Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

Brain - you are wrong. While no one has the "right" to a government job, no one has the "right" to discriminate based on religion. However, a presidential appointment is not just a "government job". They are supposed to be the president's closest advisors. So they must choose people they trust. Bodacea hit the nail on the head when she said that you just don't say that stuff out loud.

Herman Cain does, and that is why I have supported him since he ran for the US Senate in Georgia. Don't be surprised when he says a few more things that 'you just don't say out loud."
This very well may cause him to not win in the long run, because people fear uncomfortable truths of such honesty. That being said, it may allow him to shape the campaign far more effectively than most candidates by becoming the focal point of discussion.

He just must beware of ending up like Al Sharpton or Dennis Kookcinich did.
It doesn't have a chance of winning.

Every time he opens his mouth he alienates another block of voters.
Wow. then really, he's on par with President Brackets. Well not quite but still getting there.

Every time that imbecile opens his mouth or performs a presidential duty he insults another core constituency or ally.
That's a blatant fucking lie. At no point did the man say Islam should be outlawed in this nation or that he would support deporting Muslims, or anything close to it.

What is it with you loons and just making stuff up out of thin air?

If he is willing to openly deny appointments to which people may be qualified for on the basis that he does not approve of their religion..... Isn't he opposing freedom of religion?

Of course not. And I thought you were intelligent enough to understand that and unpartisan enough be honest and admit that isn't the case. It appears I may have to reevaluate you.

Are you suggesting that a President wouldn't have the right to get his counsel from those whom he TRUSTS? if the man doesn't TRUST a Muslim, he certainly shouldn't have one on his cabinet.

Even IF he had announced a complete freeze on hiring ANY Muslims for government jobs, it still would not be a violation of the first Amendment because you have a freedom of religion, You do NOT have the right to a government job.

Some people SERIOUSLY need to take at least a junior college level course on the COTUS. Pathetic that people don't understand exactly what their rights are.

Amazing. Just amazing.

Yes Herman Cain is in violation of first amendment rights. He should not be allowed to run for office.

And I think that was probably the point of his statement. He probably knows he doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of becoming the Republican nominee, he's most certainly a bigot (Nothing new here..most conservatives are) and he wanted to go out with a bang.
It doesn't have a chance of winning.

Every time he opens his mouth he alienates another block of voters.
Wow. then really, he's on par with President Brackets. Well not quite but still getting there.

Every time that imbecile opens his mouth or performs a presidential duty he insults another core constituency or ally.

Really now? Who did he alienate?
Difference is Obama already has the job.

In less the Republicans can come up with a viable candidate.

Obama will be reelected.
Obama proved that you don't have to have a resume to be president. Only black skin and a complicit media.

So by this standard, Herman Cain only lacks the complicit media who is scared to death of him because if he actually does run, they'll have to expose their racial bias and criticize a black man after calling criticism of one's politics (if you are a protected minority) racist.
It doesn't have a chance of winning.

Every time he opens his mouth he alienates another block of voters.

Sunni Punk, the surrogate fart of the Al Queda:

There isn't anything wrong in alienating the ENEMY of America, i.e. the TRUE Muslim followers of the Historically Documented MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST, i.e., THE MONUMENTAL WHACKJOB MOHAMMED whose concoction the Qu'ran CLEARLY underlines its CENTRAL DICTUM: " Make the World the Caliphate of ISLAM, preferably by word, by SWORD (caps mine) if necessary."
It doesn't have a chance of winning.

Every time he opens his mouth he alienates another block of voters.
Wow. then really, he's on par with President Brackets. Well not quite but still getting there.

Every time that imbecile opens his mouth or performs a presidential duty he insults another core constituency or ally.

Really now? Who did he alienate?
The brits and Irish this last week when he was busy fucking up the toast to the queen and making an ass of himself pretending to be O'Bama.

The Pakistanis are none to thrilled with his assassination of OBL behind their back, near their 'west point', on their soil, without warning.

Libya was relatively neutral till he took sides in their little civil war.

And as for core constituencies he's alienating:

The anti-war movement, whom he's now utterly betrayed by STARTING involvement illegally now (thanks to the war powers act) in Libya.

The Jewish constituency by his anti-Israel/Pro-Palestine positions.

How about those two groups for example?

I know he's gaining ground in the pro-terrorist camps though.
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Brain - you are wrong. While no one has the "right" to a government job, no one has the "right" to discriminate based on religion. However, a presidential appointment is not just a "government job". They are supposed to be the president's closest advisors. So they must choose people they trust. Bodacea hit the nail on the head when she said that you just don't say that stuff out loud.

Herman Cain does, and that is why I have supported him since he ran for the US Senate in Georgia. Don't be surprised when he says a few more things that 'you just don't say out loud."
This very well may cause him to not win in the long run, because people fear uncomfortable truths of such honesty. That being said, it may allow him to shape the campaign far more effectively than most candidates by becoming the focal point of discussion.

He just must beware of ending up like Al Sharpton or Dennis Kookcinich did.

You left out Joe Biden.
By the way...all this bullshit and you guys are defending a guy who made up a "problem" that doesnt exist here and is actually trying to say he is against freedom of religion here in America.

Fuck him and fuck his supporters.

That's a blatant fucking lie. At no point did the man say Islam should be outlawed in this nation or that he would support deporting Muslims, or anything close to it.

What is it with you loons and just making stuff up out of thin air?

If he is willing to openly deny appointments to which people may be qualified for on the basis that he does not approve of their religion..... Isn't he opposing freedom of religion?
No you stupid liberal,They have the freedom to be muslims.He just would not want the islamic pigs in his administration.
Wow. then really, he's on par with President Brackets. Well not quite but still getting there.

Every time that imbecile opens his mouth or performs a presidential duty he insults another core constituency or ally.

