Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

Tell daddy not to slam the door on a cop's face next time and maybe he won't get tazed. STop being butthurt about it though.

My father never slammed the door... One would have to be blind or submissive to even make such an assertion..

Really? Well a jury of his "peers" certainly found him guilty of doing so.

It was funny watching your pa flop around like a fish out of water though. Thanks for linking to the video.

Just so you know my fathers bitch lawyer insisted on liberal jury members...

I told him that liberals will find him guilty because he's white and appears to have money (given the fact he wore a nice suit for such a trivial case)....

Yeah, libfucks got him nice...

Yeah, it was a progressive liberal liberal jury...

The closing arguments were the best ... "Find this man guilty or he will sue us."

Yeah, we cant take away the welfare from the welfare padded jury now can we???

So much for the liberal idea eh Blake?
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If I owned a business I would NEVER hire a muslim.I dont care what the law says.

Equal oppritunity is BOGUS...And an employer should beable to HIRE whom they wish regardless of what NANNYSTATE Gubmint says...or dictates...another piece to the puzzle of Liberty.
God forbid them Muslims push their Sharia law on us

Guy is a laughing stock. He will not get over 5% of Republicans to buy his nonsense

It's hard to get 5% of anyone here to buy your nonsense.

We are talking Herman Cain here. Not only will he pull single digits but he will not get a single delegate. He is a fringe candidate...get serious

Don't bullshit me. You figure there's only one reason he'll never win. You don't like his chances at all because of it.

I know you don't like him cuz he's black.:lol:

Fact is he's eminently more qualified then the stiff you've got in the White House today.

And what's really great is he actually loves this country.

I'd love to hear a President for once that said he loved this country and you didn't have to wonder if he was lying.
Herman Cain is asked whether he would be willing to appoint a Muslim as a Cabinet officer or judge.

“No. I will not,” he said. “And here’s why: There’s this creeping attempt — there’s this attempt to gradually ease Sharia law and the Muslim faith into our government.” According to Cain, many American Muslims “are trying to force their Sharia law onto the rest of us.”

That’s just stupid. As in not very bright. By comparison, the Sharia conspiracy crowd makes the birthers look downright sane and reasonable. It will be interesting to see who, if anyone, among the GOP mainstream steps up to repudiate such nonsense. After all, the Constitution explicitly rules out such nonsense, stating point blank that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”

I guess Herman Cain doesn’t believe in the Constitution.

| Jay Bookman

YouTube - ‪Herman Cain refuses to appoint a Muslim in his administration‬‏
So don't vote for the man. Simple solution.

Of course, in your mind he doesn't have the right to have that opinion.

You must be racist. He's black, and as you know, criticizing the opinion of a black man is inherently racist.
It's hard to get 5% of anyone here to buy your nonsense.

We are talking Herman Cain here. Not only will he pull single digits but he will not get a single delegate. He is a fringe candidate...get serious

Don't bullshit me. You figure there's only one reason he'll never win. You don't like his chances at all because of it.

I know you don't like him cuz he's black.:lol:

Fact is he's eminently more qualified then the stiff you've got in the White House today.

And what's really great is he actually loves this country.

I'd love to hear a President for once that said he loved this country and you didn't have to wonder if he was lying.

Ronald Reagan Said it often by his actions...but we are told Reagan is DEAD...Did his principles follow?

My father never slammed the door... One would have to be blind or submissive to even make such an assertion..

Shit dude...

What the fuck is the matter with your clan?

I'm a fucking Librul and I ain't never been tazed. What the hell are you people drinking?

Well, bring an arrest warrant when you want to arrest someone..

I'd be dead if I was there btw..

You'd have dead cops and me, then I'd be dead.

It be a Ruby Ridge incident...

Let me teach ya a little song
You can sing it the next time the police come to your door (and they will)

I fought the law and the law won
I fought the law and the law won

It will save your father a lot of pain next time

Basicaly, you give the law a bunch of shit
You are going to get a whole lot worse in return

Would have saved Randy Weaver a lot of grief too
My father never slammed the door... One would have to be blind or submissive to even make such an assertion..

Really? Well a jury of his "peers" certainly found him guilty of doing so.

It was funny watching your pa flop around like a fish out of water though. Thanks for linking to the video.

Just so you know my fathers bitch lawyer insisted on liberal jury members...

I told him that liberals will find him guilty because he's white and appears to have money (given the fact he wore a nice suit for such a trivial case)....

Yeah, libfucks got him nice...

