkas. You can't be too safe

Yea.....Cain is qualified to be the President

Please note a few things here. And actually I thought you would pick up on these on your own.

A) I didn't say I agree with Cain. In fact in this VERY thread I stated that IMO the right Muslim could be a valuable addition to any President.

B) The POTUS can absolutely nominate or exclude anyone he wants from certain positions. That is why you have never and will never see a conservative President sued for not nominating liberals or visa versa. No court would EVER presume to take that ability away from a President.

C) I absolutely, positively agree with you that Cain won't be the next POTUS. In fact in this VERY thread I stated that he won't even be the Republican nominee

D) And this one bugs the fuck out of me. Just because a few nut bags get in a thread like this and start talking crazy does not mean that EVERYONE who disagrees with you is a crazy nut bag. So please stop acting as if that were true.
Proud to hate islam. Wow. That's just so fucking retarded i don't know where to start.

I guess this thread is pretty much done. Cain got the response he wanted with that comment. Hatred of Muslims.

I hated muslims long before Cain came around.I could not care less that muslims are killing muslims in Libya.
Proud to hate islam. Wow. That's just so fucking retarded i don't know where to start.

I guess this thread is pretty much done. Cain got the response he wanted with that comment. Hatred of Muslims.

I think your retarded

A) I doubt you think at all

B) I literally burst out in laughter when someone makes a grammatical error when questioning the intelligence of another. Your =/= You're.
Now , ask Sunni Man to apologize for all the innocent people killed by the coward pussy terrorists, and the silence will be your answer as to why MANY people hate Muslims.
Why should I apologize for other peoples actions??
Because your a member of the evil cult of islam that promotes terror and murder of us infidels you fucking muzzie savage beast.Your evil quran orders it.That dirty murdering pig
muhammad ordered you brainwashed subhuman islamic savages to carry out his
evil lust for power.FUCK YOU MUZZIE!Bring your jihad on! I TAUNT YOU!!!
Now , ask Sunni Man to apologize for all the innocent people killed by the coward pussy terrorists, and the silence will be your answer as to why MANY people hate Muslims.
Why should I apologize for other peoples actions??

Bingo. There's Sunni Man in a shell. He applauds someone asking us to apologize for something others did to Muslims and then refuses to apologize for Muslims who have killed innocents.

Why? Because if he wasn't a pussy who knew he'd be ridiculed right off this board Sunni Man would admit that he supports the other pussies.

And THAT is why people unfairly generalize when it comes to Muslims. Who the hell can tell which ones truly are innocent when you have dipshits like Sunni Man muddying the waters.
Proud to hate islam. Wow. That's just so fucking retarded i don't know where to start.

I guess this thread is pretty much done. Cain got the response he wanted with that comment. Hatred of Muslims.

I think your retarded

A) I doubt you think at all

B) I literally burst out in laughter when someone makes a grammatical error when questioning the intelligence of another. Your =/= You're.

Hey shit for brains,I could not care less what you think punk.
Yeah like: Michael Pfleger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you content with your ignorance?

Oh I'm still waiting for an apology from Sunni asshole on behalf of Islam for 9/11..

I like the fact you're attempting to change the discussion tho...

Maybe you're being sarcastic, but if your brain really does work in this crazy way you have a LOT more apologizing to do for all the dead muslims at the hands of christians from our last 2 wars.

As if our military was some Christian Army out killing evil Muslims and we should apologize for that. Good grief. You have admitted yourself that we have Muslims in our military fighting over there.

Here's my apology. I AM sorry that the pussy coward terrorists hide behind innocent people and those innocent people sometimes get killed. But unfortunately even the most careful military in history in terms of collateral damage can't control everything.

Now , ask Sunni Man to apologize for all the innocent people killed by the coward pussy terrorists, and the silence will be your answer as to why MANY people hate Muslims.

I agree, it's idiotic to think muslims are owed an apology by christians because of our warmongering.

It's equally idiotic to think 1.7 billion mulisms are all individually partial to blame for 9/11, and owe christians (even though people of all religions were killed in the twin towers) an apology.

I was just equating stupidity, not advocating for one version of it.
Cain has punched his ticket for Republican Nut of the Week Club
Palin and Bachmann should join next week

All are fun to mock but none will get serious consideration for the GOP nomination

But, take heart Nut Cases.........There is always the Tea Party nomination
Cain has punched his ticket for Republican Nut of the Week Club
Palin and Bachmann should join next week

All are fun to mock but none will get serious consideration for the GOP nomination

But, take heart Nut Cases.........There is always the Tea Party nomination
Yes,The same tea party that kicked democRAT liberal ass in the midterm elections.lol
Now , ask Sunni Man to apologize for all the innocent people killed by the coward pussy terrorists, and the silence will be your answer as to why MANY people hate Muslims.
Why should I apologize for other peoples actions??
Because your a member of the evil cult of islam that promotes terror and murder of us infidels you fucking muzzie savage beast.Your evil quran orders it.That dirty murdering pig
muhammad ordered you brainwashed subhuman islamic savages to carry out his
evil lust for power.FUCK YOU MUZZIE!Bring your jihad on! I TAUNT YOU!!!

I get it now...you're the French soldier on the wall in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

"Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!"
Bingo. There's Sunni Man in a shell. He applauds someone asking us to apologize for something others did to Muslims and then refuses to apologize for Muslims who have killed innocents.
Please link to any post where I have ever asked you or anyone else to apologize for anything?? :doubt:

Waiting for your reply The Brain................

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