Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

It's great now that I have Hot Wire on ignore.

I never have to see his retarded rants :eusa_angel:

I would love to put your bloodlusting deathcult of islam on ignore but you filthy stinking muslim beasts keep attacking freedom loving people.Therefore Iam PROUD to HATE islam and you.Repent you filthy muzzie animal.
Bingo. There's Sunni Man in a shell. He applauds someone asking us to apologize for something others did to Muslims and then refuses to apologize for Muslims who have killed innocents.
Please link to any post where I have ever asked you or anyone else to apologize for anything?? :doubt:

Waiting for your reply The Brain................

Learn to read terrorist , I never said you did. I said you applauded someone who did.
Proud to hate islam. Wow. That's just so fucking retarded i don't know where to start.

I guess this thread is pretty much done. Cain got the response he wanted with that comment. Hatred of Muslims.

I think your retarded

A) I doubt you think at all

B) I literally burst out in laughter when someone makes a grammatical error when questioning the intelligence of another. Your =/= You're.

Yeah, it is funny.
Why should I apologize for other peoples actions??
Because your a member of the evil cult of islam that promotes terror and murder of us infidels you fucking muzzie savage beast.Your evil quran orders it.That dirty murdering pig
muhammad ordered you brainwashed subhuman islamic savages to carry out his
evil lust for power.FUCK YOU MUZZIE!Bring your jihad on! I TAUNT YOU!!!

I get it now...you're the French soldier on the wall in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

"Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!"

You brainless bitch, Dont speak with muzzie cock in your mouth.
It's great now that I have Hot Wire on ignore.

I never have to see his retarded rants :eusa_angel:

I would love to put your bloodlusting deathcult of islam on ignore but you filthy stinking muslim beasts keep attacking freedom loving people.Therefore Iam PROUD to HATE islam and you.Repent you filthy muzzie animal.

Aren't you due for a diaper change about now. Judging by the amount of shit coming forth from that orifice of yours, it must be quite full.
Callow Sallow,

Appointing an ENEMY into one's Administration is strictly forbidden and not only goes against the founding of our Nation, but ANY Nation ..... including sanity.

I'm really surprised here. It's a very simple concept.

You would think libs would understand that...but again, they voted someone into office that MANY (including myself) does not believe is a US Citizen. So i guess it really doesn't matter, as long as it's someone on their side!

As the birther chimes in

Guess what? Anyone who is a birther can't be elected either. Look at your boy Trump

"Can't" be elected?? Good chance you'll have to eat those words :) And Trump is not my BOY, i've never even considered voting for him if he did run. Now Cain...i think i like that guy.
Waiting for your reply The Brain................

Learn to read terrorist , I never said you did. I said you applauded someone who did.

Okay then show me a post where I applauded someone who applauded a terrorist??

I repeat , learn to read. That isn't what I said earlier either.

Simply put. you REFUSE to condemn either Hezbollah or Hamaas (for example). And THAT is an example of why many don't trust your entire religion.
It's great now that I have Hot Wire on ignore.

I never have to see his retarded rants :eusa_angel:

I would love to put your bloodlusting deathcult of islam on ignore but you filthy stinking muslim beasts keep attacking freedom loving people.Therefore Iam PROUD to HATE islam and you.Repent you filthy muzzie animal.

Aren't you due for a diaper change about now. Judging by the amount of shit coming forth from that orifice of yours, it must be quite full.

I dont respond to liberal faggots!
The Brain, why do I need to condemn either one of these organizations?

Neither one is illegal in their respective countries.

And have democratically elected members in their respective governments parliament.

I live here in America and none of this has any direct effect on me or my life.

So why should I care or be concerned about what they do or don't do??

Let alone apologize for any of their actions??
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You would think libs would understand that...but again, they voted someone into office that MANY (including myself) does not believe is a US Citizen. So i guess it really doesn't matter, as long as it's someone on their side!

As the birther chimes in

Guess what? Anyone who is a birther can't be elected either. Look at your boy Trump

"Can't" be elected?? Good chance you'll have to eat those words :) And Trump is not my BOY, i've never even considered voting for him if he did run. Now Cain...i think i like that guy.

I think you are right

You should definitely support Cain. He is the only one who can protect you from Sharia Law. Otherwise, you will end up running around in a burka
As the birther chimes in

Guess what? Anyone who is a birther can't be elected either. Look at your boy Trump

"Can't" be elected?? Good chance you'll have to eat those words :) And Trump is not my BOY, i've never even considered voting for him if he did run. Now Cain...i think i like that guy.

I think you are right

You should definitely support Cain. He is the only one who can protect you from Sharia Law. Otherwise, you will end up running around in a burka

I am not considering Cain because of his stance on Muslim, but thanks for the advice! Lol!

I would love to put your bloodlusting deathcult of islam on ignore but you filthy stinking muslim beasts keep attacking freedom loving people.Therefore Iam PROUD to HATE islam and you.Repent you filthy muzzie animal.

Aren't you due for a diaper change about now. Judging by the amount of shit coming forth from that orifice of yours, it must be quite full.

I dont respond to liberal faggots!

Don't respond, eh. You just did. No need to prove you're a moronic twat...we already know. :lol:
The Brain, why do I need to condemn either one of these organizations?

Neither one is illegal in their respective countries.

And have democratically elected members in their respective governments parliament.

I live here in America and none of this has any direct effect on me or my life.

So why should I care or be concerned about what they do or don't do??

Let alone apologize for any of their actions??

The KKK and the Aryan Brotherhood are also both legal. Their actions don't effect my life in anyway. I condemn both for their beliefs because I disagree with them on principle.

Your refusal to do likewise with Muslim assholes proves that you are in fact a Muslim asshole.

So don't whine about people thinking your entire religion supports evil assholes who you refuse to condemn.

Here, I'll make it even easier, and plainer that you're a douchebag. Condemn AQ for 9/11 and state that they had NO cause to kill 3000 innocent Americans.
Here, I'll make it even easier, and plainer that you're a douchebag. Condemn AQ for 9/11 and state that they had NO cause to kill 3000 innocent Americans.

If any Muslims were involved in 9/11 then they don't know their religion.

Because the Quran specifically states that you are not to kill civilians in a time of war.
Here, I'll make it even easier, and plainer that you're a douchebag. Condemn AQ for 9/11 and state that they had NO cause to kill 3000 innocent Americans.

If any Muslims were involved in 9/11 then they don't know their religion.

Because the Quran specifically states that you are not to kill civilians in a time of war.

That is NOT a condemnation of their actions you fucking pussy.

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