Yeah, it was a progressive liberal liberal jury...

The closing arguments were the best ... "Find this man guilty or he will sue us."

Yeah, we cant take away the welfare from the welfare padded jury now can we???

So much for the liberal idea eh Blake?

Oh I see it's the juries fault your dad the flopper committed his crimes.
Herman Cain is asked whether he would be willing to appoint a Muslim as a Cabinet officer or judge.

“No. I will not,” he said. “And here’s why: There’s this creeping attempt — there’s this attempt to gradually ease Sharia law and the Muslim faith into our government.” According to Cain, many American Muslims “are trying to force their Sharia law onto the rest of us.”

That’s just stupid. As in not very bright. By comparison, the Sharia conspiracy crowd makes the birthers look downright sane and reasonable. It will be interesting to see who, if anyone, among the GOP mainstream steps up to repudiate such nonsense. After all, the Constitution explicitly rules out such nonsense, stating point blank that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”

I guess Herman Cain doesn’t believe in the Constitution.

| Jay Bookman

YouTube - ‪Herman Cain refuses to appoint a Muslim in his administration‬‏
So don't vote for the man. Simple solution.

Of course, in your mind he doesn't have the right to have that opinion.

You must be racist. He's black, and as you know, criticizing the opinion of a black man is inherently racist.

Some have YET to understand that Torpedoing a RELIGION is NOT rascism...And what is Religion but POLITICS cloaked behind the skirt of a diety, or assumed diety?

Good post . Mohammed was a shit disturber whom was rejected by both Christiains and Jews of the time. Mohammed, (And avowed petifile), was a Religious/Political zealot of the time, a WARMONGER as well should be shunned.

Too bad too many buy into the bullsqueese that is ISLAM.
My father never slammed the door... One would have to be blind or submissive to even make such an assertion..

Really? Well a jury of his "peers" certainly found him guilty of doing so.

It was funny watching your pa flop around like a fish out of water though. Thanks for linking to the video.

Just so you know my fathers bitch lawyer insisted on liberal jury members...

I told him that liberals will find him guilty because he's white and appears to have money (given the fact he wore a nice suit for such a trivial case)....

Yeah, libfucks got him nice...

Yeah, it was a progressive liberal liberal jury...

The closing arguments were the best ... "Find this man guilty or he will sue us."

Yeah, we cant take away the welfare from the welfare padded jury now can we???

So much for the liberal idea eh Blake?

Lets see..

Blame the lawyer
Blame the Jury

Typical rightwinger unable to take responsibility for your own actions
Shit dude...

What the fuck is the matter with your clan?

I'm a fucking Librul and I ain't never been tazed. What the hell are you people drinking?

Well, bring an arrest warrant when you want to arrest someone..

I'd be dead if I was there btw..

You'd have dead cops and me, then I'd be dead.

It be a Ruby Ridge incident...

Let me teach ya a little song
You can sing it the next time the police come to your door (and they will)

I fought the law and the law won
I fought the law and the law won

It will save your father a lot of pain next time

Basicaly, you give the law a bunch of shit
You are going to get a whole lot worse in return

Would have saved Randy Weaver a lot of grief too

My advice would be that next time he try not to look like such a bitch when he gets tazed.
Really? Well a jury of his "peers" certainly found him guilty of doing so.

It was funny watching your pa flop around like a fish out of water though. Thanks for linking to the video.

Just so you know my fathers bitch lawyer insisted on liberal jury members...

I told him that liberals will find him guilty because he's white and appears to have money (given the fact he wore a nice suit for such a trivial case)....

Yeah, libfucks got him nice...

Yeah, it was a progressive liberal liberal jury...

The closing arguments were the best ... "Find this man guilty or he will sue us."

Yeah, we cant take away the welfare from the welfare padded jury now can we???

So much for the liberal idea eh Blake?

Lets see..

Blame the lawyer
Blame the Jury

Typical rightwinger unable to take responsibility for your own actions

Speaking in 3rd person there RW????
Gotta love the folks trying to claim that it's all good for Cain to have a No Muslim policy because it would be his decision to make. Of course the same people who are making this silly claim would flip their shit if Obama came out tomorrow with a No Whites or no Christian policy for his Cabinet. I'm looking at you conjob and lonestar-lacks-logic.

I like the Muslims = Nazis etc therefor it's all good too.

But don't call the Tea Party racist or bigoted.
Gotta love the folks trying to claim that it's all good for Cain to have a No Muslim policy because it would be his decision to make. Of course the same people who are making this silly claim would flip their shit if Obama came out tomorrow with a No Whites or no Christian policy for his Cabinet. I'm looking at you conjob and lonestar-lacks-logic.