Really now? Who did he alienate?
The brits and Irish this last week when he was busy fucking up the toast to the queen and making an ass of himself pretending to be O'Bama.

The Pakistanis are none to thrilled with his assassination of OBL behind their back, near their 'west point', on their soil, without warning.

Libya was relatively neutral till he took sides in their little civil war.

And as for core constituencies he's alienating:

The anti-war movement, whom he's now utterly betrayed by STARTING involvement illegally now (thanks to the war powers act) in Libya.

The Jewish constituency by his anti-Israel/Pro-Palestine positions.

How about those two groups for example?

I know he's gaining ground in the pro-terrorist camps though.

Well maybe in the fantasy world of conservatives...but you be sure to let me know when any of this has any real world impact.:lol:
Whether it takes 10 years or 100 years sharia law is in America's future :cool:

As society and education advance religion has less and less influence on people, sure there's people in the crazy minority such as yourself, but not the majority.

I don't believe it will be sharia law like in the middle east.

But will be a modified form that is compatible with Western values.

I taunt you muzzie savage beast,Try bringing your sharia law here you filthy islamic animal.
Really now? Who did he alienate?
The brits and Irish this last week when he was busy fucking up the toast to the queen and making an ass of himself pretending to be O'Bama.

The Pakistanis are none to thrilled with his assassination of OBL behind their back, near their 'west point', on their soil, without warning.

Libya was relatively neutral till he took sides in their little civil war.

And as for core constituencies he's alienating:

The anti-war movement, whom he's now utterly betrayed by STARTING involvement illegally now (thanks to the war powers act) in Libya.

The Jewish constituency by his anti-Israel/Pro-Palestine positions.

How about those two groups for example?

I know he's gaining ground in the pro-terrorist camps though.

Well maybe in the fantasy world of conservatives...but you be sure to let me know when any of this has any real world impact.:lol:
Delusional poster is delusional.

But it must be nice to have a world with on the fly editing.
That's a blatant fucking lie. At no point did the man say Islam should be outlawed in this nation or that he would support deporting Muslims, or anything close to it.

What is it with you loons and just making stuff up out of thin air?

If he is willing to openly deny appointments to which people may be qualified for on the basis that he does not approve of their religion..... Isn't he opposing freedom of religion?

Of course not. And I thought you were intelligent enough to understand that and unpartisan enough be honest and admit that isn't the case. It appears I may have to reevaluate you.

Are you suggesting that a President wouldn't have the right to get his counsel from those whom he TRUSTS? if the man doesn't TRUST a Muslim, he certainly shouldn't have one on his cabinet.

Even IF he had announced a complete freeze on hiring ANY Muslims for government jobs, it still would not be a violation of the first Amendment because you have a freedom of religion, You do NOT have the right to a government job.

Some people SERIOUSLY need to take at least a junior college level course on the COTUS. Pathetic that people don't understand exactly what their rights are.

Have you been living in a closet for the last 50 years?

You actually believe you have a constitutional right to openly deny employment on the basis of race or religion? As a Govt employee of over 30 years, I can assure you the Govt can't discriminate in it's hiring

Now can a president choose who he wants in his cabinet or judgeships? Of course he can. But if he openly blocks employment on the basis of sex, race or religion...he is breaking the law
BogusWanker, even your monicker "rightwinger" underlines your duplicitous nature.

No wonder the rational on this Board find your attempts to distort REALITY while pursuing your contemptible LIEberrhoid Agenda with cunning obfuscations amusing and full of shit.
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I like Cain. And, if he's pissed you off... I like him even more.

A candidate expressing that he would practice religious discrimination when filling out his administration and making judicial appointments makes you like him more because it angers someone you dislike/disagree with :cuckoo:

Of course it does. Their organizing philosophy has nothing to do with justice, good governance, or even a broader view of how society should be structured. It's all about hate, fear, and vengeance.
I like Cain. And, if he's pissed you off... I like him even more.

A candidate expressing that he would practice religious discrimination when filling out his administration and making judicial appointments makes you like him more because it angers someone you dislike/disagree with :cuckoo:
So, suddenly a litmus test is a bad thing?

Tell me. How many pro lifers and business owners has he appointed to positions in his administration? (Lawyers don't count as business owners).
I like Cain. And, if he's pissed you off... I like him even more.

A candidate expressing that he would practice religious discrimination when filling out his administration and making judicial appointments makes you like him more because it angers someone you dislike/disagree with :cuckoo:

Of course it does. Their organizing philosophy has nothing to do with justice, good governance, or even a broader view of how society should be structured. It's all about hate, fear, and vengeance.

Luissa the Pissah is an insignificant fart, who is unworthy even of the scorn of the righteous (pun intended).
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I like Cain. And, if he's pissed you off... I like him even more.

A candidate expressing that he would practice religious discrimination when filling out his administration and making judicial appointments makes you like him more because it angers someone you dislike/disagree with :cuckoo:

Of course it does. Their organizing philosophy has nothing to do with justice, good governance, or even a broader view of how society should be structured. It's all about hate, fear, and vengeance.
That's why it's unhealthy for this nation to have liberals running the place. It's all about hate, fear and vengence. Don't believe me? Why did Brackets tell hispanics to punish his political enemies? Why do they lie to the elderly telling them that they are going to be thrown out on the street if the Ryan plan is successful? Why is it that when liberals protest damage, vandalism and littering seem to be the result and police need to be called in to stop them from getting out of hand?

Huh.... seems kinda clear to me. Can you show me a Tea Party that was out of control, near rioting? Or tax cut rally? Of course you have the whole "Death Panel" thing to say the conservatives are scaring grandma with. Too bad it's true, save for the semantics of calling them such. And vengeance? Where? What do you consider 'vengeance'?

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