I like the Muslims = Nazis etc therefor it's all good too.

But don't call the Tea Party racist or bigoted.

I love the way you generalize. I would laugh my ass off if Obama tried to pull that bullshit. See unlike you I realize that the POTUS can NOMINATE whomever he would like to fill every position, but they have to be approved by Congress, and noway an all black , or all white, or all whatever is going to happen after the idiot announces that is his goal. Same as this situation, Cain can say whatever he'd like. Ultimately he can make this claim because statistically it's unlikelly a Muslim would even be eligible for a cabinet position. Simply because there are so few Muslims with the qualifications and there are so few positions.

Likewise your claim that all tea partiers are racist or bigoted is stupid. Don't you get pissed when people post that ALL Muslims are terrorists? And then you turn right around and generalize?

I love the way you generalize.

I didn't generalize, I called you and lonestar out by name. Were you not saying that Cain could do what he wants because that would be his decision to make or something of that nature?

I would laugh my ass off if Obama tried to pull that bullshit.

You would flip out and call for impeachment. So would lonestar.

See unlike you I realize that the POTUS can NOMINATE whomever he would like to fill every position, but they have to be approved by Congress, and noway an all black , or all white, or all whatever is going to happen after the idiot announces that is his goal.

This isn't about making a Cabinet "all" anything this is about making the Cabinet "anybody but _______"

Same as this situation, Cain can say whatever he'd like. Ultimately he can make this claim because statistically it's unlikelly a Muslim would even be eligible for a cabinet position. Simply because there are so few Muslims with the qualifications and there are so few positions.

Cain stated his reasons for not wanting Muslims in his Cabinet and it had nothing to do with whether or not there would be any qualified Muslims statistically speaking, but you knew that. Statistically speaking 100% of people who wont consider someone for a job because they are a Muslim are bigots.

Likewise your claim that all tea partiers are racist or bigoted is stupid.

I didn't make the claim that "all tea partiers are racist or bigoted" ... I said "but don't call the tea party racist or bigoted" .... because you guys flip whenever that happens yet the Tea Party flavor of the week is being applauded for his open bigotry.
I couldn't find the Article that requires a President to appoint a Muslim anywhere in the Constitution. Since you indicate that you are an expert on the Constitution, perhaps you will enlighten me.

Sure..and I ain't no expert.

Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It's in the very first Amendment.

The very first word in the 1st Amendment is CONGRESS, and Herman Cain is running for President.

Sorry, no cigar!


The President isn't suddenly exempt from that.

Congress has to approve of many of the administrative and judical positions.
Sure..and I ain't no expert.

It's in the very first Amendment.

The very first word in the 1st Amendment is CONGRESS, and Herman Cain is running for President.

Sorry, no cigar!


The President isn't suddenly exempt from that.

Congress has to approve of many of the administrative and judical positions.

true, but the burden would be on you to prove that a Muslim was the more qualified candidate and passed over simply because he was a Musim. a complete no sell.

Not that it matters anyhow, Cain won't be elected POTUS and that's that.
I love the way you generalize.

I didn't generalize, I called you and lonestar out by name. Were you not saying that Cain could do what he wants because that would be his decision to make or something of that nature?

I would laugh my ass off if Obama tried to pull that bullshit.

You would flip out and call for impeachment. So would lonestar.

This isn't about making a Cabinet "all" anything this is about making the Cabinet "anybody but _______"

Same as this situation, Cain can say whatever he'd like. Ultimately he can make this claim because statistically it's unlikelly a Muslim would even be eligible for a cabinet position. Simply because there are so few Muslims with the qualifications and there are so few positions.

Cain stated his reasons for not wanting Muslims in his Cabinet and it had nothing to do with whether or not there would be any qualified Muslims statistically speaking, but you knew that. Statistically speaking 100% of people who wont consider someone for a job because they are a Muslim are bigots.

Likewise your claim that all tea partiers are racist or bigoted is stupid.

I didn't make the claim that "all tea partiers are racist or bigoted" ... I said "but don't call the tea party racist or bigoted" .... because you guys flip whenever that happens yet the Tea Party flavor of the week is being applauded for his open bigotry.

I have never given any reason for anyone to believe that would think any differently if Obama made a statement like this than I do that Cain made it. I would say the same thing. Ultimately it's a throw away statement, who cares what he says?

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